By Magnus_Vance

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HIGHEST RANKINGS: #1 in survivalofthefittest #1 in zacharius #2 in Quartz #5 in zombiesurvival #8 in survival... More

Copyright & Info
Chapter 1
The REAL Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Garden of Eden
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Announcements, Acknowledgements, & Surprises
Q & A for the characters. ^_^
Q&A with our fave Characters!
Aug. 13. It's my birthday.

Chapter 19

308 21 12
By Magnus_Vance


I'm feelin' lonely, oh I wish I'd find a lover that could hold me~"

Hopefully, you guys will LSS on that as well mwehehehe~ :>

This chapter is NOT edited yet. The big change is that Unity decided to speak to them on chapter 5 but the original unedited chapter is the boys assuming she's mute so she went along with it until she left.

On with the chapter!

"And she survived!" Darius was the first one who recovered from shock as he smiled mockingly at me, his trademark stance of crossing his arms and rolling his eyes made him look irritatingly hot.

I frowned, "Of course I did." I shrugged nonchalantly, "So, what brings you to me, hm?"

My twins were shocked at how I flirted so blatantly in front of them, but not surprised. I wonder why? My mouth tends to blurt out words I uh... mean, especially when I'm nervous.

And I'm fucking nervous now.

"Were they the people you were looking for?" Edward gestured to the twins behind me, their sullen faces and glowering stares switching between me and Edward's group. "No," I shook my head, to my surprise, the twins interlaced their fingers with mine, showing the group their relationship with me. "They were the people who found me."

So what if they glare at our interlocked hands like it's the bane of their existence? The twins are enough for me.

Okay, that was a lie, you caught me in a goddamn fuckin' lie.

As I've said in my mind when I read those reverse harem novels online, 'The more the fucking merrier.'

If there's anything I've missed about the before-world, you know, before the apocalypse? It would be the Wi-Fi. Last I heard, one of my favorite authors, gelainess, was still writing even after the apocalypse. T_T Knowing that she works this hard gives me hope for a better and brighter future, hopefully with a working Wi-Fi router. Maybe I could ask Onyx if he could make the Wi-Fi router work with his magical hands.


I looked at the person beside them, the attractive woman called Jewel who single-handedly rescued us from that fucking psycho cult. She was busy standing and muttering to herself, daydreaming, but I know that she was alert and ready for any sort of threat coming her way.

They chose well.

I let go of the twins and wordlessly pushed the siblings towards them as I called for her attention.



"Thanks again for saving us. That was some magnificent PPZ shit right there."

Her eyes lit up and she approach me, holding my hands. Connor facepalmed and muttered, "Please, don't start."

"You know about Pride, and Prejudice, and fucking Zombies?! I mean, you know the word 'fucking' is not in the film title but who fucking cares right? And-" Jewel heard what Connor said and she glared daggers at him, as if offended.

"PPZ is a fucking cult classic, you uncultured crotch goblin!"

She faced me with the same kind of vigor full of glee as she led us to their van, with her chatting my ears off as we drove towards our subdivision.

"I think they could've cast another actor to play Mr. Darcy, no? I don't like his scratchy voice-"

"We don't like your voice." Darius was already covering his ears when he said this, and Jewel confronted him.

"You guys are awfully cranky today. Or is it because Unity's here and you're showing her that you guys are not interested in me that's why you guys are so rude? It's either that or something crawled up in your ass and died." She made a slicing motion towards her neck, and she also brought her tongue out for maximum effect.

I tried. I really tried to hold it in, but I couldn't help it.

I laughed hysterically at them. Their faces! It's like they're going to fucking explode any second now due to how red they all were!

The clicking of a camera caught my attention, and I saw Tilly fiddling with a disposable camera leveled to her eye and directed towards us, my grin getting wider knowing she took a shot.

She sheepishly grinned "I'm sowwi..." and put her charm on, instantly melting the guys' resolve of taking her camera and deleting the pic.

Now that I've seen them clearly, it made me wonder who was driving the van. Apparently, Edward's an expert in reading facial expressions, as he answered my unasked question.

"Since you've been busy chatting with our friend here," he glared at the both of us and me and Jewel glared back, "We and the twins talked and settled on them driving the way back to your subdivision since they know the ways around this place."

I raised my brow in question. "That quick?"

"Mhmm, that quick." An unexpected smirk made its way onto Edwards's mouth as he raised his glasses, the unintentional glare it gave me made me feel ominous.

"What else have you guys talked about?" I narrowed my eyes at the boys, all of them taking their time doing other things just to not look at me, lest they might give it away.

"Oh, I see..."

"No, you fucking don't." Darius was onto me in an instant, pinning my arms down against the chair to the shock of many.

To be honest, I was too scared to know what they all talked about. I didn't expect my twins to meet them this way, therefore I didn't tell the twins a thing about them. Heck, I was even tempted not to find them to be honest, afraid of what the outcome may be. But alas, we're here.

You can't blame me if I wanted to open the van doors and just- you know, yeet myself out? Hehe...

But Darius beat me to it.

"Ow, ow, ow, waaaait, it huuuurtttssss!" I hissed. My shoulder hasn't healed yet, and there he goes suddenly just pulling my arm up like that!

"What fucking hurts?" He growled, I can feel his breath fanning my face as I tried to concentrate, oohhh peppermint- fucking stop!

"My shoulder... it hurts..." I panted, tired of struggling from yet another stronger foe. Damn, I should really use the gym in the subdivision from now on. I feel rusty as fuck.

"She's right, she got hit by a stray bullet when we faced scavengers in front of the subdivision's gates." My personal nurse, Quartz, to the rescue. "It's not really a stray bullet if she's who they're aiming for, though?" His brother, Onyx replied. The twins are doing nothing but push me into deeper waters with these guys, and I'd do anything not to drown in them. "So I'd appreciate it if you treat our Unity gently."

Something about them claiming ownership over me melts my heart, even though it's sort of a red flag. Meh. I'm colorblind.

"Until she heals, no one gets rough with her."

You just had to make them all horny, don't ya babe?

I was cry-laughing inside while Jewel was full-blown laughing with tears in her eyes. Meanwhile, Tilly and Oliver had their hands over each other's ears, a cute sibling moment if it weren't for the reason they were blocking their ears for.

Darius brought down both of my hands, gently this time. "You should've told me before I tackled you."

"You shouldn't have tackled me in the first place." I grinned teasingly at him, daring him to tackle me again. I can already tell that I'll enjoy annoying Darius the most. He's the most ill-tempered man I've ever met.

"Guys, hello? There are other people here, hehe. And maybe, oh I dunno, children??? Stop it. The sexual tension is off. the... motherfucking charts looool." Who even says lol out loud other than Jewel? I already expected that from her. She's weird, but the good kind of weird.

"Get off me before I make you."

"I'm quite comfortable here, thank you very much-"


Zacharius and Connor took it upon themselves to lift Darius off me, to which I'm grateful for, so I can breathe again.

"Thanks, Z," it baffled me, how Zacharius's nickname rolled off my tongue and out my lips as if it was a regular thing. I could get used to this...

If they decide to stay with me, that is.

"Thanks, Connor. Mwah!" I playfully blew a kiss and made finger hearts, to which he blushed and said it was no problem.

I never got up from my position, to the questioning stares of the boys, and proceeded to close my eyes for a moment, basking in the quietness of the van no matter how awkward it is.

"We're here."

Only when Onyx spoke did I open my eyes.

"Finally, home sweet home!" Tilly had stars in her eyes when Quartz got off the van and opened the gates, permitting the van to go through.

We rounded our street and Onyx parked the van behind their jeep, just in front of the surveillance room so we could get off near our house.

"Everybody out."

We scampered our way out of the van and onto the pavement, with almost all of us stretching our muscles. Allistair, the goof, took it upon himself to stretch the living daylights out of his thighs and legs as if he was preparing to run a marathon.

That got him a slap from Connor by the way.

"Who's this sweetiepie? Helloooo baby love~" Jewel cooed at Tootsie, who immediately stood up and wanted Jewel to carry her, which she did, to the happy yelps of my lovely dog.

Since it's still morning, roughly 9 AM, we all decided to go inside my house and have coffee to get rid of the fatigue and tiredness that have accumulated during their so-called "rescue mission". I'm putting quotation marks on that since it wasn't them who rescued us. It was Jewel.

I took it upon myself to make their coffee with those 3-in-1 coffee sachets since we have an abundance of those in our makeshift pantry. The children drank hot chocolate because the twins didn't allow them to drink caffeine yet.

"Damn, Unity. You brewed this?" Allistair asked. I tossed him a packet while I was on the sink and said, "3 in 1 coffee is the key."

He looked at the packet like it was the holy grail, his eyes twinkling with delight. "Wow! We don't have these in Scotland!"

So that's why he has that accent! I haven't heard it before. One of the many, many questions I have, answered.

Edward's a Brit based on his accent, Zachary is Korean because he looks like a K-pop idol, and Connor's... Canadian? I don't know, I can't pick up an accent from him actually. And Darius is half-fish half-poop.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding! (Not really)

I stare at him incredulously, "You must live in the rich part of town."

Connor rolled his eyes, "Tell me about it. They have a butler and a dozen maids inside their mansion."

To which Alistair replied, "Biiiiitch, you have five butlers and a castle with a fucking helipad! Now who's rich between the two of us, huh?"

That shut him up real quick.

An angel descended upon the room, i.e. me (jk), but Jewel broke the silence with a farewell.

"Well, Unity. This has been nice, but I gotta keep going." Jewel said, emptying the last drop of her cup of coffee and putting it on the sink.

I furrowed my brows. "Leaving so soon? We're gonna have beers later in the night! You should be with us!"

The boys looked at me expectedly, as if they were looking forward to drinking. But they were disappointed once I told them it was me and the twins only, to which both the twins objected.

"How rude of you, my dear." My dear? My dear?! Bro, I'll whoop yo ass-

Onyx glared at me, forcing me to invite them to the amusement of Jewel.

"I don't know... I feel like I'm intruding on something. Besides," she whispered, "I think you have to settle this harem situation of yours, don't you think?"

"Bitch, I need help. I don't wanna be bedridden by tomorrow."

She giggled, her dimples showing how charming she can be.

"You got this, my girl. Oh, and you can call me Luna. Jewel is my second name because only my close friends call me Luna and yeah... there aren't any close friends I have alive so..."

It was fleeting, the wave of sadness I saw on her face was gone in a blink.

I smiled at her reassuringly and held her hands. "I'm honored to be one of your close friends. We are currently making this subdivision a better place, a sanctuary, if you will. We've got food, running water, heck, we also have electricity." I grinned.

"It's much better here than outside. We're planning on fortifying our gates- well, fortifying more, is the word. But you get what I mean, eh? Stay."

I seem like I'm disinterested in her, or maybe misunderstood by others as me treating her like a competitor, but Jewel is a unique friend to have, I wouldn't want her outside, alone, and fending for herself.

"Thank you for the offer, Uni." Jewel smiled genuinely at me for the first time, melting my heart to bits.

"I'll make sure to take that offer in the near future when I have my very own harem like yourself."

"You are always welcome here, okay? Remember that. About the harem thing, you really think they'd share?" I inquired. Since she's been with them for who knows how long.

"In my opinion? It'll take some adjusting on your part. Literally." We laughed at that, but she continued. "But they're absolutely obsessed with you. Even before they stumbled upon me, they were already trying to find you. It was my idea in the first place to go back to where they last saw you. I have to admit, they're all handsome," she shrugged

"But damn, they're all dumbasses."

We giggled.

I was tempted to give Tootsie to her, seeing as she was alone outside and maybe needed a companion, but I was selfish and didn't offer. And I think Jewel wouldn't want Tootsie to suffer outside either. She'd much rather prefer my dog inside the subdivision where it's safe and has the certainty of having food.

The twins offered to give her a ride wherever she wanted to go. Strangely, I wasn't jealous at all. Maybe it's because we experienced life-or-death situations together and they never had to reassure me of anything since our moment in their jeep was all the assurance I ever needed, to which she declined.

Instead, all of us except Oliver and Tilly (as they needed to catch up on the sleep they lost, poor babies) went out with her to the gates and bid her goodbye. We packed her some food and supplies she might need outside, as well as the baseball bat I had as a weapon for some time, which she greatly appreciated as she had a penchant for violence and melee.

She whistled while looking at my name etched on the bat, "I'm so honored to have your mark, Unity. Thank you." She squeezed me tightly, never letting go for a few seconds. I squeezed her back just as hard and we both let go, looking at each other as if it was the last time.

Until I remembered something.

"Oh! Almost forgot!" I brought out a walkie-talkie and put it on the right channel, "Channel 13, don't forget. Give us updates from time to time. If you need help, I'll send one or two of my boys to you."

Jewel looked smugly at them, "Hear that, peasants? Your queen just ordered an empirical edict, bow!"

"Jewel," I whispered harshly. She must've misunderstood, I don't mean ALL the boys. "Just my twins, Jesus!"

"Sus..." Jewel's eyes were into slits as she observed me and the men behind me, "That's where you guys are headed anyway. Might as well, you know? Mwehehehe~"

Oh, dear.

I facepalmed.

It's been a while since I've felt so helpless, on a human, no less.

"This makes me a tad bit excited for you to leave," I playfully pushed her outside and she grinned at me, "Lest I say something irreparable and leave you to explain?" She mockingly gasped, "I would never!"

She winked at me as I laughed, shooing her away. "Go! Shoo! Begone, Luna. Take care of yourself out there!"

"I will, I will. It was nice meeting you, Uni."

"Since you let me call you by your second name, I think it's fair I let you call me by mine." I grinned at her, making her giddy with excitement.

"Tell me, tell meeeeeee!"

"My second name is Cherish," I said, "so cherish it well."

"Huh, well that makes sense, dooode." She proceeded to make her eyes meet in the middle while twirling her fingers on the side of her head. In short, she's labelling herself crazy.

"They'll cherish you. And they'll cherish you well."

I don't think they will after our talk.

"Can you leave already? You're attracting zombies from a mile away." Z was annoyed, I can tell.

"Yeah, yeah, grumpy-pants. Bye guys!"

Aaaand she left.

Damn, it.

She left.

Now I'm all alone with these motherfuckers.

I dusted off imaginary dust from my hands, satisfied and faced them, donning a confused expression.

"Oh? You guys aren't gonna leave yet?"

Onyx sighed, "We've decided-"

"Oh, YOU'VE decided? Decided what?" I asked mockingly and crossed my arms.

I don't know if I should be angry right now because the twins decided something and didn't ask me first.

"Brother? Wrong approach." Quartz took the reins on this one since his brother doesn't know how to begin. a. fucking. sentence that doesn't end up with me being furious for some reason.

"Unity, darling~"

"Nuh-uh, get straight to the point bruv. You don't darling, darling me," I don't get why they laughed at that.

"We talked, discussed, and concluded-"

"That's the same thing!" I brought my arms up in exasperation.

"We're staying here for the time being." Edward said.


"Are you fucking deaf? Eddie said we're staying." Darius did his signature form, crossing his arms and trying to look cool. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought he came out of his mom crossing his arms.

And holy hell, that was the first time I heard him mentioning one of his friend's names, albeit a short one, but still a name.

"Don't call me that." As always, they glared at each other but looked at me, actually, all of them are looking at me.

I scowled.

"What? What am I supposed to do?!"

I'm getting flustered in front of them and I don't like it.

"Well, technically," Allistair spoke, "This is your sanctuary, so regardless of the twins' insistence on letting us stay, you still have the say on whether or not we will." Alistair looked pitiful, like a puppy, when he said that. And fuck, I can't resist those eyes.

Insistence? Insistence?! I glared at the twins and they tried hiding behind the group, but it didn't work as they towered over them a few inches more.

Since the twins insisted on them staying, I had to at least make sure I can get something out of them. (A/N: Oh, you'll get something, alright.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"Give me one valid reason why you want to temporarily live here for the time being."

"We're planning to make it permanent though- oof!" Allistair got a punch to his stomach from Connor, who didn't realize what he did and started profusely apologizing to the former. Both of them were wincing, one from embarrassment and the other from pain.

I acted like I didn't hear what he said, even though I'm so fucking excited about it. I quickly regained control over my face before it could let out a tiny smile, which I think Z noticed. His eyes went into slits, or are they his natural eye shape already? Meep.

"The twins said they needed help to secure the whole place. I mean, look at this subdivision, Unity. It's so big, you can't do it alone."

I immediately looked at Edward's package and cringed at myself.

"Get your head out of the fucking gutter."

"Get your eyes off of me, dude." I rolled my eyes at Darius. "And I'm not alone, I have the twins with me."

I'm getting horny, well, horni-er.

"Even they admit that they can't do it themselves. Come on Unity, we have to get this place up and running, and quick. Preferably before anyone attacks it again. Let us make it safe for you to live." Edward went out with a bang, noting how important self-preservation is to me.

"That's a great sales pitch," I smirked. "Fine, you guys get to stay. But you all have to pick houses and renovate said houses yourselves. We weren't expecting guests to come soon so help yourselves."

"Actually, we were." Onyx said.


What is he talking about?

"Yeah, what a coincidence brother! We did clean out the houses beside and in front of Uni's house! Almost forgot about that." Quartz added fuel to the fire, fanning it even more.

"When was this?" (Right after New Year's.)

"Oh, we did it while you and the siblings were asleep. No biggie." Quartz waved his hand around as if it was no big deal.

Not only did they go behind my back, discussing the stay of the five guys I first encountered and liked, but they also cleaned and renovated the surrounding houses as well???

I fucking love them.

I jumped on Quartz and he immediately caught me in his arms, his hands supporting my butt and waist as his hot lips felt my fiery passion, expressing my thanks to him.

A cough was heard which caused us to part, satisfied smiles on our faces as Onyx expressed his displeasure.

"What about me?" Quartz passed me to his twin and I kissed him senseless too, tugging the hair behind his head making him moan in satisfaction.

"Ehem? People here? Hello~?" For the first time, I saw Allistair uncomfortable and flustered, so I stopped kissing Onyx and fixed my clothes, coughing to get rid of the heated stares fixed on me. Even Zachary couldn't contain his smoldering gaze as he touched his lips, almost trying to imagine what it was like to kiss me.

"Right, let me give you a tour."

And that's how the boys stayed in the sanctuary that I call home. Temporarily, that is.


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