Kid Greasers Taking Over

By glorie13

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The Greasers are back and better than ever. This time with more responsibility. (Read The First Girl Greaser... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Audition part 1
Chapter 5: Auditions part 2
Chapter 6: Auditions part 3
Chapter 7: Auditions part 4
Chapter 8: Hallo Bash
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Christmas Special Part 1
Chapter 11: Christmas Special Part 2
Chapter 12:Sectionals
Chapter 13: Matthew's Backstory
Chapter 14: Valentine's part 1
Chapter 15: Valentine's part 2
Chapter 16: Happy Birthday Sodapop Curtis!!!!
Chapter 17: Happy Birthday Jace Norman!!!
Chapter 18: Happy Birthday Hayley Russell!!!
Chapter 19: Happy Birthday Amber Slayer!!!!
Chapter 20: Happy Birthday Ray Manchester!!!
Chapter 21: Alternate Universe
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23: Happy Birthday Gabriel Norman!!!!
Chapter 24: Happy Birthday Darryl Curtis!!/Selections
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 26: Happy Birthday Julianna Curtis!!!
Chapter 27: Happy Birthday Ross Johnson!!!
Chapter 28: Welcome To The World/Disney Week!!!
Chapter 29: Nationals!!!
Chapter 30: Happy Birthday Connor Mitchell!!
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32: Goodbye Corki!!
Chapter 33: Happy Birthday Jax Curtis!!!
Chapter 34: Happy Birthday Kelly Richardson/2nd Sectionals!!!
Chapter 35: 2nd Selections!!!
Chapter 36: Expect the Unexpected/2nd Nationals!!!
Chapter 37: Expect The Unexpected Part 2
Chapter 38: Expect The Unexpected Part 3/Thanksgiving!!
Chapter 39: A Valentine's Weddingโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Happy Mother's day ๐Ÿ’“ ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’–
Happy Father's day ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™
Chapter 41: Celestial High!!!
Chapter 42: Texas!!
Chapter 43: Makayla!!!
Chapter 44: Merry Little Christmas Baby!!!
Chapter 45: Puerto Rico ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ท
Chapter 46: Birthday Surprise ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ
Chapter 47: Bonfire!!!

Chapter 40: Corki's Birthday!!!

47 0 0
By glorie13

(This is my actual dog Rosie that I had Corki received from her parents.)

*Today is Corki's 16th birthday and her family had just finished making her breakfast and is now bringing it to her.*

Everyone: Happy Birthday Corki!!!

Pony: *Sprays her with whipped cream*

Corki: *Covers her face.* Ahh uncle pony!!

Pony: Sorry it's tradition. *Sprays her again*

Jace: Alright Pony that's enough. Happy birthday babycakes *Hugs her.*

Corki: Thanks dad *Hugs back.*

Avery: Happy birthday Ladybug. I can't believe my little girl is 16 already

Corki: Thanks mom and I know it's crazy

Gabe: Happy Birthday baby sis I have something for you. *Hands her little gift bag.*

Corki: *Opens it to reveal a butterfly charm. she takes it out and gives it to him to put it on her bracelet.* Thank you I love it*

Avery: Love don't forget that we have to pick up your family from the air port this morning.

Corki: Tia Piper, Erica, Corey, Abuela and Abuelo are coming!

Avery: And your uncle Eric

Gabe: He's not our uncle mom

Jace: Gabriel Norman we are not talking about this again and thats final.

Mackenize: Anyways Corks has a certain boyfriend of yours wished you a happy birthday yet?

Corki: Actully yes since 7 this morning and the messages are still coming in. *Says as her phone rings and it was Connor.* And thats's him right now. *Picks up phone.* Hello?

Connor: May I speak to my beautiful girlfriend it's her birthday today

Corki: She's speaking

Connor: *Sings happy birthday as Corki blushes.*

Corki: Thank you babe.

Connor: Open the door

Corki; What?

Connor: I'm at you house. I have something for you.

Corki: *Goes to open the door to reveal Connor with a bouquet of flowers.*

Connor: Happy birthday beautiful.

Corki: *Takes the flowers.* Thank you babe. *Kisses him and he kisses back.*

Jace: We got to get going they should be landing soon

Connor: Who?

Corki: My Tia, Step uncle, Cousins and grandparents from my dads side

Connor: Does this mean?

Corki: Yes you're going to meet my family. If you like to come with us

Connor: If you don't mind

Jace: Let's go if you are they should be here soon. *They leave to the air port.*
*At The Air Port*

Corki: Dad where are they? *Is really excited because she hasn't seen her family from her dad side in a long time.*

Jace: You're Tia just texted saying they just landed and should be at baggage claim in a couple minutes we just have to give them time babycakes.

Corki: I can't I'm really excited to see them.

Avery: I know sweetie but you have to be patient getting yourself this excited isn't good for you nor the baby.

Connor: You're mom is right babe please calm down a bit

Corki: *Takes a couple deep breaths and calms down.)

Connor: *Smiles.* And how are you two doing today?

Corki: We're doing ok once again was up half the night with morning sickness but other than that we're ok.

Connor: Have you tried any of the things from the basket I brought you?

Corki: Yes I have the smoothie/shake and that has really helped me throughout the day and I made it but forgot it on the counter this morning.

Connor: Actually no you didn't. *Takes the smoothie/shake bottle out of his bag and gives it to her.* I grabbed it for you*

Gabe: *Sees them coming towards them.* Here they come! *Waves his arms over at them.* We're over here!

Erica & Corey: *Runs over to their family and hugs them as their mom, step dad and grandparents follow behind walking.*

*They all greeted each other and talked about how their flight went until Corey noticed Connor*

Corey: Who is that? *Asked as he points at Connor as they are also loading up the car*

Connor: I'm Connor Corki's boyfriend

Piper: Excuse me did he just say that he's you're boyfriend?

Corki: Yes Tia Connor is my boyfriend and he has been for a while now

Eric: We are going to have to have a conversation about this when we get to the house because you are too young to date.

Jace: Eric please don't parent my daughter and she is allowed to date as well as Gabe since he also has a girlfriend. *With that being said they were off to the house and when the got their they everyone standing outside waiting.*
*Back At The House everyone had planned a little birthday cookout for her.*

Sun hi: Happy Birthday Corks!! *Hugs her.*

Corki: Thanks Sun hi.

*They start to hang out as Corki's aunt, step uncle pull Connor aside to talk to him when Victoria goes over to Corki.*

Victoria: I need your help

Corki: Hi to you to Victoria and what can I help you with?

Victoria: I have feelings for Daniel.

Corki: *Squeals.*

Victoria: *Covers her mouth.* Shhh I don't want him to hear us. Besides I'm not sure how to talk to him or if he has the same feelings as me as if he doesn't I'll make a huge fool out of myself

Corki: He has the same feelings trust me.

Victoria: How do you know that? did he say something?

Corki: He didn't have to he's my childhood best friend we bascially know what each other are thinking now. *Pushes her towards him.* Go talk to him.

Victoria: Ok I will. *Goes to talk to Daniel as they see both Gabe and Sun hi and Jodi and Caleb talking* Hey Daniel

Daniel: *Smiles.* Hey Victoria what's up?

Victoria: I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?

Daniel: Yeah sure is everything ok?

Victoria: I'm just going to come out and say it. I have feelings for you!
*Transtion to Gabe And Sun hi.*

Gabe: *Goes up to Sun hi.* Hey beautiful how did you do all this without all of us knowing?

Sun hi: I have my ways and hello back to you handsome, *They kiss as his grandparents see and immediately goes over.*

Antonio: hijo esta es tu novia ella es bonita? (Translation: Son is this your girlfriend she's pretty?)

Gabe: Si abuelo esta es mi novia sol hola (Translation: Yes grandpa this is my girlfriend Sun hi.)

Maria: Nosotras queremos hablar con ella (Translation: We want to talk to her please.)
*Transtion to Jodi and Caleb.*

Caleb: *Goes up to Jodi.* Hey babe can we talk?

Jodi: Yeah sure. Is everything ok?

Caleb: Yes I just wanted to talk to you about something?

Jodi: Okay baby what is it?

Caleb: *Takes a deep breath.* I want to take our relationship to the next level.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Back to Victoria and Daniel.*

Daniel: *Smiles.* I have feelings for you too.

Victoria: You do?

Daniel: Yes I had them since I first got here and met you

Victoria: Would you want to go on a date with me?

Daniel: Yes I would love too
Back to Gabe and Sun hi (With Corki and Connor.*)

Connor: *Goes to Corki.* I need to talk to you

Corki: Is everything ok babe?

Connor: No I just had a conversations with your aunt, uncle and grandparents and had no idea what your grandparents were saying and I don't think they like me

Sun hi: I just had a converstation with them too and had no idea what they were saying so I don't know if it went good or not.

Gabe: We should've proabably told you both that our grandparents don't know english and only spanish

Connor: Would've been nice to know before meeting them I just made a huge fool out of myself in front of them and I really want them to like me and not break me and corks up

Corki: They aren't going to break any of us up. Me and Gabe will teach you both spanish

Sun hi: Really?

Gabe: Yes and corks is right we aren't going to let them split us up

Connor: Good also one more very important thing. *Says as he puts his hand on her stomach.*

Corki: I'll tell them babe I promise *Says as both Erica and Corey walk by and sees.*

Erica: We saw that

Corki: Saw what?

Corey: We can both clearly see Connor's hand on your stomach meaning you have some talking and explaining to do cuz *As he says that Francesca runs up to them.*

Francesca; (3 months pregnant.) Corki! first of all happy birthday second of all Calvin is here!

Corki: Thank you and what do you mean Calvin is here?

Francesca: Excatly what I just said do you think you could talk to him for me? See where his head is at?

Corey: Excuse me Corki was talking to us first

Corki: Corey I will explain and tell you and Erica everything later I promise. *Goes to talk to Calvin.* Hey Cal

Calvin: *Getting a drink.* Hey Corks happy birthday

Corki: Thank you and thanks for coming

Calvin: Of course.

Corki: Where have you been? Francesca needed and still needs you and you just abandoned her.

Calvin: So this is what this is about and I'm going to tell you what I told her I'm not ready to be a dad nor do I want to be one. *Leaves the party as Jace goes to everyone.*

Jace: Foods Ready!! Everyone come grab a plate. Birthday girl first. *With that everyone gets in line behind Corki to get some food as Kylie comes to the party.*

Kylie: *Sneaks up behind Corki and scares her.* Happy birthday!

Corki: *Jumps up and turns around.* Kylie you scared me *Hugs her.*

Kylie: *Hugs back.* Connor invited me and speaking of my brother I really need to talk to you both about something.

Connor: *From behind them.* Is everything ok sis?

Kylie: Yeah I just need to talk to you both about something I overheard the other day

Connor: What did you overhear?

Kylie: Something I don't if it's true or not

Connor: You have to be more specfic sis.

Corki: Let's all wait till we all have our food and find a seat then we will talk.

*Soon everyone got there food and found a seat as Kylie, Erica and Corey seen Connor give half his food to Corki.*

Erica: Connor why are you giving Corks your food?

Connor: I always do this

Kylie: And that's part of what I keep hearing everyday that you keep giving Corks extra food why?

Corki: *Looks at Connor.* We have to tell them

Kylie: Tell us what? That you're pregnant! *Says that as Megan is walking by and hears then goes over.*

Megan: Connor Allan Mitchell you got a girl pregnant!?!?!

Connor: *Jumps up scared.* Mom I was going to tell you bu-*Gets cut off by Megan grabbing him away*

Megan: You do realize you are ruining the life I planned for you

Connor: It's my life mom I can do what I want with it and I love Corki and our baby

Megan: You have two options either you leave corki and that baby or stay with her and be disown by me and your family. so what's your choice?

Connor:*Without hesation.* Corki and our baby *Says that as Megan gets angry and starts beating him in front of everyone.*

Jace & Gabe: *Immediately runs over with Avery and Corki.*

Gabe: Get off of him!?! *Pulls Megan off of Connor.*

Jace; *Towards Megan.* Get your A## off of our yard and if I see you come near here again I'll have you f#cken arrested

Avery: *Towards everyone.* Party's over everyone go home.*

*Gabe and Corey helped Jace get Connor into the house and laided him down in the guest room as Corki refused to leave his side.*

Corki: *In tears.* Why? Why? didn't you tell me she was hurting you?

Connor: *Wipes her tears.* I didn't want to worry you or scare you

Corki: Too late for that and you are never going back to her

Connor: Corks she's my mom I have no one in my life besides her

Avery: *Comes into the room with Jace.* And now you have us. we want you to live here with us

Connor: Mrs. Norman I can't ask you to do that for me

Avery: We want to and you are already family to us.

Connor: Really?

Maria: Si hijo tu familia y te amamos (Translation: Yes son your family and we love you)

Piper: I second that you've been a blessing for our Corki and would love to get to know you better

Eric: She's right at first we taught you were going to be the exact same as her ex but you're not and have really shown us that you really love and care about our niece and granddaughter.

Connor: I really do love and care about her a lot. She actually makes me a better person each and everyday and I still have one more gift to give her.

Corki: Babe you don't have to give me anything eles just knowing you're ok if enough for me .

Erica: Aww that is so cute.

Connor: *Pulls out a small box from his pocket.*

Corki: Connor? *Gets a bit scared.*

Connor: *Opens the box.* It's a promise ring babe to say that we will always be togther no matter what. *Says as he puts it on her finger .*

Corki: It's beautiful I love it. *Kisses him and he kissed back.*

Connor: Also I would love to stay here with your family but what about my mom?

Antonio: Eso es genial y no te preocupes por ella se encargarade eso. (Translation: That's great and don't worry about her we'll take care of it.)

Connor: Gracias por todo lo aprecio mucho. (Translation: Thank you for everything I really apreciate it.)

*Corki's grandparents were really impressed.*

Erica: How'd he learn spanish so fast?

Connor: I have a great teacher and I'm a fast learner. *Says as he gets a call from an unknown number and he picks it up. * Hello?

Unknown: Hi son

Connor: Who is this?

Unknown: Connor it's me your dad.

Connor: My dad? that's non sence my dad left me when I was a baby you must have the wrong number sir. *Hangs up.*

Corey: Is everything ok?

Connor: Yeah just some guy thinking he's my dad

Avery: *Looks at the time.* Corki sweetie we're going to be late

Corki: *Nods and starts getting her stuff together.*

Jace: Wait honey aren't you forgetting something?

Avery: *Thinks then remembers.* Our gift to Corki can you please go get it.

Jace: *Goes and comes back with a box with some holes in it and places it in front of her.*

Corki: What is it?

Jace: This is something that you've been wanting ever since you we're little

Avery: Think about it then open it up.

Corki: *Thinks then hears something bark.* Is that what I think it is? *Opens the box to reveal a small brown and golden puppy.* Aww oh my gosh! *Takes the puppy of the box.*

Avery: Her name is Rosie.

Corki: Aww Hi Rosie. *Pets her.* You are so cute and tiny. *Looks at her parents.* Thank you I love her

Jace: You're welcome babycakes

Avery: We knew you would love her

*They spent some time with Rosie before they had to leave.*

Connor: Where are you going?

Corki: I have my first baby appoiment today

Connor: *Gets excited.* Can I go please?

Corki: Of course.

*They all get in the car and drive to the appointment. Once there Corki was given papers to fill out for information then soon the doctor calls them back to a room.*

Doctor Hi how are we today?

Corki: Good a bit nervous but Good.

Doctor: That's perfectly fine are you ready to get started?

Corki: Yes *Feels both her mom and Connor grab her hands.*

Doctor: Can you roll up your shirt for me please?

Corki: *Does that then grabs their hands again.*

Doctot: *Puts the gel on the wand.* This might be a little cold.* He puts the wand on her tummy and starts moving it around looking for baby. It only took a second to find as he turned the screen to us.* Do you see that little floating dot?

Corki: Yes

Connor: Yes

Avery: Yes

Doctor: That's your baby and *Pressed a button and the whole room echos with little thumping nosies.* And here's your baby's heartbeat

Corki: *Looks at Connor who is in tears.*

Connor: Is our baby healthy?

Doctor: Yes you a very healthy baby with a strong heart beat.

Connor: Can we get some pictures please?

Doctor: Of course you can give me a minute to print them. *He leaves then comes back with the pictures and gives it to them.*

Corki & Connor: *While looking at picture they kiss tearing up. Our baby.
Hey guys today is actually my 21st birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 woo hoo I'm officially an adult today I'm so excited!!. I hope you enjoyed the chapter there will be more coming soon and any guesses on who Connor's dad is? See you next time!

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