You Can Quote Me On That [Mic...

By TheEmeraldGirl23

4K 208 6

Mina and Chaeyoung were always too busy to worry about soulmates. Mina was knee-deep into her medical scienc... More

Chapter 1: The Usual With a Side of Unexpected
Chapter 2: I Just Wanted Your Attention
Chapter 3: Soulmate Class
Chapter 4: A Lunch "Date"
Chapter 5: "Nothing That Should Be Affecting Me This Much"
Chapter 6: You're My Queen
Chapter 7: Rumors
Chapter 8: Two Iced Americanos
Chapter 9: Of Rain and First Times
Chapter 10: A Dare
Chapter 11: Marry Me
Chapter 12: The Bassist
Chapter 13: Realization
Chapter 14: "We're Soulmates"
Chapter 15: In Japan
Chapter 17: Trip to Busan
Chapter 18: Open Mic
Chapter 19: The End Is Just A New Beginning

Chapter 16: Dancing (With You)

144 7 0
By TheEmeraldGirl23

A/N: Hello! I got a double update for you today! Hope you enjoy!


The university's auditorium was much bigger than it looked from the outside. Many seats lined the inside and the stage in front looked intimidating, to say the least. It would be a lie to say that Chaeyoung wouldn't be at least a little bit nervous performing up there. But, that wasn't why she was here. She was here to watch a performance. A performance by the dance team to be more specific. She honestly didn't know what to expect. All she knew was that this seemed like a very organized production. The auditorium itself signified that, since it was where plays by the theatre department were held.

She looked at her ticket and found her seat, which was in the fourth row. A familiar face was seated next to her.

"Hey, Jiwoo," Chaeyoung greeted.

"Chaeyoung! Hey! How are you?" Jiwoo asked.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Good! Are you here for the dance performance?"

"Yeah. Are you too?"

"Yep. I want to support my soulmate, after all."

"Me too."


Standing backstage before performances was always nerve-racking. Even if they prepared as much as they could have for this, nothing could ever get rid of pre-performance jitters. Mina looked around at the other members who were all either calming themselves down or hyping themselves up. That was a shared sentiment she appreciated. She took a deep breath and shook her arms.

Momo called the team to circle up. She gave them the classic uplifting pep talk and assured them they would do well. Mina gave a few of her own comments as well and they put their hands into the circle.

"1, 2, 3, Go Tigers!" they chanted and raised their arms in unison.

They finally walked onto the stage and were met with an enthusiastic applause from the audience as they got into formation. A song started playing and the performance started. Everyone watched them in awe as they danced to a variety of different songs and performed choreographies. But, the audience was like specks of dust to the dance team whose main focus was their steps and the music.

Mina felt every beat as she moved in sync with the other members. From the slow build of some songs to the immediate boom of others, she let them all flow through her as her feet graced the stage. The movement of her body, the sound of the music in her ears, and the steady beat of her heart were all she paid attention to while on stage. She didn't even notice her soulmate was actually here watching her. Not to mention, how intensely she looked at her and the way she danced or the look of pure admiration on her face. Her only focus was on the routine. She had to make sure it was right. One misstep would mess it all up, and that was the last thing she wanted. Luckily, she was able to perform without any mistakes.

After the group performance ended, a few members performed solo, duet, or trio dances. She had one planned with Momo, but they had to end up scrapping it for time, which was favorable in the end, because they got to take a break and catch their breath.

Once those members finished, the rest came back onto the stage, and they all gave a bow to the audience while holding hands in a line. They received a standing ovation.

"Thank you for all of your support!" Momo yelled out to the audience.

The members filed backstage.

"Good work everyone! I hope you all get some much-needed rest, you all really deserve it. See you guys on Monday," Momo said to the team.

They thanked her, picked up their stuff, and headed out.


"Wait up!" Chaeyoung called out.

Mina, who was walking back to her apartment after the performance, turned around upon hearing the voice. "You actually came?"

"Of course! I want to support you. You did really well."

"Thank you."

"Can you teach me sometime?"

"Teach you what? How to dance? But, you already have pretty good control over your body, from what I've seen in your gigs. I bet you can dance really well."

"You may think so, but I actually have two left feet. I'm pretty lousy when it comes to actually dancing a choreography that's more than just a few simple steps."

"I'm sure that isn't true. Come on." Mina grabbed Chaeyoung's hand.

"Where are we going?" Chaeyoung asked as she was dragged along.

"You'll see."

Some minutes later, they ended up in front of the gym. It was pretty late, so there weren't many people around, but they weren't completely alone, which was oddly comforting. They went up to the second floor and walked along a hallway of private rooms until they stopped at one. Mina opened the door and turned on the light as Chaeyoung walked in after, shutting it behind her.

"We're going to dance," Mina said.

"We are?" Chaeyoung asked.

"You said you wanted to learn, no time like the present, right?"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

"That's the spirit! We're going to start off slow, and then build up the speed. Follow my steps, okay?"

Chaeyoung nodded and Mina started a song. Chaeyoung watched the movement of Mina's body and feet and tried to keep in line with the steps. She knew Mina was purposefully dancing slower than what the song called for for her sake, but she was grateful for it, because she felt like she could actually get the steps right. It felt as though nothing was impossible if she was with her soulmate.

"There you go! Let's go a bit faster. I believe in you, you got this!" Mina encouraged.

"Okay! Woo! I can do this!" Chaeyoung hyped herself up.

Mina smiled and started dancing to the song a bit faster than before. Chaeyoung got the hang of it pretty quickly and moved faster. It was the same moves, but just at a slightly faster movement to match the beat of the song a bit closer. The pace wasn't exactly at the tempo of the song, but she believed she could get there.

"Ready? We're going to dance at the actual pace," Mina said as she moved a bit faster.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and started moving at the same pace as Mina. She got it. Or, at least, she thought she did. About a minute into the song, she tripped over her own feet and fell backward.

Mina immediately moved to catch her before she landed on her back on the hardwood floor. "Whoa! Are you okay?"

Chaeyoung looked at Mina who held her. The beads of sweat that ran down her face, the concerned look, her flushed cheeks, her parted lips, the mole below them. Everything was begging her to give in to the sudden urge. She put her hands on Mina's shoulders to steady herself before surging forward to capture her lips. Mina gasped in surprise before melting into the kiss.

Once they parted, Chaeyoung stood up properly. "I'm okay. Thank you."

"I'm glad. I don't want you to get hurt because of me," Mina said.

"That was my own mistake. Told you I have two left feet."

"But, I'm the one who brought you here and talked you into it."

"I wanted to. Don't blame yourself for that."

"We can stop, I know it's pretty late."

"Is it okay if we try again? I almost had it!"

"Absolutely! We can try however many times you want."

So, they started again. The song looped and Chaeyoung missed a few steps throughout, but was able to get through the whole thing. The next time, she made one misstep. The time after that, she was able to do it without messing up. She collapsed to the ground with a satisfied smile.

"Congratulations!" Mina said as she stopped the song and went to sit cross-legged next to her.

"I did it!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, lying on the ground.

"Yeah, you did!" Mina smiled.

"I'm really happy."

"Me too."

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