The adventures of Alison ston...

By manifestshowpov

15K 250 9

This is the story of Ally stone the youngest On the plane daughter to Ben stone and grace stone Story ranking... More

Pilot #2
Pilot #3
Last part of pilot 
Reentry #2
Reentry #3
Reentry last part
Turbulence part 1
Turbulence last part
Unclaimed baggage only part
Only part of connecting flights
Off radar #part one
Off rader last part
Part one of S.N.A.F.U
Last part S.N.A.F.U
Point of no return only part
Dead reckoning only part
Crosswinds only part
Contrails only part
Vanishing point, only part 
Cleared for approach
Hard landing
Estimated time of departure
Fasten your seatbelts 

Reentry part #1

781 11 0
By manifestshowpov

(Time skip to next morning)
Ben: Just me.
Grace: What happened? You were at the airport when the plane exploded?
Ben: We went back to get our luggage. It was a big misunderstanding. We're okay. Sorry.
Grace: I'm sorry. I... I'm a little self-conscious. We were supposed to grow old and flabby together.
Ben: Well, for the record, you look amazing.
( Chuckles )
Ben: Brought your favorite.
( Gasps )
( Chuckles )
Grace: My God. That smell. I had completely forgotten.
Ben: Well, I kind of dropped the ball on my weekly blueberry-scone run. By my calculation, I owe you 291 of these, ( Chuckles ) give or take.
Grace:Thank you.
Cal: I can't find my toothbrush.
Ben: Uh, hey, bud.
Cal: Mine had Batman on it.
Grace: You know what? I got you a whole pack of cool ones. Come on.
Ally: Daddy
Ben: hey sweetheart
(Ben picks up the young girl)

Coffee? Really?

Ben: So that's what 16-year-olds are doing.
Olive: It's mostly milk and sugar.
Ben: Hey, so, I've been thinking. Maybe after school, we could hang out a bit, you know, catch up. I want to hear about, you know, everything.
Olive:I have practice, and I fell pretty behind in my homework last week. Maybe tomorrow.
Ben: Great. Whenever.
( Eerie music plays )
Ben:What is that?
Olive: What?
Ben: That music. You don't... You don't hear that?
Olive Maybe Alexa acting up in the den. Ben:Who's Alexa?
Grace: Sweetie, it fits. It's just a narrower cut. I think you look cool. After treatment, we'll go shopping, okay?
Cal: I just feel weird in this.
Ben: Come on. Let's see if we can go drum up something a little less weird-feeling.
Olive: Did you tell him yet?
Grace: I will. Soon.
Olive: Mom, this isn't cool. He deserves to know.
(Olive walks away)
(Grace looks down at the little girl who is stuck to her hip)
Grace: what am I gonna do ally
Ally: mama don't know
(Ally babbled as she shrugged her shoulders)

Cal: Do you have any different-colored pens?

Grace Uh, no, but we can get you a whole bunch at the store... Sketchpad like you had, the works.
Cal: Okay.
( Cellphone rings, clicks )
Saanvi: Hey, guys.
Ben:Honey, this is, uh, the doctor I told you about.
Nice to meet you.
Grace: Oh, hi, there. You all being on the plane together, it's miraculous.
Saanvi: Yeah, so my parents say. They've been praying at every meal. But right now, I'm gonna focus my energy on this guy. You ready for round two, buddy?
Cal: Yep.
Ben:See you, bud.
Grace: Get ' em
( okie I'm going to pretty much skip everything from there to when grace cal and Ben get back to the house this is where I'm going to add a new bit for ally)

Ben: I mean, come on. We got a cop that lives in our house.

(Ben runs up the stairs and passes it youngest daughters room not before looking inside to see his daughter just sitting on the floor holding her teddy bear tight)
Ben: Ally honey is everyone ok
(Ben walks into ally's room and kneels down in front of the small girl)
Ally: Da- dada I'm scared
Ben: what of sweetheart
Ally: there was a voice inside my head telling me to stop when I was playing outside looking at the bugs
(Ben looks at his 2 year old in shock hoping she wasn't getting the same thing as him)
Ben: maybe it was mommy you know she doesn't like you playing or touching the bugs
(Ben says to try avoid jumping to conclusion)
Ally: no dada it was my voice
(Ben grabs the girls hands and puts them in his hands but all of a sudden he's put in to a flash back of ally playing with bugs and the voice stop that ally was talking about he jumps back into reality looking around and shocked to find out his youngest daughter was having the same thing as him)
Ben: Ally did you feel that
(Ben looks up at his daughter white as a ghost who's nose has started to bleed and looks as if she was going to faint)
Ben: Ally
(The girl faints into her fathers arms scaring ben he picks up his daughter and runs down the stairs)
Ben: GRACE, grace
Grace: ben what's wrong what's going o-
(Grace walks through the door way to see her lifeless daughter in bens arms)
Grace: oh my what happened
Ben: we have to get her to a hospital now
Grace: cal hurry and get down here now
(The four of them get to the hospital. Ben runs in with his daughter still unconscious in his arms)
ben: HELP my daughter she's-
( he rushes in yelling for help, Saanvi who was at the front desk at the time rushes over to them)
Saanvi: what happened
Ben: I was talking to her and her nose started to bleed and she was pale as a ghost then she just passed out
(At this time grace and cal and caught up to saanvi and Ben, the nurses bring a bed and ben lays his two year old down)
Saanvi: I promise we will do all we can but can I please get you guys to wait in the waiting room
Ben: I want to be with my daughter
Saanvi: I know but it's a lot harder having the parents in the room I'm so sorry
(Ben watches as his little girl gets whisked away he pulls his son and wife into a side hug)
Cal: dad is ally going to be ok
Ben: yes she will don't worry
(They sit in the waiting room for what feels like hours Ben calls his sister to let her know and she's devastated she wishes she could be there but there was an emergency at work)
(Saanvi walks down the corridor to the family)
(Everyone stands up)
Ben: what's the news is she ok
Saanvi: good news she's fine we ran some tests and they all came back normal she's actually waking up now but there was something I needed to talk to you guys about privately
Ben: cal do you wanna go see your sister to see how she is I bet she misses her big brother
Cal: ok
(He walks away)
Grace: ok what's wrong
Saanvi: so it appears when we had done some testing we found nothing had changed which is great if she had just turned two you see the results you guys have from her two year check up and right before the plane as she had got a cold we're around the same she hadn't grown so that was a little strange but her test came back the exact same that she was when she was just two.
Ben: so she's stopped growing
Saanvi: I'm afraid so but I want to keep an eye on her to make sure this doesn't happen again or if she grows.
Grace: so your telling me my daughter is going to be 2 for the rest of her life
Saanvi: I don't want to have to diagnose it that just yet but the look of results yes she could be 2 for the rest of her life I'm so sorry
Ben: it has to be the plane something happened we all paused in time and ageing but ally just never unpaused
Grace: this isn't fair she's never going to be able to grow up have a family she's going to have to live at home while we get old and she's still 2
Ben: not the right time but your atleast have a hip buddy forever now
(They chuckle)
Ben: is that all doc
(Saanvi nods and the two walk down to see there daughter who's up in her bed smiling and giggling with her big brother but Ben is still very worried of what he has just found out about his daughter does this happen all the time if he were to hold her hands, why did she pass out why did this have to happen to his little girl, was it happening to cal to so many questions ran through bens mind they soon were discharged and ally was taken home and put into her bed to rest)

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