1K 109 199

In which, Hyunjin and Jeongin both want valedictorian. More

1. the final year
2. keep being dramatic
3. odd day
4. insensitive.
5. cookie
6. specific minor inconvenience
8. precious coffee
9. argue like it's oxygen
10. many hobbies
11. bingo card
12. in love with you
13. your little boyfriend
14. stop accusing hyun of murder
15. never gotten less than a ninety six
16. just for this?
17. artists are their own worst critics

7. warning

53 7 6


"You're so cute," Jisung smiled, poking at his boyfriend's cheeks.

"That's you," Minho replied, leaning down to kiss his boyfriends forehead.

Jisung hummed before speaking again, "hey, so, you know how we're together."

"Yeah?" Minho said, smiling as Jisung played with his hand.

"And then there's Changbin and Felix, and we both are pretty sure Seungmin and Chan like each other," Jisung continued, "but what about Hyunjin and Jeongin? Who do you think they will end up with?"

Minho nodded with a hum, "that's a tough question, um," the older paused to think, "Jeongin won't end up with anyone until after graduation for sure, and Hyunjin...I don't know. I don't know if he has his eyes on anyone or anything."

"I think Hyunjin likes someone," Jisung said with a nod, "but I don't know who. I tried to ask him, but he just claimed he didn't like anyone."

"Really? He likes someone?" Minho asked, "we have to find out who it is."

"I know, and we will," the younger replied with another nod.

"You know," Minho cleared his throat, "when we met Jeongin and before Hyunjin had, I thought they would have been kind of cute together."

"Really?" Jisung asked, "I guess I never thought of them as a couple."

"That's because all they do is argue and irritated the fuck out of each other," The older replied, "but think about it. Think of Hyunjin away from Jeongin and Jeongin away from Hyunjin. Them like that, together."

"Aw, damn, they would be cute together in that way," Jisung sighed.

"Too bad they're too busy fighting all the time to realize they're more alike than they know and would make a good couple," Minho shrugged.

"I think it's funny that they have quite a bit in common, but don't realize it," Jisung pointed out, "I mean, they're both very motivated, stubborn, like a lot of the same foods and like doing the same things. It's so incredible how people so much alike could dislike each other so strongly."


Hyunjin looked up and did a double take when he spotted the youngers glasses. He'd seen Jeongin wear them before, but was a rare occasion. Hyunjin stared for a little longer than necessary simply because it was weird seeing the younger with glasses on. He tore his eyes away once he realized he was almost staring.

"Thought you guys were studying during lunch?" Seungmin asked when Jeongin and Jisung both sat down. Felix nodded with a slight head tilt to the left and curious eyes. Hyunjin though, wasn't paying attention, too focused on his drawing.

"We took the test yesterday," Jisung shrugged, "so there's no real reason to be studying right now."

Felix nodded, "it's good to have you guys back, been a little lonely without the two of you around."

"Are you saying me and Hyunjin are kind of boring?" Seungmin asked.

Felix nodded, "yeah."

"Okay," the younger shrugged. Hyunjin still wasn't paying attention as he continued drawing.

"How do you think you did on your test?" Seungmin asked Jisung as they began to eat.

"I think I did fairly well, all thanks to Innie here," Jeongin smiled.

"I hope you enjoyed your help because your free trial of Innie studying has ended," Jeongin replied.

"Does that mean I have to pay now?" The older asked.

Jeongin hummed, "I accept Venmo."

The older shook his head and chuckled as the younger chuckled too. And Felix was about to speak up when someone cut them all off, "excuse me."

Almost all of them turned to see a girl standing behind Jeongin. She was blonde and fairly tall. Jeongin wasn't standing but guessed that she was almost his height, "Hi, uh, I wanted to um, ask you something."

Hyunjin looked up from his drawing and furrowed his eyebrows as Jeongin nodded, "what's up?"

"I was actually wondering if I could get your number or something?" The blonde replied. The question took Jeongin by surprise. He'd only ever been asked to give out his number a few times in his life. Was it his glasses?

"Uh, sure," Jeongin replied, a little hesitant simply because, again, he hadn't been asked to give his number many times.

"Are you sure you want it?" Hyunjin's mouth moved on it's own. he really really wasn't thinking.

"I'm sorry?" The girl asked, taken aback.

"You better not have a good GPA," Hyunjin really didn't know why he was talking. What was he even saying? Was he going insane?

"Hyun," Jisung nudged the older.

"I don't understand," the girl replied, taking a step back.

"He's very serious about his grades and you better not have good ones, or he'll feel threatened," Hyunjin informed, glancing down at Jeongin who was looking back at him with his jaw dropped open a little.

"" the girl looked at the floor.

"It's nothing against you though," Hyunjin cleared his throat, "I'm only saying all of this because you seem like a nice smart girl, and he'd feel threatened."

"Oh, I see," the girl then nodded in response, clearly confused as she walked away.

"The fuck was that for?" Jeongin asked once the girl was out of hearing range. Hyunjin went to look down at his ipad, but Jeongin wasn't having it. So he placed his hand on top of the screen, "don't ignore me."

Hyunjin sighed and looked up, "so sorry, do you want me to go find her and give her your number? Should I really run after your little girlfriend?"

"That's not the point right now," Jeongin shook his head, "you made her uncomfortable."

Hyunjin shook his head, "I didn't, I was just warning her about you."

"That's not your place to do so," the younger replied.

Hyunjin nodded and spoke sarcastically, "you're right, so sorry."

"You're so fucking inconsiderate," Jeongin shook his head.

"Me? Are you being real right now? Do the others know about what happened the other day? Should I tell them what I offered to help you out with?" Hyunjin asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"That's not your place either," Jeongin spoke through gritted teeth.

"Wait what?" Seungmin asked.

"Yeah, what happened?" Jisung questioned.

"Nothing happened," Jeongin removed his glasses to rub his face and Hyunjin looked at them on the table until Jeongin grabbed them again to put them back on, "I'm leaving first."

As the younger stormed off, the other three turned to Hyunjin, asking about what had happened before the other just said, "I really shouldn't be the one to tell you. He'll get even more pissed off."

"As if you don't make it your life's work to do that anyway?" Jisung asked, "look at what just happened."

"Yeah, what was that all about?" Felix asked.

"I was just warning her," Hyunjin stated again, "I don't know what else you want me to say."

The other three shared another look as Hyunjin went back to his drawing. Felix sighed gently and kept an eye on Hyunjin for the rest of the lunch period. Seungmin left not long after Jeongin did, to go after the younger male. And he found him sitting in the hallway by his locker. He walked over and took a seat beside the other, "hey."

"Hey," Jeongin replied. Seungmin wasn't sure what else to say, so he just kept quiet until Jeongin spoke up again, "are you just as confused as I am right now?"

Seungmin nodded, "definitely. That was weird."

"I know," Jeongin replied, "I wanted to find that girl and apologize."

"You don't have to do that," Seungmin hummed out, "he's the one that has to do it."

"But he wont because he's an asshole," Jeongin replied, "there's no way he'd apologize. He lives to mess with me, with my life."

"You know," Seungmin sighed gently, "he's really not like that. He's not really an asshole. And I think Felix and Jisung agree that this...him interfering with that is extra unlike him."

"How can it be extra unlike him?" Jeongin asked.

"Because we obviously see how he messes with you, right? But we never saw him acting like this," Seungmin shook his head, "never thought he'd be so," the older paused to think for a moment before saying, "petty to interrupt someone trying to ask you out."

"I always knew he was petty, but not like this," Jeongin sighed, but then, "the more I think about it, the more it starts to make sense in my head."

"Really?" Seungmin asked.

The younger nodded, "because I start to think that he really is that petty."

"No matter what," Seungmin paused, "it's still weird to me. To the rest of us."

"That's because you guys don't see him the way I do," Jeongin replied, not meeting the older's eye.

The older sighed but nodded because it was true. And for the remainder of the lunch class, the two sat there in silence, allowing themselves to think about the lunch moment from before whether they really wanted to or not. Back in the lunch room, Felix, Jisung, and Hyunjin were also eating in silence, none of them really sure what to say. Jisung and Felix were like Seungmin, confused, while Hyunjin chose not to think about the situation and continued drawing as if nothing had happened.

He really wasn't sure why he said those things to the girl in the first place, and instead of allowing himself to be confused, he decided to focus on anything and everything else that he could. He figured it would be easier to forget that the situation all together than discuss it with anyone, or even allow himself to think about it. It was awkward for himself to think about weird moments he had caused.

And maybe he wasn't able to push it to the back of his mind as well as he thought he could, because later on, at the end of classes, when Hyunjin saw the same girl from before, he paused from walking towards the exit of the building, and started walking towards her, practicing what he wanted to say and any possible outcomes of the apology that he could experience before he finally got to the girls locker and spoke, "uh, hi."

The girl jumped and turned after closing her locker to face the older who had nearly cringed he didn't mean to scare her, "oh um.."

"Sorry, I didn't want to scare you, I just....I just wanted to um, to apologize for lunch? That wasn't very cool of me and I'm not really sure where it came from," Hyunjin shook his head as he scratched his neck, "so yeah, I'm sorry for that. And uh, if you," the male hesitated before sighing and continuing, "if you really want his number I can give it to you."

"Oh um," the girl coughed and looked at the ground, "it's okay...I don't...I don't need it."

"Then why..." Hyunjin trailed off, furrowing his eyebrows, "why'd you ask for it in the first place?"

"Well..." the girl cleared her throat and pushed some hair behind her hair. Almost looking embarrassed, "my friends wanted me to try to ask someone for their number, for confidence I guess...and Jeongin he...he seemed like a nice guy to ask. All of you did but he's in one of my classes, so, I decided to ask him."

Hyunjin nodded, "oh, I see...well, don't...don't do that."

"Huh?" the girl asked, looking up at the other, her own eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't let your confidence be defined by a male's perspective. Anyone else's perspective, actually. Take the time to make yourself feel comfortable in your own skin. If you think about it, there are plenty of people out these that have been told their pretty or good looking and they didn't believe it. That's because they don't believe it themselves. I think that's what important first. I'm not normally a person for motivational stuff, but I really think everyone should build their confidence on their own. Don't build yourself to fit anyone else. Do what you feel comfortable doing. Wear what you feel comfortable wearing, okay?" Hyunjin nearly rambled.

The girl smiled and nodded, "thank you."

Hyunjin smiled and nodded too before turning and walking away, heading back to his own dorm with thoughts swarming in his head that he tried to push away, but actually unable to. He was forced to think about how he treated the girl at lunch, and how he had just acted so strangely. He knew it wasn't like him. Knew that Felix, Jisung, and Seungmin all knew that wasn't like him.

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