Fate of Dusk

By SerityPsychic21

271 14 30

18-year-old Martha Ann had just resided in Willow Creek for the past few months in the summer. She is an upri... More

Chapter 1: Hypnotized
Chapter 2: Strange Sensations
Chapter 3: Friends But Foes
Chapter 4: Mortal Enemies
Chapter 5: Over the Moon
Chapter 6: Jealous Bitch
Chapter 7: Sick From Rain
Chapter 8: Fun and Wild
Chapter 10: Ember of Love
Chapter 11: Crazy Luna
Chapter 12: Part of Me
Chapter 13: Battle in Hell
Chapter 14: Tears That Heal (Final)

Chapter 9: Feel Your Touch

7 1 2
By SerityPsychic21

The beach festival got noisier and noisier every minute filled with screams of excitement and splattering of waves. Some couples helped each other build a sandcastle while others relaxed in their tent or laid down on their towels enjoying the ray of sunshine. As Vincent played another round of beach volleyball, Martha felt thirsty as she hadn't drank since she left this morning.

Martha: On the inside. I'm thirsty...I should get something to drink.

She walked towards a beverage stand where a few people were waiting for a drink. Fortunately, the drinks were free because of the festival event.

Martha: One glass of piña colada, please.

While she was waiting for her drink, two guys came by to flirt with her. One of them was wearing red sunglasses and semi-naked while the other had a white sports jacket.

Guy #1: Hey, cutie...Looking quite sexy in that swimsuit.

Guy #2: Wanna go surfing with us? I wouldn't mind sharing my board with you.

Martha: No thanks...I don't think I can.

Martha: Besides, I don't see the point of surfing with edgy looking morons. 

Guy #1: Don't be such a scaredy cat...Girls love to surf with us.

Vincent quickly came over once he saw those two guys bothering her.

Vincent: Oh, yeah? What makes you think she's easy to spread her legs for you?

Vincent: You may think she's cute and innocent, but she's not gullible to fall for smooth talk.

Guy #2: And who are you? Her boyfriend? Doesn't mean she's not allowed to have friends.

Vincent: He dodged the question. How "cute" of you to think she wants to be f**ked by foolish, nonsense looking idiots like you.

Vincent: It's obvious you don't understand a girl's instinct when they reject your "niceness".

Vincent gave them a deadly, intimidating stare. His gray eyes dilated and his expression grew sharper. The two guys got afraid and walked off. Meanwhile, Martha and Vincent sat under a beach umbrella table. Martha was drinking the free piña colada beverage and Vincent felt bad for playing volleyball for too long.

Martha: Thanks for defending me, Vince. I wasn't sure if they were gonna be unnoticed by you.

Vincent: I'm a werewolf for a reason. No secret can be kept from me.

Vincent: Lucky the sun is still out. Otherwise it won't be pretty seeing me losing my cool.

Martha: No matter what I do, every guy tries to flirt with me and every girl hates me for it.

Vincent: You shouldn't care about people like that. Others are jealous because they're ordinary and you're special.

Of course, Daphne and her friends were at the beach. They spotted where the two were sitting. Daphne's fury increased more and more.

Daphne: Look at them. Whoever says they look good together shall be burned in Hell.

Gertrude: I don't understand why he would pursue a slut like her. Never thought Vincent Denbrough would fall so low in our eyes.

Vanessa: Don't blame him. Blame her for stealing his heart.

Daphne: Good thing dad says the lunar eclipse is coming. Good luck to him for that.

Vincent took off his jacket since he was hot and wanted to go for a swim. He wanted Martha to come along with him. She blushed when she saw his abs and how shredded his body was.

Vincent: I'm gonna go for a swim, Martha. Wanna come with me?

Martha: Not sure...I never went swimming before. I'm kinda scared of water.

Vincent: Trust me. It's nothing to fear. I'll teach you how to swim.

Vincent stepped his foot in the water and Martha followed behind him. Once their torsos were in the water, Martha slowly waded towards Vincent and he stretched his arms out to bring her close to him. Surprisingly, Martha's anxieties died down as if he was able to control the hurdling and roughness of the tidal waves.

Vincent: See, you're doing just fine. I knew you could do it.

Martha: I have to say, this is the most thrilling experience I ever had.

Vincent: I'm amazed why no one encouraged you to "live" a little more.

Vincent: Life shouldn't revolve only around studies and being locked up in your room all day.

Martha: It's because no one before gave me a reason to live life to the fullest.

That night when everyone went back to their rooms inside the beach hotel, Martha and Vincent were the only ones out lying on the sand next to each other and stargazing. They had a heartfelt conversation with one another. Martha became curious about Vincent's parents.

Martha: Hey, Vince. You never told me about your parents. Where are they?

Vincent: In heaven. They died protecting me from Lord Rasputin. He murdered them...

Martha: I'm so sorry to hear that. They're good parents. They should be proud of how brave and kind their son is.

Vincent: Thanks, Martha. Your words mean a lot to me, you know.

Suddenly, his expression grew softer and provoked more emotions than ever. His face looked the same, but somehow it was different. His appearance was tender than usual and his gray eyes sparkled as the stars shone bright in the night sky.

Martha: She thought to herself. Why does his face remind me of a humble warrior who fought vigilantly in the war for his lover?

Vincent slowly opened his mouth to speak again.

Vincent: Martha, I know this may be a bit early for me to say this but...

Vincent: I'm in love with you. Every inch of you makes the waters run deep within me.

It felt as if the world had shifted around her when he said those words. Like the flowers of her soul were dancing in the spiritual lanterns that landed on the flat surface of the lake.

Martha: I feel the same too, Vince. I couldn't explain this psychic connection I had with you since day one.

Martha: My world was gloomy, but you came blinking in the starlight.

Vincent: Pardon me if I sound crazy but... I knew you from before. But you didn't know me.

Vincent: I know you were the girl who temporarily lived and took care of Jeremy when his housekeeper died.

Martha: Who's Jeremy, again?

Vincent: He's a vampire. You were catching feelings for him, but he was in love with Angela.

Martha: So I didn't dream of them...It actually happened. The vampire was Jeremy and the werewolf was you.

Vincent: Yes, that's right, Martha. He erased your memory.

Martha: I honestly don't know why I fell for Jeremy. But I'm glad I forgot about my "feelings" for him.

Martha: You're the only one I see in front of me. One my heart truly yearns for.

He gently stroked the hair strand that was blocking her eyes, and brought his lips forward to kiss her. This was Martha's first ever kiss and it was of true love.

Martha: She closed her eyes and thought, I don't wanna open my eyes, I wanna keep them closed.

Vincent: He thought to himself. It's like the universe is new when I kiss her.

They continued to kiss as their hearts were opening to one another.

When they got back to their room in the beach hotel, Martha decided to facetime her mom like she promised.

Martha's mom: Hey, darling. How was the trip? Please tell me he confessed to you!

Martha: The trip turned out to be the sun of my life, mom.

Martha: Also, Vincent did confess. He's in the same room with me.

Martha's mom: Why don't you give the phone to him? I would love to talk to him.

Martha: Okay, mom. One sec.

As soon as Martha's mom was facetiming Vincent, she nearly screamed when she noticed how he looked. She was speechless and in awe over the fact he's Martha's boyfriend.

Vincent: Hi, Mrs. Ann. Nice to meet you...I'm Vincent. I'm your daughter's boyfriend now.

Martha's mom: Omg, I can't believe you're Martha's boyfriend. You're inhumanly handsome!

Martha's mom: What grade are you in and how tall are you?

Vincent: I'm a junior at our uni and I'm 6'5, ma'am. He winked.

Martha's mom: Magnificent! You must also workout a lot. Are you good at studies too?

Vincent: Of course, I am. I help Martha a lot with her studies. 

Martha's mom: I'm happy for you and her. I give you both my blessings!

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