
By anirrelevantsaucepan

144K 6.5K 1.1K

Dusk turned to night. Blue turned to black. Hot turned to cold. --- Imagine if every breath you took was... More

Victim 1
Victim 2
Victim 3
Victim 4
Victim 5
Victim 6
Victim 7
Victim 8
Victim 10
Victim 11
Victim 12
Victim 13
Victim 14
Victim 15
Victim 16
Victim 17
Victim 18
Victim 19
Victim 20
Victim 21
Victim 22
Victim 23
Victim 24
Victim 25
Victim 26
Victim 27
Victim 28
Victim 29
Victim 30
I'm sorry!
Karma's back - Victim 36 - 63 mitciv - kcab s'amraK
Victim 37 - 73 mitciV
38 - Like Clockwork
Victim 39/30
Victim 40
Victim 41

Victim 9

3.7K 177 12
By anirrelevantsaucepan

It felt like my head would explode. For a second, the pain was so much I wished that I'd blackout again. However, it was gone before I could do anything about it and that left me puzzled, but only for a second. "Hey, Chas. You alive?" Devan interrupted my thought process and I forgot about the pain. The only thought that flowed through my brain was the fact that I didn't want to open my eyes. The light pouring through them was already blinding me and I just couldn't seem to find the strength to do it.

That was until freezing cold water was poured over my head.

It was a shock to the system and I sat up all too fast, making me light headed. To be honest, I was more shocked due to the fact that I could actually feel the cold than the shock of being woken up so suddenly. I scrunched up my nose. "This shit is cold."

"Welcome to the human life, you're gonna love it," I snapped my head around to Axel, ready to glare at him, but my jaw dropped before I could say anything.

So did his.

Not only was his light hair tousled to the point of no return and he looked incredibly cute, but his eyes. Not because they were 'oh so dreamy that you could get lost in the pools of ice', but because they were so... strange looking.

I blinked. He blinked. "Your eye it's... purple..." We both said in union. I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned in to inspect his, as he did with mine. The outside of his left eye was a bright purple, but as the colour went inwards it got darker before it finally turned black. However, the other eye wasn't touched and still shined bright blue. The electricity in his eyes was still there and it was so intense that I felt like I could fall under the pressure.

And I realised at that moment that Axel wasn't all he made out to be. He wasn't happy and his eyes gave that away all too much. And I didn't know whether that was because his eyes had been changed or whether the sadness was always there and I'd just never noticed. But he had glared at me for a brief second and then masked the sadness again. I assumed it was the latter.

He could cover it up perfectly and, for some reason, that made me feel uneasy.

I shook my head and turned towards Devan. "What is this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He waved me off with one of his overly tattooed hands. The black lines were beautiful to say the least, but his hands were annoying. "Don't worry. That'll fade in about an hour. However, when your eyes turn black you'll now have a black and a purple eye. Cool, right?"

"I liked my black eyes," I grumbled under my breath, feeling extremely annoyed.

Axel grinned at me. "I have seriously always wanted purple eyes, and now I have one! This is so fucking great!"

"I'd love to share your enthusiasm," I sneered.

Axel looked at me and blinked, before leaning over to Devan. "I think someone's feeling emotional." He whisper-shouted into his ear.

Devan looked at me, then to Axel. "Yeah. She looks like she's going to blow her roof off any moment."

I slipped one of the shoes I was wearing off of my foot and chucked it in the direction of them both. Luckily for me, it hit Axel on the side of his head and then bounced back and hit Devan. I smirked. "I can hear you know. Just because I got some form of emotions, doesn't mean I can't hear."

Devan rolled his eyes at me, before turning his face back into the serious business man look it was before. "Listen Chasity, your emotions have already developed, considering you're half Karma. It's easier for you, but your emotions will be sky high for about a week. You could go from cloud nine to cloud zero in three seconds flat."

I groaned. "But I don't want that."

"However," Devan continued, ignoring my comment. "Axel here will take a while to actually turn to Karma. He'll go through the stages, before eventually turning into a Newborn and then Karma. I want you to do the wonderful job of taming him and making sure he doesn't devour any souls. Then, and only then, you can go back to your past and fix this."

I looked at Devan and everything suddenly hit me. I'd have to re-live my past and those territories... those territories were unknown to me.

Tears pooled my vision.

"B-But..." I put my head in my hands, lost for words. I was never lost for words. I growled under my breath and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. I hadn't cried in years. I got up from the floor and slammed my fist into the wall behind me. "Stupid fucking thing." I hissed, as I slammed my hand against it again. However, instead of feeling any relief, all I felt was pain crawling up my arm.

Pain. Fucking pain.

"Ow, ow, ow." I turned around with my fist in my hand. Devan looked at me, bewildered. "It hurts." I whined. But before Devan could do anything to fix it, I noticed something shiny on the floor by his foot. It was a penny. I grinned. "Find a penny pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck." I chimed as I scooped it up off of the floor and admired the bronze beauty.

"I didn't think they'd changed that rapidly." Axel said, his voice monotone.

"Neither did I..."

My head snapped up to see them both standing with their eyes wide and their faces completely blank. I furrowed my eyebrows, "what?"

Devan shook his head, before passing me my shoe. "Nothing, nothing. It was lovely seeing you Chas, but you know what they say."

I raised my eyebrows. "What do they say?"

"Gotta dash."

"Who even says that?"

"I do."

"I've never heard you say that."

"I have, now please shut the door on your way out." I rolled my eyes at him and waved him a goodbye with my middle finger. And guess what? I didn't shut the fucking door on the way out.

Axel did.


this is really short and i'm not proud of it and yeah. i'm sorry. i wanted to update because i feel like i'm loosing this story and i don't wanna. but it turned out to be total shit. so yeah, i'm sorry.

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