My Retribution

By EnolaEzhno

317K 14.8K 2.3K

Freen is an Ice queen that possesses incredible knowledge and strength. She did everything just to penetrate... More

Part 2
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98

Part 67

2.7K 172 29
By EnolaEzhno

Becky's POV

The decision has already been made. They chose my company because of Freen.  Well, I guess I'll see bitchy-leechy with Freen more often after this. "Which is good it will make me hate Freen more"

I felt dizzy from all the drinking that I had to touch my head. I relaxed myself and inhaled deeply as I closed my eyes. I kept them close trying to sober myself up. A sweet voice caught my attention. It was a soft, caring and weak, almost enough to make me sleep. I didn't bother to look and didn't bother to talk back. "Whoever it is, I'm not in the mood to mingle"

 I was immersed in my own world when a hand touched me. I stiffened immediately. I felt the same electricity when I held Freen for shaking her hand.  I looked and I saw her beautiful face. Her face that I missed so much, that I longed so the past. "Yeah i longed and missed her so much, IN THE PAST BUT IT'S PRESENT NOW SO... THAT'S NO LONGER THE CASE"

Freen: (worried) I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I was asking if you're okay but you're not answering. Are you okay?

I slapped her hand harshly and looked at her with a poker face. She was surprised but it was immediately washed with sadness.

Becky: (fake smile) No need to pretend that you care, Freen. Nobody's looking, you can be yourself.

She didn't talk back so I removed my gaze from her. I'm starting to feel cold and I wanted to drink more to warm my body but I can't. I can't drive if I'm too drunk. PLizz will get mad at me if I do it again. Now I regret wearing this kind of dress. My phone kept on buzzing but I didn't answer because Freen presence makes me uncomfortable in so many ways.

Freen: (annoyed voice) Your phone keeps on vibrating. Isla might miss you so much.

I looked at her surprised that she even read the name. I answered the phone. I heard her yell but I didn't react, I don't want Freen to know that Liza is working with me. She's worried if I did something stupid or if I'm fine since I missed her calls like 3 times.

Becky: No baby girl, I didn't. Please, Izla don't be mad. I'm going home later. I promise.

I ended the call and was surprised Freen slammed her wine into the table beside me. She's trying to calm herself down and I saw her hand formed into a fist. She exhaled deeply before speaking.

Freen: (annoyed but calm voice) I guess you're going home early, Your B-A-B-Y G-I-R-L must be waiting for you.

Becky: (smirk) Yeah! You too, you should go to where Ms. Nita is. She might be L-O-O-K-I-N-G for you.

I saw her grit her teeth as she bite her lower lip. I was waiting for her comeback but she just exhaled in defeat.

Freen: (sincere) I'm sorry, I don't want to start any fight or misunderstanding. (giving her coat) Here. Please use this, you're showing too much skin and you might be cold.

She removed her coat and gave it to me. I looked at her without emotions. She then came near me and put the coat on my shoulder. She stared at my lips which made me nervous. My nervousness made me bite my lip and that made her gulp. She raised her hand attempting to touch my cheek but she stopped herself, clenching her hand mid air.

Freen: (sweet voice) Can you drive? I can take you home if you like. If you're not comfortable I can ask someone to drive you home.

I was dumbfounded. "Why is she being so nice?" Do they need something from me again that they chose me? Is this her way to manipulate me again?" She was just annoyed at me earlier. Well then we're just gonna use each other then.

Becky: (annoyed) No. I can manage.

I gave her back her coat and was about to leave when I felt dizzy that I almost lost my balance. I knew I was about to fall but Freen caught me. I smelled her familiar scent and our faces are close to each other. I saw in her eye as she looked at me with so much love and worry "Whoahh! Drinking wine is a bad idea. I'm seeing things"

Nita: (worried) Are you okay Ms. Armstrong?

Of course that bitchy-leechy will show up. Freen and her is inseparable.

Becky: (fake smile) Of course. I am.

Freen: (serious) I'm taking you home, Becky.

I was about to refuse when I heard someone clear their throat. I saw the three bow their heads. I got curious about who they were bowing too and saw this Old Lady. She looks sweet and she's in a wheelchair.

Freen: (smiling) Grandma.

Hearing Freen calling her Grandma. I immediately bowed my head. I've been here in Freen's house but I never saw or met her. She's like the most respected woman in Asia. Being in her presence gives me goosebumps and I'm very much intimidated. The sweet Lady came to me and shook my hand.

Grandma: (sweet voice) You must be Ms. Armstrong. It's finally nice to see you in person.

Becky: (sweet smile) It's an honor to meet you too Mrs. Chankimha.

Grandma: (chuckles) Oh please call me Grandma. Are you on your way home? The party is not over yet.

Becky: (sweet voice) Yes, Grandma.  I'm sorry for leaving early. I just needed to get home.

I gave her a sweet smile and she smiled back at me.

Grandma: Please stay. I heard you've been to our mansion before. Why don't you stay for the night? Let's celebrate. I heard Nita and Freen picked your company.

Becky: (sweet smile) Yes, Grandma. I'm honored to be picked among the 10 successful companies. I would love to stay, Grandma. Thank you.

I have no choice but to stay. I called PLizz to inform her that Grandma talked to me. She went silent for a moment. She told me not to let my guard down and be careful. She reminded me not to drink too much and she also insisted on calling my Driver and fetching me after. I'm drunk so I never bothered to argue and just agreed.

Freen called out my name and assisted me to join their table. Grandma insisted on drinking more wine since it's a celebration but I politely refused. Freen on the other hand keeps on drinking. "I thought she never drinks. Guess I never truly knew Freen" I'm sitting on her right side and Nita's sitting on her left. Freen has been quiet but her eyes indicates that she's drunk. Nita is worried and she takes care of Freen. "What an eye-sore. I can't wait to leave this fucking party"  I tried my best not to notice them. I wanted to leave so bad but I'm too ashamed to say goodbye to Grandma.

Grandma: (smiling) Kirk, Nita. I have something to discuss to you right away. Can you please take care of Freen Rebecca? She seems to drink a lot of wine. You've been here before so I bet you know where her room is.

My eyes widen in surprise as I point my finger to myself and ask the question again just to make sure I'm not hearing things.

Becky: Me?

Grandma: (pleading) Yes.. Please, Rebecca.

I laugh awkwardly and bow to Grandma indicating that I will do what she wishes. Freen is also surprised that she's starting to hiccup. Kirk followed Grandma and Nita came to me.

Nita: (serious face) Don't touch her. She might be yours before but she's with me now. I will take care of her as soon as this is over.

She left and followed where Grandma and Kirk went. Her words made me angry. Not having the last word to someone you hate is bothersome. I heard Freen hiccupped and I got distracted from killing Nita on my mind. I ordered water from the crew and made her drink it. I waited for her to sober up until I could no longer hear her hiccups. I then assisted her to her room. As soon as we reached the stairs, the guards immediately stood up straight at the sight of us. The big guy saluted Freen before talking.

Guard: Private Jones requests permission to speak with you sir.

Freen: Speak

Guard: Do you need help sir?

Freen: No, It's fine. Thank you. Go back to your post.

The guard bowed his head. He saluted Freen one more time. He then stepped backwards and went back to her previous position. I was surprised that I didn't move. "Is she a sir? They seem to Respect her very much or because she's a boss? Do you address your employer that way though?" I just shook my head and assisted Freen until we reached her room. I let her lay on her bed which made her annoyed.

Freen: I don't sleep on my bed without showering or changing.

Becky: (poker face) I know. It seems that you can handle yourself. I let you be.

I walked away from her and was about to open the door when I heard her hills walking towards me but a few steps she stopped. She speaks with a sweeter but sad voice.

Freen: (teary eyed) You gonna leave me?

That made me laugh. "You're the one who left me" I looked at her with  a serious face using my mocking tone.

Becky:  Don't worry, Freen. Unlike you, I'm not leaving you for one year and a half. We will see each other more often. Besides your Nita will come as soon as she finishes talking to Grandma.

I saw in her eyes that she was hurt but she looked at her feet. I looked at her intently waiting for her response. She's quiet but then I notice tears falling down.

Freen: You're right. I'm sorry.

Looking at her cry in silence while trying her best not to show me made me feel guilty all of a sudden. "Why would I care. She might be manipulating me right now?" 

Becky: (serious voice) Are you? Really?

She looked at me with so much regret. She slowly walk towards me in a zigzag way. "Right. She's drunk" I want to meet her half way but I didn't move an inch. She first held my shoulders as she tried to pull herself together. She looked at me intently and gave me her sweet but sad smile. She held my hand and kissed it.

Freen: (sweet voice) I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, my love. It wasn't my choice to go abroad. I'm sorry if it took time for me to go back to you.

My heart leaped with joy when she called me love and I can feel her  sincerity with her every word that I almost give in but looking back, our relationship was just built on a lie so her apology is also a lie. "I guess I can use this to my advantage"

Becky: How sorry are you?

Freen: (sincere voice) Really sorry. If you will let me I will spend the rest of my life seeking your forgiveness.

That's what I've been waiting for.

Becky: (smiling) Great! If I want you to be honest now and onwards. Will you be honest?

I saw her hesitation and she didn't respond.

Becky: (dissapointed) Guess you didn't mean what you said.

This made Freen sad. I knew then that she really is hiding something from me. I looked at her with disappointment and I was about to leave but then she hugged me from the back.

Freen: (sweet voice) Honesty is not something that I can give for a lot of reasons, for that I'm deeply sorry. But I can do everything else. If you want me to die, I'll die for you. I'm willing to throw what I've worked hard for 10 years for you. I'm willing to stop everything if you ask me too. Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. Anything Teerak, but please don't ask for honesty.

Her words made me soft. I don't know but I feel like she's being honest and sincere. Either way this will benefit me, I came here for a reason and I won't stop until I get what I want. I cupped her cheeks and squezed her puffy cheeks with my right hand. Her lips formed in a smooch that is very inviting.

Becky: You bettter not forget this conversation Freen.

I gave her Lips a peck. "Heaven" I forced myself to open my eyes avoiding myself to drown in pleasure. I looked at her and her eyes is closed. I removed my lips from hers. After a few seconds she opened her eyes and I saw them twinkle as her face brightens.

"I guess this is how I can control Freen. You approached me for a reason and I came back for a reason too"

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