What If? Year 2

By Geekygirl9

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Marigold Potter is back for her 2nd year at Hogwarts. She technically a third year, after passing all of her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 21

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By Geekygirl9

I get snapped back to the present. Mari and Regulus are smiling as I slowly take my hands from theirs.
"I didn't want to overwhelm you again," Regulus tells me as he helps me up, "You should get to bed. You have a big day tomorrow." I nod and give him another hug.
"I'll come see you guys soon," I say to both of them, "But probably not tomorrow night. I've got Cedric's birthday."
"Don't do anything we wouldn't do," Mari calls after me as I go back up the tunnel.

In the morning, I get ready in the peaceful early hours. Butterflies dance in my stomach as I dress in my robes and pull up my long hair. I exit the bathroom, continuing to braid my hair down to my chest.
"Morning, Goldie," Hermione says, as she walks by me into the bathroom. I nod and continue to my dorm. I quickly check the clock on the wall before going to wake my dormmates.
"Time to get up!" I shout, throwing a pillow onto Ara. I gently shake Heather, who sits up right away. Ginny only needs her blankets ripped from her to wake up. Ara simply lays on her bed with the pillow on her face.
"Ara!" I sing, shaking her shoulder, "Come on! We gotta get ready."
"I'd rather be smothered than get up," Ara complains, as I stack another pillow onto her. Ginny giggles and takes the pillows from off her bed.
"That could be arranged," she tells Ara, throwing her pillows on Ara also. Heather joins in, stacking her pillows on too.
"Just tell Minnie that I couldn't get up," Ara sighs, trying to move her arms from under the pillows, "Why are your pillows so heavy?"
"I guess we'll just have to make you sit with a random kid in every class," Ginny teases, causing Ara to shoot out from her bed.
"I'm up!" she shouts, as pillows fly everywhere, "I'll be ready in ten minutes." We all giggle at her as she grabs her uniform.
"I'll see you guys downstairs," I tell them, packing up my book in my bag, "Cedric and I are having breakfast together, but once we're done, I'll come sit with you." Heather and Ginny nod. I get down to the Great Hall to find Cedric sitting by himself, waiting.
"Happy birthday, love," I tell him, after setting my bag down and throwing my arms around him. He tilts his head to kiss my cheek.
"Thank you, love," he answers, "I honestly thought you'd be here earlier." I sigh and sit down besides him with my bag on the table.
"Ara was refusing to get up," I tell him, "How long were you waiting?"
"Barely even five minutes," he replies, chuckling, "you're so cute." My face turns red as he smirks and pulls a piece of parchment from my bag.
"What are you doing?" I ask, as he pulls out a quill from his own bag.
"Writing you a note for later," he answers, as he starts writing. My pendent swirls with pinks and yellows as a smirk plays at his mouth.
"You're so sweet," I tell him, "it's your birthday and you're giving me something."
"It's just a note, Golds," he replies, throwing his arm around my shoulder.
"I know... sorry, you'll have to wait until dinner for your gift." Cedric smiles and slips the parchment back into my bag.
"Is my gift a kiss?" he whispers, pulling my closer to him. I giggle, trying not to get flustered by his flirting. His pendent screams that I am failing.
"You're such a flirt," I whisper back, "But don't worry. A kiss is just an addition to your gift." Cedric smiles.
"Can't wait," he slides in, as we start to eat. I hear when my three friends enter the hall because not so silent squeals reach my ears. Cedric chuckles and turns and waves at them.
"They're so nosey," I tell him, when he turns to me.
"Don't worry," Cedric says to me as he starts to get up, "I understand that you all are a package deal. Besides... they are rather entertaining." I giggle and sling my bag over my shoulder before we walk over to my friend.
"Hi, Cedric," Ara sings, "Happy birthday, by the way."
"Thank you, Ara,' he replies pleasantly, "Hello, Ginny.. Heather." Ginny and Heather nod as Cedric and I sit down.
"Are you all going to behave?" I ask, "or are we going to have to move again?"
"No, no! We'll behave!" Heather says, "So... Cedric, are you excited for the first day back?" All the girls giggle and I shake my head.
"I do wish it wasn't my birthday," he answers her, "but I'm happy to be around friends... and Goldie of course." He rubs my knee under the table and red rushes to my face.
"Do your friends know about Goldie, Cedric?" Ginny asks, continuing the suspicious questions.
"They know I have a girlfriend," he answers slowly, "and I'm sure they're seen us together... but they haven't met her yet."
"Why not, Cedric?" Ara asks, as I smack my forehead into Cedric's shoulder.
"I wanted to wait for Goldie to feel comfortable enough to meet them... they are kind of a lot." Ara nods and I guess it was the correct answer. A group of kids, with colorful bags and decoration walk into the Great Hall and look around. Cedric ducks and the kids go to the Hufflepuffs table.
"Speak of the devils," he whispers, sitting back up, "Where do they think I am?" I giggle and watch as the kids start to set things up.
"You should go scare them," Ara tells him. Cedric nods and looks at me.
"Do you want to meet my friends?" I smile and take his hand. I leave my bag besides Ara and follow Cedric to his friend.
"What are you all doing?" he asks making all five of them jump.
"Merlin, Cedric!" the only girl shouts at him, "Why would you... why do you enjoy doing that?" Cedric laughs and motions to me.
"Patricia Stimpson... this is Goldie," he tells her, "Goldie, this is Pat... okay, okay! Tricia, she likes to be called Tricia." I reach out my hand for a hand shake, but she pulls me into a hug.
"So this is the lovely girl we keep hearing about!" she exclaims as she lets me go, "Aren't you the girl who skipped a year? Gosh! How did Cedric get you? Has he given you a love potion or something?" I giggle as Cedric pulls me back towards him.
"Tricia!" Cedric complains, "Just because smart girls don't usually like me doesn't mean this one doesn't."
"Of course, Cedric," one of the boys says, as he combs his blonde hair out of his face, "hello, my name is Micah Woodcraft. I must say that I also don't quite understand why you'd sink to Cedric." Cedric hits him and everybody laugh. The three other boys line up behind Micah, all smiling at me.
"Just your names, guys," Cedric scolds them, causing their smiles to fade.
"Yes sir, Mr. Diggory, sir!" The boy next in line teases, "I'm Jack Oakes." The boys move up and very tall freckled boy with strawberry blond hair towards over me.
"Max Sweeting." He nods to me and shuffles behind the last boy. This one was close to my height, which surprised me.
"Allen Broadacre," he says, lowering his head slightly to me. Cedric smiles and pats my shoulder.
"Would you like to sit with us, Goldie?" Tricia asks as the four boys go and sit down.
"N-no,"  I stutter out, silently cursing my nervous habit, "I've got t-to get back to m-my friends... m-maybe some other t-time." She nods and Cedric squeezes me again before letting me go back to my friends.

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