Nsr Oneshots (Mostly Involvin...

By Sir-Subpar

1K 19 0

I'm obsessed with this game now. More

Gotta Ask
Can We Try? PurlZuke
Abandonment Burns- Zimelu x Zuke
Abandonment Burns Bonus!
Defenses Down!
Hush (1/2)
Hush (2/2)
(Eloni x Zuke) Wait, We're Soulmates!? (1)
Wait, We're Soulmates!? (3nd)

Wait, We're Soulmates!? (2)

73 1 0
By Sir-Subpar

(Angst warning! Blood and injury! I promise the next chapter will have comfort!)

Zuke used to wonder if he caused his soulmate to suffer, due to his own chronic pain, but it barely held a candle to whatever his soulmate went through, apparently. 

He didn't know what the deal with his soulmate was, but every so often, everything, no joke, EVERYTHING would hurt. Immensely.

It was for short periods of time, but it was awful. The first time it happened, he thought they died.

Well, they didn't, which was good, but that brought extra pain over the years.

Then, the revolution began.

Zuke and Mayday were glad that they'd been lucky enough for that pain spike to not happen so far, but the fear loomed over them the entire time. Because the pain would be so bad at times, that Zuke couldn't move, and his back would do that sometimes already, so this just doubled it. 

Then, there they were on top of 1010's limo. 

"Haters gonna hate. We show up, we get the sexy mission done. You better put on your tactical thermal goggles, because we're gonna bring the heat!"

Zuke didn't bother stopping his eye roll. Why did Mayday like these guys again?

He didn't have time to dwell on it, as they very quickly opened fire. Lasers shot from their fingers, Mayday and Zuke dodged accordingly.

Mayday smashed the white android to pieces, only for a flying factory to make a new copy. And it didn't help with Mayday rambling about hanging out with them and how sexy they were.

Great. Of course this was going to be difficult.

The biotactical shields 1010 possessed only made things harder, leading to Zuke having to dodge roll almost constantly, which wasn't great on his back, but was manageable.

But after some time it started slowing him down. Thankfully, Mayday was as energetic as ever, and it seemed like most of the Androids were focused on her. 

Then, he locked eyes with the red android. Who seemed to have been watching him from a distance. 

Then, before Zuke could properly react-

"Load and shoot~!"


A burning impact collided with Zuke's stomach, knocking the air out of him.

He fell back onto the ground with a gasp. His eyes looked up at the night sky as the limo sped onwards. 

Everything around him seemed to fade, his ears rang loudly, drowning out any other sounds to an unintelligible muffle.

Instinct took over, he rolled onto his side, and his hands pressed against his injured abdomen, he snapped somewhat back to reality when he noticed his hands felt damp. 

He pulled one hand away from his torso to look at it.

Even with his vision darkening and blurring, he could see it.

It was covered in blood. His blood.

Oh god… he's been shot.

Eloni had to bite his nonexistent tongue to stop himself from swearing. His back started hurting again, thanks a lot, soulmate. Now wasn't a good time!

It was only a matter of time before it slowed him down, and he knew it'd make him a liability.

Just then, he received a message from his brother Zimelu. It pinged in his software, like a notification in his head.

[Look at the drummer. He's slowing down. You've got a clean shot if you act quick.]

Eloni locked his sights on the drummer, sure enough, his movements were sluggish, and he was focused on one of the others.


Eloni narrowed on the drummer. 

His hand charged up. Confidence in his stance.

"Load and Shoot~!"

A laser fired from his fingertips, his hand recoiled-

And he felt a sharp, burning pain in his torso. 

"AGH!" He yelled, falling to his hands and knees.

'Shit! I'm hit!'

He tightly gripped his abdomen-

-only to find no damage.

His brothers semi-surrounded him, all sharing looks mixed between concern and confusion.

He wasn't hit.

Then, why did it hurt? It hadn't stopped, either.

He finally came out of his thoughts when he heard the guitarist screaming.

"Don't you dare die on me dammit!"

Eloni's head snapped up, looking ahead at the rockers. The drummer was on the ground, a pool of red blood forming under him, as the guitarist continued to yell at him with teary eyes. She was on her knees next to him, her legs undoubtedly getting soaked in blood.

She shook the drummer by his shoulder, her body language growing more frantic, her voice panicked.

"C'mon man-! Y-You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine- HEY! NO! OPEN YOUR EYES! OPEN 'EM!"

She shrieked and slapped the man across the face.

Eloni fumbled a bit as he felt a slap-like sting in his cheek.

He rubbed his stinging cheek plate, and his core dropped in realization.

His soulmate was the drummer.

His soulmate was dying.

He shot his soulmate.

Despite the pain in his abdomen, he stumbled to his feet. Reminding himself that the pain wasn't his, he was fine, he rushed to the bleeding man.

The guitarist shot him an enraged look, quickly arming herself with her guitar.

"You-! STAY AWAY!" 

"Nonono! WAIT-!" 

She swung, her guitar collided with his side, no doubt leaving some sizable dents.

Simultaneously, Eloni and the drummer felt it. Eloni managed to hold back his scream.

But both he and the guitarist froze when they heard the drummer WAIL in agony.

With wide, horrified eyes, she dropped her guitar.

Eloni could see realization in her eyes.

She returned to her bandmate's side.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Just hang on!" She said through sobs.

Eloni was unable to move his left arm, it having been crunched under the force of the woman's guitar, it just hung there limply. But he paid it no mind, and dove to the drummer's other side.

He rolled his soulmate onto his back, and ripped off parts of his Naval uniform, using the fabric as makeshift bandages.

He pressed the fabric onto the man's stomach, causing him to cry out. 

Eloni flinched as he literally shared the pain, but he bit it back and continued applying pressure.

It seemed the other rocker caught on to his plan and she too held her hands on the wound. With three hands and a layer of fabric, the blood flowing from the man's abdomen slowed.

Eloni cried out for Neon J and his brothers. Artificial tears pouring from his eyes nonstop.

He could feel his soulmate's blood on his hand. He could feel the soft, green flesh rising and falling rapidly under his palm as his soulmate desperately tried to breathe.

The limo stopped, ambulances and other emergency vehicles surrounded them. 

From the corner of his optics, he could see his Captain giving orders and directions to the emergency responders.

The doctors rushed over, shoo-ing Eloni and the other rocker away as they gathered the man onto a stretcher.

Ambulance doors slammed shut, and the truck sped off leaving 1010 and B2J's guitarist standing in silence.

Eloni locked eyes with the rocker.

He gulped nervously.

His arm crunched in and broken, his abdomen hurt with his soulmate's pain, artificial tears stained his cheeks.

He opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut as Neon J approached the two, the rest of 1010 behind him, shifting awkwardly.

"We may differ in ideals, but I will not- cannot, in the right mind, knowingly force my troops to fight their soulmate."

He sighed, his radar monitor dimmed slightly.

"Seeing as I gave my men the orders to evoke 'All-Kill Protocol'... I take responsibility for your band partner's injuries… I will cover any medical expenses he may require."

The guitarist wiped tears from her eyes, accidentally smearing blood on her face. 

She nodded, avoiding eye contact.

"If you see it fit, I am willing to call a truce into order." 

She again nodded.

"Alright.. ATTENTION!" 

1010 saluted and stood straight.

"Everyone! In the car! We are going to clean up, and await news from the hospital, understood?" 

1010 replied "Yes Sir!" In unison, and gathered into the limo.

Before Neon J joined them, his screen faced the rocker.

"Would you like to join us?"

She seemed taken aback, but grabbed her guitar and scurried into the vehicle.

"Thank you.."

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