The Unfettered Ice Princess [...

By Himeshi_Noe

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Theme: Tower World Genre: Fantasy, Action, Magic, Adventure, Over Power, Shounen, Shoujo, Dark Fantasy, Trage... More

Chapter 1 [ The Ice Princess' Resurrection ]
Chapter 2 [ 1st Floor (Safe Zoon) ]
Chapter 3 [ Interesting Rookie ]
Chapter 4 [ Changing Clothes ]
Chapter 5 [ Meet Ophelia Calliope ]
Chapter 6 [ Invitation ]
Chapter 7 [ Ophelia's Bid Reply ]
Chapter 8 [ Anger Trigger ]
Chapter 9 [ Naeva's Past ]
Chapter 10 [ Weapon of the Goddess of Music ]
Chapter 11 [ 2nd Floor Ascension Exam ]
Chapter 12 [ Exams Start! ]
Chapter 13 [ Decoys and Traps ]
Chapter 14 [ First Fight ]
Chapter 15 [ First Fight (2) ]
My Lore
Chapter 16 [ Grand Families Information ]
Chapter 17 [ Master and Student ]
Chapter 18 [ South to North ]
Chapter 19 [ New Friend ]
Chapter 20 [ Hidden Exam ]
Chapter 21 [ Take a Break ]
Chapter 22 [ 12 Constellation Frozen Weapons ]
Chapter 23 [ The Princess and 5 Knight ]
Chapter 24 [ Hidden Exam Clear ]
Chapter 25 [ Exam Clear ]
Chapter 26 [ 2nd Floor (Sahara) ]
Chapter 27 [ Princess!? ]
Chapter 28 [ Ptolemaios Sultanate ]
Chapter 29 [ Cleopatra ]
Chapter 30 [ Sun Priest ]
Chapter 31 [ Relax for a While ]
Chapter 32 [ Relax for a While (2) ]
Chapter 33 [ Secret Meeting ]
Chapter 34 [ The Real Future ]
Chapter 35 [ The Ice and Sun Deal ]
Chapter 36 [ Preparation ]
Chapter 37 [ Meet Grand Sultan ]
Chapter 38 [ Princess Berenice's Debutante ]
Chapter 39 [ Started ]
Chapter 40 [ Future Spoilers ]
Chapter 41 [ Future Spoilers (2) ]
Chapter 42 [ Infiltrating the Temple ]
Chapter 43 [ Nova Sucking ]
Chapter 44 [ Mission Clear ]
Chapter 45 [ Farewell ]
Chapter 46 [ 3rd Floor (Gumble) ]
Chapter 47 [ Fall in Gumbling World ]
Chapter 48 [ 3rd Floor's Rules ]
Chapter 49 [ 3rd Floor Ruler ]
Chapter 50 [ Humanoid Weapon ]
Chapter 51 [ Opposites Attract ]
Chapter 52 [ Two Sides ]
Chapter 53 [ Zeta and Lenarya's Plan ]
Chapter 54 [ Slave Training ]
Chapter 55 [ Cooperate ]
Chapter 56 [ Cooperate (2) ]
Chapter 57 [ Cooperate (3) ]
Chapter 58 [ End of Beginning ]
Bonus (2)
Chapter 59 [ Meeting of the 3 Rulers ]
Chapter 60 [ Meeting of the 3 Rulers (2) ]
Chapter 61 [ The 3 Rulers Gamble Begins! ]
Chapter 62 [ The 3 Rulers Gamble Begins! (2) ]
Chapter 63 [ Fake Envy ]
Chapter 65 [ Calliope Familiy ]
Chapter 66 [ Sneaky ]
Chapter 67 [ Smoke Fire ]
Chapter 68 [ Victory ]
Chapter 69 [ Closing ]
Chapter 70 [ Zeta's Past ]
Chapter 71 [ Zeta's Past (2) ]
Chapter 72 [ Cornered ]
Chapter 73 [ Trauma ]
Chapter 74 [ End of Revenge ]
Chapter 75 [ Trauma (2) ]
Chapter 76 [ End of Revenge (2) ]
Chapter 77 [ Delta's Diary ]
Naeva in Noe Version
Chapter 78 [ Bye, Zeta~ ]
Chapter 79 [ Liar ]
Chapter 80 [ Eh? That Easy? ]
Chapter 81 [ Done ]
Bonus 3
Chapter 82 [ 4th Floor Ascension Exam ]
Chapter 83 [ Examination Rules ]
Chapter 84 [ You believe it? ]
Chapter 85 [ Found ]
Chapter 86 [ Against the Ice Princess ]
Chapter 87 [ Against the Ice Princess (2) ]
Chapter 88 [ Against the Ice Princess (3) ]
Chapter 89 [ End of Ice vs Ice ]
Chapter 90 [ 4th Floor (Theater) ]
Chapter 91 [ Good Bye ]
Chapter 92 [ 5th Floor (Labyrinth Island) ]
Chapter 93 [ Come to Rokka Village ]
Chapter 94 [ Half Blood ]
Chapter 95 [ She Know ]
Chapter 96 [ Erato's Blood ]
Chapter 97 [ Mika's Side ]
Chapter 98 [ Threadvision ]
Chapter 99 [ Glacial Princess ]
Chapter 100 [ EtaSol ]
Chapter 101 [ Rokka's Oath ]
Chapter 102 [ Sayonara ]
Spin Off 1 [ Harem? ]
Spin Off 2 [ Reverse Harem? ]
Spin Off 3 [ The Hope ]
Spin Off 4 [ Whispers of Love ]

Chapter 64 [ Fake Envy (2) ]

406 36 6
By Himeshi_Noe

----------------- •••• -----------------

What is the result of the infinite integral ∫(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ...) dx?

a) 0
b) ∞ (infinite)
c) -1/12

----------------- •••• -----------------


Envy paused for a moment, she tried to think of an answer as quickly as possible.

"There's a reason why I call this kind of question a trick question. Because no matter what answer I come up with, an annoying trap is bound to appear behind this door."

"More correct the answer, more points and more annoying the trap."

"But in a situation like this..."
Glancing back. The Ogre was getting closer to her.

Envy let out a small sigh.
"I have no choice."

Envy's index finger pressed answer C, the answer with the most points from the question.


The door opened sideways. Without hesitation, Envy entered it. As usual, the door would instantly turn into a wall and the ogre simply destroyed it in order to break through and chase Envy.

But not even a few steps past the door...


Both of them immediately collapsed to the ground.

Envy ground her teeth. The sudden heaviness in her body told her something.


"This one manipulates gravity!?" She thought in surprise.

"Ah... I'm really unlucky..."

Envy looked back. Maybe it wasn't just her who was unlucky. The ogres behind her were the same. They both kissed the ground due to the sudden heavy gravitational pressure.

The good thing about this, the ogre stopped chasing her. The bad thing... What difference does it make if she can't move either!? Like Envy said before, this was a battle against time. It was not the time for her to stay there.

Envy thought again. What should she do to get out of this situation?



No matter what she thought, no matter what she tried to observe in the surrounding environment. All could not help her. Here, the only one who could help her was herself.

Envy clicked her tongue.

"Though I don't want to show my strength as much as possible..." Envy muttered.

"Especially when it's in the spotlight like this."

Envy frowned. Her expression became a bit wry when she imagined the faces of two people.
"I hope Yeon-Unnie doesn't see this gambling, I hope Yeon-Unnie doesn't see this gambling, I hope Yeon-Unnie doesn't see this gambling..."

"Also, I hope Envy won't get angry because I used this skill as Envy..." Envy begged to no one in particular.

Envy tried to mentally prepare herself (for the scolding that might come). Since Envy was a hidden identity, she always tried as much as possible not to show Envy's power. Although the real Envy and herself had the same type of power so no one would notice, but people would have a clue about who Envy was.

Envy thought of a magic that she thought would be the least obtrusive and that not many people would know about. But the drawback of this magic... People of the same race as her or people who knew her race well, would definitely be able to recognize her.

"...... Gomen, Onee-san tachi. What can I do. After all, in this gambling, I can't lose," Envy thought in the end.

Envy closed her eyes.
"Let's get serious, Vif."

Once her eyes were opened again, Envy's Amethyst eyes were slightly bulging. A sinister air escaped from her. The orc lying not far from her felt the pressure of a being much stronger than an ordinary race like her. A being that was said to be the king of monsters. A creature that naturally terrified monsters just by staying near it.

[ Dragon Authority - Reverser ]

Envy held tightly onto anything that could hold her body. Because right after she used that authority, all the intended causes and effects would be reversed.

In this case, Envy aimed it at the gravity magic holding them up. The gravity that was so heavy that it made those tons of orcs collapse instantly, was reversed into lightness. The gravitational sphere holding them was instantly catapulting whatever was inside it upwards at high speed. Given that there was an electric field covering the top of the Labyrinth, small objects were instantly destroyed by the field.

And the Orc was shocked by the high-voltage electricity without being able to resist and evade.

As long as the Authority was not turned off, the orc would be trapped forever between gravity and the electric field.

Envy took advantage of the gap to escape. She controlled her authority so that the gravity in her body returned to normal. With heavy gravity plus half of the gravity reverser, it was possible.

{ What wa that!? What was that!? What was that! } was shocked by the MC in the stadium who was watching Envy on the main screen.

The audience was just as dumbfounded.

{ Suddenly the gravity that was holding Envy-sama back instantly turned around catapulting everything! Everything except Envy-sama!! Sasuga Envy-sama!! }

{ Although I don't know what she did, she got away easily!! }

{ And the creepy vibe that briefly came earlier~ brrr... very cool!!! } the MC's excitement was answered by the audience's screams.

{ Ahahahaha, I knew it, watching Envy-sama would be interesting!!! I
Right, guys!!! But you know what's more interesting~}

{ That's right!!! The meeting of two Avatars! Finally!! }

The MC looked back at the main screen. It appeared that Envy's path was about to collide with someone.
{ Uahhh!!! I can't wait to see it!! }

{ What kind of interesting events will we see later? }

Meanwhile, in the VVIP room

Zodiack in the form of a teenage girl pointed at the screen.
[ Eva-sama, seen from anywhere it is... ]

Naeva nodded.

"Dragon Authority."

[ I knew it... ]

Naeva watched the screen carefully.
"Dragon Authority... Authority that every dragon possesses from the moment they are born. A type of great power that does not require Nova to use. But the use of Authority should put a strain on the body. Nova can help cushion the impact of its use."

"That child... Forced to use Dragon Authority in her current Nova. Her body must have received a lot of impact."

[ Hmmm... That one is a bit weak. I thought it was usually more Wahh... Whenever Leviathan uses it, she always reverses the law of cause and effect in an amazing way ] said the girl when remembering someone.

Naeva also imagined the scenes she was referring to.
"..... Don't compare ordinary dragons to Leviathan."

"That kid (Envy) is a pure dragon race. While Leviathan is a Heavenly Entity. Just being able to reach that level, she (Envy) is already admirable."

The girl nodded, indicating understanding.
[ That's right... Sorry, Eva-sama. Yes, Great Dragon is not a dragon race anyway... ]

For those who don't understand, please refer to this brief explanation. There are 4 types of dragons that are famous in Tower. Based on the level, here they are.

Great Dragon

Dragons are ordinary dragons that are very large and fit people's imagination of dragons. They tend to be haughty and arrogant and hate anyone other than dragons. Dragonoids are ordinary dragons that can change their form into human form. Since their intelligence is already at a stage where they realize the importance of social relationships, those who were once ordinary dragons will cultivate until they can acquire their humanoid form.

Arc-Dragons are different from those dragons. They are pureblood dragons who from birth have a level of strength and intelligence far above ordinary dragons. They also already have a human form since they were born. Their dragon form is also bigger and more beautiful.

While the Great Dragon is a completely different creature. The dragons mentioned earlier still fall into the category of living things because they reproduce. But the Great Dragon is different. The Great Dragon does not reproduce.

They were the same entity as the Arc-Angel. Heavenly entities, figures created directly by the Goddess who formed the Tower. Once they were created, they would instantly exist in their best bodies. They did not go through childhood and would not grow. Heavenly Entities are the name given to beings created by the Goddess who help maintain the order and balance of the world.

If the Arc-Angel was in charge of helping the Goddess directly with her to maintain the line of destiny and the balance of the worlds in the Tower, then the Great Dragon was in charge of being the supreme law enforcer and balance of power in the Tower. Actually, because of the freedom offered in the Tower, there is not much Great Dragon can do. Cases that require Great Dragon to directly intervene are usually if it is already at the stage of threatening the destruction of several Floors at once.

There were only 4 Great Dragons in the Tower. The Sea Great Dragon, Leviathan, that Naeva mentioned earlier was one of them.



Character Information

Name: Vif (?)
Nova: IX Blue
Race: Dragon (?)
Age: Unknown
Status: Envy [Fake]
3rd Floor Northern Ruler [Fake]
Affiliation: 3rd Floor Northern Region [Fake]
Nemesis Guild [Fake]



After getting far enough away from the gravity trap area and making sure the Orcs could no longer chase her, Envy turned off her authority.

Envy felt a thick liquid coming out of her nose. As soon as her hand rubbed it, she could see blood on her hand.

Envy wiped the blood with a handkerchief without saying anything.

"As expected, insisting on wearing Authority when my Nova is just I Orange is too much," she thought calmly.

She let out a small sigh, "But what can I do, right? If use ordinary magic, everything looks too obvious and predictable."

The ordinary magic Envy was referring to was dragon magic. If she used it, even ordinary people would know that she was a dragon. Moreover, most dragon magic was the type of flashy destruction magic that could ruin her disguise, there was no way she would use it in this situation.

"Ah ah... I should have learned more normal magic..."



The sound of metal clashing distracted Envy from her wound.

"Anyone fighting?" Envy asked herself.

Envy sped to the origin of the sound, trying to figure out who was fighting who. Fortunately, the person was not too far away from her. After approaching a few meters and answering a few casual questions, Envy found a girl with long navy hair fighting 7 kobolds skillfully with... a giant pen????

Envy who was standing behind the wall watched the girl's fight carefully. There was something that caught her attention, the eye patch that was previously on the girl's face was no longer there. Now her dragon-like golden eyes were clearly visible.

"..... That kid is really Calliope, hmm."

"It's great that that bitch Lin is messing with the Great Family," Envy half-mocked.

"Even though she's not a member of the Great Guild or a Top Ranker... I don't know what's going through her mind to be so bold."

Envy recalled something. Ophelia Calliope's name was also written on the letter. If the sender of the letter, Zeta wanted Envy to give her Delta if she won, the letter also said that they were working with Ophelia so that she would no longer be Madam Lin's slave. In the letter, it was mentioned that further agreements about Ophelia would be discussed by herself after ownership of her changed to Envy.

Yes, the ownership changed.

What Envy found most important in the letter was the hidden stake of ownership.

"How about... We bet everything on the table?"

"The winner will get ownership of everything on the table and the loser will lose everything."

Remember this words? It may seem like a normal bet, but...

"The true meaning of the bet... is also the ownership of the gambler themself. In this case, it is the Avatar. Even the body scans that the Avatars do are not actually because they are Avatars, but because they are also betting items, right? That bitch deliberately didn't make it clear that whoever loses will become the property of the winner."

"This also seems to be the reason why that Calliope ended up as a slave."

"I thought the cheating was usually in the judging. I didn't think someone would take advantage of the loopholes in the stakes," Envy grinned.

Envy's eyes stared intently at the sky. Her mouth wore a sinister smile.
"That bitch's goal from the start was to 'own' Envy, huh. Or rather... she wanted to have everything Envy had?"

"You greedy bitch."

Her smile changed again to a bright and carefree smile.
"Fufufu, if that's how you want to play, fine. I'll go along with it."

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