𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜...

By emylerele

74.3K 780 734

cringe warning cringe warning cringe warning i wrote most of these oneshots ages ago pls i hate them but i do... More

🚪Visitor🚪PT 1
🚪Visitor🚪PT 2
👋First Meet👋
🧡Luke's crush🧡
🚪Visitor🚪PT 3
💍The Proposal💍
🗣️Telling Family🗣️
💓🕺Valentine's dance💃💓
1K Reads!?
🚪Visitor🚪PT 4 (finale)
🤧Sick Day🤧
💋7 minutes in heaven💋
🩷Never been kissed🩷
💔What happened?💔
🩶I'm sorry🩶
💜Am I weird?💜
🌧️Fun in the Rain🌧️
🏖️Beach Day🏖️ (Incomplete)
🌑In the Alleyway🌑
💕Our special day💕
#1 in LANDER
🛍️Shopping Spree🛍️
📚Study Date📚
♥️I'm yours♥️
💞Meant to be💞
💔Don't ignore your problems💔
Should I make a book 2?
🖤Are you cheating on me?🖤
🎶The story of our lives🎶
💢How could he?💢
🔪I'll always protect you🔪
🎉🧡Luke's birthday🧡🎉
15k reads already??
🎡Ferris wheel🎡
⌛10 years ago⌛
🎀Prom night🎀
Zander's birthday 💜
💟 braids 💟
💓new addition💓

🩵Slow dancing🩵

759 19 15
By emylerele

Type: fluff <3

The cold night rushed through the streets of a small town, the wind whispered through the trees, blowing the leaves everywhere, as November had just begun.

It was around midnight, and once certain purple haired male couldn't get to sleep that night. He shuffled around in his bed before rolling over, being met with facing his fiancé, who was sound asleep. Zander smiled to himself, staring in adoration at the man he loved. Even though the lighting was dim, he could still make out all his perfect features.

He reached a hand over and stoked his cheek with the back of his hand, thinking to himself. His mind kept wandering, no matter how much he had tried to get some sleep that night. He gave a deep exhale and decided to head downstairs and try and get his mind off his thoughts for a while.

He slowly got out of bed, know how much of a light sleeper Luke was, and tiptoed down the stairs, avoiding the last one as he knew it would let out a horrible creak when stepped on.

He made it to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, grabbing some vanilla milkshake left over from yesterday, and poured it into a small glass. He didn't bother turning the light on, as the refrigerator light was enough to help him see, and he didn't want to be blasted with too much light, as his eyes were used to the dark.

Leaving the refrigerator door open, he pulled out a chair from the table and sat down, sipping his milkshake slowly. He stared at the wall for a few minutes, trying to get himself sleepy, however it wasn't working. He was wide awake for some reason, and it's not like he got that much sleep the previous nights either.

He took another sip of his milkshake before he heard that familiar creak on the bottom step on the staircase, and immediately he was greeted with his fiancé.

"Honey, are you alright?" The brunette asked, his voice rasp from presumably having just woken up. He walked over to the pianist and put a hand on his shoulder.

Zander layed the back of his head onto Luke's chest, "Yeah, I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep, that's all. And sorry I didn't mean to wake you love." He muttered.

"That's alright, don't worry." Luke smiled, "What brings you downstairs ?" He asked.

Zander sighed, "I was getting bored just lying in bed so I came down here, not that it's anymore interesting."

Luke chuckled a little and stroked Zander's hair, "Do you know why you can't sleep?" He asked softly, his hand raking through the fluffy purple locks.

Zander shook his head, a blank expression on his face, "No not really, I just couldn't get my eyes to feel heavy, or my body to relax."

Luke nodded in understanding, before an idea crossed his mind. He walked over the the kitchen side and got out his phone. He went to his music app and put on the song 'A thousand years', a song that reminded them of one another, and giggled to himself.

Zander's ears pricked up at the familiar tune, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, but before he could say anything, Luke had swept him out of his chair and now he was standing in front of him.

Luke smiled and put one of Zander's hands on his shoulder, grabbed the other in his hand, and putting his own hand on Zander's back.

"What the heck are you doing??" Zander whisper shouted as Luke just smiled, closing his eyes. He began to move them both slowly, rocking from side to side.

Zander turned red, and bit his lip, resisting the urge not to smile, "Luke-",

"Shhh." Luke smiled, as he began to pick up the pace of the dancing.

Zander blushed, and backed away slightly, "Stop it, what the hell are you doing?" He tried to stay serious but he couldn't help but giggle. "This is so cringey!" He laughed, burying his head in Luke's shoulder.

"Yeah, but you know me, I am cringey when it comes to romance." He winked, kissing Zander on the forehead.

The music continued to play in the background, the only source of light still coming from the refrigerator, and here they were, just two 22 year olds dancing in their kitchen, at midnight.

Zander smiled goofily, although he wouldn't like to admit it, he secretly loved when Luke did stupid things like this. Yes he thought it was cheesy, but he didn't care. They were alone together, in their small apartment, letting the world pass by.

Zander shut his eyes and relaxed, letting Luke lead the movement. He lazily kissed Luke's cheek as they danced for the remaining couple of minutes and soon the song began to come to an end.

Luke finally stopped dancing and held zander in his arms. The purple haired male's eyes were shut and his body was limp. Luke chuckled and kissed Zander's forehead. "Well that got you sleepy, eh?" He smiled.

Zander didn't have the energy to respond, and so he just lightly nodded. Luke picked zander up, shut the refrigerator door, and grabbed his phone, turning on the flashlight and carrying Zander back to bed.

He layed him down and immediately he was fast asleep. The drummer smiled contently and snuggled up close to him, laying his head on Zander's chest. They both slept well that night.

Motivation just hit me like a rock lmaoaoa. I Miss updating this book ngl

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