Fifth Harmony/You - All That...

By swellsxoxo

291K 9.2K 6.4K

You've worked behind the scenes of the show X Factor which is now cancelled. During your time there you met t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 [Completed]

Chapter 47

4.3K 143 104
By swellsxoxo

I sat in a dim lit classroom staring ahead in front of me at the screen that projected the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower onto it. It was my second day of classes and the third day since the girls left to go to Australia. It has been a week since the accident that I was at fault for apparently at least that is what the girls lawyer told me. No one seemed to care that Milo was able to protect Hayden and Camden from being hurt far worse than they could've been. I thought I was going to be forced to put Milo down, but he was able to sustain his injuries. Hayden and Camden were going to be left with scars, but none of their injuries were life threatening. I still wondered if that pot of boiling water never tipped over and fell on Milo, Hayden, and Camden would I be sitting at this college. I think the dean felt bad for me, so she just let Sam and I into the college of course the girls decided to make a rather large donation to the college. My departure with the girls before they went to Australia did not end well. We basically argued well they did all the yelling while I pretended to listen and every now and then shouted back at them. I couldn't tell you what our argument was about because it's something that I try to forget, but I do remember going back to my room and crying. The girl sitting next to me rested her head on her arm as she dosed off to sleep. My professor stared down at her paper and was highlighting something. A paper ball was thrown at me and I turned around to see who threw it.

"Hey, aren't you that girl dating those girls from Fifth Harmony?" a boy with a terrible haircut whispered to me.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around doing my best to ignore him.

"No need to be a bitch about it. I just wanted to congratulate you" the boy said and his friends snickered.

"I wouldn't be such a bitch if you weren't such a fuck boy" I said.

"I like a girl whose feisty" the boy said and I couldn't help but clench my fist in anger.

I remained staring in front of me at the screen as the movie played. I couldn't help but sympathize with Charlie and felt as if he and I had a lot in common. Our situations weren't the same, but we both had shitty luck when it came to life. Although, I would give Charlie kudos for only being in love with one person because I wish my life was that simple. The lights flickered on breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I expect a two page response on what you've all just seen of the movie, so I can know those of you that were attention" the professor said and some of the class groaned in annoyance while the girl who was once sleep lifted her head up to see what was going on.

After that, the professor dismissed us and I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. Once I exited the classroom, Natasha was leaning against the wall and eating frozen yogurt very seductively and getting people passing by attention. I rolled my eyes and walked over to her as the guy in my class with the bad haircut whistled at Natasha. Natasha gave him the finger and then smiled at me.

"Took you long enough" Natasha said, handing me the frozen yogurt cup.

"I had class and I told you what time I got out" I said, grabbing the spoon from her hand and dipping it into the delicious treat and bringing it to my mouth.

"You should've just skipped it like I suggested" Natasha said.

"I can't this is important to me and you promised you wouldn't give me shit about it" I said, handing the frozen yogurt back to her.

"I don't recall saying this" Natasha said, grabbing my face in her hands before placing a kiss on my lips. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss, but this perfect moment was ruined by the presence of my sister.

"I think I'm going to gag" Sam said from behind me. I pulled away from my kiss with Natasha and turned around to face Sam.

"You could always walk back home" I snapped.

"Funny how you call it home when you're never there and spend all of your time with her" Sam said pointing to Natasha.

"Don't drag me into this" Natasha said.

"You just don't get it" I yelled at Sam and people started to stare.

"I'll try to once you explain it to me" Sam said.

That was the thing was that I couldn't explain how I was so conflicted about everything. I was angry, but I wasn't sure why. Was I angry at the girls? Was I angry at myself? It was an answer that I didn't know.

"I'm dropping you off and then I'm going back to Natasha's" I said pushing past Sam as she glared at Natasha.

"Just text me Y/N when you're on your way" Natasha yelled after me.

The car ride back to the girl's place was dead silent and the silence was indeed filled with tension. Sam turned on the radio and of course the song that decided to play was 'Worth It' and immediately turned the radio off. Sam let out along sigh before she spoke.

"So is Natasha your girlfriend now?" Sam asked.

I chuckled and kept my eyes on the road. "I've already got the label of girlfriends already covered. I don't need another one" I said.

"So she's your fuck buddy then?" Sam asked.

"I'm not fucking Natasha on the contrary of what you believe. I've already made that mistake with you and I'm not looking to make that same mistake twice" I said.

"But you kissed her" Sam said.

"What exactly is your point?" I asked.

"She has to mean something to you" Sam said.

"We're just two people attracted to one another and enjoy each other's company and I'm done talking about this with you" I said, pulling up to the gate of the girl's house.

"Selena felt that way towards you and so did I but you rejected both of us. Why is Natasha different?" Sam said.

My grip on the stirring wheel became tighter. "You're my sister Sam that should be reason enough and with Selena it was complicated so just fucking drop it" I said.

"If you didn't care you wouldn't be so upset about it" Sam said.

I ignored her and typed in the code to open the gate and drove through, when I pulled up to the front of the house I stopped to let Sam out. Sam got out and before I could drive away, Gretchen came walking out of the house holding Camden in her arms while Milo ran out after her. I opened the door to let Milo in and he jumped in the car. I closed the door and then rolled down the window as Gretchen stood by the driver's window.

"I need you to stay to watch Camden and Hayden" Gretchen said.

"Sam can do it" I said.

"It's not Sam's responsibility Y/N" Gretchen said.

"For how long?" I asked as Camden looked at me sucking on his pacifier.

"Y/N get your ass out of the car" Gretchen said.

"I have... plans" I said.

"Cancel them" Gretchen said and before I could respond walked away and back into the house.

I looked down at Milo who looked back up at me with his tongue hanging out. I picked him up and kissed him on top of his head as he tried to lick my face.

"No adventure today buddy" I whispered and then held him in my arms as I drove to the parking garage.

Once I was inside the house, I walked upstairs to my room while still holding Milo. I was just about to enter my room when I noticed Selena walking down the hall.

"Hey" I said awkwardly and placed Milo on the floor. Selena turned around with a look of confusion on her face.

"Hey, I wasn't sure if you still lived here or not" Selena said.

I wonder the same thing too" I said as Milo started to paw at my bedroom door and I opened it for him to go inside.

"I didn't know you would be here so I invited a few friends over" Selena said walking down the hall towards me.

"Were you planning on having a party without me?" I joked.

"My mom's still here so that wasn't really an option" Selena said.

"That hasn't stopped you before" I said.

"I'm trying to change and move on" Selena said.

"That's... uh... great" I said.

"You have a shit load of mail by the way from the girls along with gifts. I assume you're arguing" Selena said.

"You would be wrong I'm just clearing my head which involves ignoring them" I said.

"Must be tiring" Selena said.

"I'm used to it by now" I said.

"You shouldn't be and I know it's not my place but Y/N it's time for you to realize that you deserve better and stop settling for what you think is happiness" Selena said.

I opened and closed my mouth because I had no response for what Selena just said. I could argue with her and tell her that she was wrong but I would be just wasting my breath because I would be lying if I told her that the thought never crossed my mind. The doorbell ringed downstairs and the door was opened by someone who I assumed to be Gretchen especially after she yelled.

"Selena, your friends are here" Gretchen shouted.

"I'm upstairs" Selena shouted and I heard numerous footsteps come up the stairs and I turned around to face the stairway.

"You could've at least greeted us at the door" a girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes chuckled but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

"Taylor, I was a bit preoccupied with Y/N" Selena said.

Taylor held out her hand to me and I shook it as she smiled at me. "I'm Taylor Swift and you are Y/N that my best friend is crushing on" Taylor said.

Selena started to blush and I wasn't sure what to say so I just said whatever came to mind. "I guess so" I said, letting go of Taylor's hand.

A group of other girls came bounding up the steps and all stopped when they saw me just like Taylor did.

"Uh... Hailee, Hayley, Zoey, Maia, and Alycia this is..." Selena said.

"Y/N?" Maia interrupted Selena and ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"I knew I recognized you" Alycia said, giving me a hug once Maia let go of me.

"I didn't know you three knew each other" Selena said looking confused.

"Me neither" Taylor said.

"We might a while ago" I said.

"Yeah by the beach when I hit her in the head with a volleyball" Maia chuckled.

"You girls know how clumsy Maia can be" Alycia said.

"Right... Camila talks about you all the time Y/N" Hailee said.

"She does?" I asked.

Maia and Alycia gave me a look and then Alycia spoke up. "You girls mind if Maia and I catch up with Y/N? We will meet the rest of you downstairs" Alycia said.

"That's no problem" Taylor said.

"It was nice meeting you" Hayley said to me before walking down the stairs and Selena gave me a confused look before following Hailee, Hayley, Zoey, and Taylor downstairs.

"It's better if we talk in my room" I said, as I walked inside and the girls followed behind me and Alycia closed the door.

Milo was resting on my bed while Hayden's crib sat next to my bed. She wasn't at all sleep, so I walked over to her crib and picked her up and sat down on my bed.

"You had a baby?" Alycia asked as she and Maia sat on the edge of my bed.

"God no she's my sister and I'm pretty sure my brother is with Selena's mom" I said.

"So are you still with the girls? Selena said they were in Australia" Maia said.

"It's complicated" I said, as Hayden squirmed in my arms and I grabbed a toy for her to play with.

"I bet it is" Alycia said. "I could only imagine what it's like dating five girls and adhering to their every need."

"It was easy at first but then things got in the way and I've become conflicted about everything. I feel like I need a break but I'm not sure from what" I said.

"Do you think maybe it's from the girls? I mean I know it's been a while since we've discussed it but maybe it's the doubts you're having and that's perfectly normal" Maia said.

"You're just going to have to be careful because I'm pretty positive that Hailee has a crush on Camila" Alycia said.

"I'm guessing you all are the new friends that Lauren was talking about Camila having" I said.

"Not necessarily Maia and I since it's our first time hanging out with them. We're only friends with Hayley Williams since we met her at a Paramore concert, but I'm not a huge fan of that Hailee Steinfeld girl" Alycia said.

"I feel like she's hiding something" Maia said.

"Yeah her love for Camila" Alycia chuckled.

Hayden made a gurgling noise causing us to look at her and she just looked at me and smiled before she tried to put the toy in her mouth.

"She's adorable" Maia said.

"She gets that a lot" I said.

"I wasn't aware you had siblings since you never brought it up" Alycia said.

"I didn't know that I had any at the time just like I didn't know about Sam, Hayden, or Camden" I said.

"We should probably go downstairs before they send Hailee up for us but we should give you our numbers so we can hang out" Maia said.

"Sure" I said, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and typing in my passcode before handing my phone to Maia and Alycia. They put their numbers in my phone and told me bye before leaving my room. As soon as they walked out of my room that my phone started going off and a picture of Dinah popped up on my screen along with Incoming Call. I clicked the Accept button and put her on speaker.

"I thought for sure you were going to decline our phone call" Ally said.

"I thought about it" I said as I peppered kisses all over Hayden's face making her giggle.

"I'm sure you would've picked up if it were Lauren" Normani said into the phone.

"I doubt it. What is that you want?" I said.

"We haven't spoken to you since we left we wanted to hear your voice" Dinah said.

"Since I'm sure I'm on speaker for all of you to hear that you've finally heard my voice so I think I should hang up" I said.

"Wait... no how we left things before we left to come to Australia shouldn't have happened" Camila said.

"Well it did so..." I said.

"We all understand that you're upset with us" Ally said.

"But you shouldn't be spending so much time with Natasha" Normani said.

"I'm sure my sister told you that bit of information" I said.

"Don't be mad at Sam we needed someone to watch over you" Dinah said.

"I'm not twelve, I can take care of myself" I said.

"That's not what Dinah meant it's just that sometimes you do rash things and don't think about the consequences" Camila said.

Hayden started to become fussy, so I knew that I needed to end this phone call.

"Yeah sure whatever you say. I have to go. I have a lot of homework to do" I said.

"Okay, we will be back the day of your court date" Ally said.

"Yeah okay bye" I said and then ended the call.

Hayden made a face and I knew what that face meant.

"I'm not changing your diaper" I said, standing up and holding Hayden at arm's length as I exited my room and walked downstairs to find Gretchen.

Once I handed Hayden over to Gretchen, I was about to go back upstairs to retrieve my phone and go over to Natasha's until I ran into Hailee.

"Sorry" I muttered and tried to walk past her but she blocked my way. "Is there a problem?"

"What are you to Camila?" Hailee said.

"I thought she already told you and if not you must not be that great of a friend" I said.

"I really like Camila and I don't want you getting between us" Hailee said.

I chuckled. "You should really quit while you're ahead" I said.

"Is that a threat?" Hailee asked.

"No, you would know if I were threatening you" I said.

"Just stay away from Camila" Hailee said in a way that was supposed to intimidate me but really she sounded like a complete idiot.

"That's what I should be saying to you but that's going to be impossible for me to do considering I live here so good luck with that" I said and then walked past her to the stairway.

I got my phone from my room and grabbed Milo and then went to the garage to go to my car. It didn't take that long to get to Natasha and Elise's place. I forgot to text Natasha and tell her that I was on my way. The thought didn't cross my mind until I pulled up to the driveway. Once I was at the door, I unlocked it with the key that Natasha gave me and Milo darted into the place as I closed the door. On the contrary of what Sam and Gretchen believed, I did not only go to Natasha and Elise's place to see Natasha it was more to see the person that the girls made me believe that she was with them when she wasn't. I walked up to the room and opened the door and silently closed the door behind me.

"Y/N you shouldn't be here" Lauren said.

"I'm not one to follow rules Lolo. I guess I get that from you" I said, making my way over to the bed that she laid in.

Lauren wasn't as bad when I first found out she was here. It was merely by accident that I found out. I was cuddling with Natasha, but I couldn't sleep so I decided to explore the place and found Lauren sleeping in this room but she didn't look like Lauren when I found her. I still think Camila had it worse but I could tell that Lauren was in pain.

"You're so fucking stubborn Y/N" Lauren said as I lay down next to her.

"You're one to talk" I said as I started to play with her fingers.

Lauren chuckled. "How was class?" Lauren asked.

"We watched the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I have to write about what I saw so far in the film. I have ROTC tomorrow" I said.

"I wish you wouldn't have taken that course" Lauren said.

"General Psychology?" I asked.

Lauren looked at me with her emerald eyes and I stopped playing with her fingers. She pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"I wish I knew what you were thinking sometimes Y/N because this whole ROTC thing has something else behind it that you refuse to tell me or the other girls" Lauren said.

"I told you that I just find it interesting" I said.

"I know what you've told me Y/N but that doesn't mean there's truth to it. I feel like you're hiding something" Lauren said.

"Maybe I don't need a reason behind the things that I do" I said.

"That's not like you Y/N" Lauren said.

"Well people change" I said.

"I feel like you're saying goodbye to me without even saying it" Lauren said.

"It's just a stupid class Lauren" I said.

"It's more than that to you. Your mom told you that your dad left her and you to join the military and made you believe that he sent you letters when it was just your mom lying about the entire thing. It's not just a class and you know it" Lauren said.

"I'm starting to feel tired" I said, sitting up on the bed and then getting out of it.

"Y/N I didn't mean it in a harsh way" Lauren said reaching for my hand but I pulled away.

"I have class early in the morning" I said before leaving Lauren in the room.

I knocked on Natasha's bedroom door and then opened the door before waiting for a response. Milo barked and then growled before I entered the room.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as if he was going to respond but he just growled at the door.

I heard shuffling in the room and then someone fall out of the bed. "Nat, are you okay?" I asked.

"This isn't Natasha's room" Elise said and then I looked at the door again and she was right Milo continued to growl and bark.

"Sorry Elise" I said.

"For fuck sake you love to ruin moments Y/N" a familiar voice said and it explained why Milo was barking and growling. Elise came up to her door and pushed me out before closing the door in my face and that's when Milo stopped barking and growling and ran to the front door when Natasha entered.

"There you are princess, I didn't think you were going to show up" Natasha said, closing the door behind her and petting Milo.

"Did you know Elise is with..." I couldn't finish the sentence because how disgusted I was about the situation.

"Yeah it's sort of hard not to the walls are very thin" Natasha said. "Are you okay? He didn't try to do anything to you did he?"

I shook my head no. Natasha grabbed my hand and then led me to her room with Milo at our heels. Once I was in Natasha's room, I did what I always did which was lie on the right side of the bed as she laid on the left side and we cuddled until both of us fell asleep.


I awoke with the sound of the alarm blaring through the room. Natasha covered her head with the covers.

"Turn that shit off Y/N" Natasha grumbled.

I lifted my head up and turned off the alarm. I got out of bed and proceeded to the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom with just a towel and searched through my part of Natasha's closet for my uniform. Once I found it, I went back into the bathroom and changed into it. I put my hair in a ponytail and then walked out of the bathroom and gave Natasha a kiss on the forehead when she stirred.

"Don't forget to feed Milo" I whispered since Milo was still sleeping.

"It's a fucking dog Y/N it's hard to forget to feed it" Natasha mumbled.

"Don't forget" I said before leaving her room and closing the door behind me. I walked to the room that Lauren was in and found the TV on but Lauren was asleep. I turned the TV off and pecked her on the lips. She didn't wake up but I could've sworn I saw a smile form on her face. Driving to campus and finding parking this early in the morning wasn't an issue, but my exhaustion was and thinking about whom I saw Elise with last night. I was making my way across campus when I felt like I was being followed. I stopped in my tracks and then I heard a camera go off.

"If you wanted a picture you could've asked" I said and turned around thinking I would find a pap but instead a girl with brunette hair with brown eyes stared back at me with a camera in her hand.

"Sorry I didn't know I was being so obvious" the girl said her face turning red.

" I know you?" I asked not entirely sure who the girl was.

"Jesus no I'm Kathryn but you can call me Kat" Kat said.

"Okay, why were you taking pictures of me?" I asked.

"This might sound stupid but I was admiring you like a work of art. I know that sounds creepy" Kat said.

"I've heard worse things" I said.

"I'm sorry that you have" Kat said.

"It's fine. I'm going to be late for class if I don't live now" I said.

"Right sure I actually do photography for ROTC" Kat said.

"That's great so I guess I will be seeing you around then" I said.

"Yeah I guess so" Kat said her face turning red again.

I continued my trip to class and when I got there everyone was told to take six laps around the Student Union. After three laps some people started puking and others begged for a break. None of this really bothered me seeing as Normani has put me through far worse exercise wise. When I was the first one done and the group of guys who were in charge I believe kept staring at me when I sat down waiting for the others to finish. One of the guys came over to me with his friend in tow.

"What's your name?" the boy with black hair and blue eyes asked me.

"Y/N" I said.

The boy next to him checked his clipboard and highlighted something on the page.

"You're supposed to say sir to me you know" the boy with black hair said.

"She's new Gus" his friend said.

"Thanks Greyson for clarifying" Gus said.

"I'm not fucking saying sir to you" I said.

"It's protocol" Greyson said and Gus gave him a look to shut up.

"Greyson, how about you go handle the other students?" Gus asked.

"Whatever" Greyson shrugged, before walking away.

"I didn't need you to defend me" I said.

"I felt like we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Augustus" Gus said, holding his hand out to me. I looked at his hand and rolled my eyes.

"What kind of name is Augustus? Was your mom a fan of John Greene?" I asked. I only knew about the character Augustus Waters since Camila wouldn't shut up about that book The Fault in Our Stars.

"It was my grandfather's name how died in war and my mom named me after him since I was her only son. My name didn't come from two sick kids in a book plus I go by Gus" Gus said.

"That's even worse than your real name" I said.

"Are you ever going to cut this act you have going on?" Gus asked.

"Excuse me" I said.

"This act of being angry at the world and everyone in it because it's treated you wrong" Gus said.

"Fuck you. You don't know anything about me" I said.

A whistle blew and there was more yelling as we were being dismissed. Gus was about to say something to me but I walked away.

After class, I went into the Student Union to find myself something to eat when Kat took another picture of me.

"Do you mind?" I asked a bit irritated.

"Sorry" Kat said, lowering her camera and walking with me. "Had a bad day?"

"Not the particular words I would use" I said.

"I saw Greyson and Augustus talking to you. I assume that Greyson was being a dick" Kat said.

"You will assume correctly" I said as I stood in line at Subway.

"Greyson was a dick when I dated him but he seemed so nice when I first met him. Everyone always thought Augustus was gay but he seemed smitten with you" Kat said.

"He's not particularly my type" I said as I stared up at the menu and deciding to get a Philly Cheesesteak.

"So I was right you are gay" Kat said.

"I don't use labels but I fall in love with whoever I fall in love with" I said.

"I'm the same way" Kat said.

I told the guy what I wanted and told him that I wanted white bread, mayo, provolone cheese, green peppers, and I wanted it toasted. Kat ended up getting a tuna sub along with a cookie. I found some place to sit once I got my sub and paid for it.

"Is it okay if I sit with you?" Kat asked and her facial expression was afraid that I would reject her.

"Be my guest" I said and Kat sat down across from me and placed her food on the table then put her camera in her backpack.

"You know you never told me your name" Kat said taking out hand sanitizer and pouring some in her hand and offering me some which I agreed to.

"My name is Y/N" I said, rubbing my hands together before unwrapping my sub.

"I'm Kathryn Prescott" Kat said.

"Uh... I know you introduced yourself earlier" I said before taking a bite of my sub.

"I know but I didn't tell you my last name" Kat said and then unwrapped her sub.

I finished chewing what was in my mouth before replying. "It didn't really matter but I didn't know you had an accent. I picked up on it when you said your last name" I said.

"Yeah my accent comes out every now and then but I'm from London. I have a twin sister named Megan" Kat said and then took a bite of her sub.

"Does she go here too?" I asked.

"No, she's still in London" Kat said.

"What's your major?" I asked.

"Theater and Photography" Kat said.

"So you're a double major?" I asked.

"Kind off... it gives me something to do when I'm not working on Finding Carter" Kat said.

"What's Finding Carter?" I asked.

"It's a TV show" Kat said.

"Oh I don't watch much TV" I said.

"I'm kind of glad actually" Kat said.

"Why?" I asked taking another bite of my sub.

"That means you won't treat me different" Kat said.

"I pretty much treat everyone the same" I shrugged.

"So if I asked you something you wouldn't get mad?" Kat asked.

"It depends on the question especially if it has to deal with the rumors around this college" I said.

"I don't know what rumors you're referring to but it's something else I wanted to ask you" Kat said.

"Okay, go for it" I said.

"Would you...uh want to go on a date with me?" Kat asked with her face turning as red as it did earlier.

I was kind of shocked by Kat's question because I wasn't expecting it and I wasn't sure what to say. I think my silence was longer than I thought because Kat spoke again.

"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I'm so stupid I shouldn't have asked" Kat said.

"It's okay it's just that we barely know each other" I said.

"That's what the date is for to get to know one another" Kat said.

I was about to respond but Sam came up and made me lose my train of thought.

"Y/N what the hell are you wearing? Only the ROTC losers where that outfit" Sam said.

"I'm in ROTC Sam" I said.

"Oh yeah you did say that you were taking that. Who's your friend?" Sam said.

"I was just leaving" Kat said gathering her things.

"You don't have to leave because of my sister" I said.

"I have somewhere to be anyway" Kat said and took out a pen and wrote her number down on one of the Subway napkins before smiling at me and handed it to me and then left.

"What is it about you Y/N that every girl you come in contact with seems to have a thing for you? Me included" Sam said.

"It wasn't like that" I said looking at the number on the napkin and saving the contact into my phone. "It's nothing you need to tell the girls about"

"They asked about you since they haven't heard from you since they left" Sam said.

"You could've lied Sam" I said.

"I'm a bad liar and you know that" Sam said.

I didn't respond to Sam, but finished eating my sub instead. Sam had another class and I told her to call me when she needed to be picked up since Selena dropped her off. She went into that speech again about how she wished she had her car fixed sooner so she didn't have to rely on me. I wish she did too, but she wasn't getting her car back until next week. Natasha text me and told me that she would drop Milo off later when I arrived at the girl's house. When I pulled into the garage and opened the door to the house I was shocked to find the girls sitting at the table including Lauren along with their lawyer.

"Hi" I said closing the door behind me. "I thought you guys weren't coming back until the court date?"

"Y/N, they've moved the court date to sooner than we all thought" the girls lawyer said. "Your dad is flying in today"

"Why today?" I asked.

"Because you're due in court less than two hours from now" Ally said.

"But I'm not ready" I said.

I was expecting the girls to try to argue with me, but their facial expressions told me that they were hiding something from me.

"Babe, I think you should have a seat" Camila said.

"I think it's better if I stand" I said.

Lauren, Camila, Dinah, Ally, and Normani all looked at one another. No doubt deciding who should tell me whatever it is they had to say.

"Y/N your mom and step dad is going to be at the courthouse" Dinah said.

"They want Hayden and Camden back?" I asked.

"No... it's just that they filed a claim against you" Camila said.

"What claim?" I asked.

"Just fuck it I'm going to tell her. They filed a claim that you are unfit to raise Camden and Hayden because of your association with prostitution at a young age" Lauren said.

"We know it's not true Y/N and we have proof you're going to have to go on the stand and tell your side of the story" Normani said.

My heart started to beat erratically in my chest and it was hard for me to breathe. I couldn't relive what my mom and step dad did to me when I was younger. It was hard for me to even tell the girl's about it, but telling a group of strangers in a courtroom who were going to judge me was too much.

"I-I c-can't do it" I managed to with tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I know this is hard for you Y/N" the girl's lawyer said.

"No you don't. You don't understand he will make it seem like I made it all up just like he did when I went to the police when I was little. You have no idea what my step dad is capable of" I said my voice shaky.

"No he won't because we will be there to back you up" Camila said.

"This is not something that you girls can protect me from. It was only a matter of time before he did this" I said.

Ally was about to say something, but there was a loud bang as the front door was being kicked open and a bunch of police officers came running into the house. Next thing I knew I was being thrown on the ground and being handcuffed along with being read my rights.

"She didn't do anything" Lauren yelled at one of the officers as he held her back.

I knew eventually that my time would come when my step dad used the one thing against me that made me seem guilty and take it to the cops. I didn't bother making eye contact with the girls as the cops took me away. I couldn't bear to see their confused faces.

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