this is me trying, spn [ 3 ]

By maybankwalker

31.8K 1.8K 1.4K

[ supernatural -- seasons 11-15 ] Crossover Series: Someone to Stay Something in the Orange This is Me Trying... More

001. the darkness
002. better babysitter
003. heart eyes
004. baby
005. creepy mascots
006. imaginary friends
007. the cage
008. big news
009. lucifer's out
010. werewolves
011. god
012. space bubble
013. defeating the darkness
014. end of the world
015. tortured
016. hallucinations
017. the aftermath
018. struggling
019. special kid
020. killing hitler and breaking points
021. hunter's funeral
022. lucifer's concert
023. the president
024. broken
025. a mom's revenge
026. memory loss
027. bad hunt
028. mary hate club
029. helping the brits
030. unhappy times
031. werewolf girls
032. sleepover
033. falling apart
034. birth plan
035. falling off the deep end
036. start a war
037. right where you left me
038. look what you made me do
039. new worlds
040. angel attack
041. not so evil
042. missouri reunion
043. family therapy
044. sibling hunting trip
045. dodge city
046. ketch
047. the bad place
048. wayward sisters
049. auctions
050. love spell
051. comfort movies
052. weird behavior
053. holy man
054. undercover
055. high school party
056. scooby dooby doo
057. demon blood
058. detox
059. hyperactive era
060. 20 questions
061. not a baby
062. reunions
063. marriage and death
064. unburied memories
065. michael left
066. babysitters
067. halloween
068. djinn
069. waffles
070. christmas eve
071. christmas day
072. snowfall
073. imperfect family
074. end of michael
075. depression
076. kids lie
078. evil nurses
079. the accident
080. welcome to the end
081. belphegor
082. soul bomb
083. sacrifices
084. can't breathe
085. lilith
086. witches and psychics
087. hungover
088. turmoil
089. purgatory return and hurting couples
090. normal sucks
091. pool experts
092. worthless
093. alternate versions
094. holidays
095. evil maid and date night
096. rugaru
097. psycho dean
098. four broken hearts
099. reunions
100. moving on
101. death
102. sam and larissa
103. natalie and jacob
104. billy and helena
105. daphne and alexandra
106. ophelia and nathan
107. libby and ethan
108. just for fun
Thank You

077. game night

207 16 16
By maybankwalker

Daphne, Larissa, Libby, Ophelia, Natalie, Jacob, the little kids, and Dean are in the library while Dean attempts to make Mousetrap work.

"Come on." Dean mutters. "Son of a bitch!"

"You suck at this." Ophelia says.

"Shut up." Dean grumbles, pouting.

"Why am I here?" Daphne asks.

"For some good, old family bonding time, Tigger." Dean says making the girl roll her eyes.

"Still don't see why I'm here." Daphne grumbles.

"Cause sometimes all you need is a little bit of quality time with loved ones to stop being so angsty."

"I'm only here because you confiscated all my fake IDs." Daphne mutters.

"You will thank us one day." Dean says making her roll her eyes.

Billy, Nathan, Mary, and Jack are in the kitchen and prepping the snacks.

"Do you think we have enough?" Mary asks.

"Son of a bitch!" They hear Dean's shout from the other room.

"This should be fun." Billy mutters.

"I thought this was supposed to relax him." Jack says.

"Um, it will... I hope." Mary says. "I just thought it would be nice to stay in for a change. You know, this was his favorite game when he was little. How about you? Feeling better?" She asks Jack.

"Everybody keeps asking me that." Jack says.

"We're family. It's our job." Mary smiles.

"Well, it's annoying." Jack states.

"Awkward." Nathan quietly sings, Billy quietly snickering.

"Jack... if you ever want to talk or vent--" Mary says.

"You're here. I know." Jack says.

"All right." Mary says and Jack leaves.

There's a knock on the door making most of them look at it in confusion.

"Sammy wouldn't knock." Larissa says.

"Libs, go get the door." Dean says.

"Why me?" Libby asks.

"Cause if it's a monster, I ain't gonna die first." Dean says. Libby rolls her eyes, but gets up and goes up to the door. She opens it, freezing when she spots Ethan.

"Hey." Ethan says.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Libby asks.

"You... you texted me." Ethan says.

"No, I didn't." Libby denies.

"Yeah, you did." Ethan nods, taking his phone out and showing her to the text.

We're having a game night. Wanna come?


Come by around 7 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

"I never sent that. Whoever did doesn't know me. I would never send that many emojis, that's disgusting." Libby says. "Besides why would I send kissing emojis to the most annoying person on the planet?"

"Oh, well, for somebody so annoying, you sure enjoy making out with me." Ethan remarks.

"It's all physical attraction, baby." Libby smirks, Ethan letting out a small laugh. "But seriously, I never texted you."

"Ethan!" Dean grins, walking up. "Glad you could make it." He claps him on the back.

"Wait, you texted him? From my phone?" Libby asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods. "What better way to get to know your new boyfriend than on game night?" He pinches her cheek.

"You used my phone." Libby frowns.

"Ah, relax, I wasn't snooping." Dean tells her. "Just used it to invite this poor bastard."

"Dean!" Libby hisses.

Ethan lets out an uncomfortable laugh.

"I'm gonna kill you." Libby tells her uncle. 

"Yeah, okay." Dean brushes her off, starting to go down the stairs.

"No, seriously, you are so dead." Libby follows him.

"Uh..." Ethan steps inside, shutting the door, not really sure what to do.

"Dean! Get back here!" Libby charges at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Billy catches her. "Hey, hey, play fair, people. Fight somebody your own size."

"Yeah, go fight your little sister." Nathan giggles.

"Shut up." Libby glares at him.

"You're so adorable when you're mad." Nathan squishes her cheeks and Libby bats his hand away.

"It's like an angry puppy." Billy chuckles.

"I will kill all three of you." Libby threatens.

"Why do you wanna kill Dean now?" Billy asks.

Libby looks back at her boyfriend, the two older boys following her gaze.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Nathan asks.

"Dean invited him." Libby says. "Just to make him uncomfortable the whole night."

"Ethan!" Billy grins, turning to the boy. "Come and join us."

Libby huffs, hanging her head.

"Okay, guys, give him a break." Natalie says, struggling not to laugh at the terrified look on the youngest boy's face. "No need to scare him off so soon."

"You know, a lot of us own guns." Jacob comments.

"Oh, my God." Libby whispers, rubbing her temples.

"That's been made aware to me." Ethan says.

"Winchester game night is a go. Soon as Sammy gets back here with the two double pepperoni meat blasters, two cheese, and pineapple." Dean says, looking at Jack for the last part.

"I like it." Jack states.

"You're a menace to society, Jack Kline." Billy says.

"Yeah, it's like a crime against humanity." Dean says.

"You missed a call." Mary hands Dean his phone. He takes it, playing the message from Donatello.

"What's wrong?" Mary asks, seeing her son's expression. Dean puts the voicemail on speaker.

"Help me, please! Dean. It's me. It's Donatello."

"Donatello?" Jack asks.

"I need help. You, Natalie, and Sam. Help me, please!" He starts reciting something in a different language. Dean calls Sam, only to get his voicemail.

"Sam's not answering his phone. This whole damn town's a dead zone. All right. We got to go." Dean says.

"What do I do?" Jack asks.

"You guys stay here. When Sam gets back, play him that voicemail and have him call me on my spare. Got it?" Dean says.

"Got it." Jack nods as Dean, Natalie, Jacob, and Mary leave.


"I should be there with you." Sam says.

"It's fine." Dean dismisses.

"No, it's not." Sam argues.

"You heard Donny's message, right?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I did."

"He sounds like he's speaking in tongues -- like he's possessed again."

"No, that's not-- it's not Enochian. I-I-I think it's Ancient Hebrew."

"What's he saying?" Mary asks.

"We don't know yet. I'm still working on it." Sam says.

"All right, well, work fast." Dean says.

"Watch your backs." Sam orders.

"That's the plan." Dean says, hanging up. "Ancient Hebrew? What the hell? Sammy sounds stressed."

"It's not just Sam. It's Jack... it's you, it's everybody. I just wish there was something I c--"

"Hey. You're here, okay? You're here." Dean says.

"I think that might be causing some of them stress." Jacob whispers to his wife. Natalie elbows him, not wanting to deal with a fight right now.

"But I should've been here more." Mary says.

"Can't argue with that." Natalie quietly scoffs.

"But I know how I am. I can be closed off... and hard." Mary says.

"Yeah, well, that's where I get it from." Dean says.

"Listen. I just need you to know... I'm grateful. For every day I get to spend with you guys." Mary says.

Natalie lightly rolls her eyes, Jacob noticing and starting to play with her fingers to relax her.

~ ~ ~

"Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait." Sam replays part of the message. "This-- I know this."

"What?" Jack asks.

"Donatello's message. I-it's... it's from the Bible. It's--it's Peter. Peter 5:8." Sam finds a Bible and flips through it. "Here. "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.""

~ ~ ~

They get to Donatello's house and go inside.

"Donatello?!" Dean calls.

"Oh, please! Dean! Please!" They hear Donatello scream.

"Donatello?!" Dean shouts.

"Help me, Dean! Help!" Donatello screams. "Sam! Natalie! Dean! Help! Help me!"

They find a phone playing the recording of Donatello's voice. Nick steps out of the kitchen and has an apron on.

"Good. You made it." Nick smiles.

~ ~ ~

"Where's Donatello?" Dean asks Nick who they handcuffed.

"What, no "hey?" "How ya been?" So it's just you guys, huh? Sammy's home sick?" Nick asks.

"How are you even--"

"Here? Instead of rotting away in a jail cell where you left me? Sort of a funny story... and by "funny," I mean a lot of people died." Nick says. Mary walks in.

"No one's here, but... I saw this in the trash." She holds up a syringe.

"Dumpster diving. Classy, mama bear." Nick remarks.

"What did you do?" Dean asks.

"Nothing. I mean, I sort of injected your friend with poison -- thallium, to be exact." Nick says. "So he's got about a day before his internal organs start shutting down. But that's just sort of a "guesstimate.""

"Why?" Mary asks.

"To get your attention." Nick says. "I mean, he was-- is, sorry is -- one of your friends, right, and you don't have a lot of those."

"I'm not buying a word of this." Dean says.

"No? Hit the live stream button." Nick says, nodding to the phone. Dean picks it up and clicks a video, seeing the live stream of Donatello tied up in a room. He shows it to the other three. "You can save him if you can find him."

Dean puts the phone down and takes his gun out, cocking it and aiming it at Nick.

"Where is he?!" Dean roars.

"Ooh, the angry voice. Hey, if you kill me, you kill him. D it. What do I got to live for? Go." Nick challenges.

"What do you want?" Mary asks.

"I want to talk." Nick says.


Sam, Larissa, Jack, Libby, Billy, and Ophelia are walking through the bunker when Mary and Dean are walking, leading Nick who is in handcuffs, Natalie and Jacob walking behind them.

Libby falters when she sees Nick's face, forgetting he's not Lucifer. Billy appears to be the only one to notice her fall back and he frowns at her in concern.

Sam feels rage and his blood boils as he sees Nick's smug face. His mind not only thinks of everything Nick did, but he also can't help but see Lucifer. And after knowing what Lucifer did to Libby, Sam feels his fury increase.

Sam grabs Nick and slams him against the wall.

"Sammy. Sam!" Larissa tries to pull him away.

"Whoa! Hey. Hey! Not now." Dean pulls his brother off. "Okay? Not yet." Dean tells his brother. Sam storms off.

"Sam!" Larissa calls, following him. "Sammy?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Sam says, his tone cold.

"Baby--" She tries to call out, but he's already halfway down the hall, his long legs getting him away quickly.

~ ~ ~

"But he was-- he was just sitting there waiting for you? That doesn't make any sense. What kind of game is he playing here?" Sam questions.

"I don't know. If you ask me, that psycho's seen way too many '90s serial killer movies." Dean says.

"Nick doesn't even know Donatello." Sam says.

"Lucifer did." Dean says.

"It doesn't make any sense to me, either, but Donatello, we're-- we're running out of time." Mary says.

"The poison we can handle -- thallium. The antidote is Prussian Blue. We have some of that here. A-and the live feed Nick showed you, um, maybe I can hack that?" Sam shrugs.

"Good. Great." Dean says.

"But it's gonna take time. Maybe more than we have." Sam says.

"All right, well, Nick said he wanted to talk. So let's talk." Dean starts to leave.

"Yeah, let's talk." Sam starts to angrily follow.

"Sammy." Larissa tries to stop him.

"Hey, hey. No, no, no." Dean stops his brother.

"What?" Sam asks.

"I need you to stay here."


"The way you are right now... if Nick looks at you wrong, you're gonna waste him. That can't happen."

"I agree with Dean. So you know I'm serious cause I never do that." Larissa says.

"All right. Yeah. Sure. Not yet." Sam says.

"Right." Dean leaves. Sam quickly walks into the library and Mary goes to follow.

"Ah. I-I think I got it." Larissa says before following her husband.

Ethan leans down next to Libby's seat.

"You cool?" He quietly asks. Libby forces a smile on her face and nods. "You sure? You've been clammed up since Nick got here."

"I'm fine." She mumbles, leaving and going to the kitchen. Ethan quietly sighs, following her.

"You know, you can tell me the truth." He says.

Libby rolls her lips into her mouth and picks at the popcorn on the counter.

"Libs?" He calls.

"You, uh... you know how I mentioned the, um... the whole, uh... virgin but not a virgin thing?" Libby asks.

"Yeah." Ethan nods a little, his heart aching at imagining what she went through.

"Well, it... it was..." She motions to the general area of where the dungeon is.

"It was Nick?" Ethan asks.

"Well, I-- n-not technically, I guess. It-- it was Nick's body, but... he was possessed by Lucifer for a long time, so, uh... it-- it was Lucifer. He's the one who... who, um..." Libby painfully smiles. "Seeing his face, just... I dunno." She heavily sighs.

Ethan walks over to her and puts his hand on her back, pulling her into a hug after she doesn't flinch. Libby melts into his hold, closing her eyes when he starts to lightly massage her scalp.

"Sammy." Larissa gently calls.

"Donatello's in this because of me." Sam turns to her. "A police officer is dead because of me. I'm the one who let Nick go, I'm the one who... what was I thinking?" Sam asks.

"You thought he deserved a second chance. You were doing a good thing." Larissa defends.

"Yeah, well, he didn't and I wasn't." Sam says.

"Sammy." Larissa cups his face forcing him to look at her. "You are not responsible for Nick's choices. Only he is. You didn't know he would do any of this."

"That's not an excuse." Sam says.

"I'm not trying to make excuses. You gave him a chance cause you felt bad for him, cause you thought he deserved a second chance... because you are the most caring person on this planet. It's what you do. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's part of what made me fall in love with you." Larissa tells him and notices his lips quirk up a bit at the last part. She leans up and pecks him on the lips.

~ ~ ~

"His son? He said that?" Mary asks.

"He says he wants to talk to Jack... alone." Dean says.

"Hell, no." Larissa immediately shoots down.

"No. Absolutely not." Mary denies.

"I'm not afraid of him." Jack says.

"Nick's cracked. He's fuckin' Cocoa Puffs, okay?" Dean says.

"Sam?" Jack looks to him.

"I mean--" Sam starts.

"Excuse me?" Larissa looks up at her husband.

""I mean?" What do you mean, you mean?" Dean asks.

"I-I mean... look, finding Donatello is going slowly and Nick is locked down in our bunker. How's he even a threat?" Sam asks.

"Cause he's psycho." Natalie scoffs.

"He's always a threat." Mary states.

"Donatello helped me, and now he needs my help. He's my friend." Jack says.

"And I don't think we have another choice." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

Jack exits the dungeon, the four Winchesters waiting for him.

"How'd it go? Did he...?" Mary asks.

"Nick. He'll show us where to find Donatello." Jack states.


Larissa, Jacob, Mary, Jack, Natalie, and Nathan stayed back while the others went to where Donatello is.

"Boy, that Jack has... got issues, right?" Nick asks as Dean drives the Impala. Libby and Ophelia are in the front seat with their dads while Ethan, Billy, and Daphne got stuck in the back with Nick.

~ ~ ~

The Impala is parked on a hill that's overlooking an industrial park.

"So, the warehouse is just down there. Want me to show you?" Nick asks.

"No. You're gonna stay here." Dean says.

"All by my lonesome?" Nick asks.

"Look, you try anything funny, Sammy's gonna shoot you. Or Billy. Anything happens to us--"

"Wait. Let me guess. Sammy's gonna shoot me." Nick says.

"Yeah, to start." Sam says. "Here." He hands Dean something. "Antidote. Donatello."

"Do not die." Billy orders his sister.

"No promises." Daphne grins, getting out, Ethan following her.

Dean and Ophelia get out and Libby starts to get out.

"Whoa, wait, wait, hey." Sam gently grabs her arm, not agreeing to letting her go.

"I can't stay in here." Libby quietly says. Sam notices the sad look in her eyes and understands.

"Okay. Be careful." He tells her, gently squeezing her arm. She nods and gets out of the Impala.

"Aww... sweet daddy/daughter time." Nick mockingly gushes.

Billy rolls his eyes and elbows Nick in the face making him groan.

~ ~ ~

"You hear from Sam and Dean?" Jack asks.

"No, not yet." Mary answers and Larissa shakes her head.

"What's all this?" Jack asks, looking at the stuff Mary's packing up.

"Some stuff we found at Donatello's. It's not helping." Mary says.

"This..." Jack picks up a syringe. "This was grace. Can't you feel it? This was filled with angelic grace."

~ ~ ~

"I feel like I never get the chance to talk to you anymore, Sam. It's nice we're... well, somewhat alone." Nick says, glancing at Billy.

Sam's phone rings and he gets it out as Nick starts singing.

"Mom? Mom? Hey." Sam gets out of the car to be able to hear Mary.

"Oh, my God." Billy whispers, getting out of the car, not able to stand Nick's singing.

~ ~ ~

Dean, Libby, Ethan, Daphne, and Ophelia walk into the warehouse and find Donatello tied up and rush over to him.

"Hey. All right." They work on untying the prophet.

~ ~ ~

Sam hangs up his phone and opens Nick's door.

"Out of the car! Get out of the car!" Sam orders, his gun aimed at Nick.

"All right, all right, all right. Whoa. Whoa! Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Was that mama bear?" Nick asks.

"There was never any poison. You injected Donatello with angel grace. Why?!" Sam asks.

"Wow. She figured it out. That's good." Nick says.

"Talk!" Sam shouts.

"Prophets are sort of like old CB radios. You boost their power or you mess with their frequency." Nick says.

"CB radio? Y-You trying to communicate with someone? Who?" Sam asks.

"Search your feelings, Sam." Nick says.

"No. No. Lucifer's dead. He's in the Empty." Sam states.

"Yeah, and he's awake... and with the help of your little prophet friend, I was able to have a convo with him, and he told me how to bring him back." Nick says.

"Come on, Sam. Nobody stays dead anymore. You know that. All you need is a little elbow grease, some new friends. Where you think I got that angel grace? Who do you think hid me after I carved up that cop? Demons. Yeah. They want Lucifer back almost as much as me. So, thanks."

"Dean!" Sam calls for his brother.

Nick drops the handcuffs and attacks Sam.

~ ~ ~

"Dean!" They hear Sam yell. They stand up, a demon crashing through the window and attacking Dean.

~ ~ ~

Sam and Nick fight, Sam managing to get the upper hand and he throws multiple punches to Nick.

~ ~ ~

As Dean and the one demon fight, more demons rush in and attack the others. Daphne hits one demon a few times until it knocks her to the ground.

~ ~ ~

Sam chokes Nick until he's nearly unconscious and Sam starts to hesitate.

Nick grabs a rock and hits Sam in the head with it, knocking him off of him. Nick grabs Sam and throws him against the Impala. Billy hits Nick, knocking him away from Sam. Nick grabs Billy, slamming his head into the trunk, and Billy falls to the ground.

"Lucifer's perfect vessel. Not so perfect now, are ya?" Nick asks Sam. He hits him in the head with the rock again before starting to choke him. Sam manages to get out of his grasp and gets in the backseat.

Billy gets back up and charges at Nick. He punches Nick a few times and then Nick hits Billy in the head with the same rock. Billy stumbles, barely feeling Sam yank him into the car. Sam shuts and locks the doors.

"Come on, Sam. Hit play, baby. Come on, Sam! Come on!" Nick bangs on the window. Sam reaches up and honks the horn.

~ ~ ~

They hear the horn honking, sharing worried looks. The one demon wraps his hand around Etan's throat, cutting his air supply off. Libby grabs her discarded angel blade and runs up, stabbing the demon in the back. Ethan drops to the floor, coughing for air and Libby kneels next to him.

"You okay?" She asks as he nods.

Dean kills the one demon fighting him. Ophelia explodes the other two demons.

~ ~ ~

Billy basically falls out of the Impala, lying on the ground, Sam close behind. Billy groans in pain.

A few moments later, Dean, Libby, Ophelia, Ethan, Daphne, and Donatello are racing over. Dean races over and kneels next to them.

"Dad!" Libby races over to him and skids to her knees next to him.

Daphne's steps falter as she sees the blood on her brother's head.

"Bi-- Billy?" Daphne weakly calls.

"Sam? Hey, hey, hey. Sammy." Dean says. Daphne slowly walks over to Billy and kneels next to him. She hesitates to touch him, feeling tears spring to her eyes.

"Daddy?" Libby hiccups, feeling tears stream down her face.

Dean calls his mom and updates the group on everything.

"Nick -- he's trying to resurrect Lucifer." Dean tells her.

"How?" Mary asks.

"I don't know! I don't know. He played us." Dean says.

"We have to stop him." Jack states.

"Yeah, well, we don't even know where he is, okay? And he hurt Sam and Billy. He got 'em in the head. I don't even want to move them. We called an ambulance, but they said 20 minutes. It's not good, mom. It's really bad."

"We're on our way." Mary declares before hanging up.

They're getting ready to go when Jack doubles over in pain.

"Jack?" Larissa walks over to him. "Hey, you okay?" She puts her hand on his back.

"What is it?" Mary asks.

"I feel-- it feels like my blood's burning. He has it." Jack says.

"This was about you, Jack. All of it. He needed your blood." Mary realizes.

"I feel it. I can feel him." Jack says.

"Where? Where is he?" Mary asks.

"I think I know-- I think I-I can get us to him. But I need to use my powers." Jack says.

"Do it." Mary says.

Jack looks at Larissa.

"Uh... ye-yeah. Do it." She nods.

Jack teleports them to a cabin where Nick has a rift open.

"Shit." Nathan hisses, seeing Athena clutching onto her mom's jacket.

"Wh-- baby, what are you doing here?" Larissa whispers.

"I was hungry." Athena pouts.

Jack closes the rift and Nick turns to them. Larissa keeps Athena pressed against her.

"No! No, wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! What did you do?! Wait, wait, wait, wait." Nick says.

Jack's eyes glow and he starts to break all of Nick's bones. Larissa covers Athena's ears, keeping her facing towards her so she isn't able to watch. Jack breaks most, if not all of Nick's burns and then slowly burns him from the inside.

"Jack, stop it." Larissa orders.

"Jack, stop." Natalie says.

"Jack!" Mary yells. "Jack! What are you doing?! Stop it! Stop it! Stop! Stop! Jack, stop it!" Mary yells. Larissa winces, pressing her hands firmer against Athena's ears.

Finally, Nick falls to the ground, dead and burnt.

~ ~ ~

"Here. Daph, here." Dean holds a rag out to the frozen girl. "Daphne!" He shouts making her flinch and she looks up, finally realizing that she's actually crying.

"Hold this to his head." Dean says. Daphne takes the rag, staring at her very shaky hands. She gulps as she presses the rag to Billy's head making him whine in pain.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Daphne whispers. She uses her free hand and grabs his hand, gently squeezing. "I'm sorry. Pl-- please don't leave me. I-I already lost Lennox, I can't lose you, too." She sniffles. "I know I've been a bitch, but... but please, just stay awake."

"Hey. Hey. Come on. Stay with me now." Dean encourages his brother, holding a rag to Sam's head. "We're just gonna play a little game. We're gonna count, okay? We're gonna count. Count with me. One... two..."

"Two..." Sam barely manages to get out.

"Yeah, there you go. Three." Dean says.

"You-- you always put me-- you always put me first." Sam rasps out.

"No, no." Dean shushes his brother. "Come on. Come on, man."

"Your whole life..." Sam eyes slowly shut.

"Just count with me." Dean says, but notices his brother's closed eyes. "Sammy. Hey! Sam!"

"Daddy." Libby sobs.

~ ~ ~

Larissa stares at Nick's body with wide eyes and she puts a hand on Athena's back, her other arm wrapping around her daughter's head. The side of Athena's head is pressed to the side of her mom's stomach, knowing she probably isn't allowed to break the hug.

Natalie gulps as she glances between the body and Jack while feeling Jacob grab onto her hand. Nathan stands frozen, afraid any movement could set anybody off.

"Mary? Larissa? I had to." Jack says.

"Uh... Sam and Billy-- uh, they're hurt. Help them." Mary says. Larissa nods in agreement and Jack disappears.

"Dean? Daphne? Libby?" They hear Jack. "Sam. Billy." He rushes over to them. Jack places two fingers on Sam's forehead and two fingers on Billy's forehead, healing both of them and taking the blood away.

Sam and Billy both take deep gasps, scrambling to sit up. Libby flinches back as her father shoots up, staring at him with wide eyes, tears still racing down her cheeks. Dean stands up, walking around, trying to calm himself down. Daphne stares at Billy with wide eyes, watching him recover.

Her body reacting before her mind, Libby goes to her dad, wrapping both of her arms around him tightly, burying her face in his shoulder.

"Nick. Where's Nick?" Sam asks, his arms somewhat wrapped around Libby.

"I stopped him. It's over." Jack assures.

"What about mom? Lissy and Natty?" Sam asks.

"Nathan?" Ophelia asks.

"They're fine. Everything's gonna be fine." Jack smiles.

Daphne leans over and tightly hugs Billy, clutching onto his jacket. Billy takes a moment to process it before wrapping his arms around her. He hears her sniffle as her grip tightens.

"I'm okay." He mumbles. "I'm okay." He reassures, rubbing her back.

~ ~ ~

"One-- one of you--" Larissa motions to Nick's body while keeping Athena from seeing him.

"Yeah." Jacob mutters, rushing over and quickly covering Nick's body.

Mary goes outside and the others stay inside.

"Here. Let's sit down." Larissa leads Athena to a kitchen table. She pulls a chair out, the back facing where Nick's covered body is. Athena sits in that chair and Larissa sits across from her.

"Did Jackie do something bad?" Athena asks.

"He... well, it's... it's complicated." Larissa says.

"How?" Athena asks.

"Well, he... maybe didn't necessarily do something bad, but he... he didn't do it in a... great way." Larissa says. "It was... it was a little much."

"Did he kill the bad guy?" Athena asks.

"Well... yeah." Larissa says.

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do?" Athena asks.

"I... we should have this conversation with your daddy here, too." Larissa says.

"Okay." Athena says.

Larissa sees a flash of light outside making her furrow her eyebrows.

"Um... stay there, baby." Larissa says, getting up.

"I got her." Nathan assures, sitting on the floor in front of Athena's chair to entertain her.

The three adults go outside, walking around to the back of the cabin. They stop short when she finds Mary on the ground and Jack standing there.

"Oh, my God." Natalie gasps, her hands flying to her mouth, her eyes immediately watering. She stumbles back, Jacob catching her, wrapping his arms around her. Jacob turns her around in his grip, resting a hand on the back of her head so she doesn't look back.

"Jack?" Larissa cautiously calls. He turns to her at her voice. "Hey. Uh... wh-what happened?"

"She... she wouldn't stop talking. She wouldn't leave me alone." Jack says.

"Okay. Um... honey, what happened?" Larissa asks again.

"I... I healed Sam and Billy." Jack says.

"That's great. That-- that's great." Larissa says. "What happened with Mary?"

"She thinks I need help." Jack says. "She thinks I did the wrong thing by-- by killing Nick. Do you think I did the wrong thing?"

Larissa hesitates to answer, not wanting him to kill her if that's what set him off. She nervously glances back at Jacob whose grip tightens on his wife.

"Um... I think you could've done it a... a less cruel way. Or-- or we could've figured something else out." Larissa says. "Jack, just... just tell us what happened."

"No. No." Jack disappears.

"Jack! Jack!" Larissa yells out, but knows he's already gone. "Fuck." She whispers. She walks over to Mary's body and kneels down. She feels for Mary's pulse, but doesn't feel one.

"Shit." She whispers, running her hand through her hair. She turns back, shaking her head at Jacob. He assumes Natalie is able to sense the difference in his body language, a sob escaping her. Jacob tightens his grip on her even more.

Larissa searches her pockets for her phone, but quickly remembers she left it in the library.

"Fuck." She mutters. "Oh, come on. I don't even know where the hell we are." She whines. "Do you have your phones?" Jacob shakes his head, remembering they both left their phones on the map table. "Fuck." She whispers.

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