The Life Of An Ordinary Villa...

By MrBrainRot

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The land of Gensokyo truly is a marvelous place, where the unthinkable is possible and fantasy can be brought... More

Our Beloved Protagonist Bio
Prologue : (Y/N) Is A Gloomy Nobody
Chapter 1 : You Can't Force Love
Chapter 2 : A Quiet Life Isn't Possible
Chapter 3 : Isekai Is Complete Bullshit
Chapter 4 : Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Chapter 5 : The Man Without Love
Chapter 6 : A Mama's Boy Beyond The Stars
Chapter 7 : You Just Haven't Met Him Yet
Chapter 8 : Third Eye Love
Chapter 9 : Puttin On The Ritz
Chapter 10 : Your Love Is My Drug
Chapter 12 : Dark Red
Chapter 13 : Blame It On The Dango
Chapter 14 : The Vaas Montenegro Experience
Chapter 15 : The Fairy King In Pseudo Paradise
Chapter 16 : Starving Misfortune

Chapter 11 : I Wanna Walk With Somebody

1.4K 29 66
By MrBrainRot

Date : 7th March 20XX - Evening

Location : The Forest of Magic - Near the home of a certain planet destroying yokai

Cooler POV



??? : " Honestly Cooler-kun your too kind hearted *sniff*. T-The fact you went out of your way to hangout with a dumb umbrella like me *sob~* You're an absolute s-sweetheart you know that *sob~*."

Cooler : " Oh it was nothing Kogasa-chan, I saw you were looking quite lonesome in the Human Village the other day. So decided to spend sometime with you, I mean you're a wonderful person yourself to be with."

Cooler : " And please don't cry, a beautiful woman like you shouldn't be feeling down in the dumps. My mother always told me if a girl cries, always try your best to make them feel better again."

Kogasa : " Y-You really mean those words Cooler-kun? W-Wow I never thought I would receive such a compliment from someone, let alone a gentleman like you."

Cooler : " Well people should call you beautiful more often, I can't believe so many people would ignore a kind girl like you. They're certainly missing out on your company."

Kogasa : " (day dreaming~) Hehehehe he called me beautiful~ My oh my what a great emotion flowing into my heart, Hehehehe I can't believe he actually called me beautiful hehehehe~"

Cooler : " Hehehehe you're making a funny face Kogasa-chan, the residents of Gensokyo have a lot of charming expressions indeed~"

My goodness what a magnificent evening walk I'm experiencing, it's been a few days sinced I move into this paradise and already I'm enjoying all of it's contents. Never in my wildest dreams a world like this could exist.

Yet I must admit moving out of my mother's house wasn't easy to be honest. She was against the ides of permanently living far away from her, but thankfully Hecatia-nee managed to change her mind.

But now mother is giving me the silent treatment.... It only lasted for five minutes, Mother can be quite a handful indeed.

However I could tell Hecatia-nee wasn't too keen on me leaving, so holding up all of her personal feelings she decided to let me go. As soon as I left my childhood home.... Behind the door I could hear sobbing..... Loud tears being dropped on the ground.... Hecatia-nee was crying......


I'm sorry I don't really want to think about it too much, so it's better to change the topic to a much brighter one.

So changing the uncomfortable mood, I've decided to take a lovely stroll through the forest to calm the mind and soul, however during my walk I've encountered an umbrella along the way.

The local blacksmith and babysitter of the Human Village, Kogasa Tatara a very wonderful Karakasa obake yokai. We've met during my shopping spree for some local food ingredients and apparently she bumped into me by mistake. I knew it was at that moment I had made another friend.

Kogasa is a kind and decent young lady, but her confidence and self esteem is a bit lacking, so as a friend I always try my best to make her feel better.

Hopefully she'll improve on her interactions and also her self confidence, but I must admit she really got me with her suprise 'boo!' out of the blue. Her scares really are truly frightening... it almost gave me a heart attack honestly. Even her purple umbrella is spooky~

But now here we are enjoying a stroll together, normally my other magician friend Marisa would join me however she seems busy this evening-

Ah! I forgot too mention of my other friend Marisa Kirisame, how could I be such a dummy~ Ok so just a few days ago I came across-

Kogasa : " Hey Cooler-kun I've been meaning to ask you this question for a while. If you're uncomfortable to answer it, th-then you don't have to of course."

Suddenly snapping out of my thoughts, I instantly heard Kogasa wanted to ask me something. So stopping my walk I immediately turned towards her with all of my attention.

Cooler : " Hm? You wish to ask me something? Oh very well then please do ask away and don't worry I'm not the type of person who gets easily offended. As my mother always said never cut off a chicken's head or else it'll go crazy."

Kogasa : " R-Really? Woah your mother must be some sort of Sage to give such wise words, s-she really is a modest person."

Kogasa : " Ok now to ask my question.... C-Cooler-kun what type of yokai are you? B-Because never in my entire life have I seen something like you before. Are you a Nue perhaps?"

Ah it's seems to be this common question again, normally I wouldn't mind this at all.... but it's quite a tiresome line. Even my visits in Old Hell this certain question would pass around my mind over and over.

What yokai am I exactly? Remembering my childhood I would ask Hecatia-nee about my origin, but she wasn't sure herself. All she could say I was a miracle beyond the stars that crash landed on the surface of the moon.

To think I would arrive in a strange space pod, it kinda reminds me of the origin story of Superman.... I know my taste in comic super heroes is a bit bland, because it was the only thing I could read as a child..... Mother would never allow me to read other reading material.

But nevertheless my family truly cared about me, despite coming from an unknown world they always showered my life with pure innocent love. I was lucky having them as my family.... Who knows what my future would have been if I wasn't raised by them.

Cooler : " Honestly I'm not sure myself Kogasa-chan, I'm not a hundred percent sure of my species of yokai. Maybe we can discuss this topic another time when I find the answers."

Cooler : " And what exactly is a Nue? Is it a type of animal or perhaps a food item, but nevertheless it's quite a silly name~"

Kogasa : " Well it's um- L-Let's just forget about it and enjoy the walk, Geez you shouldn't say Nue is a silly name..... She might take it personally and it won't end well for anyone."

Cooler : " Oh then please forgive me for my in proper mannerisms, I didn't mean to insult your friend. I believe Nue is a quirky name indeed, it's completely original from most names these days."

Kogasa : "....... As expected from a gentleman, Cooler-kun is too nice for his own good. It makes me happy we're friends."

Kogasa : " (whisper) Close friends... More than friends.... Hehehehe~"

Cooler : " (^_^)?"

Hm? Why is Kogasa silently giggling to herself, did she discover an interesting joke in the process? Well ones humor should be enough to brighten up your day.

My goodness she's a funny umbrella, I can't understand why no one would spend time with her. She's such a bright person too hangout with, truly a funny moment for everyone~


You know all this talking about friendships is making me remember something important. There was a certain fairy that used to be my best friend in the world, but one day she went off somewhere and never came back.

She was a special person I considered family and someone I've come to trust as the years went on, but due to status Hecatia-nee would hardly let her near me. She was like the younger sister I never had.

My last memory of her was being sent on an important mission and never came back.... Hardly anyone cared when she permanently left.

...... I wonder if she's in Gensokyo as well? Maybe I could ask some of the locals-

??? : " Well well~ If it isn't Coo-chan! I never thought I would see you here of all places, OH WHAT HAPPY TIMES AHEAD~!"

*FLEW!* *HUG!*

Cooler : " Oof!? My word who exactly is hugging my back so tightly?"

Kogasa : " Cooler-kun what's wrong- EEEEK! It's that crazy fairy again!?"

Being confused by Kogasa's words apparently there was a fairy latching itself on my back, but as soon as I heard the word crazy... I knew someone of that particular method.

As I began too slowing shift my head towards the unknown winged individual, I caught a glimpse of a jester's hat on top of the fairy's head. Finally as the gears in my head began turning, I've realized the person who was on my back


It was none other than my dearest friend Clownpiece, the fairy from hell and my first friend I've come to cherish over the years.

Cooler : " My word Clownpiece is that you? Good heavens it's been ages since the last time I saw you, who would of thought you'd be in Gensokyo."

Clownpiece : " *affectionate hugging has increased~* Coo-chan still remembers me? Hooray I'm so happy you've noticed me at first sight, it's surely has been too long- Wait how are you even here anyway?"

Cooler : " Well at first I stumbled upon this world by complete accident and now I permanently live here. Thanks to Hecatia-nee I've been given a chance to stay in Gensokyo.... However mother wasn't too pleased with the idea."

Clownpiece : " Really? As expected of Master's Friend, she likes to spoil the fun for others. But who cares about that, right now Coo-chan is here and Master's Friend can't chase me away from you~"

Cooler : " I don't understand what you mean exactly but that's funny, Clownpiece you're such a comedian~"

Clownpiece : " Hihihihi Coo-chan~ Coo-chan hihihihi~ He's so cute and sweet~"

My goodness what a grand turn of events, never my wildest dreams Clownpiece would be in Gensokyo all this. I wonder if Hecatia-nee already knew of this information about her being here.

Hmmmmm? Perhaps I should ask her, I'm sure asking about her disappearance wouldn't cause any problems and I'm curious of the strange event myself.

What could possibly go wrong~

Cooler : " Excuse me Clownpiece but I was wondering, why did you-"


Before we could continue our beloved reunion of friendship, Kogasa suddenly shouted towards our direction and by looking at her line of sight, it was directly aimed at Clownpiece.

Clownpiece : " (mumble) Eh whose this weirdo? Why is she near my Coo-chan..... I'm gonna investigate this hussy for information~!"

Cooler : " I beg your pardon-"

As I was about to say something Clownpiece flew off my back and was already in front of Kogasa, tilting her in curiosity and mischief.

Oh goodness this might not end well......

Clownpiece : " Huh? Are you speaking to me? Hey Coo-chan whose this eggplant standing next to you, she looks like a big dummy."

Kogasa : " E-E-Eggplant!? I'll have you know my umbrella's color choice is far unique than most boring umbrellas, my previous owner was just too retarded to understand proper value."

Cooler : " That sounds a bit too personal to say out loud my dear Kogasa-chan....."

Clownpiece : " Oh come on that shabby umbrella is unique? Please don't make me laugh, I bet you're the reason why your previous owner abandoned you. Old, Bland and Boring to truly understand style."

Kogasa : " Wh-What how could you-!? Grrrrr! You're quite a sour fairy aren't you! No wonder no one hangs out with the likes of you! You're clearly a demented freak show in a form of a fairy!"

Clownpiece : " F-Freak show..... Did you just call me a freak......"

Uh oh well this is gonna end badly if I don't do something immediately! By using the power of friendship, I'll be able to solve the problem in a second.

Cooler : " Ladies there's no need too lash at each other's throats, why don't we calm down and-"

Kogasa : " And you look like an absolute Clown as well, you honestly think people will like if you dress that way."

Cooler : " K-Kogasa-chan please don't say harsh words towards Clownpiece, she's very fragile-"

Kogasa : " No don't defend her Cooler-kun she deserves it! Did you know she drove a man in the Human Village into sucide! She made him cut open his own stomach in front of his wife and child!"

Clownpiece : " N-No I didn't mean to do that, i-it was a harmless prank is all-"

Kogasa : " Oh really? Then what about the time you shoved an innocent woman off a cliff, or that other time you stole some old man's walking stick and pushed him down the stairs of the Hakurei Shrine!"

Kogasa : " Because of you Reimu has become more aggressive too us yokai! Do you have any idea how it feels to have some shrine maiden attack you outta nowhere! IT'S CRAZY AND SCARY!!!"

Cooler : " My word is this true Clownpiece? Did you really hurt so many people while living here???"

Clownpiece : " N-No of course not Coo-chan! I would never hurt anybody honest, sure I play tons of pranks on people b-but they're completely harmless!"

Clownpiece : " I haven't seen you for so long and now this eggplant is making our reunion horrible, please send her somewhere else!"

Kogasa : " You're still calling me an eggplant!? That's it I'm gonna.... Well I don't what I'm gonna do, but it will be dangerous!"

Kogasa : " Don't listen to her anymore Cooler-kun! Let's just leave and be on our way already, a rude fairy like her doesn't need our company."

Clownpiece : " C-Coo-chan you're not really going to leave me here r-right? Y-You're not gonna throw me away like L-Lady Hecatia right?? Hey has Master been doing lately, d-does she miss me??? Hey Coo-chan please say something my heart is feeling s-sad....."


Oh pickles in a jar this is quite the conundrum I've put myself in, truly this is gonna be a long tiresome night. I thought the problem wouldn't escalate further, but I was wrong in my conclusion to this cruel conversation.

But what am I supposed to do now? All of those strange stories about don't sound true in my opinion, however she is a well known prankster in Hell. Maybe Kogasa is just upset and is lashing out her frustrations.... Perhaps the stories might be true.

Goodness I'm not well equipped for situations like these, normally I would avoid them and Hecatia-nee dealt with it instead. But she isn't here nor mother, so it's up to me too do something.

Cooler : " O-Ok I can see tension is currently rising quickly between the two of you, so perhaps we should take-"

Clownpiece : " Coo-chan just chase her away! She's mean, cruel and she's an eggplant! A big bully who tells lies and picks on innocent fairies like myself!"

Clownpiece : " And the fact you're clinging too him like a creepy stalker! A depressed loser like you should just kill themselves, our precious oxygen is being tainted by your presence~"

Kogasa : " Wh-What!?"

Cooler : " Clownpiece! Don't say something so offensive like that, death is a serious matter! Just yesterday a man hanged himself because his love confession was rejected by the Moriya Shrine maiden. It was quite depressing, so please don't say those wor-"

Kogasa : " Kill myself? No you should kill yourself! You freaky fairy bitch, I'M GONNA SMACK YOU IN THE FACE!!!"

Cooler : " No don't do that!? P-Please let's not use the acts of violence against each other, w-why don't we have a decent conversation-"

Clownpiece : " Oh wise eggplant ay~ You really think you could defeat a hell fairy like myself in battle, I'll have you know the Lunar Capital still considers me a major threat~"

A major threat?- Oh yes we began an invasion on the Lunar Capital in search of a lady named Chang'e I believe. Thankfully it came to an end of course, however the Moon King himself wasn't pleased with the idea of attack.....

Luckily I baked cookies on that day and sent it as a truce between our forces..... Surprisingly he accepted the offer and ate all of the cookies. Mr Tsukuyomi is a nice man indeed~

And to make it deal even better he offered me free citizenship in the Lunar Capital- Oh for heaven's sake I'm getting off the rails in my thought process! I need to focus on the main problem here and fast.

If only my dear friend (Y/N) was here he would know what to do, however he isn't here and I'm getting scared of the outcome of this fight about to commence!

Kogasa : " (begins to pull out some spellcards) So you're still calling a ugly eggplant huh!? Th-Then prepare yourself for a danmaku battle against me, you have no chances of winning."


Clownpiece : " (lowkey equipped a torch, bringing fire to a card fight~) Oh so you're really going through with this then, I gotta say you've got some guts! I'M GONNA SHOW HOW SCARY A FAIRY FROM HELL CAN REALLY BE!!!"


OH MY GOODNESS IT'S PANIC TIME!? They really are going to to fight each other just when a reunion of friendship had began, it's definitely going to spiral out of control due to the unnecessary malicious intent in the air.

Oh biscuit crackers what in the world am I gonna do know! P-Perhaps I should use a bit of my abilities too halt their aggression, but the last time I engaged in combat.... I vaporized someone..... There was nothing left of them.... Only the remains of dust.

I-If only I could use some type of non-lethal strategy, however I'm not well aware of the spell card rules so I might accidentally hurt one of them in the process!

Curses! Please don't let this outcome commence in bloodshed-!

??? : " Hey what's going on over here, I can hear all sorts of vulgar shouts and malice across the entire forest- Oh Cooler-san what a suprise too see you in this place."

Cooler : " E-Eh?"

Kogasa : " What? Who's voice is that-E-EEK! OH NO IT'S YOU!?"

Clownpiece : " Huh? What's the matter eggplant, why are you freaking out- E-EEEEP!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! Y-YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE- H-HOW ARE YOU HERE!?!?"

Yep instantly breaking up the fight that put an ease too my soul, another fellow individual had entered into the area. However this person was quite the small one indeed, but had certain charms too make them stand out.

Wearing a lovely black and red dress with a beautiful frilly design, while blonde hair and blue eyes to match the perfect complexion.

This young lady was a doll. A doll capable of creating of various poisons across this fantasy land and a hateful grudge against humans.

This was young Medicine Melancholy, another dear friend I've made during my time in Gensokyo.

Medicine : " Hey what's going on here and why are you two glaring at each other? Are you two idiots causing trouble for Cooler-san."

Kogasa : " N-No not in the slightest! We're just enjoying a peaceful walk through the forest is all, b-but I'm afraid we got a little too personal with our conversation earlier!"

Clownpiece : " Y-Yeah you see Coo-chan and I go way back, so I was just happy to see him again. W-We're not causing trouble for anyone Miss Genocidal- I-I mean Miss Melancholy!"

My word is Clownpiece getting scared of Medicine? Normally she wouldn't be scared of anything or anyone, even if you're a powerful God of some kind. But too get frightened by a kind girl like her... I don't quite understand.

Yes I've heard rumors in the Human Village circling around my dear doll friend, claiming she was a murderous manaic who enjoyed killing and torturing humans... Sometimes even poisoning other yokai for fun.

So being curious of those little tales, I've decided to investigate the so called mysteries of the murderous doll myself, but it turned out to be false in the end.

Medicine was just a lonely girl seeking for some friends, however due to the rumors about her it never came true. So using my friendly powers of friendship, I managed to befriend the little doll and we became close friends in a few days.

She's a sweet girl and the fact she adores hugging me affectionately. Everytime I visit her home she would sprint towards me at a rapid speed and instantly wrap her small arms around my waist, I guess she really enjoys cuddling.

Medecine : " C-Coo-chan, did you just call him- Never mind.... So the jester actually made proper friends and not another prankster, I'm actually impressed since those Faries of Light are troublesome kids."

Clownpiece : " H-Hey you look like a kid yourself, what makes you so mature than me-!"

Medicine : " Well because I'm a proper adult after all~ My body may look childish, but my mind and soul are completely mature beyond your understanding fairy."

Medicine : " So if you're wondering whose the child in this scenario, it's obviously you simpleton. I can hardly believe you'll be a proper woman in the future."

Clownpiece : " (gets hit in the personal feels) G-GAH!?!?"


Upon saying those words, I'm afraid my dearest Clownpiece was affected by them so much... She flopped straight into the ground, unable to even comprehend the insult.

Goodness the power of words is stronger than action, we really do live in depressive times or perhaps we're just bored.

Medecine : " (looks towards our dearest umbrella) And now you umbrella yokai, what exactly are you trying to achieve with spending time with Cooler-san, you know very well he's a busy man."

Cooler : " (points at himself) Wait I'm a busy man?"

Kogasa : " W-Well Cooler-kun was walking through the forest by himself, s-so I wanted to join him-"

Medicine : " Well aren't you desperate~ You're obliviously following him all over the damn place like a deranged stalker, the dancer in the Human Village is already one and we don't need another."

Kogasa : " S-S-Stalker!? I would never stalk someone, let alone my friend-!"

Medicine : " You're lying. Just by looking straight into your eyes, you've been watching him for two weeks now. I never thought your could stoop this low and stalk someone like a creep, I can see why your previous owner threw you away."

Kogasa : " (emotional damage~) G-Geh!? H-How could you say something so h-horrible...."

Medicine : " I'm merely stating facts and nothing more, the doctor of Eientei knows very well that I'm able to detect such nonsense in desperate situations. Not too mention your creepy nature is effecting my friend Cooler-san and I don't appreciate it at all."

Medicine : " (a cruel sweet smile) Now then since our business is finished, would you kindly get out of my sight immediately Miss Eggplant~"

Kogasa : " Y-You called- Y-You said eggplant- W-Why are you- B-But I didn't do anything- UWAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAA!!!!!"

After being insulted and emotionally damaged too a painful extent, Kogasa instantly bolted from the area. Crying her eyes out and her wailing spreading across the forest however Clownpiece was still here.... But not for long I suppose.

I would be against this verbal abuse, however it was the only way too stop the fight, if dear Medicine didn't show... I would have to use my other 'method' of stopping it.

Clownpiece : " W-Wow you really sent her crying huh..... Hey Coo-chan I gotta go before that doll does something, if you ever wanna visit me I live at the Hakurei Shrine. It'll be great if we spend time together one of the days."

Cooler : " I see.... Very well I'll make some preparations when we do meet again. Honestly it's great seeing you again Clownpiece, please do travel safely home."

Clownpiece : " Y-Yeah you too hehehehe.... See you around Coo-chan..... Welcome to Gensokyo by the way....."

Flapping her wings Clownpiece began to fly off into the dark sky, probably returning back to her home. But I still couldn't comprehend why she was in Gensokyo? Did Hecatia-nee really banish her to this place, but that's impossible because she loves Clownpiece very much.... Unless mother chased her away.... Again.

Huuuuuuuuh~ So many questions such little answers, but at least no one got hurt this evening... Well they didn't get physically hurt though. Well it doesn't matter at all, now I believe I should thank my dearest doll.

Cooler : " Whew~ That was a close one indeed, thank you for the assistance dear Medicine. I really thought this troublesome situation was gonna continue on."

Medicine : " (folds her arms and blushes, a certified tsundere moment) W-Well of course I'll help you silly boy, you know very well that walking around this late at night can be dangerous."

Cooler : " I suppose you're right, but what exactly brings you all the way out- My goodness were you planning on a superise visit to my home~"

Medicine : " (the blushing continues) W-W-What!? Don't be ridiculous the only reason I'm in the forest is because- I w-was- BORED! Yes I was so bored out of my mind I've decided to pay you a visit to um uh......."

Fumbling her words a bit and her expression becoming embarrassed, I couldn't help but feel amused by her reaction. She really is a nice girl even though her mannerisms towards others are toxic, her heart is full of kindness to those she cares about.

In all honesty this genocidal doll nonsense is absolute false rumors spread by very biased people, but I'm afraid that's what the world is these days. It's quite saddening too the heart.

Cooler : " Sure whatever pops into your thoughts my dear Medicine~ Since you've made it so far from your home and the nightly stroll coming to an end, how about you join me for some tea. You must be exhausted and nothings better than some refreshments."

Medicine : " H-Huh? Oh tea.... Sure I'll love to have a cup with... Hopefully I'm not disturbing you in anyway-"

Cooler : " Please don't speak such nonsense, your company is most welcomed. So why don't we head off before it gets any late this fine night."

Medicine : "....... Y-Yeah let's go... Thank you for your hospitality as usual Cooler-san.... Your such a kind and loving man."

Cooler : " Hehehehe my mother says the exact same thing, Well then dear Medicine why don't we be on our way now~"

Giving a small nod to my proposal Medicine and I began to walk back too my home, with her trailing behind me as I graciously led the path.

Oh boy this was one crazy evening event, but at the end of all of it I managed to see one of my old friends again. Surely Clownpiece will show me around this Hakurei Shrine and maybe my beloved dear (Y/N) could join us.

Goodness I'm getting too excited it's making my tail wagging in pure happiness, yet it feels I shouldn't get my hopes up.... Ohohohoho I can't wait to see the results this amazing week.



Medicine : " As expected of Cooler-san... Being kind to complete strangers..... Even if they have a bad history..... He'll still befriend people knowing very well of the consequences......"


Medicine : " He's such a keeper~ Truly wonderful man I had ever seen in my entire life and the fact he's sees me as a close friend, what gift he is in Gensokyo~"

Medicine : " Please do continue too shower my sinful existence with more of that beautiful love.... Cooler-kun~♡"



To Be Continued



~meanwhile a certain Fortune-Teller was nearby enjoying the fresh air of being alive~

??? POV


Magnificent.... I never thought there would be another male yokai with proper tone and radiating amazing power. That same power that's capable of plunging Gensokyo into utter chaos and destruction.

But he seems like a genuine kind person, certainly his aura reads nothing more than being a gentleman. Finally we have a yokai with proper knowledge of their surroundings.

Hopefully we meet each other soon, because this new yokai might be my inspiration for the new book I'm writing.... Yet if only the Hakurei Shrine Maiden would leave me to my own business.

The troubles of transforming into a yokai is certainly a tricky one, but I welcome it with experience and motivation!


??? : " I am nothing more than an ordinary Fortune-Teller who've turned himself into a yokai, in hopes too achieve a peaceful life. Cooler-dono..... Let us meet in the future!"


To Be Continued



Till next time my audience

Now playing ending song......



I just realized anyone would go at each other's throats in this Touhou Universe... What a Brain Rotting World to live in benevolent sweet harmony~

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