Love Me Once Again

By JossieLeia

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(A Suju fanfic) - After the separation of her parents, Hanna was forced to live with her Korean grandmother... More

Forty-five (Final)


51 3 1
By JossieLeia

It was as if nothing had happened since I left two weeks ago.

The crowd outside the hospital had dispersed and everything was back to normal. People greeted me like nothing had happened and I wasn't anybody special except an assistant director.

During my stay with Chris, other than giving me relationship advice, he also talked about my work. Even though he was much younger than me, sometimes I felt he was more matured and wise.

"Since you are not happy about it, then change it. You are now in a position of authority. You call the shots and make the call," he told me.

But, I told him about the board and the management.

"Have you tried?" he challenged.

No, I have not, I had to admit.

I was behaving like those people who only complains but never make an effort to try and improve things. That's why there's a saying, if you are not happy with the system, either you change it or keep quiet or leave.

I'm definitely not going to keep quiet or leave without putting up a fight first!

Apparently, the board wasn't going to leave things as it is either.

They needed a face for the department on social media and attending conferences and I was easily chosen. They felt that firstly I had done well on the last few conferences and people recognised me, also putting me as the voice and face was also convenient, since, well, I had 'connection'. The public recognised me. So, while I started off as 'Yesung's girlfriend', I began to grow my own reputation as 'The Cardiosurgeon'.

"You are getting more popular than me!" Kang-hoon teased me. I have reverted calling him Kang-hoon instead of Yesung. I felt that using his name was more personal. Whichever that suits you, he had said.

I had been invited on a couple of medical shows on TV, talking about heart issues and what not. The dept thought that it would be good - public education. Of course, and the publicity.

There was even once I ran into Lee Teuk at the TV station. He was recording for his show too. My host was surprised to see that I knew Lee Teuk. I think my host was those second league hosts and interested to promote to mainstream or something, so he was very impressed to see me talking to Lee Teuk. He was a young MC and apparently wasn't aware of who I was dating.

Lee Teuk was walking with Kim Jongkook his co host and he introduced us. I actually had the chance to appear on TV once with his brother who was a cosmetics surgeon. I recognised him from TV of course, and through his younger celeb brother.

Kim Jongkook was a very friendly and somewhat shy guy. Apparently he had watched some of my health shows and recognised me. I was honored. Only at the end, Lee Teuk mentioned that I'm Yesung's girlfriend and he was slightly surprised.

Other than appearing on TV, I resumed teaching as well and my classes were even more popular now that I was a 'celebrity teacher'. We had to open more classes to cater to the growing cohort.

I also got involved with the dept research work. Though I wasn't physically involved, I would sit in their monthly meetings and contribute any ideas or comments.

In the ward, though I still wasn't seeing that many patients, I had taken up a few major surgeries. I had been specially requested by patients and their families as well, either by word of mouth from past recovered patients, or they watched me on TV. Usually I try not to get involved, because my charges were not cheap though I wanted it to be, but the hospital charges were based on hierarchy and an assistant director was not cheap. I had also been requested by VIPs and I became the VIP doctor as well.

Mandy dropped by my office to get a file signed. I was on my way out to the VIP ward. Some mayor's son, a regular patient with congenital heart problem, was back again. I had tended to him even when I was just a normal surgeon and he was familiar with me. The young boy had grown up to a young handsome man in his twenties but unfortunately for his health which needed regular attention.

"Is it urgent?" I asked. "Can I sign it later?"

"Sure," she chuckled. "Gosh, you are such a busy person now," she chuckled. "I can't ask you for a coffee these days."

That was true. But I was busy only for that few hours every day. My weekends were still free and I still spent it with Grandma. These days her health waa poor and I was worried. I urged her to come to Seoul but she stubbornly refused. How typical.

And I'm free in the evenings unless something comes up. So when Kang-hoon is free, we would hang out. Because we were both busy with hectic schedules especially him, recently he was just in Hong Kong, so we meet up whenever we could.

We had been dating for two years now. And the question was popping up more often these days. When are you guys going to get married..

We had actually talked about it. We would eventually get married, I suppose, but just not now. He was busy with his next solo album and I was preparing for a community outreach program for our younger doctors. Recently I had launched a program like that of the one I went to Ghana, to let our kids have exposure and experience. It took me a while to push through for the project and finally we would be doing our first trip. I had managed to link up with my mom's organisation in Cambodia and I would be leading the team too. I was very excited about it.

Ya, so we are both very busy. I often wonder, even if we did marry, would we ever have a normal life..

We were having dinner at our regular naengmyeon place. This time, Eunhyuk joined us though Yesung had told him that he wasn't invited. I was slowly getting acquainted with the other members, especially with Siwon because I was particularly interested in the organisation he was working with - World Vision. We were working on a project together and I was meeting with him more these days. He's really a nice person, and very knowledgeable in terms of current affairs and all these humanitarian works. Some people might think he's doing all these for publicity but he wasn't.

"When are you leaving for Cambodia again?" Kang-hoon asked.

"In two weeks."

"I'm amazed at how you two are so busy," Eunhyuk shook his head.

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Celebs aren't the only ones busy you know."

"Now I know."

Kanghoon injected. "Technically, you are now a semi celeb as well. A medical celeb. Teuk hyung tells me that he sees you at the TV station quite a bit."

"Ah.. I'm on a regular show. But it's ending soon."

"Will they do a second season?" Eunhyuk asked. "My mom and sis watches it and they say it's very good. They learnt a lot from it."

"That's good to hear," I chuckled. I had met his mom and sister once and they were lovely people. Unfortunately I didn't get to meet his dad who passed away quite a few months back. He seemed like a nice guy from Eunhyuk's vlogs.

After we had dinner, we went to the dorm where Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun stays. Recently they bought the PS5 and so we went to try. Besides, it was a good place to hang out.

Halfway through, Kyuhyun came back. Kyuhyun and Donghae were the only two I wasn't too acquainted with. Donghae was very shy and he hardly spoke to me. Kyuhyun was forever busy. He had so many musicals and TV shows and radio shows going on that I hardly see him around except when SJ were together. So it was rare to see him.

My phone rang halfway through while playing the game. Kanghoon saw Siwon's name popped up.

"Why is Siwon calling you?" he asked, pretending to be upset though I know he wasn't.

He picked it up and on the speaker.


"Yesung hyung?" Siwon recognised him immediately. "Oh - did I call at the wrong time?"

"Why are you calling my girlfriend?"

"That's because -"

"Siwon!" Eunhyuk calles out too.


"Siwon!" Kyuhyun called out as well.

"Who is that... Is that Kyukyu?"

"Jeez... you guys!" I laughed. Then I took the phone and walked aside to answer. "They were teasing you, Siwon. Sorry, what's up? You can speak now," I told him.

He had called me to discuss about an upcoming meeting discussion about our project. We talked for a bit before we talked back about the guys. And I told him I was at the dorm and I jokingly asked if he wanted to join us. To my surprise, he said he would come.

When I told the rest, they were shocked.

"But he never comes! Unless it's SJ's event," Yesung pointed out.

I chuckled. "Because it's me."

He rolled his eyes at me.

Siwon did arrived thirty minutes later and he joined us for a while before we left together. It was getting late and I still have work the next day.

* * *

I had a major surgery for one of the VIP patients for a bypass on the Friday before the week we were due to fly to Cambodia. Actually, it wasn't so urgent but because he had insisted I be the operating surgeon so we had to do it before I fly. And I would be away for two weeks.

When I came out from the surgery, it was almost six. I was preparing to wash up, check on some emails before heading home.

As I passed by the nurse station, I was stopped by one of the nurses who told me I had an urgent message since just now because I was in OT.

"It seemed very urgent.. something regarding your grandmother.."

I froze. I quickly picked up the phone and called the number she had jotted down.

It was from the hospital nearby my Grandma's house.

"Dr Lee?" a female voice greeted me. By now, a couple of the nurses and doctors at the hospital already knew me.

"Did something happened to my grandma?" I was praying in my heart that the news was negative.

"Your grandma was sent in with a cardiac arrest. She is now still in op."


She was unable to advise me further because the surgery was still ongoing. I ran to my office, picked up my stuff and ran out, thinking to catch a cab that would take me to Seongnam regardless the cost.

And I ran into Kevin who was getting ready to go home as well.

When he heard where I was rushing to, he immediately offered to drive me there. Without a further word, I hopped into his car and we were off.

The forty minutes car ride felt like a decade and I kept fidgeting until Kevin reached out to squeeze my hand. His gesture was comforting though my heart was beating hundred sixty.

When we arrived, he let me alight first before he went to park. I ran in to the OT.

There was only one OT still lit up. I hope it wasn't Grandma but I met her neighbour Aunty Gyeshin who was waiting outside. When she saw me, she burst into tears. She was also very worried.

Kevin came to join us after he parked his car.

The surgeon finally came out after thirty minutes. As he removed his cap, he looked at me tiredly.

"How is she?"

As a doctor myself, I could read his answer from his face even before he speaks.

He shook his head. "It's not good. Her condition is very critical. We'll have to observe her for the next forty eight hours."

I would like to move her to Seoul but she was in no condition to move now.

Then the doctor elaborated to me her exact condition. Normally you would not say these to the family because it waa too technical. But since we were doctors, we needed to hear the specifics. And that's why Aunty Gyeshin was looking confused and puzzled.

I thanked her and since it was already late, I told her to go home first. I asked Kevin if he could send her back and he very kindly agreed.

I went to do all the necessary admin work before I headed to the ICU. They had just brought her into ICU.

She was still sedated and out, so I just sat down beside her.

Kevin came back after he dropped Aunty Gyeshin.

"You should go back.. You still got work tomorrow," I told him.

"Will you be okay?" he asked.

I nodded. I have to be.

After he left, I went out and made a call to Kanghoon. He had just returned from studio. He wanted to come down right away but I told him there was nothing to do anyway, except to wait. He told me to call him immediately whatever happens. And he stayed with me on the phone until it was too late.

I fell asleep until I was woken up at around three am when the distress alarm sounded. The beeping was loud in the silence of the night. I jumped out. Then I saw it was coming from Grandma's bed. I ran in. The surgeon Dr Bong had left for the night. So the nurse went to page him. The on duty doctor was trying his best to do whatever he could but he was in experienced. In the end, I administered to Grandma myself, performing CPR.

Dr Bong must have lived nearby for he was here in less than fifteen minutes. I let him take over because I was also tired. Grandma's condition kept dropping and I was also getting panicky. It was not good to panic during emergencies.

Then finally, she was back at four am.

We were beyond exhausted.

Grandma's big scare gave me a waking call and I insisted her to move to Seoul which she stubbornly rejected. Her exact words, "I would rather die here." Jeez..

Then the other thing she said was, if she had died, her biggest regret would be not to have seen me walking down the aisle and getting married. And frankly, that kind of pushed things a little and made me rethink about my work and life.

* * *

"Hurry up!" Mandy was rushing me outside my door. Because I had a conference earlier today, and it ran late, so I only got home at six and the concert was at seven. SJ's encore concert after they had finished their world tour. They had been out and around for the past year. Fans had been waiting for their return. Well, I had been waiting for my boyfriend.

"Coming!" I dashed out and shut the door. "It's not your first time to their concert," I grumbled.

"Trust me, you don't want to miss this concert," she grinned.

I looked at her suspiciously. She had been very secretive these days and I kind of suspect there's something going on but if Mandy doesn't want to tell, you won't ever know. She's very tight lipped, except when she's drunk. Maybe I should drag her for a drink after the concert.

We reached the stadium just five minutes before seven. The queue to go in was still so long. Everybody was late partly also because of the rain. It was a rainy day.

The usher showed us to our seats in the dark as the show started.

I hadn't managed to meet Kanghoon since he returned to Seoul last week. He had been busy with his rehearsals and I had been busy with my seminars and lectures and surgeries this week. It was one of my busy weeks.

As the show starts, I tried to settle down my heart and enjoy it. It had been such a rushed day that my mind was still preoccupied with all the notes from the earlier conference.

Embarrassingly, halfway through the concert, I nearly dozed off. Even seeing my handsome boy on stage did not keep me awake. Mandy nudged me. I chuckled.

The second half of the show was more funny because they had the remake trot version of their songs. They alwaya tried to make a section funny. Though in my opinion, it wasn't as comical as some past shows. But they did look very good in pink suits.

Then KRY sang When We Were Us.

And they stopped for a little conversation time with the fans.

"Today, everybody here, you will be witnessing a very spectacular event," Lee Teuk said. Everybody was curious. What spectacular event.. we wondered.

"Today happened to be the anniversary of Yesung and his girlfriend."

Jeez... I rolled my eyes. And I just realised that Kanghoon was missing on stage. Strange, where did he go..

"Actually, theirs is a beautiful love story," Siwon said.

"Who would think our Yesung is such a romantic.." Eunhyuk chuckled.

"They were high school friends," Lee Teuk said.

Why were they saying all these...?

"Then they lost contact for twenty years - wow twenty years!"

I was getting embarrassed. And suspicious. Did Mandy know about this? I looked at her. She looked very excited.

"So our dear Yesung hyung has prepared something special."

What -

Suddenly the spotlight lit up and Yesung just appeared one row below me! Everybody screamed. Those who haven't figure out where he was, saw where he was. No wonder he was not on the stage. He had sneaked out and came through below. There was a tunnel below where the guys could move up and down the center stage.

And he was holding a big bouquet of flowers. Jeez. And looking at me. Oh my god...

He walked slowly up. The light followed him. Everybody's eyes followed as well.

Then they found me. I was sitting at the end of my row so only Mandy on my left and she immediately inched to her left to avoid the limelight.

He handed me the flowers grinning.

"What the -" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Happy anniversary," he said. Then to my bewilderment, he reached into his pocket and took out a ring, and went on one knee. Everybody screamed again.

Oh my god... I nearly fainted.

"Lee Hyori," he said. "Will you marry me?"


And he was very gutsy. He took a gamble. What if I didn't like this attention.. I could have walk off.. but of course, I couldn't do that to him.

Everybody was waiting for my answer as he remained on his knee.

So, I said yes. Also because yes, I wanted to.

And he slipped the ring onto my ring finger.

The audience went wild. I think some people actually cried. Maybe because they were sad that their idol was going to get married.

Then a crazy chant went on. At first it was inaudible. Then the guys added through the microphones.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Goodness me again.

He was grinning from ear to ear, somewhat shy and bashful, yet happy. He leaned forward and kissed me. A quick one. Everybody screamed again.

"Congratulations! Mr Kim and Mrs Kim-to-be!"

"By the way," Lee Teuk added. "Our Mrs Kim-to-be sings very well too!"

Oh no - I'm so going to kill you. He couldn't see my glare from there. Yesung laughed out loud.

Yesung took my hand and practically dragged me to stage. I left the flowers with Mandy.

"You know," Yesung said when he got the microphone. "She was literally glaring at you," he told Lee Teuk when we got on stage. The guys made way for me to stand in the center with Yesung. Though I had spoken in front of lectures and conference, this scale was totally mind-wrecking and knees shaking. Fortunately it was darker down there and brighter on the stage so I couldn't see faces except the blue light sticks.

On stage, Kanghoon never let go of my hand.

And as a good sport, I agreed to sing. That wretched song again. I think it has became our song.

He began the song, setting the mood and giving me the confidence. His eyes were on me as he sang through the verse and his grip tightented.

Then a short music interlude before I had to sing.

I sucked in a big breath.

I was so nervous I couldn't even look at him. My first sentence was wavering because I was not warmed up. But I felt myself warming up and getting steadier and better. And when I reached the high notes, I just let the notes flow out. I even closed my eyes.

And he joined me on the second chorus.

And we ended the song with gazing at  each other.

There was a split second of silence because the guys behind me started clapping then the audience, and I was finally 'released' from the stage. I didn't return to my seat but stayed backstage instead. I was too embarrassed to return to my seat. I texted Mandy and told her. She was allowed into backstage later and a complete treat for her.

After the concert, and everybody returned to the backroom, everybody congratulated us. And I blushed all over again. He actually called his mom and told him the good news. Before she hears it from the gossips, he said. And I called my grandma too. She was totally elated.

And there was a mini party post concert too.

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