Pastel Dreams (Male Reader x...

By Circling_Circles

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"Don't play for money, Y/N. Play for money once and you'll lose your muse." That's what Y/N's father would al... More

Chapter 1- Misfortune
Chapter 2- Jogging With Cornets
Chapter 3- Kendo, Rabbits, and a Childhood Actress
Chapter 4- In The Rain With an Idol!
Chapter 5- Kinship and Kidnapping
Chapter 6- Lights! Action!
Chapter 7- What is Love?
Chapter 8- Reunion
Chapter 9- Samurai From the West
Chapter 11- Fractures
Chapter 12- Returns

Chapter 10- So Long, Pastel Palettes

162 4 0
By Circling_Circles

Hibiki stares at me, his expression a mix of surprise and disbelief at what I just said. As much as he desires to stay with Pastel Palettes, as much I desire to stay with them, I know deep down that it's no longer a viable option. Not if we want to be serious about this concert and our own band from here on out.

"Resign?" He utters, uncertainty visible in his voice. "B-but what about after summer? What about-"

"Hibiki, I'm not sure if we'll have time for Pastel Palettes. Consider this: after this concert, we might be back to performing full time. You remember how busy we were when we were active as a band?"


"I want you to understand, Hibiki. I adore Pastel Palettes, and I always will. But we have to face reality. It's come to a point where we must choose between supporting our own dreams or theirs."

"Our dream..." He mutters to himself.

"Don't you want to get back up on the stage? Wouldn't it be nice to hang out with everyone once again? Weren't those times so great despite the ups and downs?"

"I want to support our dream." He looks at me in the eyes. "But are you sure that this is the way? Aren't you forgetting the reason we came here in the first place? We came here to experience new things, to have time to step out of the spot light, to get our muse back."

Our muse... We never did get it back. Even when we briefly practiced, it didn't feel like how it used to. It felt as though we were missing a piece of ourselves.

"And what if we just end up on stage and humiliate ourselves?" He continues. "What if we can't do it? What if these people who blackmailed us have some sort of plan to sabotage us? Wouldn't it be better for people to know who we were rather than us making a fool of ourselves in front of thousands of people?"

I stop to consider that for a moment. Would it really be the end of the world if people knew who we were?But... I know that I don't want to sit around anymore. I can't live this life forever.

"You don't want to be on hiatus anymore, don't you?" I ask Hibiki. "Sure, it might not go as we want it to. But I know that there's nothing you want more than for the four of us to be together again. It's the dream that all of us share."

"Dream?" The voice of Sayo's twin sister catches us off guard and I turn to see Hina just standing there. "I've heard Aya talk about dreams, but I don't think I understand."

"H-Hina?! How long have you been standing there for?" I question, taken aback back her sudden appearance.

"Long enough to hear your whole discussion. You should be glad that I already know the secret you two share or that would've been awkward." She laughs to herself.

"Hina, can you get back into the meeting room and finish the meeting with everyone?"

"But it was such an uninteresting meeting. Everyone has been so boring lately."

Boring, huh? Does Hina view Pastel Palettes as something solely to entertain her? Does Hina share the dream that Pastel Palettes has? Does she even have one in general? Hina is such an anomaly to me. I can't wrap my way around her way of thinking.

"Look, Hina." I firmly say. "I think it would be for the best if you were back in there."

It might not actually be the best idea. She did seem to make Aya upset with what she said. But I feel that having the entire band present would be for the best. Hopefully Hina will realize she's wrong about what she said and apologize.

"Hmm..." She thinks to herself for a moment. "Fine, but I'll only do it on one condition."

I feel my heart sink a little. If it was any other member saying they had a condition, I wouldn't be worrying too much. But this is Hina we're talking about.

"What's that?"

"You'll owe me one favor!" A grin works it's way onto her face.

"What would I even do for this favor?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

Whatever this favor is can't be that bad, right?... Please, let it not be bad. I'm so sorry future me, forgive me for what I'm about to do.

"... Fine." I sigh.

"Pinky promise on it."

"I pink promise." I interlock my pinky finger with hers, and we shake on it.

"Great! Now if you go back on your favor, then I can break your pinky. Now let's go back into the meeting."

That's definitely not how pinky promises work, nor do I doubt that Hina could break someone's finger. I'm now really hoping whatever this favor is isn't that bad.

The three of us re-enter the meeting room, and everyone still looks as distressed as they did when Hibiki and I left.

"Sorry about that, we're back." I say as we take our seats again.

"Good timing, I was just about to regard Chisato's scheduling." Nagisa says as if whatever she's about to tell us isn't just going to make everyone feel even worse. "Chisato, I'd like to talk about the movie offer you accepted the other day."

"Chisato, you're going to be in a movie?" Maya gasps.

"Y-yes... However, I still plan on being in the idol show with you..." Chisato responds hesitantly.

"Actually, that's what I'm here to talk to you about." Nagisa says, her expression remaining serious.

"W-wait a second! Are you trying to say that Chisato might not be able to perform with us?" Aya asks, scanning our faces, but we say nothing and avoid eye contact. "Y/N? Hibiki? Why are you two being silent?! Tell me that we'll always be together!"

Don't make this harder than it has to be, Aya...

Now is definitely not the time to tell Aya that I may quit. I don't think I can stand to see her more broken than she is now.

"... We have to take her health into consideration, Aya." I try to find the best words I can. "If she pushes herself too hard and tries to do both, she might end up unable to do either... you have to understand, we must keep your wellbeing in mind."

"I-I don't want to quit Pastel Palettes!" Eve cries out. "I don't want a break from Pastel Palettes either! I want all of us to keep being together!"

"I feel the same way! I-I understand that... arranging our schedules may be difficult, but... I want to stay in the band!" Aya speaks. "I've learned so much from everyone here. They've helped me so many times... I love them. So I want to stay together! Please!"

"We understand that you've all gotten much closer since the band's formation." Nagisa affirms. "However... just because you love Pastel Palettes doesn't mean-"

"Chisato! You love Pastel Palettes too, don't you?" Eve blurts out. "That's why you're here today, isn't it? You came because you want to stay in Pastel Palettes, right?"

Chisato lowers her eyes to the ground, remaining silent, her emotions conflicted and visible on her face.

"... I'll do whatever I must to reach my dreams." Chisato quietly responds, only for the room to be filled with a silence.

"Thank you for sharing, everyone," Nagisa says, standing up. "We now understand how you all feel. Chisato, here is your schedule. Please look it over when you have the time. Thank you all for your time. We hope you understand. You may continue to discuss with Y/N. I have another meeting I must attend."

Just like that, she leaves us, her face showing no emotion. Once she's gone, all eyes turn to me.

"Y/N, you also love Pastel Palettes. As our new producer you won't let us drift apart, right? ... r-right?" Aya asks with a voice full of worry.

"I'll do whatever's best for each of your wellbeing." I respond.

"Y-you're not planning on abandoning us, are you?" Eve joins, her eyes searching for reassurance. "You'll make sure we stay together no matter what, won't you?"

Their gazes feel piercing, and I can feel their fears.I can't let them know what I'm thinking about the future. I'm so sorry everyone, but I'm going to lie.

"Of course." I force a fake smile. "Kyoko doesn't know what she's talking about. She's not part of the band."

As I speak, my eyes lock with Hina. She heard the whole conversation Hibiki and I held outside. Hina could spill it all right now if she wanted to. Maybe I was right. Perhaps it was a mistake bringing her back.

"I did overhear Y/N and Hibiki talking about something interesting in the hallway," Hina starts, her playful smile making me nervous. A cold sweat. I'm at her mercy now. She must see it in my eyes. They beg for her not to spill that I'm thinking of quitting just yet.

"They were talking about achieving dreams!" She continues.

"Dreams?" Maya questions. "Like what our dreams are?"

I'm not sure whether or not to be thankful for Hina for that. It seems like the conversation is being dragged away from me and heading towards the topic of dreams. Was it her trying to help me out? Or is she just interested in the topic?

"Dreams... once I joined Pastel Palettes, all those dreams came true! So I don't think dreams are impossible. So, I want to keep achieving my dreams with everyone!" Aya says.

"I agree with Aya!" Eve pitches in. "My dream is to become a samurai... And ever since I became a member of Pastel Palettes, I can feel myself becoming more and more like a samurai!"

"How exactly has being in Pastel Palettes made you feel like more like a samurai?" I ask, entertaining the idea. If we keep on the topic of dreams, then maybe the mood can be brought up.

"Being straight forward with my feelings, never going back on my word, conveying those emotions to those around me... Being in Pastel Palettes and meeting all sorts of people has helped me put these valuable bushido lessons into practice! If I had continued to model all by myself, I don't think my bushido training would be where it is today."

"You've really become someone we can count on, Eve... even if you carry around your wooden katana too much."

"Don't be so judgmental! That wooden katana saved your life, my lord!"

Still going with calling me her lord... It's a little weird, but I don't mind. I still don't think I've ever grown used to being called a producer either.

"I think I'm starting to understand it a little better... So dreams aren't necessarily impossible, huh?" Hina muses. " But what's the difference between a dream and a goal?

"When I lived in Finland, becoming a samurai was just a dream to me. However, I came to Japan and joined Pastel Palettes. There were plenty of tough times, but in those moments, I'd remember the bushido spirit and get past it! So I think they're the same thing. Dreams gradate into goals!"

"Into goals, huh?" Maya thinks for a moment. "I see, so in other words... Becoming a samurai used to be a dream to you, but as you continued your bushido training, becoming a samurai turned into a goal. Is that it?"


"So it's some sort of gradation..." Hina once more looks at me. "I think I get it! Would you let your friend go if it meant that they could graduate their dream into reality?"

I'm not sure if she's referring to Chisato being in a movie or the conversation between Hibiki and I.

"I would!" Hibiki immediately answers. "Or wait... what type of goal is it?"

"I think we're thinking about this too hard." I say. "I think we should all go home and clear our heads. We've all had a long day."

"Maybe you're right. We'll all be meeting up together soon again for practice." Aya looks at each of us. "Right everyone?"

-Two Weeks Later-

Aya was not right, but that's not what's on my mind right now. It's boxes. Once more, my room is full of boxes. Just a few months ago, they were full of my unpacked stuff, now they lay mostly empty as they just sit there. It's time for me to start packing up to bring my belongings back home for the summer.

But have I actually been packing? Well, the boxes would actually have stuff inside if I was. It's due to a combination of procrastination and being busy. Who knew that trying to cram in studying while now being the producer of an idol band would leave me with less time to sleep? I can't say I'm the happiest about that, nor can I say a certain teal-haired classmate is happy about that either.

"Ahem... slept through class again?" I awake from sleeping at my desk to see Sayo with her arms crossed, looking down at me.

"Sorry... Sayo." I yawn, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Today was the last day of the semester. I'll be heading back to the countryside at the end of this weekend. But for now, I've got to realize how bad procrastination comes back to haunt you.

All of our classes our done. It looks like no one woke me up when our final period ended, leaving me in the empty classroom. To be fair, I probably deserved that for sleeping through class again.

"Summer break is starting. It would be for the best if you fix your sleep schedule during then." Sayo lectures. "I'm letting you off the hook for today, but I expect the best from you next semester."

"Yes, ma'am." I lazily raise my arm into a salute.

"And what are you still doing here, Maruyama-san?" Sayo looks over to the desk beside me, and I now see that the three of us are the only ones remaining in the mostly empty class.

"I was waiting for Y/N to wake up, but I got so absorbed in this that I didn't notice how much time had passed." Aya explains, proudly showing us her notebook that she was writing in.

"Aya's dream notebook?" Sayo reads the front of the notebook. "Like in that one movie, Sharkboy and Lavagirl?"

"No, not like that. It's a journal where I write down my goals and dreams. Recently, I realized that if I work hard enough, my dreams will slowly turn into goals as I get closer to achieving them. So I thought I'd try writing them out to organize them."

"Self-reflection, huh? That's very admirable of you. As is making goals based on what you find. Perhaps this is why Hina has been asking me what a dream is..."

"Hina's really asking about that?" I question.

"She keeps asking me about it at home. I figured something must have happened... Is everything alright with Pastel Palettes?"

I hesitate for a moment, considering how much to tell her. Maybe Hina has already told her about what's been going on.

"Well, there have been some challenges." I admit. "Chisato has a movie offer, and it's causing some concerns about her schedule with the band. We're trying to find a solution that makes everyone happy, but it's not easy."

Yep, definitely not telling her about my situation. I'm not getting that personal.

"I see. Well, I hope you can find a resolution that works for everyone. Remember, you have your friends and bandmates to support you. You don't have to shoulder everything on your own."

"That's right! We're all in this together, and we'll find a way to make it work!" Aya chimes in with a smile. "We'll all work together to stay together and achieve our dreams."

Suddenly the smile disappears from her face and she gasps.

"Wait, we have practice after school today. We're going to be late if we don't leave now, Y/N!" Aya quickly packs her things and dashes before we can react.

"Huh?! Maruyama-san, running in the halls is prohibited!" Sayo shouts after Aya, only for Aya to leave before she can finish and shaking her head. "That girl... she's always a handful."

"You've got that right."

"Don't act as though you aren't a handful as well, L/N-san."

"It's only occasionally sleeping in class." I yawn once more. "Where's the harm in that? It's not like I'll need all of this information anyways."

"The knowledge you acquire in all of your classes is immensely valuable. I assume you have a valid reason for appearing in class tired often? Surely you aren't staying up late grinding in a game like Neo Fantasy Online?" She judgmentally raises an eyebrow with her arms crossed. An oddly specific thing to accuse me of.

"Yeah, the combination of work and homework hasn't been the kindest to my sleep schedule. That and I was supposed to be packing up my stuff, but I got sidetracked and stayed up really late."

"Packing up your room? Are you leaving Tokyo so soon?"

"I'll be back... probably. Just dealing with stuff back at home over the summer break."

"Right, I forgot that you're a transfer student."

Before we can talk anymore, the door slams open and Aya is standing there slightly out of breath.

"Y/N! I was almost out of the gate before I realized you weren't with me. We have to head out or we'll be late for practice." She says as she pants.

"I'll see you around, Sayo." I say, walking over to Aya.

"Yeah... I'll see you L/N-san."

"Aww... don't tell me that Sayo is going to miss me~." I tease.

"I-I am not!" She stammers, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink "I-I didn't mean that in a rude way. Forgive me. What I meant was-"

"I understand, but I really need to go. Toodeloo!"

With that, I wave goodbye to Sayo and follow Aya out of the classroom.

"We've got to hurry, practice starts in ten minutes!" She says. "We'll have to run!"

"You really should've just woken me up earlier!" I respond.

"No time to talk about that! Let's go!"

The two of us start running. It kind of reminds me of the first time that we met. How ironic that this could be the last time we're together. We rush through the streets, just hardly making it in time. Exhausted, we arrive at the talent agency. I'm feeling beat, but Aya looks more optimistic and in shape than I am.

"We haven't all been able to practice together since before that meeting a week ago. That left me really worried, but today we'll all be practicing together! Even if it's for a short while. It's got me excited." Aya smiles as we walk in and for the first time in awhile, everyone is present for practice. Everyone looks ready, save for Chisato, who is currently laying on the floor asleep with a blanket over her.

"Everyone, let's do our best today." Aya says, walking in, not noticing Chisato and tripping over her, resulting in her face planting on the ground.

"Aya, are you okay?!" Maya rushes over to her.

"I'm fine... I have to be if we all want to practice." She pulls herself of the ground.

Chisato starts to stir from her sleep and looks up at us.

"Looks like everyone is here." She gets off of the ground already looking ready for practice. "Shall we begin practice right away?"

Did she not notice Aya trip over her? As I look at Chisato's face, I notice how tired she looks. She must be pushing herself to her limits to come here while dealing with her other problems.

Pastel Palettes begins their usual practice. Well, what their practice used to usually look like when they were all available to practice together. They couldn't have been practicing longer than an an hour before Chisato decides it's time for her to step out.

"If I head out now, then I should have an hour to get to the set." Chisato says, already ready to leave.

This is the time to say it. I've held off until the last moment to say it, so it's either now or never.

"Wait just a moment before you go."While we're all still together. Everyone, I have something important to tell you regarding Hibiki and I." I announce to them all. "Chisato, I would appreciate it if you could stay for a few minutes for this."

"I suppose I could." Chisato responds, standing by the door.

"What is it that you want to tell us?" Maya asks.

"As you all know, Echoes of the Abyss is going to be participating in that music competition over the summer. With that only being a few weeks away, we have to practice as much as possible. For that, the two of us will be in our hometown for the summer. I'm still uncertain about what the outcome will be, but it is entirely possible that we may go back to performing full time. Due to that, I cannot guarantee from this point on that I'll have the time to keep being your producer. So, that's why I am officially stepping down as the producer of Pastel Palettes. Hibiki will be leaving the staff for the time being as well." I explain.

The room falls silent as my words sink in. The other members of the group exchange glances, and I can see the concern and disappointment in their eyes. I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I know I must prioritize my responsibilities.

"You can't leave, Y/N! You're an essential part of the band!" Aya rushes over to me and embraces me in a tight hug. "We've achieved so much together, and we can achieve even more. Please, don't go."

"We've become a family, and families stick together through thick and thin. If you need time for the music competition, we understand, but don't leave us, Y/N!" Eve joins in.

"Yeah, you've always been there to help us. Let us be there to help you for once." Maya adds.

"If you want to help me, then allow me to relieve myself from this position." I say. "Me staying would only make things worse for me. I'm sorry, but this decision is final."

"We're going to miss you, Y/N." Chisato says softly. "but I know you're doing what's best for all of us."

"Chisato? You're just letting him leave just like that?!" Aya pleads.

"I don't want him to go... but if we all have a dream, then we should let Y/N achieve his too. I've thought about that conversation we had on the train that day when we went to see Aya in the rain. You told me that eventually I'd have to choose between chasing my dream or your dream." I say.

"You two had a conversation like this?" Aya asks in confusion.

"I'm sorry, my dreams don't lie with Pastel Palettes. You're much bigger than you used to be. You can overcome all of this without me." I force a smile. "I'm sure whoever my replacement will be will be much more qualified for this job than I am anyways. That person will carry you to your dreams."

"B-but we're Pastel Palettes. We have grown together and faced our challenges together. You're an essential part of this family. Don't just think about yourself and leave us just like that! You cant imagine how much you leaving would hurt me and-"

"Stop! Just stop, Aya!" I shout at her. "Do you ever think with your head?! I've said what I said. Stop being so selfish and think about what other people want for once in your life!"

"You don't mean that, Y/N..." Aya says, her eyes starting to get teary.

"Yeah, take that back, Y/N!" Eve joins in. "I mean, I want you back and should support you as a fan, but you're not considering how Aya feels. As a warrior I can't let you act that way to your friend."

"Just stop with your bushido nonsense! Don't you ever feel embarrassed pretending to be a samurai? You're in high school. Grow up." I respond.

A hard slap to the face brings me back to my senses. For a moment, I just stood there stunned. Hina of all people had slapped me and she didn't even look like she fully knew why she did that.

"Huh... so that's how it feels to slap someone." Hina shakes the hand that she slapped me with. "I saw someone do that in a movie once in a similar situation. It hurt more than I though it would."

My eyes drift to everyone. They look shocked by the scene that had just unfolded. But worst of all was Aya's expression. She could hardly hold back tears. She was just upset that I abruptly told her I was leaving and quitting. Not only that, I insulted her.

But in that moment, something else becomes clear to me. Something I should've realized long ago. The way I overheard Aya talk about how I make her feel that day when I went to the Tokyo Tower. The way she's always sticking by my side. The way that Hanne described Aya's attachment to me.

It's not her being upset that a friend is leaving her side. It's her being upset that the person that she is in love with is suddenly leaving and insulted her. I really am the most dense person on the planet.

There are so many things that I can do in this moment, but I choose the dumbest one. I choose the easiest way for me to deal with this. I choose the option that I will probably regret for months to come. I turn around and run out of the building as fast as I can.

I can hear a faint "Y/N, wait!" Come from Maya, but I don't care. I'm not thinking straight. I'm just thinking about how I made everyone feel awful and how I just want to get as far from everyone as possible. I burst out of the front doors and am immediately pelted by heavy rain. I don't care, I hardly process it, I just keep going with no destination in mind.

I keep going... and going... huh... my cardio has gotten really bad. I was probably running for about a minute and now I feel as though I can't run any further. I notice a nearby bench and decide to sit down to hopefully clear my mind. I didn't even care that the rain was starting to come down harder; I just sat there, feeling defeated and lost.

"Damn it..." I mumble to myself, my voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.

I'm really an idiot, aren't I? That was potentially the last time I'd see them for a while, and I really just had to go ahead and make everyone hate me like that. Regret and self-blame weigh heavily on my heart, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that I had messed everything up. I just sat there, staring at the ground, completely drenched by the rain, feeling like I deserved every drop that fell upon me.

Suddenly, an umbrella shielded me from the rain. I looked up to see the figure that was guarding me, and to my surprise, it was none other than the teal-haired member of Hanasakigawa's disciplinary committee.

"You look like crap. Is everything alright, L/N-san?" She asks in her usual stern voice.

"S-Sayo?!" I stammer, taken aback by her presence. Sayo was the last person I'd expect to see right now, especially not offering help.

"What? Is it that big of a surprise to see me outside of school?"

"It's not that... I just... I didn't think you'd bother with someone like me."

Sayo sighs and takes a seat next to me on the bench, her stern demeanor softening slightly.

"It's my duty to look after my fellow students, even outside of school." She pauses for a moment before continuing to speak. "... and because my sister talks about you a lot."

"She does?"

"Yes, she says that she's learned a lot from you and that you're an interesting person." Sayo replies, her eyes scanning the rain-soaked surroundings.

"I think she says that about most people."

"Perhaps, but there's something different when she talks about you. She admires you, you know." Sayo turns to meet my gaze, her eyes showing a hint of warmth. "You've been there for her and her friends when they needed you. You've shown them support, dedication, and understanding. You've been a true friend, and that's something she values deeply."

"I see..." Is all I can muster for a reply.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"The truth is... I was being really dumb and said things that I really shouldn't have. I told them I was resigning and they didn't all take it well. I didn't mean what I said, but it's not like I can just take back anything I said to them."

"I see..." She closes her eyes and contemplates for a moment. "I'm not sure what you said, but you should definitely apologize for your actions. If you're heading back for the summer, then it would be the best for everyone, you included, if you cleared this up before then."

"I'm not sure if they'll want to see me..." I mutter.

"You're loved much more than you know. By Hina and everyone else. You're most likely as hurt as they are by those statements you said. Just remember, communication is key. If you don't tell them you're sorry, then they may not know how hurt you're currently feeling."

"Thanks, Sayo..."

"Now, you'll catch a cold in this weather. Allow me to walk you home." Sayo stands up, trying her best to still keep both of us shielded with the umbrella.

"Truth be told, I don't really feel like going home right now. I'll just be there alone having to pack my things away. I don't think it will make me feel any better."

"Then is there any place you want to be?"

"Not in particular."

"Then perhaps you could tag along with me." She smiles. It's very slight, hardly noticeable at a glance, but it is a smile. "I know we aren't very close, but I suppose a friend of Hina is a friend of mine. Hina and I were planning on watching a movie tonight. Perhaps you'd want to watch it with us? If you are truly leaving soon, then this may be your last chance to apologize and spend time with Hina."

"You don't have to do that, Sayo. I don't want to burden you."

"It's not a burden. I have no problem with you being there."

I suppose this may be the last chance... I probably should go back to the talent agency, but Chisato is probably already gone and I'm not sure if I'm ready to face Aya just yet.

"Fine," I stand up next to her. "I'll go. I might get your home wet though."

We walk together through the rain-drenched streets, sharing the umbrella. As we stroll along, Sayo begins to talk about various things—school, her duties as a disciplinary committee member, and Hina. It was a side of her I hadn't seen before. It's weird. Most of the students of Hanasakigawa are intimidated by her. Heck, even I was. I still am a little. But seeing her now with her act of being profession down, it's something I'll need to get used to.

Finally, we reach their home. It's an apartment that's pretty high up. The view is certainly better than the one I had from the window of my home. I dry off and Sayo warms up French Fries in the microwave for a snack. The two of us sit down on the couch and talk about what movie we should see. But before long, the door to their apartment opens.

"Sayo, I'm home!" Hina calls out as she enters, immediately spotting the two of us chilling on the couch. "Oh, hey Y/N. What are you doing here?"

That's a much better response than I was expecting. Hina always seemed so laidback. Bow that I think about it, I don't know if I've ever seen her angry about anything before.

"Watching a movie I guess."

Sayo elbows me in the gut and shoots me a look.

"A-and... to say that I'm sorry for-"

"You don't need to apologize to me. I should apologize for slapping you in the face. That wasn't boppin."

"You what?!" Sayo exclaims. "Why would you do that? Y/N, I'm so sorry that my sister did that, she-"

"It's fine." I say. "I deserved it."

"You didn't insult me. You should probably apologize to Aya and Eve. They seemed very heartbroken by what you said." Hina says.


"I'm not angry at you. I understand, you have to do what you must for your band. Although it will be boring without you and our new producer won't be as boppin."

"Thanks, I'm just glad that you don't hate me."

"Of course I don't. Now make some room between you two so I can sit between you guys." She says, jumping into the couch before we can even react. "What movie are we watching?"

"What do you feel like watching?" I ask.

"Hmm... maybe..." As she's deep in thought, she suddenly gasps and for the first time, I see Hina look a little panicked.

"I forgot my textbooks back at school!" Hina realizes. "Ah jeez... Haneoka already locked their doors for the summer, so there's only one way to get them back."

Hina shoots a look at Sayo, and I can see Sayo visibly die on the inside, as if she already knows what Hina is about to suggest.

"We're not breaking into-"

"We're breaking into the school!" She puts her hands on her hips and gives us a confident smile. She examines our looks. "What? It's not like it will be hard. Just jump over the fence then we'll be gold! It's not like they have security."

Yup, I should've expected something like this to be her suggestion. At least I'm not getting roped into this.

"And you're both going to help me!" Hina declares.

Never mind. Looks like fate has something else in store for me.

"Absolutely not." Sayo affirms with a stern tone. "Hina, you can't just break into a building. Especially your own school when you're part of the student council. What if you get found out, huh? Then they'll definitely strip you of your position as head of the student council."

"Then we'll just need to make sure not to get caught."

"Why do you say 'we'? I already said I'm not helping you."

"Onee-chan~." Hina whines and hugs Hina. "C'mon, it'll be fun. It will be just like Mission Impossible~."

"No, no matter what you say to try and convince me, I'll not go."

Hina's eyes drift over to me as I watch this scene unfold.

Oh no. Just look away, Y/N. Don't make eye contact. If you don't acknowledge her, then maybe she won't-

"Y/N will be coming with me." Hina lets go of Sayo and traps me in a tight hug. "That means I'll be alone in the dark with a boy. Doesn't that make you a little anxious? Maybe him and I will do something naughty if you aren't there to supervise us~."

"I'm not coming with." I hardly manage to say with her squeezing the life out of me. "Can you please let me go?"

"But remember how you said you owe me a favor?"

I did say that. Past me, go screw yourself.

"I guess I did say that..."

"Yay! See, Sayo, Y/N is coming so you should too."

"I absolutely do not approve of breaking into a school and neither should you. You're part of the student council, Hina. Aren't you supposed to be against activities like this?" Sayo affirms.

"Won't you go against your beliefs for your sweet sister~?"

"I'm sticking with my beliefs."

"Onee-chan~. Please!" Hina pouts.


"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"No means no, Hina. You can't change my mind."

"Hmph... fine." Hina pouts.

"It seems like the two of you should spend some time together anyways. You know, before Y/N leaves for the summer. It's not like I can stop you once you have your mind made up, no matter how much I disagree with you."

"Okay, if it's just Hina and I, then it shouldn't be an issue getting in and out unnoticed." I say.

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try.

"Just the two of us?" Hina laughs. "We'll need more than that."

Don't tell me she's going to rope more people into this...

"We're not putting together-."

"I'm putting together a team." Her devious smile curls even more.

Yup, she would decide to do something like this.

"Do we really need a team for this? It's literally just going into a school to get a book? Wouldn't having fewer people be better for trying not to draw attention?"

"But that's boring~." Hina says. "Tomorrow night we will commence this operation! Oh! That gives me an idea for the movie. Let's watch a Mission Impossible movie!"

Yes, we did end up watching Mission Impossible. I hope it didn't give her any more ideas about getting her text book back. Please, just tell me that someone will just lend theirs to her.

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