The String of Hearts ( Comple...

By Prerna345

66.3K 4.2K 1.9K

"Just leave me alone Vibha"Anand screamed , jerking her hands off his shoulder. "I know that I'm less import... More

1) Pregnant?
2) Dr. Vennela meets Dr. Jay
3) The Conversation
4) Our Baby
5) Conflicts
6) Shattered Lives
7) Feelings?
8) Bitter Truth
9) Marriage
10) First Night-s
11) New Morning
12) Pregnancy Complications
13) Inner Turmoils
14) Forgiveness!
15) Coming Closer
16) Another Heartbreak!
17) Save Our Baby
18) New Hopes
19) Fallen Hopes
20) We are Over
21) Outbursts
22) Opening Up
23) New Home
24) Torn Apart
25) Vennela goes Missing
26) Jay's Birthday
27) Truths?
28) Shradha
29) Healing Wounds
30) The Fight
31) Verdict
32) Farewell Party
33) Being Together
34) First Kiss
35) Day Off
36) London Dreams
37) Betrayal
38) Forgive Me
39) Misunderstandings
40) Vennelas Journal
41) The Report
42) Another Chance?
43) Deep Wounds
44) Melting Her
45) Desires and Regrets
46) Realizations!
47) The Last Entry
48) Divorce?
49) Never Let Go
50) Closure(s)
51) Bury the Pain
53) I Choose You
54) Final War
55) Best Day Ever
56) Home
57) The Nightmare
58) Healing Together
59) Love Beyond Moon
60) A Little Piece of Heart

52) Love and Agony

836 61 17
By Prerna345

Vennelas Point of View


I gasped and opened my mouth, trying hard to catch breath. There was a strange restlessness inside my chest and I could feel it all over my body. My head pained like hell. I felt like I'm loosing my mind. I try to hold onto something. But I find nothing. Tears rolled down my eyes. I clutched my chest and try to scream for help. But I'm helpless. I can't do anything.


I tried to scream. I couldn't. No no. I'm I dying? I can't die this soon. I promised Jay I would fight this.

What's happening with me?

No. No. No. No.......



"Vennu wake up-"

"Vennu come on. Wake up!"someone yelled.

I snapped my eyes open. Then I felt my Body being completely inside someone's arms. I rested my head in the persons shoulder and took few deep breaths.

"Are you- okay?"I heard Jay's voice. He was shivering, just like me. I could feel his heart hammering against his chest. I looked around and then realized that I'm still in the hospital. A deep sigh of relief left me. I raised my arm and hugged him back tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.


"I'm- okay"I said. I felt him relaxing and tightening the hold around me.

"You freaking scared me"he said. I closed my eyes and let my tears wet his shirt.

"I thought I lost you"he said after few seconds. I wet my dry lips and nodded.

"But I'm here"I said.

He broke the hug after a minute. I looked at him. His eyes were red with tears. I touched his cheek and rested my head above his.

"I'm okay jay. It was just- a nightmare"I said.

"Just a nightmare? You were almost having a panic attack and your bp had gone up like crazy. God"he sighed. I really felt bad looking at him.

"I'm sorry"I dropped my eyes down. He touched my chin and made me look into his eyes.

"It's okay. I was so worried for you. I'm glad you're fine"he gently pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. I smiled as he made me lay on my back and covered me properly with sheets. Then he sat next to me on the chair and entwined our fingers, kissing the back of my palm.

"You're seriously fine right?"he asked.

"Yes Jay. Infact, i should be the one asking you this. You don't sleep properly. You don't take your food on time and you're in so much tension and stress nowadays. What's it that's been bothering you so much?"I asked. There is a sudden change of expression in his face. But he quickly managed to hide it.

"I'm- Fine vennu. It's just- I want you to be all healthy again. I can't wait anymore to take you back home and start my life with you"he said. I sighed and patted the bed, asking him to sit besides me. He got up and sat next to me, scooping me in his arms.

"I know that you're worried about me Jay. But I also know that you cared enough to hide your worry from me just because you didn't wanted to make me tensed. I know there is something else. Can't you talk about it to me?"I asked. He looked at me for few seconds.

"You're the only person with whom I could talk to about this vennu"he said hugging me tightly. I nodded my head.

"But- I'm not ready yet. It's too much for me to take at once. I want to give myself some time to accept this vennu. Because I know- If I handle this alone I'll be going crazy"he said.

"It's okay. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay"I said.

He smiled and looked at me.

"I'm fine. More than fine. You're here. That's enough"he pushed one of my hair strand back and tucked it behind my ear.

I smiled and rested my head in his shoulder.

"I love you so much"he said. I felt warm tingles around my stomach as soon as I heard it. He frowned and looked at me when i didn't say anything.

"What?"he asked amused.

"Nothing"I grinned.

"Say it back know? Stupid girl"he said.

"I just can't believe that Dr. Jay Reddy is in love with me"I said.

"Okay. It's not the first time I'm saying this to you"he said frowning.

"I know but- everytime I hear you say that- I feel-"I stopped as soon as i was snapped out of the world.

"What?"he asked huskily.

"Nothing"I looked away from him.

"Tsk. Say it vennu. What do you feel?"His fingers gently caressed the side of my neck making me shiver.

"I feel-good"I closed my eyes.

"Just good?"he whispered, tracing my ears with his lips. I squeezed his hand as my breath started getting heavier.

"Jay"I moaned loudly as his lips touched the skin of my neck.

"Say it"he demanded.

"I feel horrible"i chuckled. He slid his hand into my waist and started tickling me, making me laugh and fall into his arms completely.

"Say it"he pulled my face, dangerously close to him. I smiled and pressed my lips together.

"I feel like going through all the pain for you was finally worth it"I said. He stared into my eyes for few seconds. Then before I could realize he had sealed our lips together. I gasped as he gently made me lay on back and came above me, without putting his weight on me. I opened my mouth in surprise as he slid his tongue inside. I tried to kiss him back, caressing his hairs on one side. He was desparate and quick. I winced as he gently bit my lower lip, taking it completely into his mouth.

It felt like we have been kissing for hours. I slightly pushed him away as I went out of breath. He shifted his lips from my chin to my neck. I held him closer, enjoying his sweet tortures.

"Jay-"I moaned loudly.

He stopped and raised his head to look at me. I bit my lips seeing his stare.

"I want to make love to you so bad"he said. I drew a breath as soon as he said it. He sighed and gently brushed the hairs off my forehead.

"I know it's not the right place or time but- I really do. I wish I wouldn't have to stop"he said. I smiled and rubbed his cheeks.

"I know"I said. He smiled back and rested his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. I sighed and caressed his hairs.

"Jay"I called him softly after few minutes of complete silence.

"Tell me sweety"he said. My smile widened. I love how he calls me that at times.

"If I say something- promise me that you won't get angry"i said.

"It depends. What is it?"he asked.

"Nothing leave it"I sighed inside.

He raised his head and looked at me.

"Fine. I won't get angry. Promise. What's it?"he asked.

"Um- there are few things, I want to do before you know- I go to a bed arrest and if I can't make it. So will you-"

"Shut up vennu"he spoke in between. His face has lost its coolness and I knew he was angry.


"I said shut up"he raised his voice. That made me shut my mouth. He got up from me and walked upto the window without saying anything. I could feel the pain he was going through now. But I had to keep this in mind. If anything goes wrong, I don't want to regret later.

I got up from the bed and walked towards him, hugging him from behind.

"I'm sorry"i whispered.

"Why do you keep hurting me like this? You don't know what I'm going through vennela. The thought of even loosing you is making me insane. I'm trying so hard, to be strong enough. Because I know you need me. I promised I'll be your side till your last breath. If you're still willing to give up- I don't know what to say to you"he said while his voice broke.

I held his shoulder and made him look straight. A shiver ran through my spine seeing his red eyes.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Jay. But I know that you're hating this place as much as I do. I want to be with you. Away from all these. I want to be back home and be in our room. I want to go outside and feel the world I have been Missing out. I want to feel things again. I want to go on a date with you, eat ice cream and street foods, prepare anands favorite coffee. I want to do so much. I'm not giving up Jay. But I just- want to do something that will just make me happy now"I said.

He sighed and cupped my cheek. Tears rolled down my eyes as he leaned and kissed my forehead.

"I'll take you out of here. I promise"he said.

"Now?"I asked curiously.

"Now?"he raised his brows.

I pouted and he smiled, pecking my lips. I sat on the bed and smiled watching Jay as he slipped sandals into my bare feets. He came behind and gently brushed my open hairs with a comb and tied it into a bun. Then he took a small bindi from my purse and pressed it in between my eyebrows.

"Something is missing"he said.

"What?"I asked.

He walked upto the drawer and pulled something out. Then he came back and sat next to me. I smiled as he gently made me wear the small jhumkas. His lips curved into a smile as he stared at me.

"You're so beautiful"he said. I blushed hard and he grinned seeing my face.

"Let's go?"he held my hand and I stood up in my feets. Then to my shock he suddenly lifted me up in his arms. I quickly rounded my arms around his neck.

"Jay what are you doing? I can walk"I said.

"I know. But there are some things, I want to enjoy doing for you"he smiled and walked outside the room. I leaned myself to his shoulder.

The hospital was calm and silent as time was nearing two and most of them were Asleep. I was still in my hospital gown but I didn't wanted to change it.

"Where are we going?"I asked him curiously.

"Do you know any place that has the best ice creams?"he asked making me smile.

Once we were inside the car, he made me wear the seatbelt and sat on his side. I looked outside the window and closed my eyes as the air brushed against my face. My lips curved into a wide smile. I held Jay's hand which was on the gear and clutched it tight. He smiled and gripped it back.

He stopped in front of a icecream van which was still open. I jumped up in excitement and he chuckled seeing my face.

"So- what flavour will you have vennela madam?"he asked.

"Umm- everything"i said.

"I'm not making you sick okay?"he said. I pouted. Jay went ahead to bring me icecream. He came back in two minutes with as many flavours as he could which made me chuckle.

"You're the best"i said, snatching the vanilla flavoured icecream.

"But you're taking medicines immediately after this"he said making me grin and nod.

He watched me silently with a smile as I ate the icecream, enjoying it's taste. My tongue was feeling almost numb with all the soups I had been having. But this felt like pure heaven.

I looked feeling his stare and smiled softly at him. He raised his hand and gently wiped the icecream from the corner of my mouth with his thumb and took it closer to his mouth. I bit the insides of my cheek to stop myself from blushing as he gently put the end of his thumb inside his mouth and sucked off the icecream.

"Jay- Stop doing that"I said.

"What? You're the one who is not sharing your icecream with me"he said

"I'm not sharing because I know that you hate icecreams"I said. He looked at me in shock.

"How do you know that?"he asked.

"You used to hate it back in college too"I said and suddenly I realized what I said. Jay looked at me as his face softened. I sighed and leaned my head to the seat.

"Why didn't you come and talk to me for once when we were in college vennu? Imagine if you would have, our story would be less complicated"he said. I smiled and looked ahead at the empty road.

"Certain things are bound to happen like that Jay. We can't change it"I said.

"You loved me so much don't you?"he asked. I raised my head and looked into his eyes.

"You're my first love and had always been"

His eyes darkened and he sighed with his eyes closed.

"Finish your icecream soon"he said.

"Why?"I asked Licking my lips.

"Finish it quickly vennu"he said.

"Okay"I started having the icecream. He waited patiently for ten minutes and I was finally done.

"Done. I need tissues now"i said rolling my lips up. What he did next just made made me numb.

He grabbed my hips closer that I rose from my seat and was almost on top of him. He looked sideways and glared at me.

"What at apt time to wear a seatbelt sweety"he muttered making me blink hard.

"Jay- what are you-"I stopped as he quickly undid my seatbelt and pulled me on top of him, that I was sitting on his lap. I rounded my arms around his neck and panted heavily.


Before I complete he sealed our lips together. I closed my eyes as he tightened his hold in my hip and pulled me closer that even air can't pass between us. It took me few seconds to respond back to him. I opened my mouth, making him slid his tongue inside. I moaned heavily, feeling butterflies in my tummy as we kissed desparately.

Oh. My. God.

He teeth wrapped around my lower lip and I winced as he gently bit on it. All my senses stopped working and I was shivering against him. His hands roamed all over my back, pulling me more and more closer to him. After an intense liplock, he let go of my lips and I breathed heavily,holding his cheek.

He looked into my eyes making me bit my lips in nervousness.

"The icecream really tastes so good"he said making me blush hard.

He leaned and kissed my chin, making me arch up my neck. His lips ran all the way down to my throat and he sucked hard on my collarbone, making me moan loud.

"F*ck! Stop me vennu"he demanded. I closed my eyes tightly. I didn't wanted him to stop. I needed him more than i needed anything in this world.

"Please- stop me"he said as he unzipped my gown. I sighed and rested my head above his, panting heavily.

He lowered my dress from my shoulder and kissed there softly.

"Sweety- ask me to stop"he said again.

"Stop"I said. He paused and looked at me. I rubbed his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"This place is- creepy"I said. His lips curved into a smile.

"So......where?"he asked.

"Let's go back home"I smiled and kissed him again.

Vibhas Point Of View


"I can't believe you guys kissed!"

"Vibha please stop yelling. It's embarrassing"keshav said while we were on a video call. I laughed seeing his face.

"Relax. So- do you think giving Anjali a chance was not terrible after all?"I asked.

"May be. But she initiated the kiss. I was a very good boy"he said making me snort.

"You're really a stupid boy"I said.

"So how are things going on with you?"he asked.

"Good. But- I'm worried for akka. Sometimes I just can't sleep. I'm so scared of loosing her keshav"I said.

"I understand. It might not be easy. Atleast you're there with her. And she's happy right?"he asked.

"Yeah. Bava brought her back home yesterday night saying that she was missing home. I'm so happy that she's here"I said. He smiled and nodded.

"I have to go now vibha. I'll call you later?"

"Sure. Bye"


The call dropped and I sighed with a smile. I was happy that keshav had moved on and he got someone whom he deserved. Someone who would make him happy.

I was busy in kitchen preparing breakfast. Akka and bava was still asleep and I didn't wanted to wake them up. While I was lost in my thoughts, I got startled when someone picked me up from behind by my waist.

"Vibhaaaaa"anand yelled and kissed my neck, hugging me tightly.

"Anand? What are you doing? Keep me down"i hit his arm playfully.

He kept me down and I turned to face him. He was all in smiles which made me raise my brows.

"I'm so so so so happy right now baby. Today is gonna be the bestest day of my life"he yelled.

"Shh"i covered his mouth with my palms. "Akka and bava are still asleep. Don't wake them up"I glared at him.

"Ow...sorry"he grinned.

"So- what's the reason behind my husband's excitement?"I rounded my arms around his neck. He smiled and pulled me closer, pecking my lips.

"You won't believe who called me just now"he said excitedly.

"Who?"I narrowed my eyes

"Dad"he said and I looked at him shock.

"Really?"I asked and he nodded.

"I was not expecting this at all vibha. He called me and asked me if I'm free to meet him. He said he wanted to talk. I think he's finally considering forgiving us and welcoming us back"he said happily.

I sighed.

"Anand- Don't get your hopes up too much"I said.

"I know but- I'm so happy vibha. The last time he almost kicked me outside his cabin and treated me like shit. But now when he talked- he sounded so calm. Dad never spoke to me like that. I badly want this to work vibha. I want my family back. I want my dad back and I will go upto any extent for him"he said. I smiled and cupped his cheeks.

"Sure"I said. He kissed my forehead.

"Wish me luck baby. And don't tell Anna that I went to meet dad till I'm back okay. He's gonna freak out completely and I wanna surprise him if everything goes right"he said making me nod.

"I love you vibha"

"I love you too anand"I said.

He smiled and hugged me tightly again.


"Have breakfast and go know?"I asked him.

"I'll have it later baby. I can't wait anymore. See you"he left the hold from my waist and walked outside the kitchen with a smile.

There was some strange tightness in my chest seeing him walk away. As if something wasn't right. I wanted to stop Anand. But seeing him smiling like that after so long didn't make me do anything. I wondered what his father wanted to talk to him about after all these months.

I leaned to the counter and prayed inside to make everything right.

Just right.

Anands Point of View


I was waiting in the reception area of dad's clinic. Dad was in his cabin, treating one of his regular patients. My feets tapped the floor continously in nervousness.

I woke up expectedly to his phone call which turned out to be surprising. I can't even remember when was the last time dad actually called me over the phone. I was happy, anxious and tensed as well. When I took the call he asked if I'm free. I said I was and then he said he wanted to meet me as soon as possible and he had something very important to say.

It took me some to accept that this has actually happened. I told him that I'll be in his clinic in an hour and here I'm.

The first thing I wanted to do was to talk to Anna about this. But he didn't even knew about my last visit to dad and how bitterly it had ended. I actually didn't want him to know that for some reason. Dad had hated me enough all his life. Anna also stays away from him because of me and I feel responsible for messing up my family. But if today dad gives me one last chance to fix everything i can, I'm gonna do it. Even if it kills me...whatever it is.

" can go and see Dr. Naren now"the receptionists voice broke my thoughts.

I nodded and got up from the bench. Then I took a deep breath and walked inside dad's cabin. When I walked in dad was seated in his chair and he was going through some files. I knocked on the door to get his attention and he looked up at me. I smiled softly at him. But there was not any sort of expression in his face

"Come inside"thats all he said

I sighed and closed the door behind me. Then I walked towards him.

"Sit down"he said. I pulled a chair and sat opposite to  him.

"How- are you dad?"I asked him. He nodded his head without saying anything.

"You wanted to see me?"I asked.

"Yes. I had taken a very important decision. And I felt it was necessary for you to know that"he said. I looked at him confused but I didn't say anything yet.

He took some files from one of his drawers and pushed it towards me. I looked at the file and then at him.

"What is this?"I asked.

"See it by yourself"he said. I took the files in my hand and opened them. Then I quietly read through the contents. The moment I did, my pupils widened in shock.


I looked up at him. He seemed to be very calm.

"Dad- Will papers? What's this for now?"I asked him.

"I had made a will on some of my assets and properties on yours and vibhas name Anand. So- from today this money and property belongs to you and vibha"he said.

It took me some time to process what he had said.

"But- why dad? I don't need this. I don't need your money. I'm not here for that. I can take care of myself. I can take care of Vibha. Dad- I passed my course with a very decent percentile. And I don't know if you are aware that I'm also doing well in my masters. I'm gonna be a good doctor dad. I will make you proud. I'm not here for your money, I'm here for you. I'm here to ask for forgiveness. Please so whatever you are-"I stopped as soon as he spoke in between.

"I don't care about anything anymore Anand. But this is necessary. I'm giving you this- to get my family back"he said. I looked at him confused.

What does that even mean?

"I don't understand dad"I said.

There is a strange restlessness in his face. He's shifting uncomfortably in his chair. He suddenly got up and walked towards the window, staring outside.

"I want my son back"he said.

Silence again.

"Dad- Can you please stop beating around the bush and tell me what this means?"I asked him.

"I want Jay back Anand. I want my family back"he said and I froze.

I looked at him, blinking my eyes.

What the f*ck does that mean?

I wanted to scream at him. But I also know that he had some intentions.

"What do you mean?"I got up from the chair.

"Take this money Anand. And do whatever you want with it in your life. Go abroad and settle down there with Vibha. That was in your plan right? Do it. Don't come back to India. Never ever"he said.

I took a step back in shock. My head felt like bursting into pieces. I bit my lips to stop myself from loosing my composure.

"Why? Why are you pushing me away? Is this what you want from me? To go away from you forever? From my family? And this- you thought you could buy me with some money"I yelled at him.

"That's where you belong Anand. This is not your family"he said.

I sighed and rubbed my chest while pain rose up my body.

"I can't f*cking believe you dad. I just can't believe you.  You want Anna back and you know as long as I'm there he's not gonna come back to you. What do you want me to do? Leave him? Leave my family?"

"THIS IS NOT YOUR FAMILY!"he shouted and turned towards me.

"Stop saying that will you? You f*cking hate me. I know that. But there are people in that family who are mine. My mom. My sister. My brother. My sister in law. My wife. They all need me. You- you are the one who keeps messing up my life. Do you want me dead? Is that what you want?"I shouted. He froze for few seconds. Tears rolled down his eyes. My eyes was welled up too. But those were tears of agony, pain and anger.

I can't believe him.

"Anand- this is not your family"he said again. I closed my eyes tightly and clenched my fists in anger.

"Why? Because I was f*cking slip of yours?"I asked.

"No. Because you- don't belong to me"he said.

"Dad for god's sake-"

"You're not my son Anand"he said like dropping bomb on my head.

I paused and my entire body felt frozen. The files fell down my hand and I stood there like a dead body.

Did he just say that I'm not his son?

"You- Are not my blood. You don't have any relationship with me. I tried- to love you. I tried so hard to be your father Anand. But- this is who I'm. I'm selfish. I'm ruthless. Like you- I also need my family back. But as long as you're there in our lives- I'll never get to know what peace is. You destroyed my life Anand. And I will always hate you every time I look at you"he said.

My legs collapsed and I sat on the chair, defeated. Everything he said went unheard by me. Hot tears rolled down my eyes. I felt like passing out of air. I felt like dying. There was pain all over my body. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. But nothing happened. I just sat there lifelessly as he told me what I was to him.


I will hate you everytime i look at you.

I will hate myself everytime I look at


Precap : "Why? Why did you choose me?"he yelled like an animal making me wince inside.

I'm feeling so sad for Anand 😭❤️

Hope you all loved the little jay-vennela moments I gave. I also know that you guys wanted to read a little more to that😂 But trust me I'll be giving one lengthy chapter on their romance 😌

Please leave your valuable comments and votes.

Thank U ❤️

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