Stolen Moments

بواسطة Laughingwolf78

21.5K 1.4K 1.9K

After the war with the LOV that had nearly succeeded in killing Katsuki Bakugo he left town for what he thoug... المزيد

2. Return
4. Bakusquad
5. Anger
6. Fear
7. Auntie
8. Obliterate
9. More than a Little
10. Nigtmares
11. Break
12. Cream with Sugar
13. I hate the Rain
14. Misunderstanding?
15. Lunch
16. A Different Mission
17. The Truth and the Lie
18. Mission
19. I'll be There For You

3. Prodigal Son

1.1K 95 95
بواسطة Laughingwolf78

" I never ment to burn the bridges I'd spent a life time building, but my pain ignited sparks that now I'm desperately trying to extinguish." ~ Lw

As soon as Katsuki pulls up to his childhood home he feels a twisted sense of anxiety and relief.

He steps out of the jet black car he rented taking a moment to lean back against the door and gather his thoughts.

This was home, it would always be home. Even through chaos this was home and when deep crimson eyes glance down the street to see another familiar house that once was just as much home as the one before him he aches.

Izuku house was a place he spent many childhood days and nights. Their mothers were and contine to be close friends. Inko Midoriya was way more family to Katsuki then not and someone who he held a soft spot for. She was so much like her son with the soft kindness she holds, always loved him beyond his rough edges, exactly like the son she raised alone who felt the same way about Katsuki.

He sighs with a heavy heart knowing he must have also hurt her deeply when he left, knows that watching Izuku be broken over him must have caused just as much pain inside her own chest as her sons

He inhales deeply while his thoughts wander, that's one more relationship he'll need to fix, one more bridge he burnt that needs repair, and he will, he'll be sure to.

Just as he takes a step from the sidewalk towards the house the front door opens and two women step out chattering with laughter not noticing the blonde just yet.

Katsuki watches with a thumping heart at his dumb luck that the two are in the same place.

" Ok Ink, I will see you next week for lunch. Hey you be sure to tell that brat of yours it's been a couple weeks and he needs to get his ass over here to see his Auntie."

Inko giggles hand over her mouth.

" Oh I will definitely tell him he's been so busy that he..."

Inko notices first, green eyes going wide as her words get caught in her throat mid sentence and tears well almost instantly.

" Oh.. oh my goodness..."

Mitsuki follows her friends gaze seeing her one and only child standing there on the sidewalk looking back at her.

Tears are down Mitsuki's face before she realizes it while a shocked gasp escapes her. She takes shakey steps forward down the front two stairs of her house her eyes on her boy who's stands there in his black hoodie, hands in his pockets and what can only be described as a gentle smirk.

"K-katsuki.", she whispers the name like a question that she already holds the answer to.

" Hi Hag. Sorry I didn't call or anything but I..."

Before he gets another word out she rushes to him throwing her arms around her tall, broad son, holding onto him tightly.

" You're home! Holy hell, you're.. you're home!"

There's a well of tears in his own eyes while he holds his crying mother.

" Yeah, I'm home.", he says down into blonde hair the color of his own.

She looks up at him finally while she smiles through tears reaching up to put a hand on his strong jawline. She's full of so many feelings right now, a wash of relief currently running through her that her boy is once again in her sights.

" It's.. it's about time. I missed you brat, we all did. Hell you look so good. Welcome home kid."

He gives her the best smile he can with an emotional nod.

" Thanks. I missed you too, or whatever.", he finally smirks true to his nature making her laugh finally with a smack to his chest before she hugs him again.

"I'm going to let that go because I missed your cocky ass so much."

He laughs lightly feeling his anxiety start to slide away at the familiar back and forth they've always held as mother and son.

She looks up at him again.

" You're dad will be so happy to see you. He's away a day or so but I'll call him."

He nods.

" Yeah ok, that's good. Tell him I'll give him a call too later."

She smiles at him then sees his gaze shift to the woman still standing on the porch wiping her eyes while she gives the two space to catch up. She pats his arm nodding towards her friend.

" Better get over there and say hi, she's missed you just as much."

The blonde takes a breath then moves to the porch himself looking down at the much shorter woman.

Crimson eyes soften at the sight of the teary greens ones.

" Hi Auntie"

She sniffles with tears down her face while she leans forward and embraces him.

" Oh my .. oh Katsuki, it's so, so good to see you."

He smiles returning the embrace.

" It's good to see you too, it really is."

She looks up at him, a smile on her face as tears continue to fall.

" Well, I'm going to get going so you and your mother can get caught up. I don't want to intrude on that but once you get settled you must come see me ok?"

He nods.

" Yeah, of course, but let me walk you home quick."

She smiles taking hold of his arm.

" I would love that, thank you."

He looks over at his mother who's grinning at him, happy her son has finally returned.

" I'll be right back."

As they begin to walk the blonde speaks up feeling like he might choke on the words if he doesn't.

" I'm sorry."

Inko stops looking up at the blonde who's eyes are swimming with regrets.

" Whatever for?", she questioned.

He clears his throat, trying to get the damn lump down.

" For leaving, for hurting everyone, especially the Hag, you and... and Deku.", the name at the end is said even though there's a cracked in his tone that he's desperately trying to hide.

She feels a rush of ache while she touches his scarred cheek gently.

" Katsuki, look at me."

When he does she continues.

" You weren't in a good place emotionally, mentally or even physically when you left. We knew why you chose space to heal and tho it was so painful to let you go off alone we knew we had to. You did what you felt you had to and by the looks of you your time away was spent getting better, no one can be upset with you for that."

His eyes travel to the sidewalk as he scoffs with a slight smirk that holds pain behind it..

" Bet Deku would disagree. I .. I know how bad I hurt him and I know damn well that hurt you in return, seeing him like that because of me. I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to see me again."

She feels an ache as she hugs this still somewhat broken boy who will always be another child to her.

" Katsuki, I don't want to hear you say that again. I will never feel that way about you and yes, it was terribly hard to watch Izuku be so lost and heart broken but even though his heart didn't understand his head did. He knew why you had to go, but that doesn't always make it easier when you love someone."

The blonde clamps down on his cheek to keep himself from sobbing like he wants to.

Love, yes Deku had once loved him, but he wonders if that's changed.

Inko breaks his thoughts.

" Katsuki, have you talked to Izuku yet?"

He looks down meeting a concerned gaze that makes him lift a brow slightly.

" No, not yet. I want to and I will. I haven't told the Hag yet but.. but I got my job back at the agency and I'm moving back, in other words I'm home for good, so I have time to try and get some shit sorted between us, but I just got in town today."

She smiles brightly.

" Oh that is the best news I have heard in a very long time! I'm so happy to hear that and I know your mother will be. Um Katsuki, when you do finally speak to Izuku just keep in mind that even though it may appear somethings have changed for him one thing that never has is his feelings for you, always keep sight of that."

There's a rush of twisted discomfort in the blonde's heros gut because he might not know exactly what the fuck she means here but he knows it doesn't feel right, at fucking all.

He's almost going to ask when he hears his mother.

" Brat! Dad's on the phone!"

He looks down the sidewalk cursing the timing but then back at green eyes.

" Yeah, ok. I gotta run but I'll see you soon I promise.", he tells her pecking her cheek before he jogs down the sidewalk.

Inko watches him go, a feeling of apprehension in her stomach but a sense of hope, hope that things work out the way her and Mitsuki always thought they would. Time will have to tell she thinks.

After a long talk with his father and mother after hanging up the blonde is sitting on his mother's couch after she has shoved all of his favorite foods at him.

" Damn, the fuck you tryin to do huh? Make me fat or some shit, this is enough.", he says with a smirk eating his second bowl of spicy noodles.

" Shut it kid, I haven't got to cook for you in two damn years, I'll do what I want."

He rolls his eyes but smiles.

" Oi, it ok if I crash here while I look for my own place? Shouldn't take long."

She smirks.

" Of course, you don't have to ask something like that. This is home brat, nothing changed that."

After he told her he'd be staying home for good she hasn't been able to stop grining finally feeling relieved after two years.

She watches her son furrow his brow in thought while he stares down at his noodles. She knows there's a question coming.

" Hey have you seen Deku lately?"

The question makes the blonde woman's stomach knot.

" No, well I mean not in a couple weeks, that boy has always been like you, working hard on the go. He works a lot, something that actually makes Inko and I worry because he looks like he's at the point of exhaustion most times."

Katsukis face gains one of concern even though there's a scowl.

" The fuck? And no one says anything to him about that? That he needs to rest and eat properly and all that shit cause he won't, he's like a damn kid."

She smiles seeing the worry the blonde always held for the greenett even in the years when he tried to deny it.

" Of course we do but he's just as head strong as you are, he doesn't listen. Besides you being gone was hard on him, I think overworking was his way of coping with it, plus he's number one at the moment so he just keeps pushing."

The blonde sighs his eyes on his bowl again as he moves the contents around with his chopsticks.

" Yeah, I guess. Auntie was saying something about shit being different for him, you have any idea what that fucking means?"

She tenses. She does, she does know what that means but she fears telling Katsuki might either cause a fire storm or for him to just leave again all together.

She clears her throat with a shrug.

" Your cocky ass has been gone two years brat, lots of things have changed for everyone, best if you just reach out and start talking to him again then you can both learn about what the other has been up to. But... just keep in mind that as much as things might have changed in some areas there's so much that remains the same with how he feels."

He eyes her then suddenly slams his bowl down standing up his temper on the rise.

" Ok, what the fuck does that mean cause Auntie pretty much said the same God damn thing, and now that I'm thinking about it so did All Might so someone better fucking tell me what's going on. Is he sick or something?! Is something wrong with him?! "

She shakes her head unable to say the words that she knows will break his heart.

" No brat, he's not sick. Just talk to him Katsuki and keep your mind open and your temper down when you do, that's all I'm going to say."

He doesn't like this, he doesn't like this at fucking all, whatever the fuck this is is bad, everything in him can sense it.

The blonde grunts with frustration grabbing his jacket.

" I'm going to go for a walk."

She nods knowing he needs some space.

As he heads out part of him wants to track Izuku down right fucking now and find out what all this shit is about but there's another part a deeper part that's scared to, afraid of what he might find out. A feeling starts to rise in his gut in the form of  of dread.

After awhile of thoughts twisting in a million different directions he realizes he's walked himself right into town.

A smile forms at the familiar area, he's not sure he even realized how much he missed home until he was back.

As he walks down city streets with a now content feeling humming in his chest he hears voices at a local convenience store that was always his favorite.

He steps through the open door and smirks immediately as he watches and listens a few feet away.

" Kamibro, I really don't think you should stand so close to the microwave while you use your quirk, you remember what happened last time?", Kirishima says with worry.

Sero laughs walking up the the two with a drink in his hand getting ready to pay.

" Seriously man, you almost blew this whole place down last time."

Denki shrugs powering his quirk down.

" You guys are totally over reacting. It wasn't even that bad and I was only trying to charge my phone while we waited for the microwave to get done."

Kirishima laughs shaking his head.

" Bro I really don't know how you thought that way a good idea."

A voice answers that, one that makes the eyes of three hero snap to it with wide eyes and disbelief.

" Cause he's a fucking Dunce, that's how."

" B-Bakubro?!?", Kirishima stammers with a huge tearful grin as he takes a step to his blonde best friend.

Katsuki chuckles.

" Yeah, hey Shitty Hair, I'm home fuckers."


I'm attached to this story. It's going to be one of my favorites to write I already know

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