Happyily ever after?


911 4 14

Happily ever after? War is over, but the chaos in Harry's head is not. While he is trying to figure out why h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

46 0 1

Harry: We walk down the hallway quietly.

"Thank you" I break the silence. Amused Malfoy answered "Someone needed to protect your pretty little face." My cheeks burn. More serious he goes on. "Take it as a balancing for saving my ass in the Great Hall or..." his voice goes even quieter. "for defeating Voldemord and saving the wizard world in general" The longer he talks the shyer he gets. My mouth forms a soft smile and for the first time in minutes I lift my head glimpsing at him. His eyes are pinned on his hands which are kneading each other nervously. I've never seen him like that before.

"It was my destiny"

"Still. You faced it with enormous bravery" he sighs sadly. "You didn't abandoned everyone and vanished" he adds embarrassed.

He's talking about himself.

"Malfoy" The words just come out. "My life was hell on earth. I barely made it and I couldn't have without my friends." I put my body infront of his blocking his way causing him to stop. "Literally. They have saved my life millions of time mostly without knowing" A siver runs over my spine. "I can't imagen what's it would have been like alone"

"You don't need to say that. You're a national hero and I'm a former Death Eater. We shouldn't even be talking." The bitterness in those words causes my heart to ache. The gulity is eating him from the inside out.

Softly I ask: "Did you, personally kill someone for Voldemord?" "NO." he's shocked. "I'd never."

"Did you, personally fight in a battle for him?" "Only the one in my familiy's house...with you"

"You call that fighting?" I raise an eyebrown. "You basicly surrendered and you saved me. You not only gave me your wand you lied to your  familiy's face. " He goes quiet.

"Did you, personally support him financially?" "No."

"Any other way?" "No"

"Recuit someone for his cause?" "No."

"Do you belive Voldemord's ideology?" "No."

"Doesn't sound so bad to me then. Actually you seems more like a poor imitation of a Death Eater than an actual one" Malfoy finally takes his eyes of his hands and guids them onto my eyes. Just now I notice they're watery. With all of his willpower he replied. "I have the mark, Potta. I was one of them. If I want or not." A tear rolls down his rosy cheeks. "Yes, I helped you but I should have fought with you. I should have been brave enough to stand up. I could have been a good spy. I could have saved lifes. Instead I was a coward. First watching without intervening and then hiding. Yes, I didn't really help the one whose name shall not be spoken but I also didn't try to stop him either." A waterfall of warm tears pours down his face. He snivels.

This puts a strain on him. It has for a long time.

Carefully I bring my hands to his face holding it between them.

Just like he did in my dream.

My thumb wipes away the tears. "Malfoy, being afraid is human. You were barely 18. Growing up in a family of Death Eaters. It takes so much  bravery to leave them behind. You're not a bad person. A bad person wouldn't feel so gulity. They wouldn't speak like that - not even think that. They wouldn't regret their actions. You do." I'm as suprised by this words as he is.

Do I believe that?

He is planing something with the infinita amor.

He went to the bridge 3 times during the last week. And there's another spot he visits reguarly at night - Moaning Myrtle's  bathroom. Probably to brew the infinita amor. I didn't check since Myrtle could tell him I was there.

Does he really regrets it or is he just a good actor? An insanely convincing actor?

His eyes are wide open. The tears have stop and just now I realise how close our faces are. How close have brought them. My fingers are stroking his hair gently. My thumb is still gliding over his cheek. I can smell him. I can feel him - his body warmth. My heart beats loud - too loud. Shyly I avert my eyes - finding his tie. It's weirdly tied - more of a knot. I laugh.

"Malfoy" still laughing "What have you done to your tie?" "I tied it." he said his body shaking from hiding a laughter. "more like knotting it" His eyes shine bride with amusement.

I prefer seeing him like that.

"Don't you know how to tie a tie?" I ask tilting my head a little. "No one ever taught me" He goes quiet again.

I got him thinking about his family.

"I can teach you." I propose.

His fingers wrap around my tie inspecting it closely. To see it better he slightly leans down. We're even closer now. I hold my breath feeling his pleasant bodywarmth. "You seem experienced enough." he states jokingly arrogant.

Rolling my eyes dramatic I drag him to the nearest bathroom.

"First we need to disentangle this chaos" I announce standing infront of the mirror. A light smile on my face.

"Then you lay the one end over here..." I explain occasionally turning around to check if he can see what I'm doing in the mirror.

Draco: With all my willpower I focus on the instruction Potta's giving instead of his touch against my neck and chest. He looks so excited for teaching me something.


It's fascinating how easy this is for us - to be like this.

so carefree. so friendly. nearly familiar.

I giggle - he made a mistake.

"I never said I was perfect." he yells reproachful. I laugh more. He does too.

"I didn't ask you to be" I scream back with a huge smile. Blushing he turns back to tieing.


"Done"  I lift my eyes from his gorgeous face to the mirror looking at me.

"Good job." It looks so much better now. Potta's face turned even reder - i didn't know it was possible. He steps back. My body longs for his vicinity so I step forward using the mirror as an excuse. Predenting to study myself in it I watch him looking at me. Warmth spreads in my chest. Our bodies are only inches away from touching but I can't overcome them inconspicuously.

What a shame...

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