hari, the lord of eternal lo...

By HariVandita

1.7K 90 4

he is the lord of the universe. he is the divine protecter. he is the epitome of love and compassion. he is a... More

authar's note.
1, the lord over kamadeva, a narada narayana story, part 1.
2, mayavati, sheelanidhi, and shrimati., a narada narayana story, part 2.
3, a face like that of hari, a narada narayana story, part 3.
4, vishnu or shiva?
5, vishnu or shiva, part 2.
6, dhruva.
authar's note.
8. the fortune of meeting the preserver and to become the brightest.
9, who is the gratest??, a short story.
10, narayana.
11. rama, the name that came to be a blessing.
12, krishna, even in sleep?a madhavparth story.
13. the liberating food, the meal of the lord, part 1.
the liberating food, the meal of the lord, part 2.
the liberating food, the meal of the lord, part 3.
14, satisfied , are you krishna?
Thank you note 

7. his devotion and dittermination.

65 4 0
By HariVandita

Dhruva ran to his mother and started crying harder.

Suniti noticed the sudden change in her little boy, and found her eyes being moist as well. She knew that something had gone wrong with the king and her co-wife, that had hert her little bundle of joy.

Dhruva didn't stop crying, his face was red, cute eyes full of sadness.

"Dhruva, puthra, look here. Why are you crying, dear?". Suniti's question made the boy to look up.

"mata, why can't I have the opportunity to sit on pitashri's lap? Mata Suruchi said that it was because I was not born from her womb. She asked me to pray to shrihari to give me an opportunity to be sitting on pitashri's lap. Also, she told me that it was utama who had the higher authority to sit on pitashri's lap, to play with him. She asked me to pray to shrihari to make me sit on his lap, but not of pitashri."

Suniti was heart broken . she never knew that her co-wife would be this cruel to an innocent boy of 6, who had so badly wished to sit on his father's lap. And to play with his father, like his younger sibling..

"mata, Dhruva asked all of a sudden. Who's shrihari? Will he answer my prayers to let me have equal rights of my father like utama"?

Dhruva asked , his face scrunched up in confusion.

Suniti smiled and replyed. " Dhruva, shrihari's the father of all. He is the lord of this universe. He preserves this universe with so much of love and compassion. He loves his devotees to such an extent. Just pray to him with the purest of hearts , filled with love. And then you'll get what you desire." . Dhruva stared at his mother in aw, his eyes lit up at the new information. " Mata, how to propiciate shrihaari? Do we need to do something to propiciate him?" . Dhruva asked.

"I've seen many rishivars do penance to attain a vision of the gods. So should I do a penance to please the lord?".

"Dhruva, you're young and are not capable to do penences. That is not for your age, little one."

Suniti tried to convinse her son. "no mata. If that's the way to propiciate him, then I must do it. If I do it, then I will get my father back. He will love you like he did before. Give me the permission to leave to the forrest, mata"

Suniti saw her sun's eyes flare up with dittermination to please the dark lord in any way possible. She didn't know why, but something in her urged her to nod her head in affirmation, brightening up the boy's moonlike face. She blessed him with her entire heart, and sent a silent prayer to the Lord to protect him..


Vishnu smiled at the young boy, from up above . "prabhu, garuda's voice broke through the peaceful vaikuntha. Is he serious? He asked, his eyebrows raced. " why, yes, garuda" " you don't know him, he's a boy so dittermined and I don't think anyone can stop him from achieveing his goals". Vishnu said , his smile widening.

Swami, whatever , he is a small child of 6, and the forest would be dangerous for him. I am a little worried" Lakshmi said worriedly.

"don't worry priye, just waight and watch".


narada, as usual was happily roming arround the trilok.

he chanced to come to the earth, just to catch upon any news that he could gather.

on his way to the king, utanapada's palace, he found a boy aged 5 to 6 walk somewhere.

his eyes were filled with a kind of dittermination and love that narada was astonished. he knew who the boy was, and what he was up to.

"narayana, narayana" . narada said, standing behind the boy, gaining his attention.

Dhruva bowed his head in a respectful manner.

"pranipat, rishivar. " Dhruva said in his jiberish tone.

"how did you know that I am a sage, child?" narada questioned. Dhruva smiled and replyed, "mata had told me that the sages wore simple clothes. And your aura gave it all away, rishivara".

Narada was even more astonished. How could a child , who's only 6, identify who's a sage and who's not, just by fealing their aura? . "ok, little one. May I know where your headed to ?. I am heading to the forest, rishivara. To do tapsya on lord vishnu. For giving me equal rights on my father as it is for my younger brother. I too, want to sit on his lap like utama does. I too want to play with him.. fine, fine. Child." Narada said , his eyes immediately filling with compassion for the child.

" listen, Dhruva. Are you sure about this, the forrest may be dangerous, there would be wild animals that may attack you. And also, this is not your age to be doing such hard penences. And you are a prince. Its not the time to do penences , but time to enjoy"

Narada tried to disvade the child, but Dhruva's expression gave it all. His dittermination was not reduced, even a little. " forgive me, rishivara. If am ignoring your advices. Mata had said that shrihari is the father of all. He'd protect everyone who is devoted to him, completely, from any dangers . isn't that true, rishivara?".

Narada was speechless. Such trust and devotion to the lord, just after hearing about him for once. Seeing the child's devotion, narada couldn't resist anymore.

So, he dicided to provide an aid to the child, to have a success in his penance.

" come here, Dhruva. I am going to tell you a manthra. Chant it while closing your eyes. You'd see the lord and ask what you desire. Also, go to the forrest, and theres a place named madhuvana. You can do your penance there. That is a peaceful place."

"alright, rishivara"

Please, give me the manthra" . Dhruva bowed before the sage.


Narada whispered in the child's ear.

Dhruva listen to it intently and memmorised it instantly.

After which, he walked toward the forrest, and found the place madhuvana. Narada had hinted to him that there would be the river Yamuna flowing there. And lots, and lots of trees.

So, he found the place and started his penance.


a/n, heloooo guys. i love this little child and adore him a lot. really, just so , faithfull? devoted/? don't know what to say. whatever. happy reading.....

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