Miraculous Days in Beverly Hi...

By vintage_retro_queen

533 1 2

Marinette is accepted to a new high school. It did require her family to move, though. They didn't mind at al... More

Chapter Two-Now Even With Secrets (The Dog Ate My Homework)

Chapter One-First Day, First Event (Double-Surfing, Double Cross)

142 0 0
By vintage_retro_queen

The sun rises up in the sky in one of America's known cities and states, Beverly Hills, California.

Where Marinette woke up bright and early with a happy expression on her face. She hasn't slept very well in a long time. With no Akuma attacks or any patrols, she has the best sleep for the first time in a long time. And she is excited because today is the first day of her new school.

After the Kwamis woke up bright and early, they and Marinette headed downstairs for breakfast. There, they see Tom, Sabine, Gina, and Roland smile at them. They all ate breakfast, talk, and enjoy their time as a family. After breakfast, Marinette gets ready by showering, washing her face, brushing her teeth, blow-drying, brushing, styling her hair, choosing the new outfit that she had designed, grabbing her book bag, and heading down to leave for school. Gina offers to take her there while the Kwamis and her parents and grandpa hold the fort of their new bakery.

After driving a motorcycle, Gina dropped Marinette off at her new school. When Marinette heads into the school building, she looks around amazed. The school inside looked like it cost a huge fortune to build it. When she looks around, she sees a lot of kids that are rich, high class, and so on. When she heads over to the principal's office, she gets her class schedule, her locker number, and its combination. When she was walking down the hallways, she hasn't noticed the looks she was getting from the teens in the school building. The kids are looking at her with various expressions. Some are looking amazed at her, some are neutral, some are funnily looking at her, and some are looking at her as if she's a new rich girl who is wearing common clothing. When Marinette got to her locker, she puts her stuff in there and gets her aerobics outfit, towel, and water bottle out. After closing her locker, she heads over to the locker room to change into her aerobics outfit.

'I'm just glad my class is not like the one in gyms. I mean, thanks to Lie-la and her new little sheep, I have to not do gym work and they have to walk on laps fifty times and miss their next class. Heck, I'm just glad that Zoe contacted the school board and they started investigations and chose to start with the cameras after I left. I wish I was there to see the whole movie.' She thought to herself as she changes. When she was done and got out of the locker and starts heading over to the gym. When she got there, she looks around amazed. 'Boy, this place isn't as much as the gyms we have back in Paris, France. This looks...Miraculous!' she thought to herself, looking around. But her curiosity was with the amplifiers, lights, and fog machines. That was until she hears the doors opening. She turns to see a lot of high-class kids that appear to be around her age but combined with some appearances as Chloe. But in a very friendly good way. "Hi, are you new here?" one of the girls asked. Marinette nodded with a small smile on her face. "I'm Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She said. "I'm Larke Tanner. And these are my friends and boyfriend." After a bit of getting to know her, now new friends, they all started with aerobics. Marinette thought it was fun. It was better than running laps around the gym and dodgeball. Both that, and she's starting to like Gig and Jett, the rock and roll duo's music. They're like Luka and Jagged Stone combined.

After they finished and Gig and Jett finished playing music for them, Marinette and the rest cheered and applaud.

"What a neat idea to have Gig and Jett play for our aerobics class." Larke said happily. "It certainly beats that tacky recorded music." Said Pierce Thorndyke III. "My, that Gig and Jett certainly are good." "Yeah, you guys did amazing! Wonderful...Miraculous!" Marinette said with a glowing prideful smile on her face. Gig and Jett smiled, happy to know that Marinette, the new girl of Beverly Hills really likes their music. While Marinette is getting her towel and her water bottle, she then hears a voice that kinda sounded like Chloe, but a bit off and different.

"No, no, keep on with what you were doing. Don't stop the entire class just because of me. Although, who can blame you?"

Marinette turned to see a long raven-haired female with light-blue/ice green eyes and is wearing a pink and red outfit with emeralds and white diamonds and pearls. While there's a boy that looks around her age that is carrying a lot of things and following right behind the raven-haired female. Marinette tilts her head in confusion until one of her new friends, Nikki Darling starts walking to her. "Bianca, you're late!" 'Bianca, huh? Hm, that's new.' Marinette thought to herself. "Yes, I know. Fashionably late." Bianca started, as she continues, "Haven't you heard, darling? Being on time is so Goesh." "And we all know that Bianca is one of the original Goesh-Busters." The boy said. Marinette giggles a bit from that joke. "Just why must we do all of this ridiculous jumping around while she doesn't have to do a thing?" Pierce asks as Bianca opens one of her bags to show them a note. "It's simple. Because I brought a note from my doctor, forbidding me to...perspire." "Oh, brother," Blaze muttered. 'Even though I just barely know Beverly Hills and Bianca. But it feels like I'm seeing a double of Chloe.' Marinette thought to herself. Marinette's thoughts were cut off by a gasp. She turned to see Bianca with a panicked expression on her face. "What's wrong?" Marinette asked. "I feel a slight drop of moist forming on my upper lip," Bianca said in a panic. "Oh no! Here, my precious. Allow me to cool you off." The boy said as he gets a huge feather out of one of the bags and starts waving it to Bianca to stop the moisture. 'I don't really like to judge but looks like Chloe and Sabrina both have a competition for Queen Bee and Friend Award. Heck, if Chloe and Sabrina were here, Chloe and Bianca could be competing to see who has the best life.' Marinette thought to herself, imagining what would happen if Chloe and Bianca did have competition. But while she was thinking away, Nikki got everyone's attention for an announcement.

"Remember, that today is the big Double-Surfing Contest at the Teen Club Beach!"

"Hey, surfing! Right on!" one of the guys, Radley said excitedly. "So make sure each of you has a partner!" Nikki said, finishing her announcement. Marinette looked surprised. 'Okay, this is new. Today's the first day of my new school, and all of a sudden, there's an event going on today...I'm starting to like Beverly Hills already.' She thought to herself smiling. Just then, Bianca walks in clinging onto Troy, and talks to him flirtatiously. "Hello, Troy~. How would you like to be MY partner in the Double Surfing Contest this afternoon?" "Gee, I'm sorry, Bianca. But I already made plans to partner up with Larke." Said Troy. "Troy, maybe you ought to take Bianca. She's a much better surfer than I am." Larke said, insisting Troy. "No way, Larke. A promise is a promise." Said Troy. Troy then turns to Bianca. "Sorry, Bianca. Maybe next time." And with that, they walk over to talk to Marinette. "And next time, sooner than you think," Bianca murmured to herself. Marinette turns to Larke and Troy who are walking to her. "Hey, Marinette. Have you ever tried surfing before?" Troy asked. "Well, not really. I have never tried it before." Marinette said as she scratch the back of her neck.

While they were talking about helping Marinette surf on time, and some of their classmates were leaving to change back into their clothes in their locker rooms, a ten-year-old smart kid, Chester McTech walks to Pierce.

"Who are you teaming up with, Pierce?" he asked. "Only the hottest hotdogger in all of Beverly Hills." "Really? How did you arrange that?" "Simple, Chester. I programmed C.A.D. here to locate the prettiest and best surfer in Beverly Hills. And it came up with this." After that, C.A.D. showed a photo of a teen girl saying, "Miss Amanda Crystal. Seventeen, hair, blond, eyes, hazel, Westcoast surfing champion for the past three years...And she deserves better than you." "Just the statistics, please, and never mind the editorial comments," Pierce said, scolding C.A.D. about its comment. "Gosh, she's beautiful." Said Chester. "Naturally." Pierce said, "An internationally renowned playboy like myself can't afford to be seen with someone who's less than perfect." He said proudly. "In that case, I suggest you take a closer look," C.A.D. said zooming into Amanda's face, which shows one zit that is on her face. "Oh no! A zit!" Pierce said worriedly. "Precisely." "This is awful! Just think what this could do to my reputation!" "Anything would be an improvement," C.A.D. said which made Pierce shake his head, turn his cell phone off, and start talking to himself.

"I've got to find a dynamite-looking replacement. But who?" Pierce starts looking around, to see if there are any of his female classmates not with any partner. He sees Larke and Troy talking to Marinette as they still go on talking to each other and enjoying each other's company, and thought that the two of them already going to partner up. He shakes his head no, and then turned to see Jett as she and Gig are packing their equipment. Pierce smiled. 'Of course! Jett!' he thought to himself. When he got to them, he started talking to Jett, "Tell me, Jett. Who is the unfortunate fellow you're going to break your date with in order to team up with me in the surfing contest?" "You want to surf with me?! I'm totally freaking!" Jett squealed in delight. "Back off, mate! Jett and me are entering as a team." "Would you kindly chill up, Gig? It was like your idea that we shouldn't date each other. You said that romance and a career don't mix, remember?" "That was quite intelligent, Gig. For a rock and roll musician. Come along, Jett. We should really practice our moves. I know I certainly intend to practice mine." Gig glared at the two of them while turning to see Marinette, Larke, and Troy walking out of the aerobics class together. "New friends first." Said Troy. "How nice." Marinette giggles as she walks out with Larke and then Troy following behind. Gig's guitar then insults him for losing the girl that he probably likes now even though they just met and the girl he performs with. After that small tease, Gig kicks the guitar case close shut saying, "Who asked you?"

After hitting the showers and drying off, they went back to the locker rooms to change back to their original clothes. But while they were finishing. Blaze groans, "Don't you just simply detest these teeny little lockers they give us?" "Really, they're so cramped, it's the gag!" Jett said as she finishes up with her hair. "I must admit, they are sort of small." Said Larke. "Small?" Bianca asks, "My broom closet is larger than this." "I'm not surprised. With all the brooms you ride around on." Nikki said as she puts on her fur coat. "Oh really? Well, let me tell YOU something, Nikki!" Bianca said furiously. "Not so fast! My listeners wouldn't want to miss a word of this!" one of the girls, Brenda "Switchboard" McTech said while holding her tape recorder and microphone to Bianca.

Suddenly, "A mouse!" one of the girls yelped out. The girls screamed in panic as there's a mouse started running around.

Meanwhile, Pierce was walking down the hallway thinking to himself about Jett being his partner for the Double Surfing Contest. "Hm, I wonder if I was too hasty of asking Jett to be my partner. After all, with my charm, I could have any of the girls." He said to himself. Just then, he sees the girls running and screaming, Marinette however, is grabbed by the hand by Larke as they ran out. Pierce smiled, "I knew it!" he said to himself. "Jett must've told them about us teaming up, and now they're wild with jealousy." As the girls ran, he said to them, "Girls, girls, a little dignity! There's enough of me for all of you!" he said to them. Unfortunately for him, they just continued running and avoided him. After they ran, Marinette somehow lost them and is all by herself now. Marinette looks left and right and then shrugs. She then takes out her cell phone and decided to take this time to check on her friends back in Paris.

But when she got on her phone, she sees a lot of missed calls and messages from Adrien. She rolled her eyes and started deleting them and blocked Adrien's number. After that, Marinette hears Larke calling to her. She heads over to her and Troy and Larke starts talking to her. "Marinette, Troy, and I decided to actually help you for the Double Surfing contest. Troy hired a surfing trainer for you, and I found someone that can partner up with you." "Really?" "Of course. And don't worry. She'll be there in a snap." "Come on. I'll take you to pick out your bathing suit. On me." Larke said as they all walked to their next class.

After school, everyone is already shopping for their swimsuits, sunblock, tanning lotion, and surfboards. Marinette is already with someone offering her some help with some workers while Larke is doing a quick photoshoot for the cover of TeenScene Magazine.

Meanwhile, Bianca is in her limo, heading over to the mall with the boy, her chauffeur/lackey, Wilshire Brentwood. "Troy doesn't know it yet, but he's going to be MY surfing partner today." She said to himself. That was until Wilshire starts to speak up. "How can that be, Bianca? He already told you he's taking Larke." "Wilshire, you don't understand the first thing about girls, do you? The more a boy reject us, the more we want him." Said Bianca. Wilshire sighs, "I guess it works the same way for us guys too." He said. Just then, Bianca gasps when she saw something that caught her eye. She told Wilshire to stop, and when he did, she started eyeing a swimsuit that must be worth millions or billions.

"That's it!" she said, still looking at the swimsuit. "That's the bathing suit that's gonna change Troy's mind. Once he sees me in that creation, he'll dump Larke like yesterday's caviar." And with that, she carries her poodle and starts walking into the shop, to get that swimsuit.

Meanwhile, Marinette is already in the walk-in dressing room, looking over the swimsuits the workers recommended to her. She started looking at them and another one then came in, holding another swimsuit that looked like it was worth millions or billions. Marinette looks at it shocked, surprised, and a bit uncertain. But she then starts to think. 'Hmm, I guess I can give it a go.' She thought to herself, giving in while holding the million-billion swimsuit. When she tried it on, she was surprised to see that it fits her perfectly. After changing back into her clothes, she got out holding the swimsuit and stopped to see Larke talking to someone. When they turned to her, Marinette sees that it is a girl that is around her age. The girl looks to be an Italian with deep brown hair that is down almost to her back and chocolate-brown eyes. The girl is wearing a pink school uniform and a black tie with a tie-clip that has a heart, a matching pink plaid skirt, black leggings with white socks, white heel boots, a pink headband with real stud gems, and earrings with pink bows on them. "Marinette, perfect timing. I want you to meet Mary-Loukritia Corleone. Everybody calls her Lucy or Lou for short. She's from the school our school is allies with, Bernstein Academy." Larke said introducing Marinette to the girl. "Ciao, Marinette," Lou said gleefully. Marinette smiles happily, "It's nice to meet you too, Lou." She said. "Lou is going to be your partner in the Double-Surfing Contest," Larke said. Marinette smiled. Even though it was all sudden and a little quick in her opinion, however, since it is her first day in Beverly Hills in America, she decided to live and deal with it.

After a while of finishing some studying and learning how to surf on time, it was time for the Double-Surfing Contest. Larke and the girls picked Marinette up to take her to the Teen Club. While they were on the way, Larke, who is driving them there, asked Nikki, Bianca, Marinette, and Lou, "How is it back there? Got everything you need?" "Everything except toppings." Lou said as Nikki finishes the sentence, "It looks like we're all out of whipped cream." "What a bore." Said Bianca. "Now we'll have to trade this thing in." "Not a problem guys," Marinette said as she gets two bottles of whipped cream. "My family is always prepared when it comes to things such as this." "Your family is real life savers, Marinette," Lou said as she and Nikki take the two bottles and put them in the dispenser. Meanwhile, in the small pool in the back of the limo car, Tara Belle, Shanelle Spencer, Blaze Summers, and Jett are talking about the Double-Surfing contest. "I just can't wait for the Double-Surfing contest." Said Blaze. "That Larke is so lucky." Shanelle said, "She's got Troy for her partner. He's such a babe." "He is like, so stunning looking," Jett said, as she dazed off in fantasy land. "I'd love to surf off into the sunset with a hunk like him." "Why, Jett, darling, I do believe you got a little ol' crush on Troy Jeffries," Tara said which made Blaze say, "I'd say it was a major crush." Jett panicked a bit asking, "Is that obvious?!" "Only, totally!" Shanelle giggled. "I'm embarrassed to the max!" Jett said blushing furiously. "You won't tell Larke, would you?!" "I promise you, the news will never go beyond this hot tub." Shanelle said which causes Tara to say, "My mouth is hushed." "You sure?" Jett asked. "Don't worry, Jett. Your secret is safe with us." Blaze said which made Brenda pop up from nowhere in the pool saying, "Speak for yourselves, girls! I've got a gossip calling train!" The girls gasp from surprise when Switchboard appeared, eavesdropping to everything. "Thanks for spilling your guts, Jett! Now I've got my lead story!" Brenda said until the rest of the girls in the hot tub lift their feet and have them push Brenda's head back in the pool water.

After that, the girls were finally at the Teen Club and Teen Club Beach. "We're here, girls! Everybody out!" Larke said happily while the rest of the girls got out of the car and walked to the beach. There, Troy and Pierce were in their swimming trunks. "Hi, girls," Pierce said which made the girls run to Troy while Lena walks to Jordan. "Hi, Troy!" the girls said which made Troy say happily to them, "Hi, everybody!" Larke said happily, "What a perfect day for surfing. Just look at those waves!" "There's something missing from this picture." Blaze said which made Shanelle ask, "And what's that?" "Radley!" suddenly, a flying surfboard came and it has Radley controlling it. "Did somebody mention my name?" he asked as the propellers from his surfboard close down and the surfboard was on the waves and his feet is on the sand. "Hey, dudes!" he said which made Larke say happily, "Hi, Radley! I was afraid you wouldn't show up for the surfing competition." "And I was afraid you would," Pierce said sarcastically. "Yeah, nobody stands a chance against a primo hotdogger like you," Troy said happily. "Hey, come on, you guys! Anybody can win this contest. It's like up for grabs, you know." Radley said which made Nikki run to him and say, "In that case, I grabbed you for my partner!" "No, I do!" Shanelle said. "Mama Mia." Lou mumbled underneath her breath as she and Marinette watched unamusingly at the scene of Nikki, Shanelle, and Nikki trying to surf with Radley. 'And here I thought my former obsession was insane and stupid.' Marinette thought to herself.

After that, everyone were all prepared for the contest. "Okay, teams. Now, remember the rules. The first couple to cross the finish line is the winner!" Shanelle said which made Radley say, "Hey, that makes sense." "Surfers, start your surfboards!" after hearing that, Marinette heads to her surfboard and starts surfing with Lou, Larke, and Troy. When they are surfing, Larke said to them, "I don't think we'll stand a chance, guys. All the others have such fancy surfboards." "We'll just have to do the best we can," Troy said which made Lou nod agreeing with him. Suddenly, Marinette gets their attention, pointing to something that is in the ocean. "Hey, what is that?" "Oh, freak. I say, that's a shark." Lou said, not surprised seeing the shark in the ocean. "What do we do?" Larke asks, holding onto Troy. "Well the important thing is not to panic." Marinette then suddenly kneels down and at the right time, hits the shark by the nose yelling, "Get out of here!" which caused it to swim off. "Marinette, that was incredible!" Larke said, both happy and relieved while Troy asks her, "How did you do that?" "It wasn't really the first time I encounter a shark. It happened once when I was on vacation." Marinette said, trying to cover up from one of the Akuma attacks she was once in. "If Scorpion and Lionheart were here, their jaws would've fell to the floor seeing you bravely do that." Lou said jokingly, causing the four to laugh, regardless of not knowing who Lionheart or Scorpion is.

Suddenly, "What the heck was that?" Lou asks. "Beats me," said Troy. Until they notice that it was going into a tidal wave. "Hang on, guys!" Troy said while they were trying to hold themselves and their surfboards in balance. "Hey, dudes! Mondo surf today, huh?" Radley asked while he was surfing with Blaze on their surfboard. "You know it!" Marinette said which made Troy say, "Yeah! Definitely awesome!"

Back at land, the rest of the teens see them. "They're heading towards the finish line!" Jett said happily. When the wave got to the sand, Larke said happily to Marinette, Lou, and Troy, "We won!"

After that, Shanelle said out loud and proud, "And so, I'm proud to present these jewel-encrusted platinum Loving cups to Larke, Troy, Lucy, and Marinette. For being the Teen Club's most perfectly matched surfing couples!" when she hands the trophies to them, their friends applauded and congratulated them. "Nettie and I'd like to thank the one person who made winning this possible." "Larke and I would too. And that person is..."

"Bianca." Marinette, Larke, Troy, and Lou said in unison. And everyone laughed.

After the Double-Surfing Contest was over, Marinette was back home, putting her copy of the trophy up in her new shelf. She then looks at her phone, seeing a message from Lou. Showing an image of her, and her friends Angie McKay-Ramone and Courtney Carrington smiling at the camera, showing the trophy, and told about her wonderful time surfing with Marinette and the gang. Marinette smiled seeing that there are people who are now her new true friends. After a while, she heads to her room and went to bed. 'This is the best school day of my life, and I know that this school will be the school I remember forever.' she thought as she starts to close her eyes and sleep away.

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