Amphibia x Y/n insert

By Goth-Sneezy

966 24 5

Re-Write, slow updates. Y/n L/n is best friends with Anne boonchuy, Marcy wuu and sasha waybright. They are a... More

Character Introduction
Anne, Y/n or beast?
Best fronds
Cane Crazy.
Hop luck
Steak out

Blood, sweat and tears.

70 2 0
By Goth-Sneezy

It was a sunny enough day at Amphibia, in front of the Plantars house I was in the shade reading a book, listening to music through there headphones and phone, beside me, Anne and sprig were playing a game simular to tenis. I looked at the two and smiled, Me and Anne havent been in Amphibia long but Im enjoying the peace and quite for now, along with some water and snacks beside me. 

"You ready" Sprig asked Anne, opposite of her watching her practice swinging her racket around. "You set em' up ill knock em' down!" She replied, determend to hit whatever sprig would bring at her. "Okay" Sprig then dug underground, while Anne was waiting. "Come on! Come on!." She impatiantly said to no one but herself. "Coming at ya'" Sprig cheered, popping up his hand from the ground with a fly, scrunched in a ball, he threw it at Anne. "Backhand!" She backhands the fly as it hit her racket, making it fly away. Sprig pops up from out the ground, "Nice swing" He complimented. "Yea Anne good job!" I let out, with a small cheer, pulling my headphones away from my ears watching. "Thanks, i was on varsity" I Smiled. "I have no idea what that means." Sprig said, while i walked over, then we proceded to do our trio handshake. Wally, the blue frog from before came round the corner playing his concertina. "A frog child and two monsters from the woods getting along? So unnatural" He then played his instroment in a unusual note.

"Ofcourse we get along Sprig, Y/n and Anne"
"Anne, Y/n and sprig"
"Y/n, Sprig and anne"

"Spray/nnne against the world!" We all said at the same time. 

"Disgusting" Wally said, walking off, still playing his concertina. 

Then we all heard a familiar scream. "Was that HopHop?" Anne Asked. "It sounds like he's in trouble!? Were comin' HopHop!!!!" We all ran inside, His screams came from the basement..? Either way we ran throught the door and immediatly stopped on the stairs. "Whoa? What happened in here?" I asked, there was water everywhere, it was flooded. "Sprig went closer too the water. "HopHop?" HopHop Came out the water making sprig back up and let ut a small scream, Hophop gased for air and looked at us. "Stay Back!!" He screamed, "Darned burrow bugs, must have chewed the water plugs." I sighed. "Our room! Our stuff!!" Anne paniked. "NO. my stuff." I cried (not literally). HopHop then put our bags on the stairs and I sighed, luckily I kept all my stuff together, in my bag, meanwhile Anne left her stuff..out. "Dont worry Anne, Y/n I saved your stuff, Exept your beds.  And your blankets.  And your pillows, pencils, t-shirt, pencils, and Y/n's hoodie." I groaned and looked at Anne. "Just how long till our rooms fixed." Anne whined. "Well we gotta find the leak, then patch it up good." HopHop shrugged. Sprig immediatly asked, interupting our talk, "Let me help!" "Oh no ya dont, this heres river water. No telling what creepy critters are crawling around" Hophop ordered, while saying that a river lamprey reveals its eyes above water and then swims again.

"So were are we going to sleep" I ask, needing to know were we are going to stay. "Well the living room aint no place, but the couch is comfy." I shrugged, better then nothing. Immediatly after that is said, sprig waves his tounge around me and anne. "UH hello, Anne and Y/n can bunk with me in my room how fun would that be?" I smile. "Roomates? Heck yea." we all bump are fists together. "I don't know. Bein' friends is one thing, but three roommates? You and y/n somehow do it but all three of ya? Ya think ya know someone until they're in your space and you're in theirs, and ya can't stand how they whistle all the time, and they complain whenever ya clean your web crusties out." He started yelling, "Yes, I have to do it in our room! It has the best lighting!" After a second he started again. "My point is--" He was about to continue, but saw that Anne and sprig had left, I was still there listening, I found this intresting. "And they're gone. Mark my words though. No good will come of this. No good at all." He then sunk back into the water. I shrugged, picked up my bag and left to sprigs room.

Sprig opened his room door, "here we have it!" Sprig smiled. "whoa...Awsome digs sprig" Anne looked around. "cool dude." I went to find a corner to hybernate in, while Sprig gave Anne a tour, I was listening though. Then a pillow fight starts, that lasts for a while. "Its fun cause it doesnt hurt... Ow" Sprig swings one of his pillow and nearly hits his action figure. "Oops im just going to move Captian BogBreath safley over here." Sprig says, putting it to a safe place. "Yea, gotta keep the doll out of harms way- oof" Anne says befre getting hit by my pillow.

Night one.

"So sprig, Y/n would you rather sweat melted cheese or always smell like skunk?" Anne asked, tucked in bed next to me, she sometimes does this so i dont mind. "(your answer idk)" I say. "Uh, sweat melted cheese. Frogs don't sweat, so I'd be cheese-free" I smile. "Frogs don't sweat? Uh, jealous! Okay, next question. Sprig? " She stops and looks over to him. "Psst! Sprig? Sprig? Sprig? Sprig, Sprig, Sprig. Hey, Sprig!"She grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, waking him up. "You awake?" She asks. "Oh, yeah, totally" He lied, she woke him up. "Psst you two, im going to sleep keep it down, night" I say ignoring the rest of there convisation. "Night Y/n" "night". "Okay, good. So, next question." 

Later At midnight, Anne began sweating. "Mhm. Uh! Melting." She opened the window and sighed of relief. "Ahh. better." Sprig wakes up, freezing cold and goes over to shut the window. "brrrrh freezing" He shut the window and went back to sleep. Anne saw and glared at him.

The next morning, HopHop kicks sprigs bedroom door open while carrying polly. "Rise n shine! Sleepyeads! Ya missed breakfast!" He said. Anne groaned, shuving her face deaper in her pillow. "Go awayyy" She groaned. Polly hopped onto sprig and looked at him confused. "First time ive ever seen you sleep in so late, what gives?" She asked. "I froze solid in the night and finally just thawed" He unfreezed himself and streched. "What? It was like a swamp sauna in here. Maybe Sprig just needs another blanket." Anne remarked. "Or maybe Anne needs fewer blankets." He groaned. "Idk about you guys but i slept fine." I shrugged, i was used to a cold house, do to no heating through winter, and used to warm weather, cause i have the hottest room in the house, and my window is broken, so you get used to it, i yawned, and streched. "Y'know, the couch is still free in case there's trouble in paradise." HopHop smiled. "No way. Pshhh, its no trouble." Sprig horriblely lied. "Yeah. We're the best three roommates in the history of roommates." Anne smirked, proudly. "Spray/nnne against the world!" I smiled, I was still being inclued even though I was doing nothing. They walked to the exit, me following. "After you two best roomies." Sprig moved his way out of the door letting us through first. "Why thank you also best roomie" Me and Anne said at the same times, we let out small laughs together, while we all walked down stairs. "Hmm." Hophop hummed doubtfully. "They're gonna eat each other alive." Polly said. "Oh, absolutely." Hophop agreed.

Night two.

Anne turns on the light and grabs some snacks grabbing her book and starts to snack loudly, Y/n was unbothered like always and went to sleep, sprig on the other hand sprig turned to face the wall and uses a pillow to cover his ears, agitated.

Night three.

Sprig falls asleep, croaking every now and then not only bothering Anne, but even Y/n, Y/n grabs there pillow and blanket and move to the couch, and comes back at six, to make it look like there still best roomies.

Night four.

Anne and sprig take turns closing and opening the window, while y/n hides under there blanket and sleeps.

Night five.

Anne turns on the light to do something and sprig 'growls'.

Night six.

Sprig throughs his wet towel on Anne and Y/n, then they both see him cleainig his web crusties, they both shudder disgusted.

Night eight.

Y/n stays up all night, watching a show on a high voloume, annoying both Anne and Sprig while they snack and laugh, every now and then.

Night ten.

Anne picks up her and y/n's clothes but steps on a rollerskate and falls. The roller skate goes flying and hits y/n on there head, waking them up from there nap, agitated they through it across the room, The rollerskate hits the wall and almost drop Sprig's action figure until he catches it. The three look each other and laugh awkwardly.

"is that my shirt?" She asks sprig, Who was definitely wearing her shirt.

Night eleven.

Y/n's orginizes there part of the room, moving all rubish on to Anne and Sprig's side while there doing there part, While Looking through there stuff, they notice stuff missing, before finishing, they go to the bathroom. Anne and Sprig walk when y/n is gone and move all there trash back to there side, making a mess, then do there thing, Y/n walks in and notices, angrily grabs there stuff moves it further away from everyone else along with there bed and led there, aggitated.

The next morning, after night eleven.

At Anne and Y/n's room, Hophop is still looking for the leak. Sprig opens the back doors, "Hey Hophop how much longer, ya think? Tonight?" Spig asks hopefully. "Not a chance." "Oh! Let me help! let me help! You know my underwater sight is better than yours. Eh? Eh?" He hopefully begged. "That's a bunch of malarkey! My eyesight's fine!" Hoppop pauses. "Who's that, Sprig? Anyway, don't you have chores to do?." He declined. Sprig groans and leaves, but not even a minute later anne comes, "Hey, Hop Pop, what's the ETA on things down here? Not that I'm in a hurry to move back in or whatever." Anne asked, acting nothing but odd, Hoppop Glares at her. "What? I'm just curious. A girl can't ask about her flooded makeshift bedroom without getting grilled? Sheesh." She backed away and left. A while later, I Went in . "Hey hoppop, when do you think I can move back in down here, I cant sleep in there anymore, and I miss this room to be honest." I sigh, rubbing my back. "Look, I dont know when, but ill try hurry it up, thats all I can do, Im still looking for that dang leak." He then looked away and sunk back down into the water. "damn it." I groaned.

That night, Sprig Y/n and Anne enter sprigs room, Sprig scoffed and yawned. "Wow, What a long day. Goin' straight to bed if i can uh, get there without tripping over all these dirty clothes, and rubbish." He groaned, hinting he wanted them off the floor. "I think its the wet towels on the floor that will get in your way." Anne shot back, walking over to her bed area. "I think i can leave my towels on the floor of my room" Sprig muttered. "What was that?" Anne looked at sprig. "Oh! Nothing, best roomie's anyways good night." Sprig lied, going to sleep, immedietly. "Hmph." Anne then goes through her photos with Sprig and Y/n and chuckles at each of them. "Oh. Hey, Sprig, Y/n, would you rather have a splinter you could never get out or get bit by a giant mosquito once a day forever?" Anne asked, but sprig and I still annoyed, just groan and ignores her. Anne then grabs a pillow and aproches sprig. "Hey sprig" "What Anne?" "Pillow fight!" She said exitedly, I turned around to see what was going on. "No! Wait, stop Aaahh!" He dodges, but accidently hits his action figure and breaks it apart. "Oh, no! Y-Your doll-- Uh, I mean, action figure" She paused.. "Sprany/nne against the world. Right?" She weakly cheered, guilt filling her.


"I have to go to the bathroom." He said with no emotion, staring at her while walking out. "How is it still hot in here?!" She complained.

Sprig entered Y/n's and Anne's room and goes underwater to search for the leak, then after a while Y/n and Anne go into the water to find the leak aswell. They all come up for air at the same time, and groan. "Where is that darn leak?" I complain. "It has to be around here somewhere." Anne blinks. "I know right!" Came from behind us, which was reconised as sprigs, we turned around to look at each other and sprig and anne gasped. "What are you doing here?" Sprig angrily asks. "I was uh,uh, Nightime swim, what about you huh?" Anne then points her finger at him. "Nightime swim, aswel..." He lied using her excuse. At the same till they both accused each other of fixxing the leak, which I, said yes to, I wasnt going to lie but they kept blamming each other. "And you just couldn't wait to get rid of me! If you wanted me gone, you should have just said so-- Aah"In the middle of Anne's sentence of the argument, she was pulled underwater. "Anne?!?!" I Yelled. "ANNE?" Sprig woridly, also got pulled under water, I swam under to help them, I pulled the lamprey who was holding annes neck, and anne swam to the serface, I turned to check on sprig to see he had gotten, free and swam up. "Lampreys What are we gonna do?" Sprig panicked, I looked around and saw the bed and pillows and got a brilliant idea. "Hey Sprig, anne.. You set em' up..." I pushed the pillows over to them. "You knock em' down!" They picked up the pillows, sprig swim under and distracts them, while Sprig and y/n attack them from above. Anne goes over, standing on the floating bed. "Backhand!" She yelled. "Had enough river losers?" I threatend. "Theres more where that came from" Sprig added. The lampreys dig under water, leaving, the water sucks up throught the floor leaving a big hole. "What in the hecks goin' on down her?!?" Hoppop shouts bargin in to the basement room. "Some of us are trying to sleep!!" Polly screamed. "Oh, uh hi hoppop" Anne greeted. "So all of you doin that roomate thing didnt work out did it?" He asked. Me, anne and sprig sigh, "Not really". "I just couldn't live with him! The wet towels, the heat, the humidity. The web crusties" "It felt like my house" y/n shrugged. "The loud snacking. The freezing cold. Lights on at all hours. Guess Sprany/nne really is a bust.." "yeah" Anne mumbled. "Why? Because you're finally talking? Sharing a room doesn't make you friends. Being honest with each other does. In fact, if you ask me, you're better friends now than you were before." The three smiled. "Aw, how sweet. So where's Anne and Y/n gonna sleep then? Not with me. My bucket's for one."


Me and Anne decided to share the couch, it was a little cramped but good enough.

"night Anne."

"Goodnight Y/n"


this took to long that enough for me.

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