Beware, The Dragonborn Comes...

By aroguesilverhand

20.7K 295 130

Beware, beware, The Dragonborn comes! This is my first oneshots book. You can request any character, I will d... More

Requests (CLOSED)
A Test of Faith (Ulfric x reader)
My Hero (Hadvar x darkelf!reader)
When All Faith is Lost (Rikke x female!reader)
⚠️ A Test of Faith [EXTRA] (Ulfric x reader)
Training Wheels (Savos Aren x reader)
Innocent Tease (Serana x female!reader)
Whelp (Vilkas x reader)
⚠️ The Dibellan Arts [PART ONE] (Brynjolf x reader)
The Dibellan Arts [PART TWO] (Brynjolf x reader)
Bound Until Death (Cicero x reader)
⚠️ Mine! (Serana x female!reader)
Wow (Not A Chapter)
Sweet Rolls (Brelyna x female!reader)
Partners In Crime (Brynjolf x reader)
Young Pups (Farkas x reader)
⚠️ Maddening Feelings (Cicero x reader)
The Beacon (Meridia x female!reader)
The Beacon [PART TWO] (Meridia x female!reader)
Born To Die (female Thalmor x Nord!reader)
Not An Update

⚠️ Just A Little Magic (Ancano x male!khajiit!reader)

310 1 2
By aroguesilverhand

Requested by _Kyle-Broflovski_12 I apologise for this taking so long, I had a couple issues trying to write this on Wattpad (and less time than wanted with exams), but we got there eventually!

It was a fairly warm late afternoon in Winterhold. A slight breeze flowed through the halls of the College, and I was sat outside, enjoying the odd warmth before it turned cold again. Other mages meandered about within the walls and halls, magic swimming at their fingertips and lessons fresh on their minds.

My fur kept most of the wind from chilling me as the sunny spell soon turned icy cold. Snow slowly descended as students ran inside. Making haste, I quickly returned to my room, door closing firmly shut behind me. I ran a clawed hand over my face, ears twitching as a voice called out from deeper in my chamber.
"Anytime you'd like to hurry up, that would be great," the voice spoke, annoyance lacing the silky words.
"I didn't know you were coming today, Ancano," I replied, hanging up my cloak and putting on a casual tunic and trousers. "Thought you had business with the Thalmor."
Ancano scoffed as I rounded the corner.
"The weather put a stop to that. Damned Skyrim and its snow, ruining everything."
He shivered, then. It was subtle, but the small sigh he let out gave away his discomfort clear as day - day outside Winterhold, of course.

Striding over, I sat next to him and opened my arms.
"I'm a giant teddy bear, let me keep you warm," I suggested, watching his eyes go from surprised, to suspicious, to finally accepting.
"If anyone, anyone hears about this-"
"They won't," I laughed, giving him a sharp-toothed grin. "Besides, I'm sure they'd just be jealous of you. Not everyone can have their own personal khajiit to keep them toasty."

Ancano let out a grunt as he leant into my embrace. His skin felt cold under my fur.
"You're freezing," I murmured. He shuffled around to shoot me a glare, hair falling in his face as his eyes pierced through me. A laugh rumbled in my throat.
"[Y/N]..." he cautioned. The tone he used, and the way the whites of his eyes were engulfed by the way he narrowed them...

I gulped. Suddenly I could feel everything. Ancano shifted slightly and his weight pressed down on my cock. It twitched and I made a show of shuffling to try and distract from that fact. It didn't work.

I could hear the smirk in his voice. This was embarrassing, but Ancano knowing turned me on more.

With a growl, I pushed him down onto the bed. My cock had risen to attention, and now strained against my trousers. I leant in and nipped at Ancano's neck. Knowing he'd be more than pissed afterwards, I made sure to make the most of now and bit down. Blood trickled from the bite wound, down the side of his neck. Pulling off his shirt Ancano pulled me down on top of him, hands grabbing at the collar of my own shirt. He tore it off me before kissing me roughly, the love and passion usually reserved for private moments like this one completely vanished. His own erection poked at me through his smalls - had he only been wearing these the whole time? - and I groaned lowly. He looked at me and I looked at him and we came to a mutual understanding.
Reaching down, I took off his smalls. Ancano's cock sprung free, wet with pre. Wasting no time I followed suit, taking off my own clothes. My lover sat up, resting on his elbows, and licked his lips.
"Hurry up and fill me," he whined, this tone reserved only for the bedroom. I obliged, and after a few slow pumps I bent down and slowly licked over his tight ring of muscle. Ancano let out a sigh. I gave a few more licks, deemed him ready, then lined myself up. With a slow push, the head of my cock entered his ass and Ancano let out a muted moan, head thrown back against the pillows as I lifted his legs up for easier access. Fully hilted, I pulled back out then slammed back in, out, in, out, in, no particular rhythm in mind as I fucked my partner hard. Ancano grabbed his own cock and began pumping a fist down it, thumb rubbing the pre-cum down the shaft to ease friction. He twitched in his hand and his hole squeezed down on my own meat, a moan leaving both of us.

I kept powering into him, sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the air. Ancano had me in a vice-like grip, every push and pull felt like he was trying to milk me for everything I had. My end was nearing, I could feel it. And Ancano was close too, the way he bucked into his hand being a dead giveaway.

"I know," he strained, face red. "Keep going, I'm so close."
Doubling down, I thrusted harder and deeper, pushing against that spot that sends him wild. With a load moan he came, thick ropes of sticky-white cum spilling onto his stomach. He clenched down on me tightly, and I felt the base of my cock begin to swell. I moved in to mark his neck once more, slipping inside completly as I came, knot sitting inside as a growl escaped me.

I collapsed onto his chest, exhausted, and waited for the knot to end. Ancano placed a soft hand on my head, scratching behind my ear affectionately. Once I caught my breath briefly I moved up and captured his lips in a soothing kiss. It would be a few minutes yet before the knot would finish, so with a small pur I made myself comfortable with the man I loved.

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