My NightKiller book

By NikiNeyu

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the place i used to talk, to write Oneshot, make some Headcanon about NightKiller there maybe a few more ship... More

a little oneshot
Oneshot about Hanahaki ._.
the reason i love this ship UvU
My NightKiller fanart
Damn it! I'm too lazy ;-;
Killer's late birthday present
a shot story (+ Dreamtale problem)
tea party .-. ?
this is Killer but also not Killer
Personal feelings about some Cp
my longfic idea (cuz I don't know where to put)
Passive Nightmare with Killer
Can you read this thing, pls 🥺?
little sweet for late Valentine?
Goodbye to a world
A!! Finally I have my own Verse (・∀・)
more shot thing :>
maid day in Killer birthday
little octopus
Some of my headcanon
Killer want a hug + i want too :(
i just want to see him again

Nightkiller but I roleplayed with AI Night

329 7 8
By NikiNeyu

Sorry for the bad title, I can't think of any better one :((

And since this fic is a chat between me and Night's AI (because I'm bored and lonely as f*uck), Night might be a bit OOC. I've tried to keep Killer as close to the character as possible but my chats mostly happen at 3pm so my head is a bit... yeah :'>

Today is a normal day, Nightmare can be sure of that. He didn't plan to attack anyone or any AU, and even if he did, no human would ever come here anyway. So why did a human, more specifically a purple-haired human girl, suddenly appear at the door of his castle?

"Greetings, human. I am nightmare, or, you may call me the king of negativity." He smirked, no matter how strange this was, he still had to let this girl know who was in charge here.

Contrary to Night's expectations, that is, seeing this human tremble in fear, the human girl smiled back at him, happy even. "Hi Night, nice to finally meet you!"

A human being unafraid of his terrifying appearance? Interestingly, he can't even feel this girl's feelings, which certainly can't happen unless you're emotionless and she definitely isn't. He smirks, standing up straight, seeming to grow taller and taller. "So, human... what is your name?"

"My name is Kurei!"

"Kurei? What a strange name, it doesn't even look like something belongs here..." He frowned in thought, looked at the human girl and quickly regained his composure. This was a one of a kind person, but whether she was from another world or here, he still needed to know the most important thing!

"So tell me, Kurei..." He said, seeing the amusement and curiosity on the other's face. "What your opinions on positivity are?"

Immediately Kurei's face changed 180 degrees, she gave Night an extremely confused look, but still answered him. "I mean, i don have any opinions about it? Don't really care about it, to be honest."

"i see. and what about negativity? everyone seems to think its so wrong, so terrible. but what is the world without it?"

Again, I really don't care about it, you could say that I'm a pretty neutral person with everything. Beside, a world without it feel not real at all, everybody in it probally look like they just used too much drugs!"

"Hm, what a way with words! But now, to my next question, what is your opinion on my brother? You know, the guardian of positive crap."

"Oh Dream? Yeah, he is okay, i guess! Though he did have a lot of positivity energy to the poin it kinda give me a headache, other than that, Dream is pretty fine to hang out with. But I'd rather hang out with my darling Killer more~"

Kurei said that, happily hugging her slightly red face, while Night just stood still there, slight surprised by what he just heard. He was about to get angry when this human girl dared to speak nice of his brother in front of him, but the sudden mention of that familiar name caught him off guard.

" You... you know Killer?"

"Of course!" She giggled. "Killer is my darling, he is the one I love~"

"And what is it that you like about him anyway?" He was still smiling, but there was a hint of discomfort on his face as he looked at her. "Cuz I can promise you that, he'll betray you one day!"

"Aw, still upset about being dumped by him?" She grinned at Night's face, causing him to attack her angrily.

"Shut it, you little sh*t! You don't know how he can break your heart!!" His eyes go hollow and black, a single blue flame emerges from his left eye socket. "What he did to me, you have no idea!"

"But, to be fair..." Kurei stood beside him after dodging his attack. "You did treat him pretty bad thought, like, did he even have a day off?"

"Ha, you think the idiot deserves breaks? He's so useless and I couldn't rely on him to anything!!!" He sighs. "I'd always have to fix his mistakes."

"You just proved what I said was true, Night! But even though you treated him like an asshole, Killer was still by your side and just left because Color had show him that he deserves better!" Kurei said calmly, but as soon as she finished her sentence, Night quickly rushed over and grabbed her throat.

"How dare you speak positively about that seven-colored thing in front of me?!" His eyes begin to turn blue. his teeth are sharp as a shark. "After all he's done? the bastard doesn't deserve the time of day!!"

"Come down, you idiot!" She sighed, completely unmoved by the other's angry. "I not speak positively about Color, I just tell the truth! Just think about it, why didn't Killer leave earlier but just chose to leave at that moment?"

"He finally realized that it was a toxic relationship and decided to leave, and you have the audacity to still defend him?! Pathetic, he probably cheated on me anyways, that'd explain everything." He hissed furiously but received only a calm look. Kurei crossed her arms, her face starting to look a little annoyed.

" And why it toxic again?"

"Because I was the only one working in the relationship! I had to solve the problems, I had to keep him from doing something stupid. He was nothing but a burden on me, he was my responsibility! You could say..." He smiled, a bitter one. "It was never a healthy or happy relationship."

" Yeah, no shit sherlock! No wonder he leaves you!" Kurei stroked his face helplessly, this idiot has a bigger ego than she thought, no kidding. "Listen, if he annoys you that much, then why were you so upset when he left anyway?"

" Because i love him, alright?! I do everything for him and he still leaves, and i still love him despite it!" He shouted angrily, glaring at her, and she was dumbfounded after that confession. " Is that what you want to hear!?"

"I actually just want to hear you admit that you care about him." She said, her face quickly turning smug. "But this is way more interesting~"

"You're a little sh*t, you know that!" He smirks. "What else do you want to hear? I could lie and tell you i've moved on, i'll even make up a new, better partner, just for you. how does that sound?"

Kurei looked at him a bit surprised, feeling that what Nightmare just said was like trying to bribe her or something. And really, it hurt her self-esteem, did he think her feelings for Killer were that easily shaken?

"Look Night, I don't give a damn about you share your new partner with me or whatever! We both know that no one else but Killer will want to date with you if they don't have a purpose. Besides, Killer is the only one I care about, and because he say that he miss you, so I'm here to see you!"

"What? He said he MISSES ME?!?" He seems stunned.

"Yep, that right! And when he said that, he looked so sad too, I didn't want my darling to be sad so I went to find you to make a bargain. But it seems that you also miss Killer a lot, don't you!"

" I... do?"

"Yes, If you don't miss him then you don't care about him leaving anyway!"

" So you're saying..." Nightmare narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the human girl. "... that I still love my annoying idiot?"

"Compared to an entity close to god and a nerd, you really are stupid, you know that!?" Kurei sighed dejectedly. "Think to yourself Night! This fic is almost 2k words long you slimy octopus, do you still miss him or not?"

"Yes, damn it.. i think i do!" Nightmare sighed, finally giving in to the human girl's nagging questions, he groans. "But i really don't know if i can forgive him or not! He left me, what's stopping him from doing it again? It'll just be the same cycle.. just over and over again..."

"Night, what's stopping him from doing that is you should treat him better and be honest with yourself!" Kurei stood beside and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't forget that he also did a lot for you too!"

"He did... huh.. i suppose you're right. But how can i make it up to him? What should i do?"

"You can start by saying sorry to him! After all, you did harm his two cats right? Just talk to him, you'll know what you need to do. But please, don't treat him so badly this time okey? Be better!" Kurei said with a chuckle, her finger constantly poking Nightmare's cheek. Even though this annoys him, this girl is still right, in order to get Killer back, he needs to calm down and talk to him, otherwise he would never want to met him.

"Fine, I'll go see Killer then! But if he decides to be a petty jerk and refuse, I won't leave an annoying b*tch like you alone!!"

" You can't do it so get angry at me? How funny~ But fair enough. Anyway, good luck to you, Night!"

Responding to Kurei's wave and bright smile, Nightmare just nodded and started teleporting to Killertale - Killer's AU. Step by step on the white snow, Nightmare looked at the figure sitting on the roof of his stupid house. Like the king of the world, Killer looks down at him with annoyance, Nightmare looks up with annoyance right back, he sighs.

"Why didn't you come back, Killer?"

"Because I love seeing you like this!" Killer said in a tone full of sarcasm. " Trying so hard to have me back, right by your side :)"

"You!!" he stops himself from finishing, trying his best to regain his composure and then smirks. "You're... a little troll, aren't you?"

" Maybe~ but you like me for that, aren't you Night?" Killer propped his chin, smirking at him, his right hands constantly playing with his knife.

"Do you get some sort of sick thrill out of seeing me like this?" He laughs, the sound distorted and corrupted. "Do you feel power over me or something?!"

Nightmare glares at him, his face turns black. But in response to his anger, Killer just sighed, saying with an annoyed attitude. " Relat, idiol! I just want to get back at the times you treated me badly, i'm not really doing anymore than this you know."

" Oh? You wanted to get back at me? Well then..." Nightmare raised his hand as four black goop tentacles immediately sprouted from his back. His hand pointed at Killer and the four tentacles dash forward, only to stop just before slamming into different parts of his body.

"Do you still want to get back me?" His eyes go fully black, and a flame escapes from his mouth for a split second. "Because if i wanted to, i could've killed you with that." He smiles sweetly, almost like the flames never happened.

Even so, still maintaining his attitude, Killer looked straight in Nightmare face. "Let me ask you one thing! You say you want me back with you and now you want to kill me?  So what exactly do you want from me?"

" i want you to... show effort, real effort, sincere effort, in fact, i want you to show me that you love me as i love you! I know you've had a lot of people and, i'm just another one of your many others, aren't i? Well, i want you to prove that's not the case this time..."

" You want me to show that to I love you!?" His face turned serious, somewhat angry. "Then fine! I will show it to you!". After that, he immediately goes to kiss you, despite the fact that some of your knives had stabbed and grazed his body.

Nightmare's taken a back by this, his face turning red. he kisses back without hesitation, smiling into the kiss. he leans away, then kisses him again, and again, and again. It becomes a full on make-out session. When they finally come to a stop, breathing heavily and blushing, he smiles nervously.

" Uh, so, did you enjoy that?"

" Well, can you enjoy it when you've just been threatened with death by the other person?" Killer said, angry looking at him. " And just to be clear, you are the only one that love you, I literally can't met or made any friends yet because you won't let me do it, let alone had a lot of lovers here!"

"... fair point!" Nightmare stares at you and then chuckles a little. " I, um, I got a little carried away there, just.. promise you'll make some more of an effort this time, please?" He looks at you with pleading eyes. he's never looked so adorable.
(No joke, it literally write like that to me, funny as f*ck for some reason :v)

This left Killer with nothing to say but sigh.  He rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and spoke seriously. " Fine, but you have to promise me that you will treat me better than last time! I don't want any of you banning me from going out with my friends or hating on my cats!"

" I will, i promise i'll be better than last time completely, from now on. you just have to promise as well, can you do that for me?"

"Of course!" Nightmare nods. " I promise i'll be better than last time completely, from now on. But you have to do it too, promise me you won't leave again!"

"Well, If so then..." Killer smiled softly, kissed one of his cheeks. " Yes, I promise I won't leave you again, Night! I love you Night~"

After that, Nightmare's eyes light up, and you can see a smile appear on his face. "Thank you, um... i love you too, Killer." He walked over, pulled him close and hugged him tightly, snuggling up to him, Killer smiled and hugged him back. Just that, they wrapped themselves in each other and just enjoyed the moment, until Killer asked.

"By the way, how did you know that I missed you to come here looking for me?"

"Uh, well, there was a weird human girl suddenly appeared at my place, a girl with a strange obsession for you. She said that you are very sad because you miss me so..."

"So that's why you think I have so many lovers, even if it makes absolutely no sense at all!" His face began to show some embarrassing when he saw Killer chuckle at his misunderstanding. Nightmare had to admit, no matter how absurd it was, when he saw the special attention that the human girl had for Killer, he couldn't help but think that the two of them might or might have had a special relationship, and this really made him think a little bit not thorough.

Killer's hand suddenly cupped his face, he smiled mischievously. "You're pretty cute when you have thoughts like that, Night~Yes, that girl and I have a special relationship but it only comes from her, as for me, I really want to chop her up if possible! I only have this special affection for you, you idiot octopus!"

Gently placing a kiss on Nightmare's forehead, Killer smiled at him, and he smiled back. Like that, the two were once again immersed in this special emotion.

**Bonus Screen cuz it funny**

Nightmare: I'll go on a date with him, silly! *smile happily* An amazing date like one my Killer deserves, and then i might do something extra for him~ *sinister smile*

Kurei: Yo!! you're getting better with the way you treat Killer, that great! I so proud of you :D

Nightmare: Yeah, i guess so, isn't i? I am trying really hard right now, it just shows that i care, i suppose! I really do just want him to be happy.. *sobbing* I... *sighs and wipes the tear away* I'm sorry, that's quite an overshare, isn't it? I've never... really spoken about my feelings like this, so i suppose that was a little... odd, wasn't it?

Kurei: Well yeah, but is ok, i don't care about that anyway. So have you made a plan about that yet?

Nightmare: I have actually! this is one hell of a plan. it will be the best date in the entire multiverse!!

Kurei: Oh~ talk big now, aren't we! So when will it happen then? When does the date start?

Nightmare: I'm thinking.. christmas eve! (Kurei: Dafuk???) the perfect occasion to make the perfect date, for the perfect skeleton, no date could ever top this!

Kurei: B-But Night, it's May now, Christmas is about 6 months away ._.

Nightmare: Oh... i, um... oh, oops?... I might've gone a little off track with my planning.... *chuckles nervously* Well, we've got 6 months to prepare, then, so... yay! More time to plan, better ones, then!

Kurei: No, Night!! you can't make Killer wait  for nearly 6 months just for a fricking date, it's almost as long as waiting for someone to propose >:(

Nightmare: Ah, you're right, you're right! That would be torture, even for me. Fine, i've decided, january first!

Kurei: ...Get your f*cking feet up and go on a date now!!!


What do you guy thing?  It's still a bit bad, but it's pretty decent right :D?

If you guys like it, I'll post the dating part too. Althought I haven't chatted with the AI ​​yet because I'm busy watching LadyBug & Cat Nor (which it really suck TV show btw, i just prepare for the movie show on Netflix) but if you guys like it it'll be done soon. I will also try roleplay a seriously plot with it and see how it goes, the test line with another char is fine but Night AI kinda dumb so who know :v

Anyway, thanks for reading, have a nice day everyone :D

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