Bioshock Gate

By Shadow_trooper

7K 290 78

Columbia wishes to see the lands below them burn. Let's see if they want to see the fires they can't control... More

Planning and Spying
To be Illuminated by Fools
Rush to Safety
Eagles vs Ravens
Capture of the Lady
Touch Down with Ignition
To Fix the Union
Battle of Chicago
Battle in the Skies
Planning for War
Royce, Slate and Daisy

Into the the Heavens

685 23 5
By Shadow_trooper

The cabinet was looking over possible candidates for who should go up. It was obvious the guard team was going to be made up of marines. The method of arrival was going to be by helicopter, and that left more issues, operational height of the city would mean most craft would struggle to reach the city.

Casper Weinberger put forth a candidate, he wanted a military man to go up, see if he could judge the offensive capabilities of the city, we may end up having to be boots on the ground, and in his best opinion, it would be best to have a strong idea of personal armaments if we have to try and ferry troops into the sky if this turns to be a hostile force. This choice had the approval of William Casey

Terrel Bell, on the other hand, wanted a diplomat, some one who could try and reach the understanding of the people. he didn't want to start talks with a sword already drawn, but instead offer the olive branch that would built trust. William Smith and William Clark agreed with Bell.

President Reagan had a his fingers to his lips as he contemplated his options. He needed a firm stance. He looked to one side, a strong standing man his ground, but not too head strong to start a conflict by accident.

"I think a pair of diplomats should be sent. One with the mind that can serve a nation, and one that has the heart to create peace and understanding." He explained.

The selection of diplomats would be next, as they had a lot of options. After a few sorting of qualifications, the next selection process would be done in a more personal manner. Of the dozen or so potential candidates, each one would sit down with the President, and speak with him over the next few hours.

After the interview process was complete. The selection of the diplomats had become clear.

One diplomat would be Nelson Collins. He was a good man, had served in the Lebanon conflict, was injured, shot in the lung, and was lucky to survive. Due to the shot however, he couldn't keep pace, as he was a bit shorter of breathe now.

The other diplomat would be Holly Montoya. Good student, was near the top of her class for the college in terms of government courses, even with the harsh treatment that she got from her teachers due to her race. She would be a good person to have, and an example of the US's strength, to all the people, even those that have struggled.

The pair were sent to Kansas City, now under a "No Fly Zone" as the flying city was passing over them. They would reach Fort Levenworth and be joined by a team of Marines, as they would be escorted to the craft that would take them to the City.

"We got lucky that the skies have been clear for the most part. We have noticed that a festival is being set up in the central region of the city. We can try and land you near by. Could be good to see what they are celebrating." the Flight Captain explained, as he walked next to the pair of diplomats.

As they got to the Chinook, everyone stepped in. The Diplomats were handed a set of 1911's, along with 3 extra magazines, and the holsters.

"This is just incase they are needed." the marine Corporal explained.

The team moved to their seats, before strapping in. The Pilots would walk in, and run down the flight list, checking all the details, before the craft would start to take off. The climb was steady, averaging around 1000 ft a minute, giving the ride a short window, but one where everything was clear.

"Be on guard, we do not know what we are dealing with. Information packets give us an idea of no ground based vehicles, so we are walking, determining who, and what we are dealing with is key." Nelson said.

"Picked up radio transmissions seems to be......early music, turn if the century, some dating to as late as 1918. The city is floating, so don't go pissing off the edge, and watch your step." Holly said, looking at the marines.


Daisy was preparing. She had gotten some skill, applying make up for a disguise. She could easily make herself look a white woman with the make up she put on. She had been able to steal some clothes from un uppity house that fit her, it just a bit loose at spots. 

"Daisy, his is dangerous, what if someone recognizes you?" One Vox member asked, an Irishman, who had rubbed shoe polish in his hair and trimmed up his facial hair to be clean shaven.

"Peter. You know that if those white boys hold a festival, they will have a brotha and sista of the cause tied up, ready to be beaten to death in their sick and twisted idea of a raffle. We will be saving them." Daisy said, looking at the disguised Irishman.

Daisy would walk behind a changing screen, and start to get dressed. The few minutes it took, she finished, and walked out in a long blue dress, with a white ruffled shirt under it. She had a set of gloves on, that hid her hands, before she took a few steps.

"My my, Miss Fitzroy is looking rather fine." Peter said, smiling.

"I am not Daisy Fitzroy, that would be crazy, do I look like a member of the Vox?" She asked, having a rather posh accent, somewhere between the new englander, to the southern bell.

"I am Judith Blaire." Daisy said, smiling a bit.

"Now come on Simon. I think it's time we visit the "Kind and respected folk" of our fair city." Daisy said, as she started to move towards the door.

As she reached the door, she was met with Slate.

"Daisy. I was able to pick up on the radio. It looks like the Sodom below is sending people up. They are going to be going to the raffle. We have our chance. I will see if I can get my men ready. If you are found, my men will attack and work to defend you, draw them away." Slate said.

"You sure you want to have your men fight this battle, and not the one you always wanted, at the hall of the whores?" Daisy asked.

"That hall is more vanity, than valuable, when the time comes, my men will listen." Slate said.

"Well Slate. We can give you the destruction of the Comstock's destruction, when we team up, the people will know what Comstock really did. His lies will fall apart, and the founders will be taken down with him." Daisy said.

The pair looked at each other.

"If things go bad, there is a hide out we can use, some friendly folk who can hide us. Look for the house with the 5 square knot curtains." Daisy said, picking up a hand bag and putting a sky line rider in. 

Peter had a pistol slip into a jacket holster he had on and walked out of the safe house. 


The Chinook had reached the city, and was now looking over a square that was in the middle of the residential zone. Near the square was a statue. The Pilot would move before setting the large craft down, in the park.

As the door opened, everyone was undoing their straps and stood up. Walking to the lowered ramp, they were met with a shining sun in the sky, that nearly blinded everyone as they stepped out.

They were near the base of a large statue of a bearded man standing on a rocky outcropping, sword in one hand pointing down the road.

A few men in olive green uniforms, that looked like early cavalry men walked forward.

"Who are ye?" One asked, and older man as he walked forward.

Nelson was first to react, having the marines move their hands away from their weapons, before he smiled.

"We don't mean any harm, we are just here, on behalf of the President of the United States. We just want to talk. These men are simply here for my own protection, along with Miss Montoya, she is with me. We don't mean any harm, but we would like a better place to park out vehicle." Nelson said, giving a smile as he looked at the officer.

A small crowd had formed of people, everyone looked like they were dressed for a period piece.

"Best if we get that out of here, before some of the good folk start considering the Sodom below an option." One officer whispered to another.

"We will get a cargo barged called over from Finkton, and get it secured to the edge. If your flying machine is ok with that, we can try and get you to meet with the founders." The lead officer said.

Nelson looked back at the pilots, who gave a thumbs up.

"We're good, we got ways to defend ourselves and we need to do some checks anyways." The Pilot exclaimed.

"Very well. If you kind gentlemen would be kind enough to lead the way. Sargent, keep a team to watch the Bird, we may need to be ready to leave fast just in case." Nelson said.

Holly was looking around, seeing as she was getting a fair bit of attention from the civilians, some who were glaring at her, while others were staring.

"I feel like I'm dressed wrong in this situation." She said, looking down at her pants and suit jacket.

"Looks like those pictures from before the Great War of what people dressed like." One soldier commented.

"This place just feels like it's old." another said.

The group of 7 were lead down a street that was shaded. A couple was sitting down at a table, drinking coffee.

"Ugh. Vox populi this, Vox populi that. What does "Vox populi even mean for heaven's sake?" a woman asked.

"It's latin, it means-" the man began, before he was cut off.

"Oh Lah-tin. Ha ha ha." The woman said, laughing.

"Must be a democratic group that's formed." Holly said to herself, as she kept her ear open.

They passed by a horse drawn cart, being pulled by a robotic horse, well....kind of. The horse kept starting and stopping after nearly every step it took.

'Doesn't seem that effective.' Holly thought.

They crossed over a bridge that connected the street to another section of buildings. Crossing the bridge, they saw just in time, a building float into position, and dock to the section.

"Excuse me. I would like to see what they place is." Nelson said, pointing at the place that just docked.

"Very well, once you see everything, just follow this road, there's a fair down the way, just keep going until you get past the raffle site. We can gave a barge come and gather you all to meet the Father." the police man said.

Walking to the newly docked building, they were met with a flower shop, and woman, who had a basket of boutonnieres.

"Gentlemen, could I offer you one, those uniforms could use a bit more color, especially you sir with that fine suit. It's to help support the Girl's Patriotic League" the woman offered, talking sweetly to the group.

Holly walked a little further, looking at an object sitting on a table, before she picked it up and examined it, it looked like a record player, and except mobile. She set it down and pressed a button. The Record started spinning, before a voice came out.

"One man goes into the waters of baptism, and different man comes out, Born Again! But who is that man who lies submerged? Perhaps that swimmer is both sinner and saint, until he is revealed to the eyes of man." the record stopped and Holly was surprised.

"Interesting." She said under her breathe, before she walked back to the group.

They would walk towards the fair grounds, passing a sign that read "Columbia" advertising something.

"Albert Fink Presents: GOD ONLY KNOWS! Today only! Columbia's Gayest Quartet,  The Music of Tomorrow Today. It was at the Fairgrounds and raffle." The poster was of bees over a flower.

"Columbia. That's either the district we're in....or the city name." Holly said.

"Let's go with the city name." Nelson said.

They would turn a corner and reach a large archway that was shining brightly, until they stepped through and saw the giant statue of the angel, it's hand reaching out towards them. Everyone was amazed, until a man and woman walked by them, bumping into Holly, knocking her to the ground. The soldiers looked down quickly, seeing a card....a telegram card.

"To the Federal Ambassadors STOP
Be wary of the dangers you now present STOP
Do not interfere with the Raffle STOP
Rescue the Girl in the Tower from the Dragon STOP

-A Friend" 

Holly picked it up and flipped the card around, and saw it had a picture of a girl, with "Elizabeth" written on it. She looked up at the tower, confused as she stood up.

"I feel like something is defiantly wrong with this place." She said.

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