Celestial Pains

By ItzDiana_YT4

1.4K 49 90

Just a small fnaf fanfic on my sun and moon au. Both sun and moon r aroace, and go by he/him Inspired by the... More

Silent suffering
Even the celestials need comfort
A new acquaintance
Sad sun
Eclipse, Bloodmoon, and Lunar
Monty's "issues"
Moons injury


134 5 14
By ItzDiana_YT4

{A/N} I'm so sorry for not writing, I was trying to write something that's not angst for a bit, but looks like I'm not really good at that- Also, while the image on top is not mine, I feel like it's an accurate representation of how my au sun and moon look, so here's some reference! I get all my imgs from Pinterest btw!

That being said, let's get on with the chapter!!!

[ S U N ]

What a lovely morning, I love the mornings! But oh God I have a serious case of bed head. I gotta brush it out. Now where could that hair brush be... I wonder if... Is moon awake yet. I glance at his room. I mean, I did force shut him down..

"Oh Moonyyyyyyy" I call as I shake him awake.
"Good god sun it's too early for this shit." Moon mumbles
"Well too bad! You gotta get ready!" I chuckle
"Sun it's our day off. Can't I at least sleep in for another hour or so.. " He complains.
"Nope. C'mon it's already 5:24!" I grab him.
" Ughhhh. This is your fault. Why did you force shut me down. " he whines
"You would've shut down anyways. Now come onnnn. You have a serious case of bed head silly." I laugh. Moons not really a morning person. Then again, he hardly ever sleeps. I guess another hour of sleep won't do much harm. I mean, it's not like I can get him off his bed.
"Fine, just one more hour." I say as he plops back on his bed. Welp, I gotta brush my hair anyways. I grab Moonys hair brush and start brushing out all the knots in my hair. He wouldn't mind me using his hair brush anyways. My hair get really messy after I sleep, but it's not as bad as moonys. Now.. What hairstyle should I use today. Eh I'll just use my classic braid. I mean, it's not like we have anyone coming over today. We're closed! Although I don't know why they decided to do it on a Monday, but that's fine!

I just realized. I FORGOT TO ARRANGE THE GLITTER GLUE IN RAINBOW ORDER!!  Silly me, always forgetting to do stuff. Well, at least it gives me something to do. Walking towards the shelves with glitter glue, I realise I hadn't really picked up all the paper either. Nor did I arrange all the toys. Why did I forget to do all that? Why would I forget to do all that. My sole purpose is to entertain and keep the Daycare clean. Management didn't want to have to pay more people to clean. That's why we have the Cleaner bots. My purpose is to make sure the Daycare is clean in all sorts. And I can't even do that right. I can't do anything right. I'm just a useless robot that can't even do it's one job right. I'm so useless. What's wrong with me. What's wrong with me. What's wrong with me. Why is my vision getting blurry? What is this leaking affecting my eyes. Oh no. Oh no. My tear resolves are active. Faz. I don't want to get my brother worried. I don't want to make him upset. Not again. I don't want him to worry. I need to wipe this orange tear fluid off my face. Uhm. Ah, my hand towel. I can use that.

Okay, now to pick up all the paper. Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, oh my. How the hell did a piece of paper get all the way up THERE?! I DON'T EVEN THINK A TEEN COULD REACH THAT! ON TOP OF THE GODDAMN SLIDE?! okay sun, calm down. There are just some questions that can't be answered. Okay just gotta.... there we go! I got it. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. And that's all! Alrighty, now to put it in the paper chest. Plop! Hmm. It's been an hour. Welp, gotta go wake moon up.

Using the computer built in to my arm, I teleport myself to our living space.
"God who decided to make us so huge but this crawlspace so small." I complain. I look at moon. Still asleep. He's so peaceful. Unfortunately that peace shall not last. He needs to wake up.
"Moonyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" I shake him awake.
"What in the stars- Oh. Has it already been an hour?" Moon asks.
"Ofcourse it has silly! Now c'mon, you gotta get uppppp." I grab him.
"Fine" moon mutters.
"Finally. Now you gotta brush your hair" I say as I hand him his hairbrush.
"Thanks." He says as he grabs the moon and star decorated hairbrush.
"There ya go! Now, I ought to go back to organizing the toys! See ya!" I chirp as I head over to our balcony. If I know Moony well, he'll probably hook onto his wire and hide at the top of daycare. Meh. I jump over into the ball pit and grab the monty plush in there. Good, I got 1, 9 more to get. I look around and spot the Freddy plush upside down on top of the snack tables. I grab that. 1,2,3,4 I count, grabbing the chica and Roxy plush that for some reason or the other, were on top of each other in one of the chairs. Odd. Ah, there's number five, the dj! I wonder how he acts like, I mean I never leave the daycare. There's no reason to. And plus, I'm not allowed to. Only Moony is. Speaking of which, there's a moon plush! On top of the security desk. 6, I'm only missing 4 more. Luckily, not all the toys are missing. Thankfully my scan feature informed me of that bit. Else i'd be a lot more worried. Unfortunately I can't scan the entire daycare.
"Sun, catch!" I hear moon yell, as he throws down yet another Montgomery Gator plush.
"Don't throw them! They'll rip!" I yell back as he throws another Freddy fazbear one. Goodness, now there's only two more, which I see right there! My plush and it's golden counterpart. I grab that and put them all away into the toy bin.

And now for the glitter glue. Thankfully, this will be fairly easy. I grab all the glitter glue and sort them based on colour. Red in first, so that'll be 10 bottles of red, then orange, 19 bottles, orange isn't really a popular glitter glue colour. Yellow and green, they both have 14 bottles. Blue, 2. Indigo,7.Violet, 11. And black and white, 12 and 17. Finally done!! Ugh now I'm exhausted already. I'm just gonna go into a place in the play structures near a generator. I don't know why they put them in the play structures. Most probably because if the power goes out, moon wouldn't know that to do, he's just programmed to take care of naptime, not playtime. So then the kids could go turn them on like a scavenger hunt.

Climbing into the play structures I go into a small tube that drops into a generator area. Sitting there, I curl up into a ball. Although I don't know why, the generator noise seems to calm me down, but it does. I just sit there and let the noise work it's magic. Slowly, listening to the noise I relax, to the point I fall asleep.

[ M O O N ]

Watching from my wire, I see Sun curling up by the generator. He seems to like the noise of the generator running. I never liked it, but it's fine. As long as he's happy. Now what could I do. Hmmm. I could try to do that wire trick I couldn't do last night. Yeah. Twisting myself up with the wire, I wrap a bit of the wire around my leg and curl up the wire around my arm. And then letting my arm go slack i spin down. Once I reach a certain part around my waist, I flip and catch myself. By being upside down, and hang like spider man. It'd be quite terrifying to watch in the dark, as a matter of fact the lights were off. Especially the fact that Roxanne walked in at that moment.

"What in the stars- Oh. Calm down Roxanne, it's just me." I say as I lower myself towards her.
" Moon? What? Oh- uhm. I wasn't scared. Just pretending. " She lied. It was very obvious that she was lying, but I'm not sure whether I'm close enough to her to point that out without upsetting her.
"I know. You wouldn't be scared of something like that. You are the best after all." I say, in a more than believable tone. It's odd how I have acquired a talent in lying. I was built not to lie after all. It perplexes me how I managed to override my own programming. So much to know, but such little ways to find out.
"Really? Anyways, what are you doing today? You have the day off don't you?" Roxanne asks
"Last time I checked, you don't have the day off. So what are you doing here?" I ask back
"I'm on break. So I decided to visit. Oh also, since you seem to have nothing else to do, I decided to get you a few books on science or something." She says as she opens the bag she was holding.

Hearing that, I was immediately overjoyed. I had nothing to do, and I wanted to learn. Whether it was related to my queries or not, learning something would be very profitable.
"Oh. Thanks I guess" I say awkwardly. I don't know how to react. No one has ever gifted me anything, not even sun, unless those drawings counted as a gift.
"Your acting odd. Haven't you been given a gift before?" She asks sarcastically . As much as she didn't mean it, she was right. I have never been given a gift.
"No, I haven't. This is the first time someone has gone out of their way to accommodate me. Aside from sun of course" I answer, ashamed. She looks at me, horrified. Was it something I said. Did I upset her. Faz, I can't even do anything right. No wonder most people don't even know my name.
"Oh my faz. Nobody ever did ANYTHING for you?!" She asks in shock.
" No. I doubt glamrocks like Freddy or chica even know I exist. Montgomery just picks on me, and you just see me stalking dark hallways. And besides, your the only one that knows my name, remember. " I mutter. Without a second thought, she jumps onto me, and gives me a tight hug.

"You don't deserve that! Your such a wonderful person, I can't believe that most animatronics don't even know you exist. That's just straight up rude, and uncool." She mumbles.
" ..Thank you. That means a lot, especially coming for you. " I stammer. She is the first person, aside from sun, to genuinely feel pity and emotion for me.
"No need to thank me. In fact, no one deserves to be treated like that." She says. An alarm rings.

" Ugh. Break is over. Hell. I gotta run. Good bye moon. " She calls as she runs out to her stage. Thank the stars for her. She was so... Kind? To me. But for what intent. Why? She left the bag here. Is it really for....me? I walk towards it and inspect the bag. She was right. They were books on science. I could read them. Opening the bag completely, I inspect the books. They were used, so she most likely asked the staff for old books. Thank you Roxanne. She knows I would be to afraid to even interact with anyone else. I was afraid to converse with her that day. I only spoke because I had no other choice.

Back to the books. I read the titles.

"The science of the mind" I wonder why a staff member would have this. I check for any indication of name. "Yulia James". Who is this Yulia. James? As in, ms.James? Perhaps. She is in fact in charge of programming the mind. I guess it's not too odd.

"Making AI, Making the future" This would be useful. I've always wanted to learn about AI. This book was donated by... "George Bill" Oh. Mr.George. He is the programming head.

"Mechanical Engineering" This was a text book. There were many of these. Some one has donated their Engineering textbooks. "Kenny Simons". Oh, Kenny. The security guard that insisted on us calling him by his name. This would prove useful as well, as staff doesn't really care about us, and just mainly fuss over the glamrocks. They postpone repairs as much as possible. Now I could try and repair me and sun myself.

"Aerial Acrobatics"? This isn't a science book. Ohh, she must've added this book as I have that wire. "Marianne Williams". It's that kind woman.

"Advanced chemistry". Another set of textbooks. "Jennifer Daniels" Well, now I have something to do. Thank you Roxanne.

I decide to try the book on the mind first. But first I need to put the bag away. I'll put it in my room. I open the computer on my arm, and teleport myself and the bag of books in by hand, to our balcony. Walking towards my room, I wonder why Roxanne was so surprised. Is it normal to randomly give people gifts? Odd.

Hooking into my wire, I decide to sit next to sun. Although he would still be asleep, it's nice to be with him. Navigating myself through the play structures, I come to the area where sun is. Ugh. I hate the sound of the generator running. Well, might as well block out all noise. It's not like I need to hear it.

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