Waiting For Us | Y/N x Ominis...

By oooitsghost

11.6K 346 61

Y/N starts her sixth year at Hogwarts. It been two months since she last saw her friends Sebastian, Anne and... More

Author Note
1. A Hogwarts Welcome
2. Summer Secrets
3. Drinks
4. Start of Sixth Year
5. Spells & Tea
7. Luck in the Stars
8. Taste of Pumpkin
9. Silent Charms
10. Soft Lace *
11. Lie to Me
12. Apologies *
13. Room of Dreams
14. Seeing Stars *
15. The Smell of Love
16. Up To No Good
17. The Tea Was Right
18. Echos in The Undercroft *
19. Shops & Banter
20. Another Mistake *
21. Cold Tears
22. A Lesson in Fears
23. Waltzing Into Detention
24. After Hours *
25. Last Chance
26. An Unforgettable Night *
27. Optimistic Eyes
28. Breaking Things Off
29. Written in the Stars
30. The Day Before *

6. A Invitation for Antics

411 14 3
By oooitsghost

A few weeks have passed and it was nothing out of the ordinary. We continued our studies and spent most of our free time taking trips to Hogsmeade and relaxing in the common room. All and all it was just school.

It was our weekend and we were all in the Great Hall eating. Anne had joined us three at the Slytherin table and was going on about her Care of Magical Creatures class. Sebastian was stuffing his face while Ominis read his braille book pausing now and then to enjoy his cup of tea.

Munching on my toast; the squawks of owls can be heard as they deliver letters and packages to students.

One flew over to Sebastian and Anne.

"Oh it's from Uncle Solomon!" Anne took the envelope and opened it. Sebastian leaned close to her to read it with her.

"What does it say?" I smiled.

"Just how the crops are doing, that he misses us and hope Sebastian isn't getting into too much trouble. That he hopes you and Ominis are doing well too, and he can't wait for you to spend next summer with us." Her face lit up reading the letter from him.

"You're spending next summer with us in Feldcroft?" Ominis looked up from his book.

"Umm." I completely forgot I promised Sebastian I would go and slightly regretted agreeing.

"Yeah, Y/N said she would spend it with us so I wrote him to let him know." Sebastian wiped the crumbs off his hands and took the letter to read it properly.

"It will be amazing, like one big happy family!" Anne's warmth radiated in the air.

"It would be quite amazing." Ominis's eyes had a soft twinkle to them. Now that both Anne and Ominis know I guess I can't back out of it.

"I can't wait to show you around! You can meet all our friends and come with us for our late night dips in the nearby pond!" Her eyes glistened; daydreaming about all the fun we would have next summer. The happiness she felt for the future soon washed away all self doubt I had about going.

"Late night dips?" I raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Yes! Anne, me and sometimes Ominis would sneak out of the house with a few drinks in hand and go for a swim on hot nights. It's beautiful with the fireflies." Sebastian grinned at me. "You would love it."

"Sounds...fun!" I happily replied.

Soon the three were just talking about everything to do in Feldcroft. We all were shortly interrupted when a solid black owl flew in and dropped a letter in front of Ominis.

"Hm?" He looked confused as he took it in his hands, the second his wand hovered over the inscription the smile he had all morning faded.

"Is that from them?" Sebastian's expression had changed to a look of dread. The color slightly drained from his cheeks.

"I don't understand what they could possibly want. I made myself clear when I spoke to them last." He hesitantly opened it and ran his wand over the words. I tried to study his face but he gave me nothing to go off of.

"So?" Anne frowned.

Ominis scoffed. "They are coming to visit next weekend. How unbelievable, they want to talk to Headmaster Black and discuss my studies with him and talk to me about 'other things'. I know all too well what that means." He shakes his head and lights the letter on fire.

"What are you going to do?" I inquired.

"Nothing. I'm not going to meet with them again for them to go on about the family blood-line and insult me and my friends. They think you guys are bad influences."

"How rich coming from them." Sebastian glared. "They need to get it through their demented minds that you aren't a part of their family anymore. You're basically a Sallow." Sebastian said protectively of his best friend.

"What if they find you and force you to talk?" Anne questioned, worried for Ominis.

"Ominis doesn't have to worry, we got his back and won't let them keep trying to entice you into their world." I reassured Anne and Ominis. The corner of his lip went up.

"Thank you Y/N, but you shall not need to protect me from them. If anything, I'll protect you from them." His eyes regarded me and trailed down my arm to my hand. My cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink. I sometimes wonder if he is really blind when he does that.

Finishing our breakfast we carried on with our day. I decided to spend some time in the library to finish my Herbology homework.

"What are you reading?" Ominis glanced up from his book.

"Nothing important really, just the magical properties in Moly flowers." I smiled. I couldn't wait until we started growing our own.

"Why those?"

"They're my favorite flowers." I softly spoke looking at the drawing of them on the page. "They are very beautiful, they can be used to heal and are powerful enough to help counteract even the strongest enchantments."

"What do they look like?" I felt the shift in his tone from light conversation to genuine curiosity with a hint of sadness.

"Well, they have a dark stem and leaves all the same color, and four soft petals with pointed ends that are bright white..." I tried to explain how they looked without using the name of colors to Ominis. "Sorry." I sighed.

"Y/N, it's okay. I might not know what the colors are but I can try to imagine. I know my shirt is white and the pages in my book are also white."

"I know, Ominis but I feel — okay. You know how you can feel the sun? When you go outside you can feel the warm rays hitting you from above. Well that's the color yellow." I explained and he raised an eyebrow, taking in what I was saying. "White is like snow. It is cold, smooth, smells like cotton and the winter breeze." A soft smile filled his face as he listened.

"So that's what the colors look like. I can practically see them." He looked up thinking.

"The table you feel is brown, brown is the color of wood, dirt and Sebastian's hair. It's warm in nature but feels rough. That's how I would describe it." I looked at him admiring the wooden texture as his hands touched the table. I could tell he was imagining the color.

"You know, no one has ever taken the time to describe color to me. I think they assume because I'm blind I can't enjoy such a thing." His hands felt the pages of his book and then his robe along the green accents. "I always wonder what color your eyes are. If colors are as you say, I assume they're  Y/E/C."

How did he know?

"Merlin's beard, you're right." I giggled softly to myself, amazed at him.

"Y/N, sorry to interrupt you, but can I speak to you for a moment in private?" Sebastian approached me.

"Weren't you supposed to be spending time with Anne?" Ominis glared in Sebastian's direction.

"I was, but I needed to talk to Y/N about something so if you don't mind Ominis."

"I do."

I laugh quietly so as not to annoy the other students studying.

"I'll be back in a minute, Ominis." I placed a marker in the book, standing up.

"I do not understand why you can't just speak to her with me here?"

"I'm professing my undying love to her and rather not have you interrupt that." He teased the blonde. I could tell on Ominis's face he was not happy. Could he be jealous? Jealous of Sebastian and I?

"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." I smiled to Ominis and followed Sebastian around the corner to a more private part of the library.

"What is it?" I asked slightly annoyed he took me away.

"Y/N, promise me you won't tell Anne and Ominis about this." He whispered making sure Ominis wasn't around the corner secretly listening.

"Why should I?"

"Fuck, please just promise me." He demanded.

"Okay Sebastian what is it?" I tried to think of all the possible things he could say to me right now.

"I want to talk to Ominis's parents." That was the last thing I thought he'd ever say.

"What?!" He pulled me to him by my hand and held his finger to my lips, shushing me.

"Look. I am trying to protect Ominis. I want to talk to them and tell them to leave him alone." He explained.

"That's a idiotic thing to do."

"That may be, but I know how much it hurts Ominis for them to even be reaching out to him. It's a mixture of guilt, sadness and brings him only pain. I want to help him." I admired Sebastian's concern, but it was the dumbest thing he's ever said.

"Sebastian, they are dark wizards. They don't even hide the fact. You can't talk to them and if you do you can't expect me not to tell Ominis."

"Y/N, I'm doing this. I've already made up my mind. You can't talk me out of it. I'm telling you because I want you to distract Ominis on the day and give me time to speak with them."

"No!" I raised my voice, which he covered my mouth with his hand leaning close to me. Our bodies were centimeters apart, my back against the bookshelf.

"Do this for me, please. I do not want Ominis to get hurt trying to talk me out of it. If you want to protect him then you will do this for me and you won't say a thing to him." I knew then he wasn't going to take no for an answer. I debated on what to say, but it was useless arguing with him. I looked at him with defeat and sighed. He lowered his hand.

"Fine, but I do not support this idea."

"You don't have to support it, just keep him busy that day and let me handle it."

"And how am I supposed to keep him busy?"

"I don't know. Ask him on a date?" He suggested which got my face going red again.

"Wha-what no I...I can't." I stumbled over my words.

"Are you as blind as him? You two clearly like each other, ask him out. It's a win-win for both of us. I get to talk to the Gaunts and you get to enjoy a day alone together."

Even if I wanted a date with him. I don't think I could bring myself to ask him. It's been years since I realized my feelings, and to ask him out before next weekend. I don't think I will have the courage either.

"Trust me. You are one of the most powerful students in our year. I think you can muster the strength to ask a boy out on a date. Either way, next weekend get Ominis out of the castle and give me time to speak to them."

I nod. "Okay Sebastian. I'll try."

"Good girl." He winks. "I'll let you two get back to studying." Sebastian walked away from our private corner and said goodbye to Ominis before heading out.

How in the name of Merlin am I going to ask Ominis out?

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