Transformers Prime dares and...

By Gachx_hope

10.5K 80 186

Give the Prime characters some dares or asks My AU so characters will act differently cover art not mine ship... More

Ask 1
Where are they
Ask 4 & 5
Dare 1
Ask 6
Dare 2
dare 3
dare 4 and ask 7
dare 5
ask 8
dare 6 and ask 9
dare 7
ask 10
ask 11 and 12
ask 13
ask 14
ask 15
Something stupid cause I'm bored
dare 8
dare 9
🌈PRIDE MONTH🌈 and ask 16
picking names
ask 17, 18 and dare 10, 11
dare 12, 13
Wheelchet angst (also sparklings)
ask 19
dare 14
Ratchets apologie
dare 15
dare 16
video reaction
ask 20 and 21
dare 17
dare 18
ask 22 and 23
dare 19 and 20
dare 21
dare 22
ask 24
dare 23
dare 24 and ask 25
dare 25
dare 26,27,28,29,30,31 & ask 26,27
dare 32
dare 33 and 34
dare 35
Okay wasn't expecting that
ask 28,29,30,31,32,33 & dare 36,37
ask 28,29,30,31,32,33 & dare 36,37
ask 28,29,30,31,32,33 and dare 36,37
dare 48,49,50,51,52,53
dare 54-57
dare 58-60 and ask 34-44
Ask 45
dare 61 & 62 ask 46 & 47
dare 63 & 64 and ask 48-51
I'm putting this book on hold

Ask 2 & 3

353 2 7
By Gachx_hope

Me: Finally *looks at asks* RATCHET. WHEELJACK.

Ratchet: Can you not shout we're right here.

Me: No anyways you two got an ask.

Wheeljack: What is it?

Me: KIMY559 asks Wheeljack and Ratchet are you dating?

Ratchet: *Blushes* W-well

Wheeljack: Come on I think it's time

Rest of team Prime: *Looks at them*

Ratchet: Fine me and Wheeljack are dating

Rest of team Prime: *Shocked*


Raf: I'll get it tomorrow

Me: You made a bet without me

Raf: Hope you're a god you would have already known the answer

Ratchet: Wait you made a bet if me and Wheeljack were dating

Miko: Yep since Wheeljack told me he had a crush on you about 2 weeks after he got on earth.

Raf: And she only told me which is surprising.

Ratchet: wait 2 weeks after he got on earth

Wheeljack: Yeah Sunshine how couldn't I did you know how cute you look when you get mad

Ratchet:*Blushes and grabs a wrench*


Ratchet: *Whacks Wheeljack over the helm as hard as he can*

Wheeljack: Ow that hurt alot

Me: Anyways *teleports decepticons*the second question is for all of you by KIMY559 how old are you all?

OP: 39 million years old

Ratchet: 40 million years old

Bee: beep beep -17 million years old-

Bulkhead: 35 million years old

Arcee: 33 million years old

Smokescreen: 23 million years old

Wheeljack: 37 million years old

Ultramagnus: 38 million years old

Me: *brings Ciffjumper back from the dead and tells  him what we're doing*

Acree: Cliff *runs and hugs him*

Cliff: Hey Acree *blushes and hugs back*

Me: the question

Cliff: 34 million years old

Me: ok decepticons

Megatron: 40 million years old

Starscream: 38 million years old

Knockout: 29 million years old and Breakdown wa-

Me: wait Knockout * brings Breakdown back from the dead and tells him what we're doing*

Knockout: BREAKDOWN *runs and kisses him*

Breakdown: *kisses back* I missed you to Knockout also I'm 30 million years old

Dreadwing: so what about Skyquake?

Me: Sorry I sadly can't bring him back but I can make you talk to his ghost

Dreadwing: Fine anyways me and Skyquake are 32 million years old

Arachnid: I'm 35 million years old

Me: And nobody cares. Humans?

Jack: I'm 16 years old

Miko: I'm 15

Raf: 12 wait Where's angen-

Me: he's busy and June's at work

Raf: ok

Me: Anyways bye everyone and remember to keep on commenting asks and dares.

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