Keeping up with ZIAM (The Con...

By ZJMforlife

4.9K 353 29

After "The Wedding of the Century" everything was smooth sailing for all of them. Life had been normal the la... More

The announcement part two
Christmas at the Malik-Paynes
"Stop the tape, and rewind"
"HBD Zayn."
What friends are for
Bibs and relocating?
Tale of two lives
Zayns name list
Summer '09
The announcement part 3?
The nightmare
Pandoras box
Niallers dilema
Time differences and mixed emotions
Selling Ziam
The O Group
How did this happen?
Secrets unveiled
"Uh oh"
The boy he never knew
Catch up with your past, before it catches up to you
Paternity test
Through the hard times
To come to terms
Uninspired and Anxious
The truth
The first family lunch
The first family dinner
Empathy and sympathy
Early bird gets the french toast
Grandmas know best
"You and I plus Ezra, the baby, and Loki too"
Take Me Home
One big complicated family
Crossing the pond
Chez Ziam
The post seen around the world
Summer daze
Uncle Haz
Blast from the past
New car tension
Grass might be greener
Guilt is the theif of life
Better left unsaid or not brought up
"Can we just talk"
Hes just another kind of boy
Reckless behavior
Shallow waters
Zayns brain game
Zezra day
"It's a small world after all"
Special Delivery
Birthday bash

First week

65 7 0
By ZJMforlife

That day Liam took off to work after a breakfast with Zayn, Ezra, and to his dismay, Loki. Zayn let him sit on his lap. It was a nice. Liam did have to explain to Ezra why his trips elsewhere outside of the home would have to be limited, which it wasn't confusing for him. From the little bits he's seen, their life was definitely different than the one he came from.

Liam told Zayn that for the rest of the week, he'd try to get to the agency earlier to finish the tasks he needed to
At least by lunch. After that he'd come home for the rest of the day. Then if Zayn needed, he'd have the other half of the day to run around. Zayn didn't mind being with Ezra, it's not that he didn't want to, but he did have things to do and bringing a kid along with him that the public hasn't seen before, was very risky for the time being.

They finished their breakfast and Liam took his leave. Ezra helped Zayn clean up in the kitchen even though the older man said it was okay that he didn't have to. He shrugged and just continued helping which made Zayn almost cry. He's emotional okay...

After the dishes were dry and put up, Zayn told Ezra he'd be sorting clothes on the fourth floor, and to call him if he needed anything. Ezra politely nodded as Loki cuddled up next to him on the couch. He started watching some gamers on YouTube and was very intrigued.

Upstairs on floor that use to be empty before he moved in, Zayn was sorting some of the looks he designed for his line. There was street wear and everyday looks, along with the more couture designs. The last time he went up was probably before the baby appointment and LA. What was truly only a week and a half that had gone by, felt like months to him.

The first week of June is when they would be moving out to LA so they still had about two weeks. The check up for their surrogate was on the first which was a Monday. Tuesday they'd say goodbye and jet off to their new home in Hidden Hills.

After the month there, they'd zoom in on a call with Charmaine and the doctor to do the check up. Later that week the surrogate would be moving in with them for the next few months in order for the baby to be born there with them. Don't worry, it's safe for her to travel. Of course Liam and Zayn were going to take extra precautions and have a medic on their jet, just in case.

A few hours later he loaded all the things in garment bags and put them aside so that the moving company could ship all of this to their home. He looked over the space again which was now almost empty. It was much like when he moved in years ago.

The amount of boxes labeled "LA"
continued to pile up slowly but surely. Majority of the furniture would be donated since they were starting over from scratch. Their interior designer had everything covered so the there was no sense in bringing the old furniture across the pond.

After organizing some other things Zayn went down the steps to the third floor when he noticed a light on in Liam's office. He cocked his head to the side because he knew neither him or Liam had gone in there yet. He turned into the door frame and saw Ezra's standing with his back to him. He was staring at the photos and awards Zayn had seen when he first step foot into this house. Over the years photos from their engagement, rehearsal dinner, wedding, and holiday cards had been added to the mix as well.

Ezra was looking at one picture in particular. It was when Liam was a toddler. He's seen baby pictures of himself and it was like looking at them but only this time it was Liam. He then saw a picture of Liam when he had curly hair as a teen. He knew he was starting to look like that, but of course, his eyes were his mothers. He brushed a hand over the picture as Zayn cleared his throat. He flinched and turned around quickly.

"Crazy right?" Zayn stated in walking into the room.

"S-sorry I was just looking for you and uh- came across these." He said starting to close up as Zayn took another step forward leaning on Liam's desk.

"It's okay. You're more than welcome to look. Do you think you kinda look like that?"

"Sort of kind of... So you and um- Liam grew up together?" He wanted to say "my dad" but chose not to.

"Yes we did." Zayn said smiling at the pictures.

"Oh so you've always liked each other then." Ezra said looking back to the pictures with a smile as well. Zayns face dropped and he didn't know if he should laugh, or be shocked.

"Uh... no. Not really." Zayn chuckled. "It's a bit of a story." He said looking to the picture of him and Liam at their wedding exchanging their vows. "We grew up together yes but he's four years older so the age gap had a huge fact in the matter. There was tension for some years then one day things changed. We uh- gave each other another chance and yeah. We got married." Zayn said hoping the boy bought it.

"Oh. That's nice." He said with a smile again as he mentally wiped at his brow. That would be an interesting conversation. Zayn thought.

"Yeah... So you we're looking for me right?" Zayn said remembering what the boy said.

"Oh yes! I was going to ask if I could go outside and kick the ball around. I just wasn't sure if I could be seen or not." He said shyly.

"Of course! The backyard is private so you're fine. I'm sorry it has to be like that..." he said with a frown. Also let me guess... Loki was pawing at the glass door and he was pouting?" He crossed his arms expectantly as Ezra giggled.

"It's okay. I understand and yes. He's probably sitting there still."

"Of course. Now that he has someone to play with he's taking it to his best advantage." He shook his head at the puppy. Ezra excitedly walked downstairs where in fact, Loki was still waiting at the sliding glass door. He opened it and the dog zoomed out running around frantically. Ezra laughed again as he started his drills.

Later on Zayn had been packing up some personal things from Liam's office since he had been in there earlier with Ezra. He was waiting for Liam to go through it all with him, but he knew the man would forget then last minute probably be frustrated.

As he properly stashed the files in protective containers he came across the copy of The Contract that started this all. Zayn was taken back because he hadn't seen it in a while. He never forgot about it no, but it was an inside joke amongst them. The fact that he had a conversation with Ezra earlier partially regarding how he and Liam came to be it was like fate. He flipped through it seeing his and Liam's signatures next to one another. He smiled softly to himself and tucked it away in the bin and continued on.

Soon Liam got home and traded places with Zayn. Ezra waved to him and Liam pecked his cheek. With that Zayn was off. He needed to stop at the college first and go by the professors room he was a TA for, talk to his counselor about his transfer, take a few garments to a photoshoot in town, then back home.

While he started his errands, Liam changed from his suit, to gym clothes because Ezra asked if he could play footie with him. Of course he was happy to and it also felt good to spend time with him. He knew so far Zayn had spent a lot of time with him and this was his chance.

They kicked around the ball back and forth to each other, then set up a make shift goal with some patio chairs. The way Ezra easily weaved around Liam was like that of a pro. Liam let out an exhausted breath because the boy sure was making him work to defend that goal.

After they switched off and Liam attempted to kick the ball in this time, Ezra was quick to block the kick. A few more attempts later and Liam still hadn't made one. Ezra was so agile and quick at knowing where the ball was coming from and how to save it. He was a real prodigy.

Liam complimented him and Ezra felt a sense of pride. It was what he felt when his coach complimented him, his teammates, and importantly his mother. His number one fan. Sure there was times when his coaches expected a lot, and even his teammates relied on him, but his mothers approval surpassed that. It just felt different when she said it, and now hearing it from Liam, it felt that same way.

They moved inside to cool off have a quick lunch snack. Liam prepared sandwiches for them and apologized that he wasn't as good a cook as Zayn which caused Ezra to laugh. After some silence the boy couldn't help but want to ask Liam something he's been wondering his whole life.

"Can I ask you something?" He hesitated.

"Yes what's up?" Liam said with his laptop opened as he sifted through all the emails he had.

"If you knew I-I existed would you have uhm... came?" He said looking down to his half eaten sandwich. Even though Sophia never really talked about him, he knew he was out there. He just had a feeling. All the other kids had two parents so he knew there was a big chance his father was still out there.

Liam paused at the question. There was no hesitation to what was going to come out of his mouth next. "Certainly. I really am sorry Ezra... I didn't know you existed but if I had, there's no doubt that I would've tried to find you. You're my son." He said with a smile.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off him. The question that has been eating at him since he could remember had just been answered. How could he not feel at ease? It had only been one night and he was already enjoying his time here. How strange. He thought.

Later on when Zayn got home, he entered the living room where Liam and Ezra were playing the console. It was Fortnite and Liam was trying his hardest to keep up with Ezra's character. "I swear this guys using cheat codes." Liam grunted. Zayn smiled sweetly because myseeing Liam get all frustrated was cute. Sometimes when they went to Louis place, they played card games and he would act the same.

Zayn greeted them as he walked in and they looked to him quickly with a "hi" then turned back to the screen. He couldn't help but laugh as he walked around the back of the couch to place a kiss quickly on Liam's cheek. With that he moved to the kitchen to start on dinner.

When he was finished he set up their plates at the table and called them over. Loki made his way around the table to Zayns feet, knowing he would give in and give him some. They sat in a comfortable conversation about their days, and everything felt okay, great even. That is, until bedtime came.

That night it was actually Zayn who, while on his way downstairs, heard faint sniffs coming from the boys room he chose. He softly knocked as Ezra stopped and came to the door. You could tell he had been crying and the way his face was red with marks only proved that he rapidly tried to wipe and them. Zayns heart ached again. He softly asked if he was okay which then turned to Ezra hugging him tightly and breaking down in full blown sobs. They were so loud that Liam heard from the floor above and rushed downstairs.

The sight he saw was one he didn't even know how to comprehend. The boy looked to him as he apologized frantically clinging to both of them as he approached. After a few minutes of just standing there letting him calm down a bit so he could speak, he explained that sometimes going to sleep was hard because he would think back to the accident.

Zayn looked to Liam with tears in his eyes as Liam sadly frowned. He couldn't even comprehend what he was going through. Fortunately he had his parents even if he butted heads with his father, and wasn't ever left partially orphaned. Neither was Zayn so he too was feeling very humbled just listening to how Ezra spilled what he had been feeling since the accident. How scared he was about being alone, ending up in an orphanage, or worse, not in one at all and just on his own.

It was at this moment each adult knew that no matter what, Ezra wouldn't be going through that, because they wouldn't allow it. Soon the boy had fallen asleep as Zayn and Liam exit the room leaving the door open and their just in case. They were both still distraught, but soon fell asleep as well.

The next morning was different. Zayn had an early morning shoot so that left Liam and Ezra alone. The boy slept in due to the tiredness he felt from last night. Liam got up when Zayn left because he couldn't sleep. He peaked into Ezra's room just to make sure he was okay, but was met with him wrapped in the covers while Loki slept right next to him.

He shut the door quietly then went to the kitchen for some breakfast which was just the ego waffles Zayn had gotten for Ezra, and fruit that he always prepped. He's honestly never had them in his life. While he sat at the breakfast nook eating the surprisingly good frozen waffles and on his laptop, Ezra came down with Loki hot on his tail. They both said good morning to one another, as he made himself some of the waffles and sat with Liam at the nook.

He apologized for the night before but Liam reassured him there was nothing to ever be sorry for. Ezra almost teared up at how Liam was so understanding. They laughed it off as Ezra barked on the floor begging for some food again. Liam waved him off as he pouted.

Later on when Zayn got home, he had help with dinner from both Liam and Ezra. Loki however wasn't much help. It was a nice family moment. Yes, they felt like a family. Somewhere within those days, Zayn fell in love with the reality of Ezra being apart of their family, and of course Liam fell in love with the the reality of Zayn accepting him with open arms. Ezra started really warming up to them only after a few short days given the trajectory of how much his life was changing.

Since the boy hadn't been out of the house for days, Liam and Zayn decided it best to take him out for a drive after dinner. Don't worry, Liam's range was blacked out with tint. They stopped by a creamery to get ice cream which was strange because Liam never allowed eating in the car. Even when they had Freddie which he made Ezra swear he wouldn't tell the boy.

When they got back they FaceTimed Andy who called to check on the boys couple of days there which to his surprise, he had been perfectly fine and seemed content. The awkward air between the three when he first introduced the son to his father, was gone. Andy felt a sense of relief go over him knowing things had been good. He talked to Liam for a few minutes, then hung up.

They were all on the couch. Zayn was scrolling through TikTok's with Liam and Ezra watching a final match for the premier league when the doorbell rang. Zayn looked up instantly with questioning eyes. Liam wondered if maybe Louis or Niall was coming by. Zayn looked to Liam as the other man shrugged. He got up and made his way towards the front door. Ezra was too busy lost in the match to notice.

When Zayn got to the door he opened it and was surprised to his mother, and mother in law standing with bright smiles. Trisha attacked him in a hug as Karen followed as they walked past Zayn. It wasn't ever a problem them walking in like that, but this time they would be walking into the living room where Ezra was sitting. To them he was just a random kid. They didn't know that for Karen, he was her grandson, and for Trisha, he was her step grandson.

Zayn tried to keep them in the entry way, asking what they were doing there but failed as they walked into the living room. Liam turned to ask who was at the door but saw his the two woman standing there. He went wide eyed as he looked to their faces that turned to confusion as they glanced at Ezra. What we're they doing here? He thought as he looked past them to Zayns expression which looked worried.

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