The Unbreakable Duo.

By TazzDavies

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Two beautiful badass best friends enter the crazy world of U.A to further reach their lifelong dream of becom... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.

Chapter 4.

232 7 33
By TazzDavies

Izuku sat beside Touya as he finished off his cold soba for lunch. She'd already eaten her Katsudon, so she was happily full. When they'd entered, she'd instantly spotted Luca from the entrance exam, sitting with some of the Business Course, who'd enthusiastically waved at them, to which they returned with a smile and wave before getting food and finding a place to sit. She was browsing through her social media, when her phone vibrated, signalling a text. She smiled at who it was from and swiftly opened it. She chuckled when she read it before nudging Touya, who glanced at her.
"What is it angel?"
"Look at this message I just got." She handed him the phone while she finished her water.

"Well, I wouldn't expect anything less from Katsuki to be honest. Don't be surprised if the triplets, well mostly Sho, message you either." He wasn't lying, as the youngest triplet, Shoto, utterly adored her and loved to proudly call her his older sister and hero.
"True babes."
"Exactly. Those two boys outright adore you. You're their hero and 'big sister'. Fuyumi and Natsuo as well. It's like I've been replaced of the oldest sibling." He smirked as she giggled.
"I'm not disagreeing with that, the big sister thing. Also, Touya, you'll never be replaced with the triplets. You'll always be their beloved big brother. You're one of a kind."

"Thanks angel."
"Just telling the truth babes." She leaned on him to chat quickly with Katsuki. Touya wrapped his arm around her, keeping her securely against his side, after kissing the top of her head, while he now lazily browsed through his own social media having finished his meal. She about managed to keep her blush at bay, and not squeal in excitement and delight, well out loud anyway. Inside she was screaming. It wasn't the first time he'd done that, and doubtful it'd be the last, but it was still bloody adorable! Kind of like when he kissed her cheek. It always gave her butterflies, like seriously, damn him for being so fucking attractive! Both in looks and personality.

She also meant what she said about him being irreplaceable. Touya Todoroki truly was truly one of a kind and she'd be utterly lost without having him in her life and by her side. Despite being rather blunt and straight forward, that was mostly why she kept quiet on having a massive crush on him, because if he didn't like her back, she didn't want it to ruin their precious relationship and the strong bond in which they already had. It'd pretty much destroy her, no doubt. Gah, emotions and self-doubt fucking sucked! She turned her attention to the phone to reply to Katsuki's message.

Katsuki(Lil'Bro): IZU-NII! How's the first day going so far? Have you kicked arse and shown them how awesome you are? Did Touya-nii too? How is U.A? I miss you x

Izuku: Hey firecracker! Aw, I miss you too. U.A is amazing, as expected. It's been rather eventful so far. Our homeroom teacher is a total badass, and he's expelled everyone but Touya and I. We're going to be designing our hero costumes after lunch apparently. How's it at school for you? Xx

Katsuki(Lil'Bro): Seriously? Expelled everyone but you two, and he can do that? That's mental Izu-nii! Designing your costumes already, but isn't that rather quick as it's only the first day? School is shit, extras trying to be my 'friend', but I know it's just because I have a strong quirk x

Izuku: I know, right? I'll tell you more about it when I'm home though. Yes, it's quick and I'm not sure why we're doing it now but I'm not complaining. Kat, you'll be fine in school, I promise. Just focus on your studies, please no fighting and remember – a real hero (which you are), sticks up for those less fortunate, regardless of quirk etc. Remember firecracker, you're my little hero xx

Katsuki(Lil'Bro): Yes please! I want to hear all about your first day, in avid detail! Can we, erm, cuddle, while we do? I miss your comforting cuddles. Your house or mine though? I also promise to do my best in school, for you. Izuuuu, noooo, you're MY hero, same with Touya-nii x

She nudged Touya to show him the message, knowing that it'd make him happy. He smiled softly.
"Aw, that's our adorable firecracker. Tell him I said thanks, please."
"Will do."

Izuku: Aww Kat!! Of course, we can cuddle! You're more than welcome to come to mine, and I'll order us takeout for dinner, as I don't want to cook today. Kat, you do good in school, for yourself, no one else. Also, aww! Touya smiled reading that and said thanks Kat! xx

Katsuki(Lil'Bro): Can we have pizza, please? Ok, I'll do good in school for me – but both of you as well and no arguing with me so nurr! That's so embarrassing! X

Izuku: Yes, we can have pizza. Kat, there's nothing wrong with showing your emotions at all. I have told you this – well anything OTHER than anger when not around me and Touya. It doesn't make you weak at all, but a real MAN because it shows that you're not scared or embarrassed to show your vulnerable side. I need to go now sweetie as the bell is about to go and I need to head to class. I'll see you later when I pick you up from school, ok? I love you little brother xx

Katsuki(Lil'Bro): Awesome! I'll also remember that too in showing my emotions and such more, but I'll probably need you to help me understand them better if I'm not entirely sure on what they are in regards of others, please. Ok, take care and see you after school!! I love you too big sister x

She shut the texts off, then shoved the device in her pocket. She sat up properly and stretched, sighing in relief as her shoulders cracked. There was no mistaking that she'd helped Katsuki in understanding his emotions better, well anything but love and anger – those two he knew a lot of. But going over the different emotions and such again, wouldn't hurt in helping the blonde.
"Come on babes, lunch is almost over." She stood up, as did Touya. His phone was put into his own pocket and their trays collected.

They quickly put their rubbish into the provided bins and bowls on the racking, then headed to their classroom. They'd ignored the other students who were sitting with friends. Sure, they'd been rather curious about the duo, but hadn't tried to know who they were, leaving the first years to enjoy their food instead of trying to hound them with questions on their first day. As they headed over to 1A, Izuku's phone started vibrating as she never had it on loud during school hours. Pulling it out, she answered the call.

"Hey auntie Rei." She happily greeted Touya's mother, making said male peer at her.
"Hello sweetheart. I know you're probably just finishing lunch, but I wanted to quickly know if you're possibly free this weekend?" Rei's sweet, motherly tone came through the device.
"I am. Do you need me for anything?"
"Fuyumi is wondering if you'd go to the mall with her and her friends on Saturday? It's the only way that Enji is letting her go now if someone responsible is with her. I can't go as I'm taking Natsuo to his swimming lesson and meeting some of his friends' mothers as he asked first."
"Oh, that's fine. I'll go, no problem at all. Ideal as I need to get a few things myself."

"You're a gem, thank you!"
"Any particular time you'll like me to be at yours for?"
"10am? I know they're meeting about eleven-ish, so it gives you plenty of time to get there." Rei answered, and she could hear her tinkering around the kitchen. The bell then went, signalling lunch had finished. Damn, that was loud. It didn't help that they'd just passed one of the speakers too.
"That's fine. I'll ring you when I'm near, is that ok?"

"Perfectly fine dear. Now, I'll let you go, and I look forward to hearing how your first day went from Touya later. Take care dear, love you!"
"Talk soon. Love you too auntie!" They hung up just as they arrived at 1A. Phone away again, she glanced at Touya, who had opened the door and ushered her inside. It was just them as they settled at their desks, and she took her jacket off, before settling in her seat.
"What did mum want?" Touya asked.
"She wanted to know if I'd go with Fuyumi and her friends to the mall on Saturday. It's the only way uncle will let her go, so auntie asked me."

"Want some company?"
"Sure! Even though you'll be the only male."
"Not if I drag Sho with me, and I'm sure Kat could be convinced. I can take them to the arcade for an hour or so while you girls' shop. I'd say Natsuo too, but he's got swimming lessons."
"That's a good idea. We'll do that." The door opened and in strolled Aizawa, who gave her the support ideas book back. She just left it on the desk, and he settled in his own seat.
"Ok, I had a quick look at what you've done, and I'll admit, it's highly impressive. But Power Loader and Nezu also saw it. Do you mind if they come in and talk to you for a bit?" He questioned. Izuku glanced at Touya, who was already looking at her. He nodded once.

"Sure. We don't mind."
"Great. Come in!" He called out and in came Nezu and Power Loader, who stopped in front of the podium. Well, the chimera was sat on the pros shoulder, but soon hopped down.
"Hello Midoriya and Todoroki. I'm Power Loader and I'm in charge of the Support Courses. Aizawa showed me the book you gave him during lunch, and I must admit, I'm vastly impressed by what was in there." Power Loader said, smiling a little.
"Pleasure to officially meet you, sensei. Thank you, even though designing support items are more of a hobby, like my analysis." She smiled back.

"Could we perhaps see some of the analysis?" Nezu enquired.
"Sure. If you can decode it, that is. Try Aizawa's, which is on page 42." She pulled out book twelve and handed it over. Nezu flicked to the page, and all three teachers stared, blinking a few times.
"I can't understand that at all. It's complete gibberish to me. The only thing I recognise is the rather detailed drawing of myself and the tiny bit of information at the top." Aizawa stated.
"Same here." Power Loader said.
"Could you read it to us, please?" Nezu peered at her. She nodded and took the book, mentally bracing herself for what she was about to say. This was so bloody embarrassing!

"Shota Aizawa – more known as the legendary underground pro hero: Eraserhead. Birthday: November eighth. Age: Twenty-eight. Male. Black hair. Black eyes, but they turn red when quirk is in use. Height: 6ft. Quirk: Erasure. Occupation: Pro Hero and teacher at U.A. Married to Hizashi Yamada, known as The Voice Hero: Present Mic. Eraserhead is a slender, tall, pale-skinned male with messy, shoulder-length black hair that partially lays in front of his face, and often over half-opened black eyes. He usually has a worn-out appearance due to working the night shifts, teaching during the day and having insomnia. His hero outfit consists of a black, baggy outfit which is a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that are tucked into boots. A utility belt strapped to his waist and ever present, signature wrap scarf around his neck. A pair of bright yellow goggles are hidden underneath the scarf for when he needs to use them. As a teacher, he's a very stern and reserved man who has high expectations of his students. He's primarily motivated by logic, confidence and true heart. He often comes off as cold, apathetic and impatient, exerting very little energy in most situations, but is in fact a formidable opponent, catching many unaware which he uses to his advantage. When teaching, Aizawa has notoriously high expectations, and little tolerance for disobedient behaviour. He's not afraid of putting students through rigorous training and often pushes the more unpleasant part of heroism in so that his students can overcome their limits, which works nighty-nine percent of the time." She rattled off.

"How do you know so much about me? I'm not well known at all." Aizawa gawked at her.
"Not entirely sure, but I know all heroes in Japan, both limelight and underground. Most of that I got from a bit of research, watching the only two twenty second videos of you online, and erm... well, a bit of hacking." She turned her gaze away as she blushed slightly in embarrassment.
"I always say it's her secret forth quirk. Izuku is no joke when it comes to quirk analysis." Touya sniggered and she rammed her elbow into his ribs, making him groan from the sharp pain.
"That is highly impressive though, so no need to be embarrassed about it, Midoriya. What else do you have written?" Nezu encouraged her. Power Loader was silent, but his jaw was dropped in a mix of surprise and awe. She turned back to them.
"You don't think it's creepy?" She blinked rapidly a few times. Only Touya wasn't creeped out by it, as they'd grown up together, so he was used to it, but she frankly couldn't help it now. It's built in.
"Not at all. This is amazing Midoriya. Please, tell us more." Nezu waved his paw/hand to get her to say some more. She sighed and turned her gaze to the pages to read it out loud.

"Aizawa has proven various times to be very vocal, unafraid and bluntly honest when expressing his ideas. He's mentioned on several occasions that some of U.A's choices of examinations aren't practical or challenging enough for real hero hopefuls and is adamant in having certain systems used by the institution to be changed, which I entirely agree with. Also, despite his apathetic traits, he genuinely cares about his students and will go to great lengths to protect them, as well as train to the best of both theirs, and his abilities to get them ready for the real world of being a hero. Aizawa has demonstrated incredible combat prowess and ingenuity that makes him one of the most formidable teachers and Pro Heroes at U.A. I also strongly believe that in a fight, given his speed, strength, agility, keen intellect, etc, he could, without a doubt, take down and win against All Might with little problems due to the fact the Number One Hero is more of a punch as hard as possible using his quirk, than genuine fights like Aizawa. His usual tactics consists of cancelling an opponent's quirk and then using his capturing weapon (scarf) in conjunction with his high agility to easily defeat or restrain his adversaries ridiculously quick. Even without the aid of his quirk, Aizawa relies on his amazing proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, excelling in close quarters combat. His overall abilities make him a pivotal combatant in situations that involve his opponents being solely quirk-reliant, and with the Erasure Hero creating openings by negating their powers amid battle, he and his comrades are put into advantageous positions. All in all, I easily, and happily state, that Aizawa is a TRUE HERO." She rattled off, before closing the book. She peered at her teacher, just noticing the faint smile and tinge of pink on his cheeks before hiding behind his scarf. She wasn't lying though; he's a true hero. Yes, she said he could beat All Might, her dad, but it wasn't a lie.

"That's utterly incredible and with much more detail than most professional analysts do or can get in years. Can I ask about some of your support stuff you've already done?" Power Loader asked.
"Here is one of them, sensei. Izuku designed and built it when I was about twelve, to help with the nasty drawbacks of my quirk." Touya declared, showing his wrists that houses a bracelet each.
"Do you mind?" Power Loader motioned to his wrists.
"Not at all." Touya took one off, and they watched as the pro avidly looked it over.
"What's it made from? It's honestly incredible craftmanship." Power Loader peered at her.
"It's leather fibres infused with microfine strands of flexible vibranium and tungsten metal. I also added in a synthetic copy of a quirk canceller mixed with Touya's DNA, so it works purely on just him. On top of it not causing the horrendous drawbacks he has when using his flames if it goes out of control. For the lock mechanisms, which isn't seen, it's vibranium mixed with both Touya and my DNA so that we are the only two who can remove said bracelets. If anyone else tries, they'll fail." She answered honestly. Power Loader handed it back and Touya snapped it into its usual place.

"That's astounding. What else have you made if you're willing to share?" Nezu asked this time. Izuku reached into her backpack and pulled out a small, plain dark mahogany box with a keypad locking mechanism. Opening it revealed an oblong shaped object about the size of her hand and passed it to the chimera. She had it on her as she wanted to work on it a bit during any free time later.
"This is the almost finished product. Erm, truthfully, I invented this for Aizawa, but I wasn't going to say anything for a little while until it's pretty much finished and that I'm happy with the result." She blushed, turning away again in embarrassment. She'd never been one about wanting to talk or brag about things she made, but she was proud of it.

"For me? What is it?" Aizawa stared at the object in the principles paw. All three adults were curious at what she'd revealed, even Touya was peering at it while leaning against her back in a semi type of hug that she didn't mind at all. She got it out the box to show them better.
"It's a retractable staff with an electrified end. It's made of magnesium and tungsten infused in Australian Buloke, so it'll be slightly heavier, but it'll pack one hell of a punch when the opponent is hit with it. It'll be a solid weapon for the times that you can't use your quirk or capture scarf. It'll also extend like a police baton with a swift flick of the wrist, reaching about two foot in length. To use the electrified end, there is a slight indent just above where you'd hold it, which you can push, it'll light up but not loads. It'll also be silent to not draw attention to it." She explained, showing the indent and pushing it. Sure enough, there was no sound as they saw the end light up dark red. Don't ask how, as she wasn't sure herself, but it's rather awesome! She turned the power off.

"Amazing. What else must be done for it to be finished?" Power Loader said.
"For it to only work for Aizawa, I'll need to add his DNA into it, kind of like what I did on Touya's bracelets. It will be kept in a secure pouch or brace that'll be attached to the wrist, along with a loop at the end to keep it in place, so that even if you drop it, it'll just swing in place, so it isn't lost." She then showed the wrist support which had been hidden in the box, under the cushion the rod sat on.
"That is some high-tech support gear there." Power Loader pretty much fangirled.
"Thank you." She took the stuff back from Nezu and put it into her bag.
"What about if it gets damaged?" Aizawa posed.

"It'll take a lot to damage it entirely. I made another prototype before this one, and with a lot of calculations and an abundance of testing, it can withstand roughly ten All Mights punching it at least a hundred or so times at full strength to truly break it. With the electrified end, if that doesn't work properly, just tell me and I'll get it working again." She shrugged, making them gobsmacked.
"So, as this afternoon was meant to have you both designing your prototype hero costumes, and Aizawa telling us, plus seeing it for ourselves in your support book, could you please explain as to why you've already done it?" Nezu queried, getting over his shock fast.

"Izuku and I finally had a week free of doing anything during the last ten months before joining U.A, so we decided on getting a head start on designing them. We've always been like that, I guess, so can't truly give you an answer on your question." Touya sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
"Nonsense, you answered valid enough. Also, a few weeks free? Were you both always busy after school perhaps?" Aizawa posed.
"Yeah, we usually are. Between training, studying, homework, inventing, volunteering at the hospital, helping at homeless and animal shelters, cleaning up Dagobah beach of all that trash, and family days, it's been rather busy." Izuku stated. What can she say, they liked keeping active.

"Wait, you two are the ones who cleaned that beach up?" Aizawa seemed genuinely surprised.
"Sure did, and without our quirks for training our bodies more in fitness. We had help sometimes, being Touya's youngest brother Shoto and my self-proclaimed baby brother Katsuki, who have now begun starting their own fitness journey, and taking it more seriously, in preparation of trying out U.As entrance exam in two years' time to start becoming heroes themselves." She replied.
"Well, I am surprised. But it's nice seeing it free from trash and people enjoying the place again, so well done." Aizawa praised and the duo smiled wide at him.
"You volunteer at the hospital?" Power Loader said.

"Sure do. Part of my second quirk, Blaze, allows me to have pink flames in which let me heal pretty much any injury, even if the person is on the verge of death. I've also got a pro hero medical card that lets me use my quirk in public, should it be needed." Izuku answered.
"Can I see it?" Nezu tilted his head a little. She nodded and got it from her purse-case on her phone, handing it over. They looked it over, probably making sure that it was authentic and when they spotted the approval stamp of the World Hero Association, they were astounded.
"Is that seriously the stamp of the world government?" Aizawa raised his black eyes to her.

"Sure is sensei. I was gifted with that card due to saving the top governors son, who was only five at the time, and he'd been on his way home with his chauffer when a drunk driver slammed into the car. He had both legs badly broken, as well as his right arm. When he arrived at the hospital, he was frantic, terrified and in a lot of pain, so they called me to help. I healed and calmed him down, spoke to his father about what I had done, and he came back a week later, giving me that as a thank you."
"That's incredible! It's also good to know you have a healing part of your quirk if its needed. Do you mind if something happens here, and it's too much for Recovery Girl, as in they don't have enough energy for her to use her quirk, then could you step in to help?" Nezu enquired, giving the card back.
"Oh, I'd be honoured. Anything to help someone in need." She replied without hesitation.

"Fabulous. Now that our curiosity has been appeased for the time being, we shall leave you to do whatever Aizawa has planned for you until the end of the day. Thank you both for answering our questions." Nezu said, smiling a little.
"It's no problem at all. I'm happy to answer if you have any others." Touya nodded in agreement before they bowed in manners. Nezu and Power Loader left, and they settled back into their desks properly. Fucking hell, talk about a rollercoaster of a first day and it wasn't even over yet!
"Ok, we'll still do the suits, but are you able to transfer them onto plain paper? That way, your book won't get destroyed, ruined or misplaced by a support student. It will also stop them from seeing the other things you've designed in there. I'm not saying they'd steal the ideas and propose them as their own, but it's better safe than sorry." Aizawa proclaimed, leaning back in his desk chair.

"Sure, we can do that. Would it be possible to colour, or at least shade in some of the parts that we want coloured or left alone?" Touya said.
"Do whatever you want. It must be presentable and practical though. I saw the notes of what each section will have, so make sure that's added and it's eligible. I'll give it to Power Loader to personally over see when you're done." Their teacher shrugged before clambering into his grey sleeping bag. Izuku was jealous, she wanted one of those. It seemed ridiculously comfortable. Wait, no she didn't. Change that! Because if she got one of those, and was on an inventing spree, Touya would literally pick her up, put her inside it and make her sleep as she had a terrible habit of going three, maybe four days on zero sleep and barely enough rest for food or drink unless he forced/reminded her. Even her parents called or picked him up when that happened as he was honestly the only one who could manage it for some reason. Touya moved his desk closer to hers and they knuckled down to work, slipping into effortless and contented silence of their usual teamwork.


The clock struck 3pm, the bell signalled the end of the day and Izuku packed her belongings. Bag soon slung into place, she waved bye to Aizawa after handing over their paperwork and followed Touya out the room as she done the few buckles on her coat up. They headed on down to the gates in silence as she pulled her headphones out her bag and plugged them into her phone. At the gates but stood to the side so they didn't form a small block for students leaving, and because they had to go separate directions, Touya turned to her.
"Message me when you get home, ok angel?"

"Always. Same goes for you as I probably can't ring tonight as Katsuki is coming over and will no doubt sleep there too knowing that little booger. I'll meet you here tomorrow morning, ok?"
"That's because he loves your overly fluffy blanket and ends up falling asleep wrapped in it like a happy burrito. Also, deal for messaging. Have fun tonight with Kat and tell him hey for me." He gave her a hug, which she sunk into, locking her arms around his waist.
"It's usually a toss-up between him and Shoto who gets it, but they thankfully just share now as it's a queen-sized blanket and don't argue over who gets it anymore! I shall let him know for you. See you in the morning babes." She kissed his cheek before they let each other go.

"Sure will. Take care, bye angel." He kissed her cheek too before walking off. She chuckled lightly to herself, before putting her headphones on, followed by the coat hood to keep her hair out her face as the wind had picked up slightly, picked a random rock playlist and turned the volume up loud, then began bobbing along to the beat as it started. Phone slid into her pocket, along with her hands. Twenty-ish minutes later, just as the bell rang at 3.30pm, signalling the end of the day for the junior high she was in front of, Izuku pulled her headphones off and stopped the music. Removing the device, she put it in her bag for safety just as a flurry of students stormed out the doors to go home.
"Come on Bakugou, please join us at the arcade!" She heard someone whine.

"I already said fucking no! I'm spending time with my sister." There was no mistaking that growl, and she chuckled to herself. She lowered her hood, which gained her a lot of attention of curious kids, who instantly began to whisper with their friends about the emerald eyed, black-haired beauty.
"Surely, she'd be alright with you joining us as it's the first day back? You can always hang out with your sister another time." Her gaze soon locked on to Katsuki, who was angrily storming up the pathway, followed by a red-winged, close-cropped hair, slightly chubby guy and another with long black hair and quite triangular features. Her gaze softened slightly taking in the angry, red eyed blonde. Still as adorable as ever, even with that scowl on his face!
"Katsuki, hurry up!" She hollered, getting his attention.

"Izu-nii!" He smiled wide, startling many who saw it as he ran over to her, tackling her in a hug.
"Hey firecracker. Ready to go?" She asked when he let her go.
"Yes! Let's go."
"Wait, Bakugou, I thought you were joining us at the arcade?" Wings asked now that he'd caught up.
"I already fucking told you, no chance in fucking hell. I'm going home with my sister. We already have stuff planned." He grit out from between clenched teeth.
"Rearrange it!" Blackie whined.
"NO! Also, Izu, where the hell are your wings?" Katsuki turned to her entirely and narrowed his gaze, thinking it looked threatening. Judging by the way the nosy students gulped, it worked on them. On her? Not even close. She reached out and slapped the side of his head, but not too hard.

"Cut it out with that stupid glare. I was the one who taught it to you in the first place! Also, watch how you speak to me Katsuki, or I'll beat your fucking arse, family or not."
"Sorry, Izu-nii." He hugged her, tucking his face into her shoulder.
"Good. Apology accepted." She brushed her hand through his hair lovingly.
"IZUKU!" She whirled around and many gasped as Endeavour appeared, chasing a fast villain who was launching flames around, barely missing kids who screamed in fright, dropping to the ground.
"Everyone stay here. Katsuki, that certainly means you. Behave too!" She winked and he chuckled, instantly taking her bag, phone and coat. She wasn't risking that, as it had been a present from Katsuki at Christmas not long gone from saving up his allowance and doing odd jobs.

She stepped back, and her wings burst out of her back. Many were in utter shock, while some openly freaked out at seeing her U.A uniform and the fact that Endeavour of all people knew her personally.
"Go kick ass!" Katsuki cheered as her uncle finally stopped next to them, panting a little, which freaked many of the kids out in realising just how tall and broad the fire hero truly was up close.
"Let's go Izuku. I give you full permission to use your quirk. Take him down!" Endeavour said.
"Got it. Round up the injured if there are any, and I'll be back to heal them once I've dealt with that idiot." She proclaimed just as a few other heroes and sidekicks arrived. Lifting into the air, and with a sharp flap, she shot off after the villain. It took maybe ten seconds to catch up and she slammed into him. They crashed to the floor, but she swiftly got up without injury and smirked darkly at him as her eyes narrowed. He was just slightly taller than she was, being roughly about Touya's height of 6ft.
"You're not so tough. Quick to outrun some heroes, but nothing truly special." She taunted.

"Fuck you bitch! I'll kill you then those fucking kids at that stupid fucking school over there." He threw flames at her, which she easily controlled and turned into perfect orbs that circled around her body, before they fizzled out into nothingness.
"I'm fireproof, you moron." She sarcastically retorted, and noticed he went pale in realising his flames were literally useless against her. They entered a brawl, to which she had no problem in dominating. The guy was unskilled and sloppy. He barely knew any hand-to-hand combat, and he wasn't all that strong. How the hell had the heroes, sidekicks and her uncle have trouble with him? Maybe because he was throwing flames around like it was a joke, or something like that. She dodged to the left just as he spat at her. How fucking disgusting do you need to be? Like seriously, so gross.

"You disgusting motherfucker! You're also not going after anyone arsehole." She growled. Wanting to end it fast, Izuku got super close, startling him at her speed, bent her knees and propelled her clenched fist up into his jaw in a swift uppercut. Instant K.O. He toppled backwards, but she caught him. Arms locked around his chest, tucked up pretty much right in his armpits, and hands linked together to keep her grip, she flew back to the heroes waiting, who instantly slapped a pair of quirk-cancelling and normal cuffs on his wrists, as her wings disappeared, and police arrived. They put the villain in the back of the car and a sidekick took them to the side to explain what had happened.
"Izu-nii, that was amazing!" Katsuki cheered, as did other students.

"Thanks firecracker. Now, was anyone injured please?" She called and another sidekick brought forth a child, after a nod from Endeavour, being no older than about five, bawling his eyes out while holding their left arm that had some nasty third degree burns on it. Izuku went over and knelt to their level. No one could stop her from healing someone as she had a top medical license that allowed her to do this whenever it was needed – if she happened to be there or nearby that is.
"Hello sweetpea, what's your name?" She asked softly, as beautiful lavender-coloured eyes pretty much sparkling from tears, lifted to see her properly. He was a little darling! Dark purple hair in little spikes over his head. He was dressed in black shorts and a blue t-shirt with little black trainers.

"Kyo, where are you?!" A terrified girl screamed, causing the little boy to peer over his shoulder.
"Kyoka, I'm here!" He called and she dashed over, a look of relief evident on her face, until she saw the child's arm, then it turned to utter horror. Izuku looked at her. She must be about 4ft 11 or so, around Katsuki's age, with dark purple hair with an asymmetrical fringe and what looked like two reflections shaped like heartbeat monitor waves on either side of her scalp, onyx eyes and what seemed to be plug-like earphone jacks hanging from each earlobe. She wore a simple knee-length black skirt, a light blue shirt with boots, topped off by a black coat. The boy turned back to her.
"I'm Kyo Jiro." He answered her question.

"Hello Kyo. My name is Izuku. That's a bad burn on your arm, and I want to know if it's alright with you and your sister if I can heal you, so it no longer hurts anymore?" She peered at the sister, who had now dropped to her knees next to the boy on his uninjured side.
"How?" She questioned, clearly sceptical. If she weren't, Izuku would have said something to her.
"I have pink healing flames. They won't hurt you; I promise."
"Izuku is telling the truth. She's even healed me a few times." Endeavour piped up.
"O-ok. I want t-the pain to s-stop." Kyo cried.
"Is it alright with you, Jiro?"
"Yes, it's fine. Please help my little brother." Jiro nodded and rubbed Kyo's back in reassurance.
"Great. Now, Kyo, I need to ask you something super important, ok?" She said as she ignited pink flames in her left hand.

"What's your favourite animal?"
"Lop-eared rabbit." The child replied instantly as she put her burning palm on the injury, making him visibly sigh in relief as he began to heal. Everyone was utterly fascinated and watched, many taking photos and videos, but Izuku didn't care.
"Amazing! Now, favourite colour?"
"Great choice. Now, watch this for me sweetpea." Purple flames ignited in her right hand, before twisting and turning into a lop-eared rabbit and began hopping around them in the air. Like it was on invisible landing spots that sparked with little purple flames from its feet.

"It's so pretty!" Kyo giggled as he watched, eyes sparkling this time in awe instead of pain. Even Jiro was amazed by what she'd just done. Kyo's arm was soon healed, with perfect skin left behind as though he'd never been injured, and she got rid of the pink flames. He'd barely noticed due to being enraptured by the display she'd put on. The rabbit came closer and landed calmly on Izuku's palms. It acted like an actual living creature, nose twitching, ears moving and little tail wiggling excitedly.
"Now, because you were such a fantastic and brave boy, I want to gift you something for being amazing, ok?" Izuku smiled at him.
"Ok!" He nodded enthusiastically. Closing her eyes, she cupped her hands, making the flame rabbit shrink as she brought forth the angel side of her Demon Angel Queen quirk, just without changing form. She had done this so many times now, it was almost second nature to her and knew that Kyo would love this.

She had no idea how she could do this, even after extensive research and testing while growing up at the hospital, they'd found she just could. Which greatly pleased sick, highly ill, or scared children, so Izuku wasn't going to complain about it. The flames vanished in a slightly bright spark of white light before snapping out of existence and in its place sat a rabbit stuffed toy about twenty cm in height made up of different shades of purple, with little black glass eyes. On the pale lavender stomach, in perfectly stitched black writing, was Kyo's name.
"Here you go. For being a super brave boy while I healed you." She handed the toy over and he squealed in delight, hugging it tightly.

"It's so soft. Thank you, Izuku." He giggled before giving her a hug.
"You're welcome sweetpea. I'm happy to help." They got back to their feet, and Katsuki appeared at her side, leaning into her, while still holding her belongings.
"That was incredible Izu-nii." He smiled at her.
"Thanks firecracker. Jiro, you might want to take the little one home before it gets much later." She smiled at the tiny female before her. Like this, Izuku realised just how tall she truly was.
"I will. Thank you so much for healing my brother. How can I repay you for doing that?" Jiro asked, holding Kyo's hand securely within her own.
"I don't need anything. Instead, if you see someone who is in a spot of trouble, even as simple as crossing the road, help them. That is the repayment. One good deed in return of another."

"Thank you. You're our hero." Both Jiro and Kyo bowed in gratitude.
"Ah, I'm no hero yet, just one in training." Izuku chuckled.
"That may be the case Izuku, but you've been a hero for a long time already." Endeavour smirked at her, and she playfully rolled her eyes at her uncle.
"I just want to help people, that's all. Am I needed for anything else here, or can I take Katsuki home now?" She queried.
"All good here. I'll answer any questions the police have. If needs be, I'll ring you."
"Sure thing. Jiro, Kyo, take care of yourselves and I might see you around one day. Remember, chase your dreams and be the best version of yourself." She grinned before taking her coat from Katsuki, quickly slipping it on.

"We will. Thank you again." Jiro said, smiling.
"Thank you! You're my new favourite hero and will cheer for you." Kyo fist pumped, making many people chuckle at his enthusiasm and adorableness.
"Thanks, sweetpea. Bye everyone. Endeavour, I'm flying home, that's my warning." She winked at the flame hero, who just sighed with a smile. Izuku smiled at Kyo and let her wings out, before taking her backpack and Katsuki climbed onto her back, resting perfectly between the wing joints.
"Bye hero!" Students waved as she rose into the air, and in a single flap, shot off, quickly vanishing from their view. About five minutes later, instead of another twenty minute walk, they were at her home, and she let Katsuki down who was smiling so wide, she was surprised his cheeks didn't hurt.
"You ok firecracker?" She questioned.

"I'm amazing! Ah, my sister is truly the best!" He cheered, doing a little dance jig as they went into the house, only to stop short. In front of them were Katsuki's parents, and hers.
"Took your time getting home today." Inko said, raising an eyebrow.
"I was helping Uncle Enji with a fire villain! Katsuki, I'm sure someone from your class has got it on video. Get them to send you it please. I need a shower, food, and cuddles with my firecracker in the usual fluffy blanket while I explain my hectic first day at U.A." Izuku sighed, taking her shoes off.
"Was it that bad Izu?" Mitsuki questioned as Katsuki happily hugged Inko with a happy giggle. When he was around family, he was a huge kid, and it was utterly adorable!
"Put it this way, out of twenty students, it's just Touya and I left. Let me shower, get comfortable and I'll explain everything of what's happened, so you know what I mean. Dad, can you order in some pizza please? I really want junk food today." She begged, leaning into him.

"No problem kiddo. Go and get freshened up. We'll wait for you, and I'll order food in about twenty minutes to give you plenty of time." He answered before kissing the top of her head.
"Thank you. Katsuki, get the footage if you can but wait until I'm back and I'll hook it to the TV."
"Of course Izu-nii." He replied and she dashed upstairs as they went into the living room to wait for her. Bag placed at her desk, coat off, she went to her wardrobe and grabbed some clothes, as well as a towel. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she pulled her phone out to text her best friend.

Izuku: Hey babes! I'm finally home. We can't do our usual video chat tonight just as I said when leaving school, as a lot of shit happened when I picked Katsuki up. I'm sure your dad will take great delight in telling you and the family what occurred, but I'll show the video tomorrow if I can get it. Don't worry, I'm not injured or anything before you start panicking xx

She grabbed her moisturiser and other bits, leaving them on the bedside table to use after her shower. She was damn thankful they had no homework, as she just wanted to eat some junk food, cuddle with Katsuki for a bit then sleep. Her phone binged, and she went to get it.

MyTouya<3: Hey angel. Shit was it that bad? Are you sure you're alright? Katsuki ok too? I can come over if needs be. Don't you worry, I'll hound dad until he tells me what happened, and you know I will. Do you reckon you'll get the video? Did someone even film whatever went on? Xx

Izuku: Trust me, I'm perfectly fine, and so is Katsuki. If anything, he was ecstatic in seeing me fight a little haha. No need to come over, but I do appreciate it. I'm literally going to stuff my face with some pizza, cuddle firecracker for a bit then go to bed. It happened right outside Katsuki's school, so guaranteed at least one of the students filmed everything. Kat is seeing about getting the video for me. I'm going to get a shower now, so I'll see you in the morning babes xx

MyTouya<3: Ok, but if you want me there, I'll be there, you know this, Izu. I think that pretty much anything you do hero or doctor wise impresses Katsuki as you're his hero/idol, so I'm not entirely surprised. Enjoy your shower, give my love to everyone and I'll see you tomorrow xx

Izuku: Don't we know it aha! But sure, I will do and same goes from me to the family. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams for later. Night Touya, love you xx

MyTouya<3: Will do! Sweet dreams too. Good night angel, love you too xx

Izuku smiled and put her phone on charge, seeing as it was now down to 5%. She knew that Touya meant he loved her as his best friend, but it didn't stop her from being giddy, like usual. At her vanity, she plopped onto the stool and grabbed her makeup wipes, swiftly removing said makeup from her face. She was thankful she never wore a lot. But it was relieving in taking it off. She then quickly stripped out of her uniform, placing it in the washing basket, grabbed the towel and went into her en-suite. Twenty minutes later, she was out. Towel around her and one taking the excess water from her hair, she trudged over to the vanity.

Hair quickly blow dried and stuck into a simple ponytail at the back, with a black bandana to keep her fringe and such out of her face for now. Moisturiser slathered on before pulling on underwear then pyjama bottoms and a tank top, which was covered by one of Touya's hoodies he'd left there (not that he'd get it back though). Fluffy socks on her feet and slippers. Izuku gathered the washing, plus the fluffy blanket off her bed and headed downstairs, leaving her phone, as she didn't need it. Laundry put into the washing machine, along with the other few bits that'd been in her basket, she put the necessary stuff in before turning it on. With that done, she went to the living room. She saw her parents were on a couch, with her mum tucked into her dad's side, while the other was occupied by Mitsuki and Masaru, holding hands.

Katsuki had claimed her overstuffed swivel armchair that easily let three/four people on it due to the size, which had been placed in a corner of the room, but within view of both couches and the TV. It had been a present from her dad, which she'd instantly loved. It was stupidly comfortable, and she'd fallen asleep in it more times than she cared to admit. She put the blanket over her and Katsuki, who happily leaned into her side for a cuddle.
"I got the video." He whispered, showing her.
"Great, thanks firecracker. Send it to me as well please, as I left my phone upstairs."

"Got it." He did just that.
"Thank you." She mumbled before her mum got her attention.
"So, what happened exactly? Katsuki said something about a fight." Inko said, worry in her eyes.
"Yeah, I'll explain everything, starting from when Touya and I got to the classroom." She snuggled deeper into the chair; slippers on the floor as she tucked her feet underneath her. She moved Katsuki a little bit, before she began telling some of her family about her crazy first day at U.A.

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