Welcome To UA High

By Justromy5

8.6K 342 92

"Welcome to UA High. The prestigious school that's turned out some of the world's greatest heroes. I'm runnin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 54

115 5 2
By Justromy5

The next day as she was getting ready for school, she couldn't help but notice the ever-growing smile on her face as she was putting her hair up. Inspecting her uniform one last time she pulled on her backpack and headed out.

Yesterday felt so unreal that she still had problems wrapping her head around it. Bakugo likes her! If you had told her a year ago that this is where they ended up, she would have just laughed it off.

After she had told him she felt the same way he did...the look on his face would forever stay in her memory. She had never seen him look that happy without it involving immediate danger and beating up villains...like the look of a kid in a candy store.

Letting out a small giggle at the thought she shook her head as she took a seat at the table the others were eating breakfast at. Placing her chin on her palm she remembered that after he had realized what she had said, he only managed to take another step before they were interrupted by a knock on the door from Tsu and Mina.

"You gotta be shitting me!" Deciding it was time to leave he quickly made his way out the door "We'll talk later."

Feeling a light blush creeping up she quickly blinked up seeing a hand being waved in front of her face.

"Ochaco? Earth to Ochaco!"

Blinking she quickly got pulled out of her thoughts as Tsu, Yaoyorozu, Iida, and Hagakure were staring back at her.

"Oh sorry. What was that?"

"You alright? Ribbit. You haven't' really been yourself since yesterday." Tsu said with a worried look.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Alright. Well remember if you ever need someone to talk to you always have us." Iida said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks guys." She smiled. "Hey where's Deku?"

"Mr. Aizawa had asked him, Todoroki, and Bakugo to meet him at the classroom a bit early. Didn't say why though." Tsu said standing up.

"Which is where we should be heading now." Iida said.


Walking out of the dorms and towards the school they were talking about when the next study group would be when they came across a small black cat who looked lost.

"Ooh look at you!" Uraraka said, scooping it up as the girls started patting it hearing it purr. "You're so cute! I wonder what it's doing here." she said looking around.

"Maybe we should take him to one of the teachers. Someone might be looking for this little guy." Momo said, stroking it.

"Yeah, you're r- OW!" Grabbing her hand from the sudden pain Uraraka watched as the cat landed on the ground staring at her with such green eyes before running off.

"Uraraka are you alright? What happened?" Iida asked looking over her now bleeding hand.

"I don't know." Examining her hand, she was supposed to see the big gash.

"Maybe you should get that checked out." Tsu said grabbing her elbow. "I'll go with you we still have some time before classes start."

Nodding they walked towards Recovery Girls office.

The small black cat ran across the street turning into a small alleyway before morphing into a tall figure and pulled out his phone.

"Yeah, it's me. Everything is in place. Let her know we're ready and that the next shipment is going out tomorrow."


Walking out of Recovery girls' office Uraraka rubbed her now bandaged hand.

"Guess we should count ourselves lucky we have someone like Recovery girl to help us." Tsu said.

"Yeah, I still wonder what that cat was doing there in the first place." Frowning she bit her lip. "And those eyes...I don't know why they looked so familiar."

"That is rather odd. But wouldn't be the first time we've seen a stray cat here." Tsu said.

"Hmm yeah I guess you're right."

Walking inside the classroom they were greeted by the usual crowd of people as they waited for Mr. Aizawa to arrive.

Shyly peeking over at Bakugo, she saw him already in his seat surrounded by his friends but looking deep in thought.

'I wonder if everything's alright.' She thought as she went to sit in her seat and pulled out her notebooks as Deku and Iida started talking to her.

Giggling at something Deku had said she saw Kirishima noticing her arrival and discreetly nudge Bakugos shoulder with the latter letting his eyes drift towards her. Feeling herself starting to blush she quickly averted her gaze, especially after seeing his own cheeks flush.

10 Minutes later they were all still waiting for their teacher to enter the classroom, now feeling worried since he was never this late.

"I wonder what happened to Mr. Aizawa..." Deku thought rubbing his chin just as present Mic waltzed in.

"Hey class A! Sorry to break it to ya but your teacher had to call in today. Looks like Aizawa wasn't feeling well today."

"Is he alright?" Shoji asked.

"Yes, he's fine just looks like a cold. But on the bright side it looks like I'll be taking over today! So, let's get started shall we."


The rest of the morning went by slowly so once the lunch bell rang Uraraka happily jumped from her seat hearing her stomach growling. Shoving her books into her bag she quickly headed out the door letting out a loud yelp and jumped at the sight of Bakugo leaning against the wall outside of their classroom.

"Took you long enough."

"Huh?" Looking around she tilted her head. "W-were you waiting for me?"

"Tch." Rolling his eyes, he shoved his hands in his pockets walking alongside her. "Obviously."

"Oh..." Feeling nervous as all the feelings came rushing back, she tried her hardest to act like it wasn't impacting her and hoped he wouldn't see right through her. "So..."

"What's on your mind cheeks?"

'Dang it!' Looking away she started playing with her finger pads. "N-nothing.

Narrowing his eyes, he grabbed her hand examining the bandage. "The hell happened to you?"

"Oh." Feeling her cheeks heat up at the contact she started stammering. "Um...i-it happened e-earlier on my way to school. It's nothing really. I-I already went to Recovery girl as you can see."

Clearly confused at her sudden change in demeanor, he eyed her for a moment before glancing down at her hand. Stiffening and feeling his own cheeks warm up he instantly dropped her hand.

Silently walking down, the hall he readjusted his strap on his bag and clearing his throat. "So, I think we should talk."


"Well yeah. In case you forgot about yesterday since I know you like to do that shit..."

"Hey!" Puffing her cheeks, she looked sideways at him but stopped to see his amused eyes.

"There's a lot of things that's been on my mind, but I think it would be best if we talked about it later and not here."

"Um...ok." she said rubbing her arm as they arrived at the cafeteria.


"Ochaco over here!" Mina waved already sitting at their usual table and talking with the others.

About to open her mouth in greeting, Bakugo made sure all their eyes were elsewhere before pulling her back into the hall and behind a corner. "Bakugo wha-"

"Go on a date with me."

Widening her eyes, she looked around to make sure no one was there. "I'm sorry what?"

Smirking at her obvious confusion he stepped closer. "Like I said yesterday, I really like you...and from my understanding you like me...right?" he asked with a hint of doubt in his voice as he frowned.


Unable to keep the lazy smile from his face he continued to let his eyes roam her face. "Ok. So let me take you on a date Ochaco Uraraka."

Giving him a sly smile, she couldn't help the amusement dripping from her voice. "Is the great explosion murder god asking or telling me?"

Rolling his eyes, he tried to show his usual scowl but failed as he placed both his hands against the wall on either side of her head. "Just answer the damn question already."

"What if I said no."

Scoffing, he narrowed his eyes lightly flicking her on the forehead. "Then I would keep asking until your ass said yes. And you know how much I don't like fuckin repeating myself."

Huffing, she stuck out her tongue rubbing her forehead. "Rude."

"So, angel face what'll it be?" he said, moving her hand aside and rubbing her forehead.

"Fine." She pouted.

Stopping his movements, he blinked at her. "So...is that a yes?"

Unable to control her smile at his surprised expression she nodded. "Yes, Bakugo."

"Alright." Clearing his throat, he leaned away looking down the hall. "Tomorrow at 6 then. Don't be late."


"Hey Ochaco, what took you so long? Ribbit." Tsu asked after watching her friend sitting across from her next to Todoroki.

"Oh um... I just had to take care of something." She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.

"Really? With Bakugo?" Iida asked, biting into his food.

"Eh yeah. We...just had to go over our training schedule." She shrugged.

"Speaking of..." Mina said as she saw Bakugo walk up sitting himself down next to Uraraka.

"Kacchan! How's it going?" Deku said looking around at everyone's stunted faces.

"Tch, none of your business." He said, starting to eat his food.

After a few more minutes of awkward silence, he suddenly dropped his spoon. "WHAT?!"

Frantically shaking their heads, everyone started eating just as Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero joined them on the table slowly followed by the rest of class A. Having to push tables together so they all could fit.

"Well now isn't this nice. All of us together!" Kirishima grinning from ear to ear making Mina laugh.

"Tch, yeah like a great big fuckin family." Bakugo mumbled making Uraraka laugh who had finally calmed down after the unexpected visit.


"I'm telling you man! If it wasn't for that surprise attack, I would have had you on that last training exercise!" Kaminari whined, slouched on the bed.

Smirking Bakugo Shook his head while looking at his laptop. "Keep fuckin dreaming Sparky."

"You have to admit I was pretty close though!"

Snickering Sero looked over his shoulder from where he was playing video games on the floor. "If you say so."

"Yeah, don't worry man, I'm sure you'll get it next time." Kirishima grinned making sure to keep his eyes on the tv screen as his character crossed the finish line. "Alright!"

Letting out a defeated sigh, Sero put the controller down. "Alright who's next?" he asked looking between Kaminari and Bakugo.

"Pass. I'm busy."

"Really doing what?" Sero lifted a curious brow.

"Yeah, since when have you turned down a game?" Sitting up Kaminari tried to look over his shoulder to see what he was doing. "What are you doing anyways? You've been sitting there staring at your computer for a while now."

"It's called researching idiot." Feeling Sero standing next to him he stiffened quickly exiting out of the site.

"Hey, was that a how-to site?"

"No! and why the hell are you morons in my room in the first place?!"

"Hey, are you checking out the new movies out?" Kaminari asked pointing at the current site that was up.

Gritting his teeth Bakugo slammed his laptop shut before getting up and marching to the bathroom.

Chuckling Kirishima shook his head. "Come one guys let's keep playing."

"Alright." Sero grinned, taking one more glance at the movies out.


The next day was pretty much the same with Mr. Aizawa once again not present since he was still sick from what Present Mic and Recovery girl said. Classes continued and so did hero training. Once lunch rolled around it was the same as the previous day with the whole class eating lunch together which to Bakugos annoyance everyone enjoyed and wanting to make it a regular thing.

Once 5:30 came around Uraraka was frantically running around her room trying to hurry up and pick something to wear for her first date.

"What to wear what to wear?!" Pulling out a short denim skirt with a pink top she examined them shaking her head. "Better put on some black tights too since it is November after all."

Finishing her look with pink shoes and letting her hair down, she examined herself in the mirror. "I guess this'll have to do."

Putting on her small purse she quickly ran out of her room, checking her watch. "5:50 ok I still have time."

Getting off the elevator she looked around and not seeing anyone let out a sigh of relief, not having to explain to anyone where she was going so dressed up.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves she stepped outside and could already see Bakugo sitting on the bottom of the stairs looking at his hands.

"You're late."

Rolling her eyes, she quickly ran down the stairs checking her watch again. "5:57 I still had time!"

Scoffing, he got up dusting himself off, turning to glare at her before feeling his eyes grow wide and momentarily frozen.

Her mouth shyly curved into a small smile as she took the time to look at him. wearing black jeans with his usual black boots, a red V neck shirt with a black jean jacket.

Feeling as though her eyes were about to poop out of her head at how good he looked she quickly blinked it away. "Um...you ready?"

Slowly nodding his head, he let his eyes slowly give her another once over before turning away from her and waiting for her to catch up. "You look nice." He murmured as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

Smiling, she could barely hear him while his ears turned red before joining him. "Thanks. You do too."

By the time they walked inside the movie theater the place was already packed.

"Well, this is a surprise." Uraraka said looking around. "I didn't think you liked crowds."

"I don't, I just heard that this shit's supposed to be good." Bakugo said while they waited in line.

"So what movie is it?" she said getting on her tip toes trying to look at some of the movies that were playing.

"Well, it's supposed to be scary. But we can always watch something else." he said, tilting his head to look at her. "What do you want to watch?"


Pointing his finger at her he squinted his eyes at her. "But it better not be a fuckin chick flick!"

Giggling, she shook her head. "W-well I'm sure it can't be that scary right?" she said looking unsure.

Chuckling he eyed the list of movies. "Alright. Let's watch something else."

"Even a chick flick?" she playfully nudged him.

Cringing, he watched her from the corner of his eye. "Fine. Which one?"

Surprised at his answer it took her a moment to recover. "No Bakugo it's ok. I want to see it. I just want to warn you that I'm not much of a horror movie person." She sheepishly grinned.

Smirking, he walked forward talking with the movie attendant. Reaching into her purse for her money he quickly stopped her before reaching for his wallet and paying. Taking the two tickets he grabbed her wrist walking inside.

"Bakugo, you didn't have to-" she said looking back at the doors.

"This is a date, right?" he said releasing his hold and meeting her gaze. "So, I'm paying." he said nodding towards the concession stand. "Now pick whatever shitty food you want."

Chuckling she shook her head "Bakugo!"

"What?! It's true." he said, smirking.


By the time they found some seats Uraraka happily sat down just as Bakugo did the same handing her the popcorn and soda.

"Thanks. Are you sure you didn't want any?" She said feeling bad.

Shaking his head, he tried making himself comfortable. "No I'm good and if I wanted any I can just take some of yours."

Rolling her eyes, she looked forwards waiting for the movie to start. "Hmm this is actually pretty good."

"Oh yeah?" Giving her a mischievous smile, he leaned forward opening his mouth.

"Um..." Widening her eyes, she felt her cheeks redden franticly covering her face. "What are you doing?!"

"Well, you said it tasted good right?"

'Oh man is he serious right now?!" Watching him closing his eyes she glanced between the popcorn and him, starting to panic. 'Ok Ochaco stay calm it's just popcorn...you got this." Taking a calm breath in she quickly grabbed a fist full of popcorn, throwing it directly in his face.

Surprised at what had just happened he fluttered his eyelids in confusion.

"I'm so sorry!" she said covering her mouth. "I've never done this! I've never been on a date, I'm so sorry! But hey at least I got some in your mouth right...?" she sheepishly grinned wanting to run out of there this instant.

Slowly chewing Bakugo eyed her for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"What?! What's so funny?!" Uraraka frowned feeling embarrassed and insulted but at the same time enjoying his laughter.

"It's fine round-face. Don't fuckin worry about it. It's mine too." He said, still smiling at her.

"Wait...this is your first...date?"

"Yup." Nodding he started eating the rest of the popcorn on him.

"We thought we heard familiar voices!"

"You gotta be fuckin kidding me." He groaned feeling Uraraka suddenly jolting away staring wide eyed.

"Momo?" Uraraka said staring at every one of their classmates. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, we heard that there was going to be a new movie out that some of our classmates wanted to see so we decided to join them." Iida said as he made his way over.

"Yeah, we didn't know you guys would be here." Sero said as he went to sit next to Iida. "By the way, why are you two here?"

"Yeah, if anybody didn't know any better, they would think you guys were on a date." Hagakure said sitting down.

"Date?!" Uraraka said frantically staring at everyone.

"She's just joking. There's no way that could ever happen." Mina said sitting next to her.

"R-right hahaha." Uraraka nervously laughed watching Bakugo glaring at an apologetic looking Kirishima sitting next to him.

"So, I guess everyone's here." she said looking towards the screen.

"Well not everyone. Deku and some of the others didn't want to come." Mina said eating some of the popcorn. "By the way why does Bakugo have popcorn all over him?" Mina whispered to her as the movie started.

Gritting his teeth Bakugo folded his arms still glaring at a nervous Kirishima.

"I'm so sorry man! I tried to stop them, but I couldn't come up with any good reason for them not to go!" Kirishima whispered.

"I will fuckin slowly and painfully kill you all." He seethes through his teeth hearing the red head gulp.


As the movie continued to play Bakugo finally stopped glaring at the red head who tried his best to act oblivious to the menacing glare and just calmly ate his snacks.

Trying his best to calm himself down without meaning to, he started tapping his food feeling restless. His first date ever and this happened. Life really had a way of just fuckin him over.

Hearing everyone scream he felt Kirishima clutch him by the arm at a scary scene.

"Get the fuck off me shitty hair!" he whisper yelled as Kirishima let out a laugh.

"Sorry dude. That one got me!"

Glancing sideway he saw Urarakas terrified face as she stared at the screen flinching every time something happened.

Smirking, he looked down at her small hand resting on her lap. Feeling his hands start to sweat, he quickly rubbed them against his pants before nervously reaching out for hers.

"Oh, come on now! Seriously?"

Startled he retracted his hand at hearing Minas voice next to Uraraka.

"Why do they always do the same thing?" Mina said pointing at the screen. "They always run away and then trip over nothing! How dumb can those bimbos be?!" she whispered.

"I don't see why they would even run in the first place." Todoroki blankly stated.

"Well not everyone can be as cool and calm like us Todoroki.' Mineta said mimicking his pose.

Giggling Uraraka looked sideways and saw Bakugo silently watching the movie with a small pout on his face. Biting her lip, she looked at the others before discreetly leaning a bit closer to him offering her popcorn.

Watching him hesitate for a second he slowly reached his hand out for the bucket before realizing she was already holding some towards his mouth. Letting his eyes drift from the popcorn in her hand to her blushing face, he let a small smirk graze his lips before opening his mouth.

Leaning back in her chair she saw him continue to watch the movie swearing his ears turned red now with a small smirk on his face.

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