Will This Last Forever?

By Lucysprouse15

73.3K 2.2K 59

"As long as you promise you won't leave me I'll stay strong" He said staring right into her eyes Joo Seokhoon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Second Book

Chapter 31

1.6K 55 4
By Lucysprouse15

"Why did you call me here?"

Mirae asked Logan as she entered his room with a tired look on her face.

"It's finally time for the final stage of the plan, I want you to stay here while its in progress"

Logan simply said while putting on his disguise.

"What will I do here?"

Mirae said looking around as if looking for something entertaining.

"You want to go to Grace Joo's private concert?"

Logan asked looking at her.

"THE GRACE JOO is having a private concert? Here? And you knew?"

Mirae asked a bunch of questions at once.

"Yeah I do know, Rona and her mother will be there, I could talk to your mother and if she allows you could join them"

Logan said as he glanced towards the two ladies who had just entered.

"Eomma can I go with Rona's mother to the concert?"

Mirae asked Eun Sook as she entered the room with Shim Suryeon. Eun Sook looked at Logan. She knew that Oh Yoon Hee had killed Min Seol Ah which that she was the last person Eun Sook would trust her own daughter with. Logan seemed to understand what Eun Sook wanted to say. He wondered if it was okay if they told Mirae who had murdered Min Seol Ah.

"Mirae Ah how about Logan arranges a private meet and greet with Grace Joo afterwards?"

Eun Sook turned to her daughter.

"But why can't I just go to the concert?"

Mirae asked slightly suspicious of her mother's actions.

"I just want that while we're out you stay in a safe place, somewhere where Logan's guards have an eye on you and can protect you from any harm"

Eun Sook said coming near and tucking Mirae's loose hair behind her ear.

"Eun Sook you're not coming with me how many times do I have to say that?"

Suryeon interrupted the mother daughter conversation.

"And unnie how many times did I tell you that I'm going to come with you?"

Eun Sook replied back.

"Can I know the plan?"

Mirae asked looking at the three people in the room.

"It's nothing much don't worry dear"

Suryeon said looking at Mirae with a smile. Mirae kept on looking at the adults who were clearly communicating with each other though their eyes.

"Fine I'll stay here, if you promise to tell me who killed Min Seol Ah after you find out"

Mirae said sitting back down on the sofa. Mirae believed that they would find out who killed Min Seol Ah today. The adults exchanged glances contemplating on whether to tell her or not. Logan sighed he knew Mirae wouldn't stop until she knew so it was better to just tell her.

"I promise I'll tell you after we come back"

Logan said after nodding at the two ladies reassuringly. Mirae nodded and took out her phone and started scrolling through her social media.

"You know she'll find out what we've planned for the kids as well"

Logan said to the two.

"I'm sure she'll understand why we're doing this"

Eun Sook softly said looking at her daughter.

"I hope so she could get very angry as well, she cares about her friends a lot, especially the Joo twins"

Logan said glancing at Suryeon.

"She does care about Seokyung and Seokhoon a lot, which means she'll be there with them when I can't be"

Suryeon smiled softly also looking at the girl.

"They'll be fine don't worry"

Logan said looking at Suryeon.

The three adults had left and had been gone for a good amount of time when Mirae's phone rang. Surprised that Seokyung was calling her Mirae picked the call up.


She asked when she heard no one speak.


Mirae heard Seokyung say and Mirae sensed fear in her voice.

"Seokyung what's wrong?"

Mirae asked but there was no reply.

"Seokyung are you there?"

Mirae asked again but the call ended before someone could reply. Worried for her best friend, Mirae called Seokyung again but no one picked up. Mirae started getting nervous. She knew that the final stage of the plan probably involved the adults of Hera Palace. So did Seokyung find out about it? Was she worried for her parents? Mirae knew she had to go to Hera Palace at once. She was about to exit the room when a guard stopped her.

"Mr Lee told us you aren't allowed to leave the room, I'm sorry I can't let you go"

The guard simply said to Mirae when she told him she had to leave.

"I need to go its important"

Mirae said urgently. But the guard was stubborn. Well so was Mirae. After a lot of planning she finally came up with the perfect distraction. Cutting off a piece of Logan's wig, she set it on the floor making it look like hairy insect. Then the plan started. Mirae started screaming saying here was a bug in the room all the guards outside the door came running in to check if Mirae was fine and that was Mirae's cue, she dashed outside quickly ignoring the calls of the guards who were running after her. Hailing a taxi she quickly sat in it and was on her way to Hera Palace.

Upon reaching Hera Palace she called Seokyung but she still didn't pick up next she called Seokhoon who also didn't pick up. She decided to head to the penthouse and see what they were doing but just as she was about to go in the elevator she spotted all the Hera Palace club adults running covered in some red substance that Mirae prayed wasn't blood.

"Kim Mirae have you seen Eunbyeol?"

Cheon Seojin asked her running closer to the girl. Mirae shook her head clearly confused by what was happening. After they received a unhelpful answer from Mirae all the adults ran together towards the community room. Mirae not knowing what else to do, followed them. When they all entered the community room all the parents ran downstairs while Mirae remained upstairs. All her friends were crying and clearly scared to death. What had happened here? Just then Logan walked in still in his disguise, Mirae was shocked to see him but not as much as Logan was shocked to see her. He succeeded in hiding his shock though unlike Mirae. He came in to pick up the letters that the kids had written, why they had written those Mirae had no idea; she assumed they were letters she didn't actually know what they were. Mirae was very confused as she looked at Logan and then at the kids and their parents. What had happened here? The question still ringing in her mind.

After everyone had left for their apartments, Mirae decided to go to the Joo twins and ask them what was happening. They clearly knew and her mother and Logan weren't telling her. She entered the twin's study to talk to Seokyung just to see her throwing and smashing stuff.


Mirae shouted trying to get her attention but the girl was too busy breaking stuff. Mirae was about to go physically stopped her but Seokhoon came in and stopped her, scared that she might get hurt. After he to some extent calmed Seokyung down, the two took her to her room. Seokhoon left to get her a glass of water while Mirae sat next to her on the bed where she was lying down.

"Mirae, I'm scared"

Seokyung said looking at Mirae with almost lifeless eyes.

"Seokyung its fine don't worry, you're fine Ok it's over"

Mirae caressed her hair trying to calm her down. But she couldn't do it properly as she didn't know what had happened. Seokhoon and Mirae stayed by Seokyung's side till she was asleep. Once they saw she was asleep the two quietly headed to Seokhoon's room.

"Now will you tell me what exactly happened?"

Mirae mumbled as she glanced at Seokhoon, who immediately sat down on his bed when he walked in. Seokhoon tapped his bed indicating Mirae to sit next to him. Mirae sat down and looked at him expectantly waiting for him to start speaking.

"Are you fine?"

Mirae asked as soon as he finished telling her everything.

"I don't know"

Seokhoon simply replied.

"I wish I could apologize to Min Seol Ah for leaving her in the bus and for everything in general, she must have been scared. I wished I hadn't been such a coward that ran away at the sight of the fire."

Seokhoon continued.

"I'm sure Min Seol Ah would forgive you if she heard you right now"

Mirae said looking at the boy who wasn't looking at her instead was staring at something in front of him.

"Do you think she would have?"

"Yeah I think she would have."

Mirae smiled at Seokhoon who finally looked back at her with a soft smile.

"Should we watch a movie?"

Mirae asked Seokhoon knowing it'd take his mind off stuff for sometime.

"As long as it doesn't involve murders"

Seokhoon smiled at her as Mirae shook her head.

"Lets watch a rom-com then"

Mirae cheekily smiled at Seokhoon knowing he didn't prefer rom-coms that much.

"Sure anything you want"

Seokhoon said surprising Mirae and for some reason also making her heartbeat faster than before. The two ended up watching a movie lying on Seokhoon's bed laughing and talking in between. Mirae was glad Seokhoon was smiling even if it probably wouldn't last much long. But she'd be there for him she'd be there for both of them Mirae thought as she closed Seokhoon's laptop once Seokhoon fell asleep. Carefully getting up from the bed so Seokhoon doesn't wake up Mirae headed outside and back to her own apartment.


Just 2 more chapters to go! I hope you guys like the story so far.

I have a question tho:

Was the Cheong Ah Arts festival only for the students that sang or for everyone?

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