The Ultimate Shonen Jump Hero...

By JackDroid

52.7K 1.8K 1.5K

Well, I, Y/n L/n, Am Back and I have Plenty of New Adventurers and Plenty of new Girls to add to the Harem, a... More

IMP: The Immediate Murder Professionals!
The Plan!
Growth Soft Drinks!
Back to the Past!
Galaxy Expedition Team Quest!
The Alpha Kricketune!
Lords and Rivals!
The Mochi Girl and A Plant Dancer!!
A Noble Lord Dead! / The Miss fortune Sisters!
A Giant Kamikazee Nut!
A Little Sis and A Giant Ice Monster!
Y/n Exiled!
Confessions! / Saving the World!
The Final Boss of Hisui!
Star Academy's Demon School!
Iruma-Chan the Human Doormat and Friends!
School Presidents Meet! / Demonic Confessions!
Cuz I'm A Blonde!
You're Already too Sweet!
King Shark!/ How to be Good 101!
My Monster Kids!
My Monster Wedding!
Monster Family Time!
The Demon J-Pop Idol!
A Mission in the Middle East!
Mission 1!
Mission 2!
Mission 3!
Mission 4!
Mission 5!
Aliens! It's Always Aliens!
Spoiling Eri and Fio!
Another Reincarnation!
Training Oscar! / Captured!
Attack on the Castle!
Slapping the Grimm Out of Her!
Taking the Witch-Turned Queen Back Home! / Ice Cream Mob Boss!
Saving A Sick Cinnamon Roll!
Black Lagoon!
A Revy on your Heart!
Gods and CPUs!
Goddesses of Gaming!
Meet the Makers!
Digital Battle!/ Digital Confessions!
Neptune, Nepgear, and the Sega Genesis!
Noire and the PlayStation!
Blanc and Nintendo!
Vert and Xbox!
A World of Man and Animal!
Meeting with the Monkey King! High Rollers Big News!
A Shady Deal from A Little Gremlin! / Mystique Confession!
Another Funny Trio!
A Demon who does Good!
The Other Monster girls of Night School!
The Keijo Elite Class!
A Mystique Date!
And One Queen to Rule them All!
Meeting the Royal Family!
Royal Family Confessions!
Swearing Allegiance to the Future King!
Sexy time with Camilla! 🍋
A Royal Family Dinner!
The Greatest Bounty Hunter in the Universe!
Y/n vs Lobo Round 2!
Two Sexy Succubi and Another Damn Alien Attack!
Gathering the Old Gang Back Together!
Pyron, God of Hellstorm!/ Halloween Confessions!
Succubi Troubles!
Yor's Soldier Brother!
Yor's Soldier Brother (Part 2)
It's Morbin Time!
Cooking with Poison!
Oh, Great another Alien Invasion! / Meet Lum Invader!
An Epic Game of Tag!
Jealous Lum! / Kinue to the Rescue!
Lum Enrolls! / Another Fierce Lady!
A Team up Between Sociopaths!
An Alien Invasion from Apokalypse!
Preparing for the Attack!
Apocalypse War!!
Ymath vs Omega All for One! / The Back up Plan!
Another Love Rival!/ The Nasty Patty!
All for One in the Null Void! / New Powers!
Battle of the Monsters!
Kamichu!/ My Friend is A God!
God Training! / God Confession!
A New Tournament!
Aliens Battle!
Bojack Appears!
Y/n Unleashed!
Ultimates? Oh Wow!
Love is War, Kaguya-Sama!
Ending the Love War!
Love War at The Pool!
A New Racing Event! / Bowser's Evil Plans!
1st Race! / The Peach Castle Circuit!
A Race through DK's Jungle!/ Eat Banana's for Health!
New Tokyo Drift!
The Fight Before Christmas! (Part 1)
The Fight Before Christmas! (Part 2)
The Return of EVIL!
Lifting Weights will change your Life!
Gym Friends!
A New Region and A New School!
Where the Dragons Went!
When you Dish Upon A Star!
Katy the Sugarbug!
Klawf the Stony Cliff Titan!
Brassius the verdant Virtuoso!
Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan!
The Segin Star Base!
Iono the Supercharged Streamer!
The Schedar Star Base!
Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan!
Kofu the Surging Chef!
The Navi Star base!
Larry the Exceptional Everyman!
Ryme the MC Of RIP!
Tulip the Bewitching Beautician!
The Earth Quaking Titans! / Arven's Backstory!
Grusha the Sub-Zero Shredder!
The Ruchbah Star Base!
The Caph Squad Base!
Tatsugiri the False Dragon Titan!
Finally Meeting Cassiopeia!
The Paldean Elite 4!
Y/n vs Geeta the World Champion!
Meeting your Counterpart!
My New Twin Sister!
Treat that Mom Like A Queen!
Yin-Yang Girlfriends!
Weiss Birthday!
The Gingerbread Card!
Training DMG!
Plastic Man!
The Ramen Eating Contest!
The Perfect Return!
My Girlfriend is A Gal!
Jealous Gals! / Harem Gals!
A Ninja Android! / Delta!
A New Villian Organization Arises! / Emergency Kage Summit!
Country Bumpkins and Sooubway!
Inaka the Country Bumpkin!
A New Duel Tournament at Star Academy!
You're the best Around!
The Curse of Homework!
The Shorts Strike Back!
My Succubus Girlfriend!
Anastasia and School!
The Bible Girl!
Mammot's Casino! (Part 1)
Mammot's Casino! (Part 2)
A Succubus and A Christian! / SCORE!
Strength Buns!
Aether Beach Day!
My Friend the Dhampir!
Dhampir's Aren't Vampires!
Men in Black Much?
Dolls and Wumbo!
The Sexist wolf girl Alive!
Demons at my School? Oh, Hell!
My Monster Confessions!
Wonder Pig! (Part 1)
Wonder Pig! (Part 2)
There's no Business-like Show Business!
My Monster House!
Slime Pillow!
Back to the Past!
Band of Seven! / A Monk, A Kitsune, and A Boomerang Girl!
The Man eating Brute!
The Toad Faced Pervert!
A Cyborg and A Strategist!
The Gay Villian! / Bankotsu Vs Renkotsu!
Back to the Future!
My Date with Kagome and Sango!
Hatred is Magic!
Kanna Kidnapped! / Papa Y/n to the Rescue!
Kill The Villians Vol 2!
Super Singing Girls!
Sonico's Cute and Chubby Friends!
Tears of the Kingdom!
The Shrines of the Zonai!
Big Monsters and A Sheikah Scientist!
Exploring Hyrule!/ Where Zelda Went!
Rito Village! / The Song and The Ship!
The Sky Temple!
Rock Roast Revolt: Y/n vs. Controlled Yunobo - Battle for Goron Freedom!
The Fire Temple!
A New Power! / The Return of the Yiga Clan!
More of Zelda's Memories!
The Tribe of Gerudo!/ Attack of the Gibdo!
Lightning Temple! /The March of Queen Gibdo!
The Rise of Demon King Ganon!
Master Kohga and his Unstoppable Construct!
Fish People and the Sludge!
Ganondorf Rises!
Trailer for Book 9!
So Long and Thanks for all the Reads!

What Happened to Zelda!

190 8 8
By JackDroid

After clearing the Sky Temple and getting the first of your Allies you had now decided that you Must know what had happened to Zelda, so you quickly decided to Visit the Geoglyphs and look into the Dragon's tears on Impa's Request.

You had Discovered A Map in an ancient Temple which noted the whereabouts of every Geoglyph in Hyrule and so you went off to find them all. The 1st one was easy enough to find as it was the closest and was in the same Area.

Y/n: Alright now I need to find that Dragon Tears.

You then looked over for A Little bit before you Finally found it.

Y/n: Oh, there it is. That was A Lot Simpler than I originally thought.

You then walked up to the Puddle of Dragon Tears and it then began to ripple and then turn into A Ball of water in the Air as it then began to show you another memory of the past and what Happened to Zelda.


Zelda: I-I Traveled back to the Past... So long ago that it has become Legends...

Rauru: This is very Strange Indeed. You may have Traveled her due to your Stone.

Zelda: Huh?

She then Looked at the stone she collected in the demon King Ganon's tomb and it Glowed Golden, and Sonia's Did as well.

Sonia: It seems as we share the same powers and you even Have Some of Rauru's Light Powers. I can also sense we have the same Blood as well.

Zelda: I Have to get Back. In My Time A Great evil had been Unleashed upon the world and... I don't know if Y/n will ever be Okay. All of Hyrule might be in Grave danger.

Rauru and Sonia watched as Sonia then Lightly elbowed Rauru in the chest to get him to get him to help and she walked over holding. Zelda's hands.

Sonia: Don't worry Zelda dear we will help you get back to your Time.

Rauru: Yes. Mineru... She might have some Idea of how to get you back to your Era.

Sonia: For Now, we'll Just say your A Distant relative. It is Very Much True.

Sonia Just smiled sweetly as Zelda smiled as well.

Flashback End...

Y/n: So, Zelda is related to Rarau, and she has time Powers. That could also explain why she didn't beat calamity Ganon with Light powers when he showed up. She doesn't have A Full Grasp on her Light powers. She also Must be teleporting in and out of time whenever we see her trying to get back. I need to get to the next Set of Dragons Tears.

You then Traveled to the Next Geoglyph after fixing the local Tower and surveying the Map Locating the Geoglyph, and you had quickly discovered the next puddle of Dragon tears after A While of searching because this Particular Geoglyph was Far Larger.

Y/n: Alright Memories here we come.

You then unlocked another Memory of Zelda.

Another Flashback...

Zelda was now in A Zoanian Dress with Zoanite beads as Rarau had Taken her to his sister Mineru who Might have some Answers, and of course she had A Few. She was Looking at the Purah Pad before she handed it to A Stewart construct.

Mineru: Please study this for me.

Stewart Construct: Yes Ma'am.

It then Placed it in A Compartment, and it then rolled off.

Mineru: Hm, judging by your Stone, yes you clearly have the Time abilities of Sonia. This explains how you have gotten to our time.

Zelda: I wish to get back to my Time. The world is in Danger and Y/n Needs my Help.

Rauru: Mineru do you know any way that Zelda could quickly Master her abilities.

Mineru: Hm, she could do so with years of Training but if you want A Fast solution then I would suggest eating your stone.

Zelda: Eating my Stone?

Mineru: Yes, but I shall never recommend doing so. Eating one's stone may grant one limitless control of their abilities, but it shall turn one into A Dragon. When they turn into A Dragon they shall all of their Humanity in the Process becoming Husks of what they once were.

Rauru: So, we can never do that. We cannot risk that. So, I suppose it's Training then. If You learn to hone your abilities, then you would have the ability to Travel to the Point right after that demon was Unleashed.

Zelda: Oh, Thank you King Rauru. I Must get back to my time Immediately. I can only Imagine what is Happening.

Flashback Ending...

Y/n: Huh, that explains the Dragons I have been seeing. They are trapped souls in Dragon Husks. Could that mean What Happened to-? No. But Maybe. I need to find out what Happened next.

You then continued to Travel North to Goron Territory when you soon encountered A Giant Plant that wouldn't Open up.

Y/n: Hello?

???: Please I will not Open up until I hear the sound of A Violin.

Y/n: A Violin Huh? Well here goes some wasted time finally being Useful.

You then pulled out A Violin and then began to Play it beautifully when suddenly the Flower Opened up and A Giant Woman came out!


The Great Fairy Tera (She is A Giant Fairy known for Enhancing Armor/ She is one of A Few Great Fairy's that inhabit Hyrule)

Y/n: (Thoughts) Wow, she's beautiful.

Tera: Thank you for helping me out of there, but this Place Looks nothing like I thought it would.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Tera: Princess Zelda told me that this whole Land would be filled with Gloom and Monsters everywhere.

Y/n: Wait, Zelda was here!?

Tera: Yes!... No... I don't know. Look Sweetie, It Looked like Zelda, but she seemed... Off.

Y/n: Off?

Tera: Yes, very Much Off. She Looked Kind of Dark and she kept on speaking about the Blood Moon and how the world will soon end.

Y/n: So, Wait... It's A Zelda Doppelgänger.

Tera: Yes, A Doppelgänger. I know right? Very Strange. At least I can enhance your entire armor capabilities.

Y/n: Really? Thanks!

You then smiled as she enhanced your entire armor wardrobe.

Y/n: Thanks.

Tera: You should Visit all of the other Great Fairies. I'll mark it on your Map.

Y/n: Thanks Tera. (Thoughts) The Problem is... Who is that other Zelda and what is she doing?

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