Heikazuscara 愛 // something...

By KoiKoiAK

61.7K 1.7K 5.8K


Prologue ~ One-plus
Chapter 1 ~ First Impressions
Chapter 2 ~ Scara's Special Treatment
Chapter 3 ~ Falling further
Chapter 4 ~ First kiss ⚠️
Chapter 5 ~ Work
Chapter 6 ~ Avoid
Chapter 7 ~ Drunk Night ⚠️
Chapter 8 ~ Kamisato Meeting
Chapter 9 ~ Making up
Chapter 10 ~ Resting
Chapter 11 ~ Date attempt
Chapter 12 ~ Heizou's Little Helper ⚠️
Chapter 13 ~ Aizara Case pt. 1 ⚠️
Chapter 14 ~ Aizara Case pt. 2
Chapter 15 ~ Aizara Case pt. 3 ⚠️
Chapter 16 ~ Aizara Case pt. 4 ⚠️
Chapter 17 ~ Aizara Case pt. 5 (last part)
Chapter 18 ~ Birthday ⚠️
Chapter 19 ~ Chinju Forest ⚠️
Chapter 20 ~ Break up
Chapter 21 ~ Sumeru
I'm so sorry omg 😭😭
Chapter 22 ~ Discovery ⚠️
Chapter 23 ~ Unstable Relationship
Chapter 24 ~ Forgetting
Chapter 25 ~ Kunheka
Chapter 26 ~ Promises
Chapter 27 ~ Misunderstanding
the big delay 😀
another book 💪
Chapter 28 ~ Portal
30k READS?!?!? 😨😨
Chapter 30 ~ Complete Cycle
Epilogue ~ One-less
Just a question....
Part 2: Prologue ~ Dark Skies
Part 2: Chapter 31 ~ Clandestine

Chapter 29 ~ Restart ⚠️

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By KoiKoiAK

~Kazuha's POV:~

When we arrived back at Nahida and her nonexistent portal, Chiyo and Childe were as happy as ever.

"Hello, archon." Childe bowed, "what may you need us for?"

"Well... I'm sorry in advance." Nahida began, "I need to tell you something, Chiyo."

"Kunheka went missing with Heizou."

We all glanced over at Chiyo's face. His smile immediately faded as soon as he heard the news, he even clenched his fist.

"H-Hey... Nahida you really didn't have to just drop the news like a bomb, you could've helped him relax first..." Childe suggested.

"No... it's okay..." Chiyo whispered, "I... I'm a big kid now! I can handle this...!" He shouted. His voice was shaky, I could tell he was scared. "Is this... what happened to daddy and sissy..."

"Hey... no! No! This is just a one-time thing, I'm sure we can find Heizou and Kunheka!" Childe relaxed him.

"Basically, Kunheka and Heizou went into the portal. But then Kunheka closed it and trapped her and Heizou inside. Assumably, but Kunheka was secretly being controlled by Dottore, I mean she was a puppet made by him and she wouldn't betray the people who saved her."

"She has emotional relationships with each of you," Nahida explained. "I don't think she would drop them for the sake of her master."

Chiyo began to cry, and I don't think he was crying at Kunheka and Heizou's disappearance...

"I broke... the promise..." he whispered.

"HEY! Hey! I'm sure we all broke promises before!" Childe began, "Like... look at Kazuha for example! He lost both Scaramouche and Heizou, he's strong and knows how to control his emotions. We will find her for you, I promise Chi-"


Childe's eyes widened and he just stopped trying. He obviously didn't want to make Chiyo even more upset than he is right now.

Chiyo ran to me and hugged me, gently crying against my clothes. I wrapped my arms around him and let him cry.

"We need you guys to reopen the portal..." Nahida said, "The quicker we do this, the more likely we'd find Kunheka." Nahida explained.

Chiyo stood in front of where the portal used to stand and dragged Childe with him.

"I'm ready." Chiyo shouted, "Childe is ready as well!" He spoke for Childe, he was probably not ready for this.

"Alright, I need you both to combine your elements and create this portal. Use as much power as you can, the stronger it is the more accurate the portal will be. This portal will only be a replica since the actual portal is still forming." Nahida said, "as soon as you guys get in, I'll be able to let you out, just remember to find them as quickly as you can and don't attack anything in there!"

"Alright, we get it." Childe spoke over her, "Ready Chiyo. Put as much as you can into this! To find Kunheka!!" Childe roared, blasting hydro straight into where the portal used to stand.

Chiyo did just the same, but seemed like his pyro was very weak. The room flashed and flickered with lights as the portal slowly began constructing itself.

"Chiyo! Add more power!" Nahida shouted, "COME ON CHIYO!!" I shouted along with her. I could notice the difference in power between Chiyo and Childe. Chiyo was still a little kid so, I understand.

The portal is barely forming.

I stood behind Chiyo and implemented some anemo, creating even more pyro in the force. Anymore anemo and the entire reaction would collapse, "CHIYO!! KEEP GOING!!" I called as I stopped adding anemo into the mix.

"ASRRRRHGH!" Chiyo cried, trying his best to do so. Childe was just standing there, checking his watch.

"You got this Chiyo!" Childe called from beside him.

The lights were flashing and flickering even faster, the portal was finally visible and reconstructing.


Chiyo held on, all his power was draining out from this.

After a couple more seconds, Nahida told them to stop and that the portal was created. But when they did, Chiyo fell right to the floor.

I checked up on him, I think he was just insanely tired from the amount of work he has put in to create a portal.

Nahida observed the portal as both Childe and Chiyo rested up as much as they could.

~Childe's POV:~

"Alright, go now. Find Heizou and Kunheka." Nahida said, sending both me and Chiyo off.

"What... what are you both going to do?" I asked, glancing at Nahida and Kazuha.

"I have an idea, we might need to raid the Akedemiya ourselves." Nahida informed us, "Oh, good luck with that." I grabbed Chiyo's hand and slowly led us to the portal.

"We should get out of here before they make us do that too." I smiled unwillingly, leading Chiyo and me into the portal.

When Chiyo and I entered the portal, the little guy was basically falling onto me for support. Creating the portal with him was quite tough.

"Childe... I don't feel so well..." Chiyo stuttered, "toughen up little guy, we must save Kunheka and Heizou, now we need to start looking for them." I explained.

"We probably don't have a lot of time, we need to hurry!" I said, dragging the little guy across the floor as I began the search all by myself. Soon enough, Chiyo had stood up and began the search as well.

Suddenly, I heard glass break from one end of the arena. Chiyo was ready and holding his claymore. "Huh? Kunheka?!" He called.

"Kunheka! We need to go, Chiyo is here!" I shouted.


No response?

We should definitely proceed with caution, Kunheka could be dangerous as she's under Dottore's command.

Soon enough, she was firing electric bolts at Chiyo and I. I glanced right at her and ran to Chiyo to take cover.

"Come on Chiyo!" I called, covering his head mainly and fending off Kunheka. She would slowly walk over to us, holding her weapon and attacking us at once.

Blocking each and every electric bolt she threw while protecting Chiyo wasn't easy. How are we suppose to get Kunheka back.

I lost track of Chiyo, he was out in the open, covering himself with his claymore.

Kunheka shot without even thinking, launching the claymore in the air.

I swooped in to grab Chiyo before the claymore had fallen. I guess we we're suppose to wait until Dottore gave up?

Suddenly, this camera fell out of Chiyo's pockets. Why does he have a camera? It seemed to be recording too?

"C-Chiyo! Where did you get that camera?!" I called.

"I- I found it on the ground!" Chiyo said, but mainly concentrated on Dottore.

After a while, Kunheka had stopped attacking me. I finally let go of Chiyo and took a mental and physical break for myself.

"Look, Dottore. Can I please talk to you..." I muttered to Kunheka.

Kunheka nodded and suddenly, Dottore appeared behind us, slowly approaching. Kunheka snapped back into reality and ran to me.

Both Chiyo and Kunheka were both by my side, scared of this mastermind Dottore.

"What do you want Childe, or I should say. Traitor." He rolled his eyes.

"Well, I never knew what you we're trying to achieve from this project..." I said, "mind telling me?"

"Hm..." Dottore thought. "No,"

Dottore snapped his fingers, when he did so. I knew something horrible was gonna happen.

"W-What did you do..." I covered both Chiyo and Kunheka.

"You better start counting down from 5."

"Uhm... 4?"

Chiyo ran to grab the camera that was dropped and gave it to Kunheka.

"3." Dottore continued for me. "2."


A body fell to the floor.

I glanced back, my eyes widened then quickly grabbed the smaller figure.

"We... WE NEED TO GO!" I shouted, I wasn't sure which kid this was. Chiyo or Kunheka?

Rushing both of us out of there and Dottore just smiled. "Goodbye~" He smirked, waving us goodbye.

I stood right against the portal and pushed the kid in, without looking at them.

"You... You'll regret this, Dottore."

The second kid's reaction was dramatically delayed. "AGNN..." They cried in pain. I couldn't tell if Chiyo or Kunheka had been...

Soon enough, his voice softened and a vision fell to the floor. The bright pyro light had disappeared...

Dottore grabbed the vision and threw it right at me, I caught it and glared at him.

"You... You're so cruel..."

Dottore grinned.

"Alright... 11th Harbinger. You call me cruel? Look at yourself."


"I assume... this was..."

I stopped.

"How am I suppose to..."

I knew exactly which one was left here.

"He was just a kid..."

~Heizou's POV:~

Scaramouche wrapped his arms around me tightly, he was tired and crying from how much he missed me.

It's been so long since I felt this, and I needed it just as much as he did.

"You know... remember what you said, about letting me do whatever I want with you.." Scara began, gently rubbing his fingers by my inner thighs.

"S-Scara... what are you... what are you thinking of huh?~" I smirked, digging my fingers into his indigo hair.

Scara's hand gently tugged on my shorts and tried to pull it off. I grabbed his hand to stop him in his tracks. "Oh, so naughty. You won't get it right away, you need to beg for it."

"I don't think I need to beg for you," Scaramouche whispered against my ear, forcing his two fingers underneath my clothes and electrocuting my inner thighs.

"A-AH!" I yelped, he wasn't joking around with this... I helped him pull down my shorts, I didn't want to be electrocuted again.

Perhaps I didn't even have a choice.

Scara shoved his fingers right into my mouth and lubricated them, then began reaching underneath to finally do what he's been craving for quite sometime now.

He gently sunk his two fingers inside of me, just barely moving them and suddenly electrocuting, "Ah!" I groaned, yelping upwards once again.

"Scara... please... it hurts..." I muttered.

"I know how much you like pain," Scaramouche said, grabbing my collar with his non-electrocuted hand and going right back in, hard.

"AH!" I slightly jumped every time he thrust his fingers in. The sensation was... absolutely perfect!! "Those fingers- arg.. of yours, Scara. I love them... MGH!" I squirmed.

"We should, ugh. Seriously be focusing on getting out of here... S-Scara... MGH!" I groaned, "The door is right over there, it leads to the hallway of the Akedemiya." Scaramouche explains, leaning towards the direction of the door, since both of his hands were quite occupied.

"You... AH!~" I kept helplessly whimpering from his electric fingers, and soon enough. He had given me a break and forced me to lay on my back.

Scaramouche had noticed it hardening and gently grinded against it. "I see... you're so hard~" He smirked.

"S-Scara..." I whimpered, squirming around as he teased it. "Stop... doing that.."

"hmph... you're lucky I want to get straight to the point." He said and began undressing himself.

Once he was done, Scara sat on my legs, grabbing it and stroking it. "I want to try something different~," He said, electrocuting my dick at this point.

"GAH! S-SCARA!!!" I shouted, "I can shock any part of your body, however, I want to." He told me, "Hush now. Useless toy."


"You're nothing but a sex toy I use for my own pleasure! Don't be thinking otherwise." He smirked, god... it was so hot.

"Y-Yes... sir.." I whispered. But I loved when he degraded me. "I don't want you thinking about anything else, eyes on me and only me," Scara demanded.

"Only you... only you, my love Scara..." I reminded him. "Good..." He grinned, then grinding onto my dick.

"G-Gah... S-Scara! Just... mgh, in!" I shouted in frustration, I need him to just do it already.

"No being impatient." He said, "Or you will receive further consequences."

"Yes... sir..." I muttered.

He slowly got up and positioned my dick in his tight little hole. I kept whining for his own pleasure once more, he was going too slow. I need him, now...

He was too busy getting used to the tip only and began thrusting it in further. He wasn't going that far... barely even taking in an inch, "ahhnn..." He would let out these low little grunts, this wasn't enough.

He wasn't even taking it ALL in, don't be shy Scara. We've done this many times before.

Now that I think about it, we have done this many times. I can take control of him, it's not like it matters or anything.

"Gr... tight... y-you cannot cum until I tell you! Okay... just... mgh..." He whimpered silently fucking himself on me. So slow... this wasn't satisfying me at all. Although he was so tight... I'm honestly used to it already.

It's like his hole expanded right away for me, this is not new.

Scaramouche started crying, he was barely even moving but just wasn't used to it. "Ahhn! H-Heizou... mgh... so tight..."

"S-Scara... just please start moving already!!!" I shouted, "M-move!!!"

"No! Stop!!" He called, "Let me take my time... a-aagh.."

"NO!" I shouted out of frustration, I forced it out of him and grabbed his waist, turning his whole body around, then undoing my hair.

I tied his hands together with my hair tie and lined it up with his hole once again.

"H-HEIZOU!!" He called when I forcefully thrust inside, much harder and much much deeper.

"YOU ARE... MGH... GOING TOO SLOW!!" I cried, "I DON'T CARE!!"

"AHHH!~ PLEASE SLOW DOWN! W-WOAH! A-AGH! AHH!" Scaramouche screamed loudly, trying to free his hands and electrocuting his finger. His hands were stuck to his back, smart idea or he would've been electrocuting me.

"Please... stay down let me do this." I groaned, thrusting in and watching him slowly loose control.

Scara was whining and complain a lot, but I didn't listen to a word he said. He was teasing me, so now he gets a punishment.

I could barely even focus on anything else but Scara's beautiful expression and sounds.

"Heizou!!" Scaramouche tried to say over all this intense friction.

After a while, I had reached my climax and finished up, we should seriously get going before anything bad happens.


Suddenly Kazuha bursts through the door and sees... this.

"U-Uhm... Heizou?! Scara?! What are you doing?!" Kazuha's eyes widened, he blushed from the sight of his two boyfriends actually doing the deed in front of him.

I know Kazuha had never seen Scaramouche and I...

"Oooh~ This surely is new." Kazuha smirked, leaning against the door until it closed. Kazuha slowly walked towards Scara and I who sat on the floor.

"Wait... guys... Scara?! What are you guys doing here?! The portal is open we can go home!" Kazuha remarked, "come on!"

"You expect us to start following you? Look at this situation we are in." I grunted, carrying Scaramouche and helping him with his clothes.

"Wait... the portal is open, Kazuha?" Scaramouche asks, "we need to go! Did Nahida open the portal?"

"Well... Chiyo and Childe did." Kazuha mentioned, "but I didn't see Chiyo afterwards!"

"Where did Chiyo go?" Heizou questioned, "I hope he's alright..."

Once Scaramouche and I were ready we began trying to find our way out. We went out the door Kazuha came from and we suddenly appeared in... another room?

It had a Inazuman aesthetic, there were plants and a modern look, may I add, the 3 noticable doors.

"Huh? What the hell happened... I swear the portal was out here a second ago..." Kazuha uttered then slowly approached the first door.

"What's in that door, Zuzu?" I asked, just now remembering our nicknames we created one time.

Kazuha turned back and smirked, "nothing."

Our smiles faded, "let's go open the second one then..." Scara rolled his eyes. I still carried Scaramouche in my arms, he pointed to the door like he ordered me to carry him around now.

There was... nothing again.

"So the last door has to be the way out!" Kazuha charged to the door already jumping to conclusions.

Entering this room didn't even feel right, but it was the only room that had anything but zilch inside.

The scenery appeared to be, back at Inazuma? I saw my house, and Kazuha's house down the street. We had... escaped? Are we back in Inazuma?

I slowly began to realize I was carrying nothing...

"Heizou! Scara! Look! We made it home, this... this really feels like home! What are you waiting for lets go!" Kazuha pranced and marched his way over to his house.

"Kazuha..." I muttered, "I-"

"Why are you so sad?! We found our way out of this mess! We're finally free! We even have Scara..." Kazuha glanced over at me and only me.

"Where is..."

"He... He disappeared..." I whispered.

"What...?! T-Try walking back out the door." Kazuha suggested. I walked back into the door and Scaramouche reappeared.

"Oh, that was so strange, Scara is still here!" Kazuha sighed in relief? wiping sweat off his face.

Kazuha is acting strange...


"Yes, Zouzou?" Kazuha grinned.

Well... he can't be controlled if he knows the nicknames. I guess this is just him... doesn't seem like it though.

Back on topic, we all walked cross the door and Scaramouche disappeared from my arms again.

I began to realize... was this a sign?

"Hey... this might be a sign, if Scaramouche disappears everytime we enter this room
that looks like a copy of our homes. Does that mean... he isn't coming home with us?" I mentioned.

Kazuha sighed. "That might be true... but this is the only door we can actually walk through."


"We need to change the future as much as we can!" Kazuha began, "if Scara isn't coming home with us, we can do the best we can so he will."

"Do you believen me Heizou?" Kazuha grabbed my hand and made me face him. "Look at me."

"We need to change this."

I slightly nod.

"Alright, let's walk back out and meet Scaramouche back outside." Kazuha grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door.

As soon as we all grouped together, I noticed the other 2 doors were much more intriguing.

Kazuha began talking to Scaramouche about a plan he was coming up with on the spot, but I just... I just wanted to enter the empty rooms again.

Maybe it would be different...

I entered the room and saw... Chinatsu?!

"Chinatsu... what are you doing here...?" I questioned, backing away and keeping my distance. I need to stay close to the door.

"Augh! Shikanoin Heizou! Help me please Detective! I've already been through so much... I don't need this pain to return to me once again... you didn't fulfill my last wish... where is Scaramouche?! Like you promised?!" She cried.


I remember this...? "Scaramouche is safe... he's with me. I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Oh! That's great! Thank you Heizou, for fulfilling my last wish." Chinatsu smiled, "I'm glad I placed all my trust in you."

I smiled, but realized. We weren't necessarily home yet. "Well... we aren't actually back in Inazuma yet, but just. Hear me out! We may or may not be trapped in this portal..."

"I-I'm sorry Chinatsu... I'm so sorry..." I prayed. "Please don't get mad, but... chances of Scaramouche being able to come home are... slim."

Chinatsu clenched her fists and stood up, tightly clutching the cryo delusion in her hands.

"What does this mean... you- you are a horrible person Heizou. IT'S TIME TO PAY FOR IT." The room we were in happened to be a weapon room, dozens of polearms stood against its stand. I didn't expect Chinatsu to use all of them to her advantage...

Her god-like cryo powers lifted each polearm and flew them right at me, I only have one life just like all humans, I need to use it wisely.

I managed to grab a hold of one of the polearms and used it to defend myself, blocking each projectile that thrust towards me.


"Hey hey, Chinatsu. I shouldn't let you have all the fun now can we, hehe... HAHAHA!" I found Maeko, the Watasumi Island Detective. "I want you to know something Heizou."

"We both are on different sides. I hate you." My eyes widened, this sounds so familiar... "And besides. You owe me one, don't you?~"

"You owe me one."

I blocked myself with the polearm, "girl I haven't seen you in like a month, wait did you die? Is that why you're a figment of my imagination?" I questioned.

"Oh come on, he doesnt even remember anything!" Maeko crossed her arms, "this flashback is suppose to be traumatizing, why aren't you questioning your existance right now?"

"Well... maybe because this isn't the first time I heard you." I grinned, throwing the polearm straight at both of them.

Both Chinatsu's and Maekos poofed. Kazuha was right, we need to change the future! I can no longer be afraid of these stupid hallucinations.

"You're so selfish, what about Scaramouche, huh? You're just going to leave him to die? What happened to him, what happened to you..."

"He- who is talking right now?! You both are dead, its called resting in peace for a reason. Go away." I crossed my arms.

"Heizou, my boy, you are so careless of other people's feelings, even Aizara deserved your position, how does Kujou Sara see worth in this idiot?"

"You're selfish!"

"You're worthless!"



"Uhm... alright? You better make yourself visible right now, It's time to die!" I held this polearm in a ready position. Until I realized, they are dead... "again... its time to die again!" I corrected myself.

"You realize how he never liked you... right?"

I glanced towards the familiar old-man voice. "Aizara..."

"I thought you got executed for ABUSING YOUR OWN CHILDREN AND SCARAMOUCHE! Because you were A FAILURE TO SOCIETY." I highlighted the parts where it was all his fault.

"Just because you won and achieved your position, in the end, doesn't mean you win the war, everything comes with a price." He laughed. "You just so happen to be careless, you're too young for this type of job and you don't know what you're doing."

"I wonder what Kujou Sara saw in you, absolutely nothing... I'm sure Scaramouche can agree with me on that." He smirked.

"I won Scaramouche in the end. You never realized the main reason why I wanted to take Scaramouche from you."

"... what... now that I actually listen to this flashback, you make no sense. Only in an alternate universe Scaramouche is actually agreeing with you." I crossed my arms.

"The Doctor's orders shall always be fulfilled, a mission to obtain every last gnosis in Teyvat is a long dream of mine and the rest of the fatui."

"We are all on the same side here... expect you.."

"You are just so fundamentally different, it's like you always win every single time."

"You never realized the true meaning behind my arrival, you were only tricked."


"I've lived in Inazuma all my life. There was no family, there never was a purpose in my actions, Chinatsu and Chiyo are not my children, and my wife never existed. It's just you, talking to the visions and shadows in your head."

"You will never stop until they've completely devoured you."

"Just one bite at a time."

"I can agree," That sassy and mean voice... Scaramouche... He's here!

"Nah... Scaramouche figment of imagination and he's still so ho- ahem aha! I mean- hey Scara!~" I kept this polearm in my hand.

"I've been tricked by another human... yet again..."

"Was that me? Oh yeah, it was... damnnn." I shrugged.

"YES, YOU DID!" Scaramouche crossed his arms. "Is there a reason why all of your memories are rushing back to you...? Maybe because you're just realizing how everybody else you've wronged before is coming back at you?"

"Don't you realize the horrible mistakes you've made in your life...? Don't you realize that you were so selfish and jealous of me and Kazuha you decided to butt in, everything would've been alright if you just weren't in the way?"

"This outcome is all your own fault, everybody will blame you if you don't make the right decision."

"This is only a warning... it's your turn to save everybody."

"And I swear if you manage to screw up your last chance... Then it's over for everybody."

"I assume, this is my last chance? To change the future and get you home?" I questioned.

Scara nodded, well the imagination Scara nodded.

"Alright." I shrugged, then walked out of the room. "That was funny."

"Heizou! Where did you go?!" Kazuha shouted, grabbing my hand and Scara's. "I found another door, and it seems to lead back onto the battle field where Kunheka was."

"Oh nice find! Just let me check for my..." I reached for my camera. Something I'd never revealed to anybody, the fact I've been video taping from the start.

I didn't feel the hard object in my pocket...

"Where is my..." I realized, they don't know about this. I don't know why the camera is important but I know I did forget something from the previous loop...

"Oh great!" I smiled, we all walked out of that area and onto this empty battlefield, I kept my hand by my pocket and searched for this camera everywhere.

"Are you okay, Heizou?" Scara asks me, I was making it obvious I lost something.

I couldn't help but notice... somebody laying on the floor...?

"Was that..."


idk if im just insanely sensitive

but i started crying from my own story when writing.

i sound pathetic dont i?

its like 4am for me rn give me a break 😭

i like to believe i can write something that can cause a reader to cry.

That was my goal c:

(4412 words)

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