
By donovanin3d

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"Cores" follows Jacob, a young scholar who discovers a set of mysterious energy cores that grant him incredib... More

Chapter One - The Cores
Chapter Two - The Blue-Haired Girl
Chapter Three - New Friends...?
Chapter Four - Tension
Chapter Five - Love
Chapter Seven - Hero's In Training
Chapter Eight - The Pink Core
Chapter Nine - Betrayal
Chapter Ten - This is it.

Chapter Six - Trouble

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By donovanin3d

"What happened?" Hayden asks. "Me and Jessica were just walking together and we saw more robots." Elizabeth says. "Well we have to do something." Jack says. "Yeah! Let's fight them!" Jacob says as white orbs appear from his hands. "Wait!" Jessica says. "We can't just go and do this independently, it's just gonna end up like last time. If we're gonna do this, we need to work together and create a plan." She says. "That's  a great idea." Hayden says.

The team looks at the three robots and they try to come up with a plan. "When me and Jacob saw the one in the street, we used our orbs and it knocked them really far. But i think theres someone on the inside controlling it." Elizabeth states. "So what if me and Hayden try to aim in between the three robots, knocking them each away, and then Jacob, Elizabeth, and Jessica can try to break the glass on top of the robot and destory the control system." Jack suggests. "That's a good idea." Jessica says. "Alright, lets do this."

Hayden and Jack stand on one side, while Jacob, Elizabeth, and Jessica stand on the other. Hayden and Jack use their powers to aim at the ground in between the three robots, creating a small explosion that knocks all three robots off balance. The robots stumble, giving Jacob, Elizabeth, and Jessica the opportunity to run up and jump onto the robots. Jacob and Elizabeth use their powers to create their orbs and  they throw them into the glass on top of the robots. Jessica takes out a metal rod and starts hitting the glass, causing small cracks to form. Suddenly, the glass breaks and Jessica jumps down, smashing the control system with the metal rod. The robots start sparking and malfunctioning, and the team jumps off just in time before the robots explode. "We did it!" Jack exclaims, as everyone high-fives and hugs each other.

"Well, well, well..." Someone says. "Who do we have here?" This person has a gray core and he is white with gray dyed hair and brown eyes. He seems to be wearing this futuristic suit and he has a staff with two blades with yellow in the middle of the blades. "You're one of us." Jack says. "I'm not only one of you guys." The person says. "I'm here to end you guys. All of the sudden he gets zapped with a futuristic taser. It's Damian. "Nathan, get out of here, before I kill you like my father did with your father." Damian says. "Is that what you did?" This person, named Nathan asked. "From what I remember, he shattered your fathers core and I almost shattereed yours. I should've done it when i had the chance." He says. "Your father killed my father." Jacob says. "So you're his son, the imfamous white core?" Nathan asks. "Just wait, we're gonna have our time. And when we do, it will be just like how our fathers fought." He says before vanishing in a cloud of gray smoke.

"What just happened?" Jessica asks. "I thought you knew everything." Jack says. "Well I do, but to a degree." Jessica says. "The robots were a test to see if you guys are capable of getting along and teamwork." Damian states. "However Nathan is an enemy I didn't expect to see." He continues. "We have a past that isn't very good. You guys need to stay on guard. We start training first thing tommorow morning. Make sure no one follows you." He says, "Wait, how come no one sees all these monsters and stuff and how did you get the robots here?" Elizabeth asks. "Well the robots were a hyper realistic hologram, and as for why no one sees all this stuff, theres an energy field that makes anyone outside of the energy field not be able to see anything, so to them it just looks invisible, sound and everything." Damian continues. "Even if someone were to walk in that area, they wouldn't see anything. Me and some enemies and hero's can control when this barrier is active or not. Now go enjoy your lives." Damian says. Everything seems so confusing so the team exept Damian because of research, stopped at Curious Cafè for a drink. When they got there Jacob noticed that Alaina was eying him very intensely. They ordered their drinks and sat down.

"So who do you guys think this Collector person is?" Jacob asks. "I feel like he might collect cores, considering the name." Jessica replies. "What if it's that Nathan guy?" Hayden asks. "I don't know, but if he's out there then does that mean theres more people with cores? Like who knows how many people have cores?" Jack says. "Well when me and Jack were looking up cores we stumbled upon this forum about ancient egyptian hieroglyphs that talked about cores." Hayden said. "Me and Jacob also saw that! That's when this collector person messaged Jacob." Alaina sits down at the table. "So, what are you talking about Jacob?" She asks. "School stuff." Jacob says. "So you and Hayden seem to be REALLY close, like cuddling in the bedroom close." Alaina says. Hayden and Jack give each other a look. "I think its time you give us some space." Jessica says. "Why? I've known Jacob since middle school, he loves me." Alaina says. "I think you should give us some space." Jacob says. "No, no, no!" Alaina yells, attracting the attention of everyone in the restaurant. "I will NEVER leave YOU alone! I LOVE you!" Alaina says. "Come on guys, lets just go." Jessica says. They begin to walk to the door before Alaina grabs onto Jacobs arm and goes to the floor. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" Alaina shouts. Jessica looks Alaina into the eyes. They make eye contact. Jessica's eyes glow dark blue. "You will leave him alone." Jessica states. Alaina stares at Jessica for a brief moment before letting go of Jacob and saying "I will leave you alone." to Jacob. They leave shortly after.

"What was that?" Hayden asks. "A mind trick." Jessica says. "Well im gonna go to my dorm." Elizabeth says. They all say their good nights and goodbyes and go their separate ways. Alaina, still sitting on the floor, decided she will get her revenge. She storms out of the building in a rage. She knows that this isn't over.

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