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drill rapper fanfic . eventual notti osama endgame . ยฉ ๐Š๐„๐๐๐๐„๐—๐“๐ƒ๐Ž๐Ž๐‘๐‘๐‘ ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐๐ฎ๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ... More

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。・:*˚:✧。⋆ ★ how to get away with MURDER .
——— written by LOVEFORDES

THE TEENS ALL SAT IN DDOT'S ROOM, all doing different things. ddot was to busy throwing a hall up in the air, kulture played a game on her phone while dd was on the computer. doing God knows what.

"what the hell are you lookin for?" ddot asks, sitting up from his laying position. school ended about 2 hours ago, and kulture couldn't be more happy. she was exhausted, all the work they were doing for the program was killing her.

not to mention, she wasn't use to waking up so early with ddot to head to school. since she's been staying with him, he was surprisingly waking up early to be able to meet up with dd up the block.

she had found out, him, notti and dd used to do it together. wake up early, head to the deli which is right by the school before walking to school. she felt bad for replacing notti, but knew the two boys didn't mind.

dd sighed, turning his head towards the others. "i'm tryna hack into the police system."

kulture raised a brow, "the police system? for what?"

the girl leaned up, now intrigued into the conversation.

"before school started, the police declared my brother as dead. they stopped the search. then weeks ago, i find my brothers dirty shoe in the forest. is that not weird?"

"maybe whoever took notti, is trying to scatter his stuff to make it seem like he's still alive." ddot shrugs. dd and kulture shared a look.

the conversation about notti still being alive fresh in their mind. they had never told ddot, which was unfair. ddot did deserve to know. "we needa tell you sum."

"what?" ddot shifted in his seat at the guilty look in his friends eyes. it made him uncomfortable. "i saw notti."

"what?" ddot frowned. kulture released a breath, "when i was kidnapped, notti was there. long story short, we talked, the house blew up then i seen him in the forest when my brother was carrying me."

"but kay told me that the police said notti was officially dead two days ago." she finished. ddot stared at kulture blankly, "why the fuck didn't you tell me? "

"because i .. i don't know — exactly, you have no fuckin' reason!" ddot cut her off, he glared at the two. "why am i always left out of things?"

"you aren't ddot," — "i'm not? i didn't know kulture saw notti, i didn't know they stopped the search for notti."

"was that not put on the news? they always announce stuff like that in the news." kulture tried. ddot scoffed, "obviously it wasn't if ian see it."

"i didn't see it either, i watched the news ever since he was announced missing." kulture added. dd shook his head, "my family was the only ones to get it, i remember. on the bottom it said it was for our eyes only."

"is there any way to pull up old news?" ddot blurts out. kulture nods, "yeah. i use to look up old news for reports for school, watch out."

"but how can that work? isn't all recorded news reports, live?" ddot trailed off, "unless this one wasn't."

dropping her phone onto the chair, kulture pushed dd out of the chair and sat down, she opened another tab and typed in a website. "what day did you get that paper or whatever from the police?"

"uh i can't remember." kulture shook her head, "this is gonna be harder then i thought. if i had the date, the search would be easy."

she went to the search bar and typed in key words that could possibly send them to the news post about notti. 'missing.' , 'search' , 'boy' , 'missing boy'.

"none of that is working." dd snapped, he was now becoming irritated. ddot stood behind kulture, watching the screen.

"when they first announced a boy was missing what did they say?"

"teenage drill rapper missing at party. then they said his name."

kulture deleted her last search, and typed in 'ethan reyes'. her eyes widened as it popped up. two different news post about him, "what the fuck."

"that's the first one, the one that was posted for everyone to see." dd pointed at the screen, recognizing the lady. "this must be the second." kulture muttered. she clicked on it, and turned up the volume.

"the police have called off the search for a drill rapper — cut." the news lady began before she was cut off. her face scrunched up and looked behind the camera. "are you sure about this ms.jinsui?" the news lady cautioned, "it could be risky — i said what i said. cut."

"ms.jinsui?" ddot whispered, his breath hitched at his teachers name. "no." he shook his head.

the film glitched before the camera was suddenly turned around. "the hell is wrong with this camera. it keeps glitching."

the recorder moved over, allowing the teens to see her. "announcing this would be useless. i want, no need this family off of his back, i can't get what's rightfully mine if they are constantly looking for him."

"don't release that. this stays between us."

suddenly the screen froze, kulture frowned, she clicked anywhere trying to get it unfrozen. "what the fuck is wrong with your computer?"

"that's not possible, ms.jinsui would never hurt notti!" ddot snapped. "how do we know that dot? we know nothing about her! she just randomly appeared!"

dd stepped back in shock. his teacher was apart of his brothers disappearance. "we don't know that yet." dd frowned, "she could just she could just what david? it's right fuckin there! why don't you see that?" ddot argued.

kulture clicked out of the tab, staring blankly at the screen. "what the fuck." she muttered. the screen began to glitch, turning different colors before it went blank. "oh shit—"

"she played a part in notti's disappearance and even if she didn't, she's what made the police call off the search." ddot let out a harsh breath. when the computer turned back on, the tab where the footage was, was gone. as if she never opened it in the first place.

kulture ignored it and opened another tab, she would figure that out later, she began typing in the police website.

after being around her brothers, she grew knowledge of knowing how to hack, while the friends fought in the back, she focused on hacking into the police system.

it would be hard. 100%. there one of the places, just like the fbi and so on that have high level security.

kulture tuned out the boys, typing frantically to get in. she went back to her old days, thinking of possible codes to get inside.

the screen lit up, different codes and files popped up. it was way easier then she thought.

she thought back to what ddot and her brother said. karin helped call off the search, said he was dead while kay told her the police officially said he was dead. they had "his" body.

"oh my God." kulture whispered in disbelief. files on top of files popped up, showing the girl what she needed. "guys look."

the boys stopped arguing, taking a glance at the screen. "what is this?" dd leaned forward.

"you want the truth about notti's disappearance? i found it." kulture blurted. she clicked on one file, zooming slightly in so it was easier to read.

"look — anonymous tip to call off search." kulture pointed at the name, "forged body report of look alike for missing boy."

"forged body report?" ddot said, "that nigga on tiktok that was pretending to be notti.. he's dead, he died and they used him as the look alike."

"but who did they use for him? they still have to fill out a report for him right?" — "i think they only forged the report, they had a real one for him, but made a fake one for notti."

"notti's alive, but where the hell is he?" ddot stood straight, crossing his arms over his chest. they soon sat in complete silence, trying to think of possible ides as to where notti could be.

kulture's mind wandered somewhere else. the words notti said when he was in her bedroom, 'you needa do whatever you need to do to survive kulture. no matter the cost.'

suddenly, the sound of gunshots were heard, they shot through the windows, shattering the glasses and making the blinds fall. dd pulled the teens down by their shirts, forcing them to the floor in front of the dresser.

kulture covered her head, trying to prevent the shattering glass from cutting her. dd eyes narrowed in confusion once a item was thrown through the window.

when the shots ended, dd cautiously stood up. he quickly grabbed the object and went back to where the others sat. "mann what the fuck. i just got those fixed!" ddot whined, staring at the shattered windows.

"i'll pay for damages. what is that?" kulture rubbed ddot's shoulder before turning to dd. "it's a brick. with a note. do i read it?"

"no, just throw it away even though it could hold some important information." ddot sarcastically says, rolling his eyes. dd glared at him before removing the note from the rubber band which it was wrapped in.

'the towns pretty boy. i wonder if he bleeds red. find what's mine and hand it over, or he dies.'

- KJ.

dd finished reading it, he picks up the attached picture. his eyes widen in shock, "n-no."

"what is it?" he quickly dropped it from his hand as if it was poisonous, dd stands up and paces. kulture picked it up, putting it between her and ddot so he also can see.

"is that notti?" ddot quietly says. in the picture, a boy with curly haired leaned against the wall, blood dripping down his face.

"no way—" kulture shook her head. "whoever this is, is just tryna play games with us. that could be anybody."

"he looks exactly like notti." dd spat. "i think i kno what my brother looks like."

"i get that dd, but think about it. why would they ask for something or kill him if he doesn't get it? it's a trick question." kulture stands and steps closer to dd. "i watched shows about this — great. we got our own personal fuckin' detective, what's next? are you gonna tell us to do a stake out?" dd argues. he rolls his eyes. kulture glared at him.

ddot sits in the chair , watching the two argue. it was surprisingly interesting, but also weird. once again the gap that was once between them was now closed as they angrily talking to each others; basically yelling in each other faces.

"shut the fuck up and listen!" kulture snaps. dd closes his mouth and stares at kulture. the girl let's out a sigh, "it's a trick dd. did you see it? it says find. they don't know if we have it. so calm down. okay?"

dd bites down onto his lip, he and kulture share eye contact before he nods, listening to her. kulture sends a small smile before stepping back. "thank you dd." she softly says, turning to ddot she rolls her eyes. "don't start." she noticed the smirk on his face.

"ian say anything." he holds up his hands. "but i did think of sum."

"which is?" dd stands next to kulture, wrapping his arm around her neck and bringing her closer to him unconsciously. his excuse would be "just incase more drive by's happen".

"KJ, stands for karin jinsui. i could be wrong but tell me that's not a crazy coincidence?"

"we just watched karin talk about notti on the news channel, then we found out she called off the search."

"pretty boy is notti. which i think is obvious. notti's hot." kulture adds, with a grin on her face. dd deadpans her, his lips quirked up into a mug after hearing kulture practically calling his brother attractive. "tuh." he muttered, jealously in his eyes not neither of the others noticed.

NOTTI DROVE THE CAR into the hidden garage, quickly putting it into park before rushing out the car. he was pissed, the interaction with karin annoyed him. he was lucky enough to catch her off guard, it wouldn't be long until she finds out where her stuff is.

NOVA watched with a confused frown on her face at the sight of notti pacing. "is sum wrong?"

nova was a trusted friend of notti's. he had met her during his time of being on the run , asking her to join him since she too was on the run from karin. she did most of the dirty work he couldn't.

notti stopped and glared at her. "is it obvious?"

"not really. why don't you tell me what's up and maybe i can help."

"i fucked up." notti leaned against the wall, "i told karin kulture had it, but i said i tricked her. she thinks i'm lying."

"and how do you know that? if anything i think karin will believe you." nova frown deepened, not understanding his point. notti rolls his eyes, "she knows i care for kulture, we met when i was kidnapped by him."

"you've been kidnapped a awful lot, i think you needa fake ya death." nova sighs, at the annoyed look, she raises her hands in surrender. "sorry continue."

"because i care for her, and she knows this. she'll think i lied about tricking her and that kulture actually has it. she'll go for her."

"why do you care for her so much? i get you two were kidnapped, but your like throwing everything away for her. you just met, and isn't kulture kay flocks lil sister? she's a opp." nova said. notti shook his head, "don't worry bout it."

"you came to me bout it!" nova snapped, suddenly upset. notti sucked his teeth, "you asked. not the other way around bro."

"how can i help?" nova changes the subject, knowing a angry notti isn't good. notti shrugs, pulling his phone out of his pocket. the screen lit up showing his wallpaper, which consisted of him, dd and ddot, all posing together in a gas station store.

he sighs, and locks it. no longer wanting to go in his phone, that screensaver ruined his mood completely.

"think notti." nova tilts her head. "lemme know."

"i don't know igh?" notti snaps. "give me some space bro damn."

his plans were all jumbled together, he didn't know which path to take. but he needed to figure out, and he needed to do that fast.

he could go after karin first or say fuck it, and let her go after kulture. either way, he was risking important things.

but his brain was telling him otherwise. their was a voice that agreed with nova. he did just meet kulture, and he was already risking things and going out of his way for her. something he wouldn't even do for his exes. notti would never tell, but he had a soft spot for the girl. she was different, yes. she was his opp but she wanted to help him escape, despite being in two different gangs.

others wouldn't even bat a eye at him. they would let him die. that moment that kulture broke her hand for them to escape was stuck in his mind. constantly on repeat. he owed her.

he turned to nova, a sudden thought in his head. "we need to throw karin off. catch her off guard."

"how?" nova crossed her arms. "and why? don't you think this is silly? throwing her off? what the hell could that do notti."

"if she's too busy trying to fix something, or come up with a new plan; she'll be less worried about hurting kulture."

"again with this girl. notti, open your eyes! she's a opp thot! nothing more, nothing less." nova tried. she didn't understand why he was so protective over her. he barley knew the girl.

"i said what i said nova." nova threw her hands in up disbelief. she couldn't believe the words coming out of the boys mouth.

"whatever." nova scoffs, she walked away, going deeper into the warehouse. notti stood behind, watching her walk away.

his phone rung making him pull his phone out of his pocket with a loud groan.

"what's the word?" notti snaps slightly. he was already irritated, this phone call was making it worse. "yo, we gotta problem."

kyle's voice came through the phone, making notti frown. "what happened?"

"ddot's house jus got shot up. dd and kulture were there." kyle let out a breath. "you deadass?" notti rubs his forehead.

"mhm, i think it was karin. i seen one of her men throw a brick into the house. whatever it is, they'll get and catch on. this is dragging them into it, something they shouldn't be dragged into."

"what do i do notti?" — "i don't know." notti mumbles, this was the first where he was genuinely confused. he was stressing, trying to do everything and anything at once.

"want me to do what's best?" — "mhm. don't cut it up kyle." notti warned. kyle chuckles lightly, "got it boss." he mocks.

notti rolls his eyes and hangs up without a word.

"so your girlfriend got shot up?" nova shifted onto her right left, staring at notti with furrowed brows and a tilted head. "what about it?"

"let me go help whoever that was. it'll get things done quicker." nova steps forward, notti eyed her. "you jus complained about kulture."

"yea whatever. forget that, you obviously care about her, including your brother and friend. i'll help protect them. i promise." nova gives the boy her word, "and if i break it. you can kill me."

"gladly." notti mutters, he ignored the hand she was holding out and walks off. nova shakes her head and walks off to where her motorcycle sat.

LOVEFORDES TALKS ; ion rlly like this chap, but it was either this or don't update for weeks. anyways, new character !!

who do y'all want to play nova? she isn't and will not be a opp, she's like kyle. she owes notti !

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