Saved by the Devil

By -neversaynever001

52.4K 776 335

"If love was a sin, we both are found guilty" ... More



8.9K 128 45
By -neversaynever001

*TW: Mentions of rape, if not comfortable reading that part. Skip until you see a small line in the middle*

"You self absorbed Bitch, why can't you do anything right?! You always mess things up!"

"I-I'm sorry" My cries won't stop him, not even the slightest.

A scream is cut from me as his fist lands on my right cheek, pain radiates from the hit and my head is spinning.

I fall back on the wall, taking a grip on it to hold myself up all I can. A heavy breath later and I turn my head to my supposed "father" and not a second later he lands a blow in the middle of my stomach.

My breath gets taken from me and I bend over holding onto my belly. It feels as if a stone is being pressed onto my organs and doesn't ease the pressure at all.

I hate this

I hate this so much, I want to have a new life. A new family that will love me. I've been told I could never be loved because I'm such a mess and can't do anything right. I'm a abandonment and abomination to their world and Thomas is ashamed of having me as his daughter.

Although he hasn't called me his child in a very long time, so I don't see my self as that anymore. I feel like an orphan in a orphanage, trapped and I would do anything I can to escape from his grasp.

"Bitch are you even listening to me?!" He slaps me hard and with a thud I land hardly on the ground. A grunt of pain in the process and my heavy breath mixes with my non stopping tears.

"Please - n-no stop-p" I beg him, but he won't listen.

A scream breaks from me as he grips onto my hair tight and drags me up onto my own feet, my sobs fill the space and I can hear the tiny sounds of chuckles leaving him.

He thinks this is funny

Through my protest he continues down the hall, I can't keep up with his long strides. My head is spinning and I see blurry. He has been going on with this for I don't know how long, but I am not sure how much longer I will stay conscious.

I don't even see where he's taking me, my feet just drags sloppy after me and he changes his grip to my arm. Releasing my hair.

The touch of him still feels in my scalp and it feels as if he ripped all my hair of. The blood does not make it any easier, just blending with my tears as thy continue to roll down.

He stops before opening a door

No, no, no please

I know exactly where we are, the wind blow of cold hits my body and I stumble back a tiny step if possible because of him.

He doesn't walk me down the stone stairs, he doesn't carry me, doesn't let me stand there to escape.

He pushes me, hard and I feel my ribs taking all the blow and I do whatever I can to protect my head even more.

I roll down the stone path, my legs hitting the surface.

Gasps of pain as I come to a stop, only meaning that I'm at the bottom.

His closing footsteps reach my screaming ears, No - I try to crawl away into the corner so that the shadows can swallow me whole.

My heartbeat quickens and my chest aches. Creating some sort of feeling, a feeling I'm so familiar with.

My gasps are mixed with my sobs and the pain in my body only shows that I won't be able to fight back. And he will get whatever he wants.

He will win...

"So now listen you little bitch, you will do what I say and then this will all be over with. We will forget this ever happened, and even if you told anyone no one would believe you because you are, well you"

"No" It's so broken I don't even remember how I usually sound, I don't remember my own voice.

How fucked-up is that?

Kill me, just kill me! I scream in my own mind at someone, anyone.

A final cry, a final fight and in my sloppy hearing his belt hits the ground. Taking hold of my legs and dragging me towards him, my pants somewhere else. No, I take my hands up to stop him from touching me in any way. But it's useless. And I scream as he does it, as he breaks me even more. The pain being worse but numbing because I can feel my body give away.

But I don't stop to scream, I scream whatever I can so that someone can hear me. Even God.

A good hit from him banging my head on the stone floor gets me quiet and a high pitched sound goes around in my head.

Before I go away I hear one final thing.

"Shut up"


With a gasp I sit up and try to catch my breathing, but I can't. My chest won't stop or won't calm down, for it hurts. It hurts so much, a sob breaks from me as I claw at my chest and scold myself to breathe properly. So he doesn't wake up.

I have been having those nightmares for a very long time, every time I close my eyes all I can see is that... memory. It wasn't the first time it happened, and certainly not the last.

Jesus be more depressed

Silent tears go down my face. I cry to myself, it's like my escape and comfort, because I can only trust me.

I turn around in the covers and feel the wetness onto my pillow, the result of my...memory.

Shot, did anyone hear me?

With a broken sigh with a hint of loneliness I turn around to see my fallen apart room, my broken living environment. But I'm taken by surprise and wonder when I'm met with something entirely different.

The ceiling is not cracked, the doors are on their hinges, it's not dirty, not even one spot of dirt or clothes lying to rot on the floor.
No this is clean and dark. Not one fault spot.

I can feel a slight sense of anxiety and fear hit me as I'm woken in a unfamiliar environment .

Finally, where the hell am I?

Oh God, what'll Thomas and Tara think. They'll beat me to death when I get back.
They won't ever let me see the sunlight again, obviously not because they think I ran away.

Shorter breaths fills the air and makes my skin crawl as I realize I'm not doing good. I also come to realize, that I'm away. I have not been for a while but, what happens now. I can't go to someone else's because, I have no one.

I'm by myself entirely.

I would not live to see another day.
A broken sob fills me and I'm hit with this big thing, loneliness, even if I were to escape I would have nowhere to go.

After my whole little tantrums of my being I look down to see that I'm not in the clothes I were yesterday, I have a big black shirt on. Which is absolutely not my size. With only my panties left.

Who changed me? Who took me here? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

With a groan I sit up and the covers fall from my damp body. Still slightly shaking from previous moments.

Taking a look around, the room is dark and I almost can't make out anything, it must still be nighttime.

The small details I can make out from the light outside pushing in through the curtains covering the giant windows is decorations, all black and dark. A sofa by the corner and a table in front, pillows attached. A desk by the other side of the door and a office chair by, can you guess? Black. Two doors in front of me, both closed and in black once again, maybe a few shades lighter. A king-sized bed with the worlds most comfortable covers ever, who have fully permission to swallow me whole and save me from reality.

Turning my body to so my bare feet hit the cold surface and I stand up. A tiny wince escaping, a slight ache in my side. Putting a gentle pressure onto it with my hand.

Taking one foot in front of the other. Into the direction of one of the doors. The quietness is eerie and makes it a whole lot harder to calm down.

It frightens me terribly, just waiting for something to pop out and attack me or something. Not having more time to think as I reach my destination. A deep sigh as I lift my hand, the quiet expanding.

A tremble making it impossible to hold my hand still, a voice in my head telling me to not open it. Another telling the opposite.

Seconds pass, and I do nothing. No sounds or anything. I can almost hear the air breathing.

My eyes starting holes into the door, to see through it and I won't have to open it.


Covering my scream with my hand as a thump comes from somewhere by the window, not rain.

Is it him? Has he found me?

My heartbeat quickened up and I find myself walking towards the window, pushing it aside to see what it was.

Seeing nothing but darkness and the beautiful nature of the moon.

Probably just a bird, right? Nothing to worry about.

Scolding myself for being such a weak girl I walk to the same door and slams it open, to meet...

Clothes, a lot of clothes in like a hallway. Way more clothes then I ever could have imagined me owning.

Relief floods through me as I find nothing. Nothing worth being scared of.

Absolutely under no circumstances will I go in there though, only crazy people would do that. So I close it and turn to the next door.
Not taking a second to think I open it and am met with a black bathroom with golden details. Beautiful. A bathtub in one end and a shower in the other, a big beautiful shower. I could never have guessed I would call a shower beautiful but here I am.

I haven't noticed before but gods it smells amazing in here. Rich, captivating and chaotic but still warm. Manly.

My eyes widen, as I think my own thoughts. I "run" to the wardrobe of the unknown person and opens it. Not caring about their privacy waltzing in to find, exactly what I feared.

Man clothes. Not a hint of woman clothes.

I feel my heart rate going up, what happened yesterday. A statement, not question.

I can't remember. My mind must play tricks on me, I can't actually be in a boys room, much more a man's.

Opening the third door after having to take someone's sweats on I stuck my head into the hallway, the biggest hallway I have ever seen. My eyes widen so slightly it's not even noticeable, but my surprise gets bigger as I walk through the, mansion?

Small drops of rain hits the surface of the giant windows around the house. My feet working their way through. It's beautiful though and calming. Like the tiny candle in a storm.

A few minutes pass and, I'm lost.

A cold breeze blows by and shivers are sent through my body, creating bumps on my skin. Hugging myself to keep some sort of warm.

Walking barefoot down the stairs I've found somewhere in this place, taking hold of the railing and walk down.

For the first time in almost ever, I have nothing going through my mind except for where I am.

As the temperature drops a few stages a gasp leaves me.

What if I was kidnapped and the they or he just left me here so I would freeze to death, if not Thomas will find me first.

It feels nice though, to wake up almost knowing that something won't happen. Something I've experienced for almost seven years. And not be in the some space as him.

A few minutes later and I near some sort of living room, slowing down my steps and hide behind a wall. Thanking whoever's up there for not making me crack a floor board, but by the looks of it, it doesn't seem like that's highly likely.

Sticking my head out slightly to see if there is another individual present, I sort of hope both yes and no.

Yes because then I wouldn't be alone.

No because then I wouldn't be alone.

A sigh of relief when I see that no one is near, turning my head to take a look around the area. It's dark and detailed with gold, a few spots of white. The furniture is gorgeous, luxury and welcoming. But scream money, whoever I'm at, has a lot of money.

Not only that, but this place smells amazing, rich scent mixed with some sort of sweet smell.

Not having payed attention to my surroundings as well as I thought, a sudden presence fills the area. Something blows down my neck, it's warm and fragile.

It brought warmth.

The sudden use of warmth is the most important thing for this moment, everything leaves my senses. It warms me up from the freezing cold. It reaches my arms, and my shiver goes down for a second.

It's so close, peaceful but so close. Leaning back to feel the warm spot again, but I'm met with a wall.

Scrunching up my face in confusion as I do not remember there being a wall there. Just as I decided to turn around, a hand grazes my skin.

I tense up and a gasp of shock and small fear comes out as I feel someone behind me.

My whole body stills, my breathing quickens. But it feels as my heart is still.

Please don't hurt me...

Heavy breaths

Heavy breaths

Keep it together Amara

The hand goes lower until met with my wrist, the one I held so hard onto until a red spot was there earlier. Brushing it with such gentleness and strength but not to hurt, to care? I don't know that feeling.

Working up the courage, I turn around. A frown sets onto my face as the hand leaves mine and takes the warmth with, him?

I almost see nothing, but a big shadow. Shouldn't I be scared? I have an anxiety level at it highest but it's currently not active, a total stranger in front me, whom just touched me and made me feel safe.

Girl, you for real? A stranger, in a strange house, are you even listening to yourself?!

My subconscious tells me, I push her away.

Scrunching my eyes together to get a better look through the darkness but all I can make out that I'm standing in front of a giant.

I stare at him and he stares at me, I think.

Hours pass, not really

He takes a demanding step forward, I take one backwards. He does the same again until I'm meet with a hard surface, that smell. I recognize it, only one man I've met smells like this.

My heartbeat doesn't ease, I just feel like it's not a emergency anymore. My heartbeats beats fast because of another reason, nervousness? I'm not familiar with that and it scares me. I was never a big fan of new things, or people.

But, is it him? Not Thomas, but him from the other day?

I can feel his stare bore into my head, no idea what he's looking for on me.

His intense stare only makes me look up with my eyes to meet his. Beautiful.

Short breaths, and my chest falls and rise in an lame attempt of calm. He's so close to me, and -I never want him to go away, his arms beside my head, captivating me.

He has not said a thing and it's bothering me, please say something instead of just staring.

A sudden source of light hits us and reveals his features, oh gods.



Chapter four done, thoughts?

What do you think or want to happen next?

Maybe it's not what you wanted, but it's needed for this to be good. So stay with me till next chapter and I PROMISE you what you all want.

I apologize for a late update, school and I'm lazy so sorry about that. I'll do better.

I might change the chapter some time and make small adjustments, if that's alright or if it's good .

Word count: 2807

- xxdailysinnerr

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