
By What_If_Universe

35 1 0

Sequel to When Worlds Collide: A year has passed since the Earth-X invasion, but now Tony Stark and Peter Par... More

The Legends
Mysterious Changes
Legends vs Avengers
The end approaches

Old habits

8 0 0
By What_If_Universe

Strange didn't know why, but he knew something was going to happen. He had a feeling he hasn't had since...Thanos. He's been getting reports from dozens of sorcerers that world's have been getting destroyed and he doesn't know why. Wong suddenly learns something and races to find Strange after several signs have proven the worse.

"What dose all of this mean, Wong?" Strange asks him as seeing the red and blue dark clouds surrounding New York.

"It means someone to trying to send a universal message. Something tells me that they are not sending a greeting." Wong answers and now Strange is wishing they still had the time stone.

At the Raft, you can say things aren't as fun with the fact their number one escapees always break out with the same excuses. To destroy Peter Parker, Spider-Man. And as of right now, Quentin Beck, or Mysterio depending who you ask, is as of now having another one of his fits he was thrown back into the Raft.

"Quite winning, Beck. Maybe you should focus on your thirteen life sentences, rather then keep adding into it." One of the guards mock him and Beck turns to counterattack, but once he does turn around...he sees he's alone. Even the other cells that held his other Sinister Six members are now empty.

"Quentin Beck." A menacing voice calls out to the man and he turns to see a dark, bearded man in some Wakandan like suit that reminded him of Vision's look.

"I need your help, Beck." The man who suddenly appeared in his cell explains. "I don't know what this is...but I'm not falling for this." Quentin says, when the vibranium doors for his cell get blown off.

"My god...how did you...? What are you?" Beck asks the man. "Something beyond your comprehension." He only replies and starts walking closer towards Beck and he's getting worried and backs away. "I've traveled far to this place and time to lay this precious burden at your feet. Use this book to reshape the world as you see fit. Show them your true potential can really do, Beck. Instead of creating illusions of power, create your own reality." He explains and hands Beck an oversized book.

"Why me? There are thousands of people out there who aren't criminals." Beck questions him, not understanding why he chose him. "You have vision. That book holds the key to your transformation, Beck, all that has to be done is open it."

Beck then decides to just open it and see what happens. But once he opens it, he feels the power of everything and everyone in the universe and realizes it's not a fake. "The universe is in your hands."

"I can...I can see everything. I can feel everything." Beck states.

"A quick word of advice; think big." He states and disappears.

Back in the sanctum, a wave of energy attacks all of the sorcerers, but before it could hit him, Strange opens a portal and escaped at the last second.

"I hope you're prepared, Avengers. There's no telling what's been done to our reality." Strange mumbles to himself, not knowing what he can do now, except find out what happened and find who was contacting them.

The next day, the red and blue clouds have gone as far as Fairburn, Georgia Stark lake-house all the way to upstate New York, but what's strangest is yet to come.

"Honey, you better get up." Pepper call's out to her husband, Tony Stark, but who woke up in the bed was an aged Peter Parker.

"What?" Peter asks himself as he looks to where he is. "I don't remember visiting the Stark's." Peter states when he sees a picture that used to be of him receiving the Stark internship, but it's now showing him being the one giving the Stark internship to someone else. Who by the looks of him, looks like a younger Tony Stark. Peter then starts getting really creeped out and decides to check the ultimate test, he removes his shirt and sees a scar that was left after Tony Stark's surgery to get rid of the arc reactor from his chest.

Peter's now super freaked out and confused, and needs to figure out what's going on and decides heads downstairs where he finds mrs. Stark. She just gives him a smile and Peter looks around the room to see everything has changed. The photos have been replaced with himself. Even the pictures and articles to do with Iron Man, but it still shows his name is Tony Stark. "Look who finally decided to get up, dear." Pepper tells him and walks over to him, and gives him a quick kiss and moves to the couch.

"Whoa, wait. What if Tony saw...wait, where's Tony?" Peter asks her and pepper gives him a confused look. "Did you spend too much time in your lab again or something?" Pepper asks him while laughing.

"Tony, are you feeling okay?" She questions her husband, while he is having a small anxiety attack and realizes he can have them. "I'm Tony? That's explains why I look like this." Peter mumbles to himself and Pepper is seriously confused. "Okay, Tony, you're confusing me." Pepper tells him.

"I...just didn't get enough sleep." Peter says and moves down to the basement, Tony's workshop where he started the time heist.

"Welcome back, boss." The voice of Friday greets him. "Hey, there, Friday. I need you to do something for me. I need you to catch me up on everything that's happened since the incident at Stark Industries with Obadiah Stane." Peter tells Friday, wanting to figure out what's going on.

Meanwhile in New York City, Spider-Man is thrown around like a rag doll into the wall.

"Ow." The voice of Tony Stark says and it takes him a moment to realize where he is. "What the hell?" He asks and looks at his hands to realize he's wearing the Iron-Spider and is fighting Otto Octavius. "Looks like I win this time, you pesky insect!" Otto states to Spider-Man.

"Spiders are arachnid's, where'd you get your degree?" The voice of Mayday fills the room as she flies in and grabs Stark.

"Dad, your suit okay?" She asks him and Stark is completely confused about what she's saying. "Come on, I'll bring you to Bruce once we're done, but we need to stop Otto first." Mayday tells him.

"Okay, you get a plan?" Tony asks her, going with the punches. Quite literally since a metallic arm comes flying at his face and his hands go automatically to stop it from smashing him. "I'm Spider-Man?" Tony asks and then sees they're in the sewers. "Dad, above us." Mayday says and Tony looks up to see a overflow pipe filled with water, hopefully enough to submerge Otto so they can take his arms out.

"You will not stop me this time!" Otto informs them as he marches towards them. Tony works quick and leaps to the pipe and starts prying it free, then got pushed off with the water coming in. He tries grabbing onto the roof as the water comes in and his fingers automatically stick to the ceiling.

Otto's arms starts sparking and Mayday takes this time to fly in and taser Otto in the back and grabs onto the ceiling herself. Once all of the water passed, Mayday took her leave to the Raft to drop off Otto, Tony went to visit Avengers Compound. But as he's going, his mask retreats and he realizes that he's been de-aged back to how he looked even before the cave.

Once he got to the compound, Bruce gives him a checkup with dr. Hellen Cho as MJ makes it after dropping their year old son, Benjamin, off at daycare. "Hey, you okay? I heard Otto escaped again?" MJ asks Tony.

"I...feel fine." Tony tells her, not knowing what else to say. "Bruce, is he?" MJ asks the green giant. "He seems perfectly healthy, just a little banged up from getting thrown into the wall of the sewer." Bruce answers her.

"Really? There are no anomalies, Bruce? Like no brain tumors or anything?" Tony asks one of his oldest friends. "Pete, you're perfectly fine. I would suggest getting some rest, but that's about it." Bruce replies to him.

"Okay, maybe I should...I just need some air." Tony says and heads outside.

Once he reaches the outside, he lets it all out. "What the heck is going on?!" He shouts and hears his iron thrusters and turns to see his own suit stumbling down to him and makes a landing.

Once the suit is straight up, the mask reveals Peter Parker. "I was wondering the exact same thing." Peter states to Stark.

They went to peters labs in the compound to think, and they've come up with nothing. "This cant just be a coincidence. The two of us know something is wrong, but nobody believes something happened. There has to be a explanation for all of this, meaning someone is responsible for doing this to us. We need to know what has changed." Tony states and Peter pulls up what he found.

A dozen articles appear talking about Stark with Peter's face and the video of Beck outing out Peter as Spider-Man shows a picture of Tony instead.

"This doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to happen. Who would gain anything from any of this?" Peter wonders and thinks of something. "Wait, they don't believe us because this is our reality. What if we jump realities?" Peter asks Tony and he's confused. "What do you mean jump realities?" Tony asks him. "We go to Earth-1, get Barry, Caitlin, or even Cisco and see if they remember us." Peter explains his plan.

"Well, how do we get to their universe?" Tony asks him, then oone man came to mind. "Strange." They Both say together.

"You look weird with grey hair, by the way." Tony tells Peter as he leaves and turns back around. "How are we getting there?" He asks Peter and they both realize that they can't get there their own way.

"Have you got anything on this strange thunder, Bruce?" Steve asks as he walks into the labs. "All I've found is that it's all blue clouds with red strikes around them. Not exactly an everyday phenomenon." Bruce tells the old man.

"Yeah it's completely weird." Bruce states as Bucky comes in. "Hey, what's happening?" He asks them.

"Just trying to figure out what's happening with the weather. Hey, have you seen Peter? He seemed to have vanished." MJ asks the Earth-X duplicate of their dead friend.

"No, I haven't, but I'll keep an eye out for him." Bucky says and starts walking down an empty hall and suddenly hears voices. "You're best giving up now." It says and he sees the same man who was talking with Beck earlier.

"Who the hell is this?" He asks himself in fear.

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