Friends to lovers?-jadon sanc...

By Jadonsanchoostories

23.5K 681 1.5K


One💎big day🧿
Two💎first day🧿
Four💎personal information 🧿
Five💎pre match 🧿
Six💎first game🪬
Seven💎family meal🪬
Eight💎what the fuck🪬
Nine💎another win🪬
Ten💎not good🪬
Forteen💎2nd goal🪬
Fiften💎just the two of us🪬
Sixteen💎ankle injury🪬
Nineteen💎new years🔞🪬
Twenty-one💎embarrassed 🔞🪬
Twenty-two💎i want you🔞🧿
Twenty-three💎international break🪬
Twenty-five💎dubia to paris🔞🪬
Twenty-six💎Jadon birthday🔞🪬
Twenty-eight💎making up🔞🪬
Twenty-nine💎another loose🪬
Thirty💎last season🪬
Thirty-three💎her birthday🔞🪬
Thirty-five💎friends again🔞🪬
Thirty-eight 💎scared🪬
Forty-three💎missing you🪬
Forty-eight💎our time🪬
Fifty-one💎made up🪬
Fifty-two💎is this the end🪬
Fifty-four💎dont miss me🪬
Fifty- seven💎oh🪬
Fifty-nine💎things come in bundles🪬
Sixty💎home debut🪬
Sixty-one💎not stalking🪬
Sixty-two💎all secrets spilled🪬
Sixty-four💎 tantrum🪬
Seventy-six 💎🪬

Thirteen💎her first goal🪬

371 12 43
By Jadonsanchoostories

Jadon PoV

Thursday 2nd December 2019

It has been a few days and we still have a couple of games just before Christmas arrives.
Me and Aries fell asleep on her couch together but the next day I went home as we had a training session

Once I was showered and dressed I went back to Aries house and pick her up and I drove to carrington.

Aries is still not being her full self you can see in her eyes she is still hurting
She is constantly in her own little world

Tonight we had a game against Arsenal which was a home game, normally I would chill before going to a game but i decided to go to Aries house

So I have already had my shower then I got changed into the United jogger and the matching hoodie, I then packed my Louis Vuitton wash bag

I grabbed my car keys and left my house,I got in my Lamborghini urus and drove to Aries house.
I knocked on the door and waited but she did not answer

I then pulled my phone out of my pocket and started calling Aries
"Aries?" I called

"Yes" she replied

"Where are you?" I asked her

"At home" she replied

"Okay well I am outside so can you open the door" i say to her

Aries just put the phone down on me and 5 minutes later the door open
She was in a pair of small white shorts and a black crop top

As she open the door she walked away from me and walked back up her stairs
I walked in her house and closed the door behind me

I took my shoes off and walked upstairs to Aries bedroom
I pushed open her door a little and I saw her laying in bed looking up at the ceiling

I pushed the door open and i walked in and went and sat next to Aries on her bed
"You okay?" I asked her

"No Jadon I am not okay" she says sounding a little angry

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Jadon I have already told you what is wrong, I am fucking suffering badly that is what's wrong" Aries says

"So is there anything I can do?" I asked her

"If there was something that made me feel better do you not think I would have done it already, do you think I like feeling like this?" She asked me

"You know what Aries I am going to leave
I come here to up your spirt just before the game so you feel more comfortable about going but all you are doing is being horrible" i say to her

"I never asked you come here Jadon neither did I ask you to pick me up for training or on game days you just started doing it
So don't blame me" she says to me

"Okay cool" i say getting off the bed and walking around her bed to walk out her room

As I walked out
"Jadon" I heard Aries called

I then got to the top of the stairs
"Jadon wait please" Aries says standing at the door

I turned around and looked at her, her eyes were filled with tear
"Jadon please don't leave me" she cried

"I am sorry I never meant to be rude I am sorry please forgive me" she cried

I quickly walked over to her before she broke down in tears
"Shshshs it's okay, I got you"
I say to her as I held her up from falling

I walked her over to her bed and we both sat down and I pulled her close to me and I wrapped my arms around her
"Breathe in and out" i say to her

Once she calmed down she pulled away from my hold and she looked at me
"I am sorry I didn't mean to speak to you like that Jadon" she say to me crying a lot more

"Aries it's okay i promise, is there something wrong do you want to talk about anything?" I asked her

"I don't know what is wrong" she says to me

I wiped her tears with my sleeve and I gave her a little smile
"You wanna lay back down, watch a movie or something?" I asked her

She just nodded her head and gave me a really really small smile
Aries got back into her bed and I laid down
And I laid in her bed sitting up with my head against her head board

I had my arm around her shoulder
She turned on her tv and we started watching some thing on Netflix.

During the movie Aries looked up and my and I looked down at her
We both just looked into each others eyes
I brought my head down
I watched Aries slight plump her lips

I licked my lips just before I came any closer to her
I close my eyes and placed a kiss on her lips
I pulled away and Aries still had her eyes closed

Eventually she opened her eyes and we yet again just looked in each others eyes
Aries then looked away and looked at the tv and i just pulled her a lot closer to me

Then 5 minutes later she looked back up at me
"There is something wrong" she says to me

"So tell me" I respond

" my family want me to go back home for Christmas but I just don't want to be around them, I have not got it in me to be around people. I just want to be on my own" she explains

"Maybe it will feel better being around your family, and if it helps I can drive you there and then pick you up and you can call me whenever"

"Okay thank you" she says then looking back at the tv

The movie then ended
"Why don't you go have a bath and relax, I will make us some food or something"
I say to her

She gave me a small smile
I got out of her bed first and I held my hand out for Aries to take
She held my hand and got her self out of her bed

I helped her make her bed then she went into her bathroom and started running her self a bath
"Do you suggest anything to eat?" I asked her

"Um not really" she replies

"What about some sort of pasta dish you always eat pasta before games" I suggest

"Okay" she replies

"You don't mind me cooking in your kitchen right?" I asked her

"I don't mind" she says and she walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her

I walked downstairs into her kitchen and I searched all the cupboards till I found some pasta in a jar, I then found a saucepan filled it up with water and I let the water boil

Once the water was boiled I poured enough pasta in for the both of us then I went on to making some garlic pasta sauce
Which is Aries favourite

Just as I was plating everything up
Aries walked into the kitchen she had the same jogger and hoodie on as me.
She also had a towel in her hand and she was drying her hair with the towel

Aries took a seat and I plated her food in front of her and I sat down opposite her
"Thank you" she says to me

"You are more than welcome" i say

We both started eating the pasta I made
Then we finished
"That's was really good, thank you" she says to me

"Your are welcome, I will tidy up then we can leave" i say to her

"No it's fine I will tidy up" Aries says back

"No it's my mess" i says

"No just let me do it" Aries raises her voice a little
She looked down at her lap then she looked back up and she started putting all the dishes in the dishwasher

"I am sorry I just feel a little pressured now that we have to leave soon" she says to me

"That is okay" i say to her

I got off the chair and stood in front of her and I held her face
And placed a kiss on her lips
"Ma I really don't mind you speaking to me like that cause I understand you are going through something ,okay?" I say to her

She gave me a smile
"I will be with you all night okay I will be next to you in the changing room, I will be with you on the pitch or waiting for you on the bench and I will be driving you home" i say to her

"Thank you" she says

I placed another kiss on her lips and me and aries both smiled during the kiss.
We both then pulled away and Aries walked to the mirror and she started applying curly cream to her hair and brushed through her curls
"You have the most beautiful curls ever" i say to her

"Thank you"she smiled

Stood behind her sorting my hair out too
Once we was both ready we left Aries house, we got in my car and on the way to the stadium I noticed Aries getting a little nervous

I put my hand on her thigh
"Everything will be okay, I will protect you I promise" I say to her

She gave me another weak smile
Eventually we arrived at the stadium
I parked up my car and we both got out
We both walked side to side

We walked passed all the fans that's was cheering for the both of us
Aries showed a big smile and waved at all the fans and I did the same

Even though I know her smile was fake

We walked into the changing room doing handshakes with all the player that have already arrived and the staff members

Me and Aries both sat down in our space which was next to each other and waited for everyone to arrive and the assistant manager

When everyone arrived we had a team talk
Then we started getting ready for warm ups
"Can you do my thighs please?" I asked Aries

She nodded her head
She applied the cream and wrapped the bandages around my thighs
Then once we was ready we went out on the pitch and spent 25 minutes warming up

Then we went back in the changing room and got ready for the actual game
Me and Aries was last to leave the changing room
I placed a quick kiss on her lips
"I am with you remember" I say to her

She nodded her head
We left the changing room and lined up in the tunnel eventually we walked out of the pitch and before we knew it the game started

In the 77th minute I looked Across the pitch and Aries has the ball at her feet
She was running really fast

There was not palace players around neither was there United players near
Except me

She passed the ball to me and I passed it back to her
Aries was now 1v1 with the goal keeper
She was now in the penalty box
And licked the ball in the bottom left corner

Scoring her first Manchester United goal and premier league goal

She ran to corner and I ran over to her hugging her
"You scored" i say smiling

All the other United players ran over all hugging around Aries
Everyone started walking away
Leaving me and Aries standing next to each other

She put her head in her hands and she started crying I hugged
"Your okay ma, come on 15 more minutes" i say

We Carried on playing and then the referee called the whistle calling full time
The whole of old Trafford erupted

Me and Aries was the last two on the pitch applauding the fans then we walked down the tunnel

"Aries, I am Chris from sky sports can you speak to us about your goal" this man says standing there with a microphone in his hand

"Get some else to do it" she says walking into the changing room
Not even stopping to hear him

⚠️ i haven't read this over so if it doesn't make sense then oh well
Also I got the games mixed up they was playing palace and I thought they was playing arsenal

Happy Sunday!💎

Jadon scored😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

Me when Jadon scored 😏😏😏😏

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