His Assistant

By Adeneeky

48.5K 1K 87

Kiara Knight is an intelligent and a very beautiful woman, but nobody notices her because of her conservative... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 22

844 22 1
By Adeneeky


"I think I like you Kiara", I said thinking that she was listening, but when I didn't hear a response after a while, I looked at her and she was sleeping.

I just smiled and gently carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Now she looks peaceful in her sleep, I think she was holding to much pain and guilt to herself. She just needed someone to talk to, to reduce the burden in her heart.

I kinda added more to it by being a shitty boss to her, which affected her self esteem even more. Wow, I really messed up.

I heard my phone ringing in the living room, so I left the room and closed the bedroom door quietly, so as not to disturb her sleep.

Now who the fuck is calling me, I thought I handled all of that for today. I picked up my phone and answered the call without looking at the caller's name.

"Hey baby", an annoying voice said through the phone. I looked at my phone now to check the caller's name:
Cindy Jade

I thought I broke up with her. I didn't even bother replying, I just cut the call on her and blocked her number. Now I understand why Ethan calls her devil in heels because she is so fucking annoying, why did I even date her? I am so stupid.

I turned on the TV to check the weather forecast, and it says that the storm has died down and the airport is opened now.
I went to my room, changed my clothes and packed up my stuff. Then I went to wake Kiara up.

I shook her gently till she opened her eyes.
"Hi, did you sleep well?", I asked.

She rubbed her eyes and yawned, and she nodded her head. So cute.

"Ok that's good, I woke you up because we are leaving now".

"Now! what of the storm outside?" She looked out the window.

"The storm is over, and we need to leave now because we have urgent work to do in New York".

"Oh yeah, my vacation ended yesterday".

"Don't worry, now" , I said thinking of a way to grant her more vacations.

" I am going to assume that your things are at your aunts house".

She nodded.

"Then let's go pick them up and get out of this place, what do you say?".

"Ok, I will just call my aunt to help me pack my stuff", she said as she left the bed to get her phone.

"Hmm, meet me in the living room when you are done", I went back to my room to get my things and I packed them to the living room for it to be move to my car.

We went straight to her aunts house so that she can change her clothes and also get her luggages. She gave me directions to the house and when we got there, her aunt was also waiting outside with her stuff. We got out of the car to greet her.

"Aunty" Kiara said as she went to hug her. While I stood waiting for them to finish their greetings.

Her aunt looked at me,
"I am going to assume that this is the boss that you don’t like talking about"? She asked.

Kiara face paled a little, but then she quickly cleared her throat and introduced us,

"Oh, yeah um aunt Maggie, this is Mr Williams and Mr Williams, this is my aunt Maggie".

"Good Afternoon ma'am, it's nice to meet you" I greeted with my head bowed slightly.

"Nice to meet you too", she said curtly and she turned to Kiara,

"Kiara go change your clothes inside, it's on your bed".

"Ok, just give me a minute" Kiara said directly to me and I nodded my head.

Once she was out of sight her aunt turned to me,
"You are the first man she ever brought home, and I see the way you look at her. You like her don't you?"

I was stunned, was it that obvious. I was going to say that I did but she continued talking;
"Just don't hurt her, I will make sure you regret living if you do, trust me I can" She threatened.
I just nodded my head, because I knew she meant it.

"Please take care of her, she has been through a lot. She deserves to be loved".

"Yes ma'am", I replied.

"Thank you"

Kiara came back right after my talk with her aunt, so I let her say goodbye, while I move her bags into the car trunk. When they were done with the hugs and goodbyes, I also said a goodbye. And we left.

From there, our next stop was the airport, where we boarded my jet back to New York.

New York

It was late when we landed in New York and Kiara was asleep, I took her back to her apartment, where her friend helped me to settle her in her bed and move her things from the car. Then I went straight to my mansion.

I drop into my living room sofa, running my hands through my wavy hair. It feels really good to be home again, and the fact that I now understand my feelings for Kiara is enough to bring a smile to my face. My heart might be my own, but Kiara now owns every bit of it, even if she doesn't know yet. It scares the hell out of me to even comprehend all the emotions I am feeling, I can't think of anything but her.

Even though I want nothing more than to run to her and express my feelings, I have a lot of work that needs to be dealt with. I was about to go freshen up in my room when Ethen walked into the living room with just a towel on.

"Ethan why the hell are you in my house wearing just a towel" I asked weakly, because I was jet lagged and I didn't have the time for his shenanigans.

"Brandon!!" he shouted and ran straight to me, he was about to hug me but I dodged it.

"I know you love me too" he said with his lips pouted. "Did you just arrive?" he asked.

"Yes, now can you go put on some clothes and get the fuck out of my house".

"Alright, I will change but I am not leaving" he said as he went upstairs.

I used that opportunity to escape to my room and lock the door, I know he plans to disturb me throughout the night. I took a shower and hit the bed, dreaming about Kiara.
Hi guys new chapter, please vote and comment. Thank you guy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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