The four charms (the kaiju pa...

By moonfoxgirl

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This is the origin story of the four sisters. Winky, lovey, moona and starry. On how they got in the lab in t... More


The Beginning

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By moonfoxgirl

It all started when a girl parents died from the illness. Only her and her twin sister manage to survived. They lived in a alley not wanting to be separated when they get adopted from different families. The twins live kinda peacefully despise living in a alley is full of homeless people. Thankfully the homeless people are friendly and know them when the twins give them food and sone spare change when their parents were alive. Every was ok but in 5 weeks  the girl's twin got sick from the same illness that killed their parents. The girl try to get her sister to the hospital but her twin stop her and gave her a weak smile. "Its ok Anna i don't want to drag you down any further....please happy without me." She said as she cough as the girl tear up trying to get her sister to get up. "But Annie i can't leave you like this! Please stay with me i don't wanna be alone!!" Anna beg her older twin to stay with her as much as she can but she knew her sister couldn't hang on any longer. "Anna...i want you to promise me that you will be happy and have a big happy family...that our wish...please keep our wish alive for me...that when I'll be at peace." Annie said as she tear up as she weakly hold Anna hand. "O ok Annie....i promise...." Anna said as Annie smiled at her one last time before she slowly die in a peaceful death. "Annie Annie!!" Anna cried as she hug her sister body as few homeless people feel sad for the younger twin.

Months later

Anna was taken to an orphanage. At first she was scared of the other kids when they were staring at her because of her unique eye color witch is gold. She stay in the room with few other kids who became her friends. The other kids did make fun of her but the staff always stop them whenever anna gets bullied. Few days later she was adopted by a rich couple who are vary nice to Anna and took care of her. The couple didn't mind that Anna always visit the orphanage to see her friends and always hang out. When Anna became a teenager she met the three girls who are triplets Jenny, jess, and jasmine. The triplets looked upset and when Anna asked them what happened. The triplets told her that their brother Justin bully other kids for bullying the triplets and always get into trouble. The principal didn't believe Justin when he explain that he only bully the other kids in order to protect his triplet sisters.  The principal tend to be vary strict and also terrible because he tends to hurt the students who are misbehaved and always get away with it when he lied to the student parents. That gave Anna an idea and told the triplets to set up the camera to record what going on in the office. The triplets like the idea and go on with the plan. The triplets place the camera in a hidden area while the principal is not around. The principal walk in with the triplets brother and of course the principal start yelling at Justin and hitting him. The camera caught all of the principal awful actions. The principal called Justin parents to come to the office. When the parents walk in followed by the triplets. Jess obe of the triplets pick up the camera and show them the video. The parents were shocked and glare at the principal who stay quiet as sweat drip from his face from fear he knew he was done for. The parents called the school borders about what happened and send them the video of what the principal have done. And soon the evil principal was fired and was never work with kids again. The triplets thank Anna for saving their brother and the other students. Anna smile at them and nodded. Justin thank her for helping him and his sisters. Justin and Anna both didn't realized that they soon to become a couple and get married. And that what happened.

Time skip few year later

Anna holding her large belly as she smile at Justin who was holding her hand as they look at the ultrasound. The two stare in shock to see four babies inside her belly. "It look like you two will have four baby boys." The doctor said smiling. Justin seem vary happy about of having quadruplets "boys"  he wanting to have an heir because of his father will in order to get the inheritance and the company for his "sons" or i said for himself. But what he didn't know was that the doctor was wrong and that these baby "boys" turn out to be baby girls. That when the nightmare for these innocent quadruplets begins all because ot their dad greed.

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