By simangoangela23

2.4K 216 1

A man who'd rather hurt his wife with lies than the truth.lets find out how having a secret child destroys hi... More

chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12.
chapter 13.
chapter 14.
chapter 15.
chapter 16.
chapter 17.
chapter 18.
chapter 19.
chapter 20.
chapter 21.
chapter 22.
chapter 23.
chapter 24.
chapter 25.
chapter 26.
chapter 27.
chapter 28.
chapter 29.
chapter 30.
chapter 31.
chapter 32.
chapter 33.
chapter 34.
chapter 35.
chapter 36.
chapter 37.
chapter 38.
chapter 39.
chapter 40.
chapter 41.
chapter 42.
chapter 43.
chapter 44.
chapter 45.
chapter 46.
chapter 47.
chapter 48.
chapter 49.

chapter 50.

85 5 1
By simangoangela23





My cleansing ceremony came after Ngobese's burial.he is really gone and I heard that Ma'ngobese was arrested for Nelisa's dearth.Till to date,I don't understand why she had to kill her daughter.

I finally moved in with Noluthando in her new house.I ended up telling her about the Company and the joy she had can never be explained.Im just glad that things are going well between us.

We are planning on getting married after the child is born ,then move to a new place.

Nolu:Move this side.

She says,we are now 8 months pregnant and I swear if this baby does not come out anytime soon I will die because if she is not crying then she is having crazy cravings or does not want me by her side at all. If this is what pregnancy does to women then I would advise my fellow brothers to not get theirs pregnant.

Nolu:This baby is tiring me,I can't wait for her to get here.

Me:Who said it's a girl?.

Nolu:I can feel it.

We both don't know the gender yet,we decided that we want it to be a surprise.i honestly don't care what the gender is.

Nolu:Do you think your parents will love Me?.

She has been asking me this question for a week now,I don't know how many times I've told her that yes they will.

Me:I think you already know the answer to that question.

Nolu:Babe,I've never been introduced so i don't know how to feel or act.

Me:(Smiled)I guess I'm the special guy.

Nolu:(sighed)That's not the point,will they love Me?...your kids.oh my god your  kids..

Me:(Laughed)Babe just relax Okay.My kids are well mannered,they love anyone who treats them good.I know that caring is in your blood baby so they will love you and guess what,they have been longing to meet you.

Nolu:Really?...oh My god, I'm getting emotional.

There we go again.

Me:Don't cry baby.


The divorce got finalised yesterday and I'm proud to say that it has been a peaceful journey.I am officially free and not married anymore,it feels good I won't lie.

"Are we still on for today?" A text from Zolani.

Well ,there is really nothing much happening between me and him. Except that he has been supportive and understanding through this whole divorce journey.

"Of course "I reply back.

Today is finally the day that I introduce him to mpilo ,as my friend obviously,I will also get to meet his son in a good way. I don't know what the world has for me as a single women but i can't wait for it.


Mbuso read the contract for the last time through before signing each and every single page which required him to.

He shook hands with Jaceni as his heart filled with joy.

Jaceni:Your father is proud,where ever he is.

Mbuso:Thank you for the opportunity.

Jaceni:You should thank your father my boy.Im also looking forward to working with you.

Mbuso:I will make you proud.

Jaceni nod his head before stepping out leaving him in his own office.after suffering for so long,this happens.at least there is one thing Ngobese did right before passing on.Leaving him with something that could benefit him and his future kids.

"I will deliver your parcel today " Gabi.

They have been chatting for a while now.They have been actually good friends.


I take the last sip of the whisky before taking my car keys.

This divorce has been taking a toll on me,I won't lie.if someone told me I would be a divorcee In two years time from last off I would've laughed straight in their face.I would've believed that it's a bull shit lie.

I have been driving for an hour already and I don't know where I'm going.at this point,wherever the roads leads me it's fine.

I quickly step on my brakes as I see a girl holding plastic across,she turns her head before falling down.Where the fvck is she looking at.I step out of the car before walking over.

Me:(Shouts)What the fvck?...where the hell are you looking,you want to be killed by me.

She turn and looks at me frightened,she quickly stands before facing me.

Her:I'm sorry....I don't know what's going on with me(Voice trembled)I'm sorry...I just lost my parents and my mind is everywhere....

She says crying,the pain on her face visible.I know how losing a parent feels like.

Me:(sighed)It's Okay.

Her:I need to go.

Me:I can give you a lift,we don't want you to actually get hit this time around.

She chuckles before wiping off her tears.

Her:I don't trust but i will go with you.what ever happens happens,there is nothing to live for anyway.

She is beyond broken.

Me:Trust me.

She picks her plastics before following me to my car.she gets in the passenger as I get in the drivers sit.i pull my seat belt on before driving off.

Me:Where to?.

Her:Protea Glen.


She nods her head before focusing back on the road.

Me:This is the part you supposed to tell me your name.


Me:Oh Bonolo,Please be careful next time.

Bonolo:I don't care what happens to me from now,there is nothing to live for anyway, even if  I die,it will still be fine.

Me:Do you want to talk about it?.



Bonolo:Actually yes,I just lost both my parents in a car accident and already the relatives are fighting over their house.my parents haven't been buried yet but I'm already dealing with this(teary)Is there a reason for me to live?

Me:I know the pain you are feeling because I have been there before.this exactly how I felt when I lost my father.There is so much that you need to live for...Do you know what that thing is?..your self.you still need to live for yourself,you look young and I don't think you have archived everything you hoped to archive.

Bonolo:Oh please doctor phil.

Me:I'm also not perfect,I am going through a divorce.it was actually finalised yesterday.

Bonolo:I'm sorry.

Me:It's Okay.

Bonolo:Turn here.

I do as she says.we enter a very fancy neighbourhood.houses this side are so big...

Bonolo:Here,thank you.

Me:Nice house,I would also fight for it if I was your relative.

She turns and looks at me,That was supposed to be a joke.

Bonolo:That's not funny.

Me:Sorry.Can I have your number,I think you need a friend,I also need one.



"Thank you so much"i say as I hand my customer his change.

Businesse has been doing really good and I have officially started with the building of my house.i would say,I'm half way through with finishing it and I can't wait.

Things between Bonga and I have been the same.We only talk about Thando.I am starting to believe that I never meant anything to him.I really wish I was built like a man deep inside,how does one goes like he did not have you under his body not so long,how does he pretend like nothing happen and mostly how does he not catch feelings.Why did I have to be this fragile when it comes to him.

I have to admit,no matter how long I stay or run away from the truth.If Bonga can come here and tells me how much he loves and wants me back, I would agree.I can't controll my heart,I doubt anyone can.

There is no better place without him,you don't understand, you probably won't. I'm under his shade and I don't think I can run away from that.I will just keep on hoping and maybe one day,I will unlove him.


I wonder how this outing will go.we decided that it's best that we visit a park,just for a fresh air and also for the kids to enjoy.

"Hey,we just got here,where are you guys?"Zolani

I can see him and his son from the entrance.they are setting up.this is cute.


He quickly turns as he hears my voice.

Zolani:Just in time,Hey....hello boy.

He says before taking him from me.His son looks at me before looking down shyly.he looks at Zolani and he nods before taking out a small round chocolate from his pocket and hands it to me.

Mpilo:I'm sorry for What I did the other day,Please forgive me.

Me:(laughed)I long forgave you, thank you.You are so romantic do you know that?.

Zolani:He learnt from the best.

Me:haha please.

Mpilo:What is romantic?.

I look at Zolani and he laughs before he shrugged his shoulders.

Me:Uhh it's when you give a girl chocolates and flowers.

Mpilo:Really?...are you happy that I gave you a chocolate?.

Me:Yes,I am so happy.

Mpilo:Okay,I will also give my friend so she can be my girlfriend and be happy.Will she be happy.

Zolani puts his fist over his mouth. containing his laugh.

Me:Yes.Okay this is mpilo.

I say changing the topic.He looks at me surprised with a huge smile on his face.

Mpilo:(Smiling)We share a name?.


Mpilo:Can he be my little brother.

Zolani:Of course my boy.

Me:Zolani man...yes you can be his big brother.

Zolani:Mpilo,let's see if you can be a big brother,watch your little brother here, I want to show aunty something.


Zolani couches down before placing mpilo down.he can sits on his own.

Zolani:Come here.

He say taking my hand,we walk a short distance to a lake.

Zolani:Thank you for this.

Me:It's Okay...but it doesn't mean,me and you are in a relationship.

Zolani:I know,I understand that you just divorced and you are not ready for a relationship.

Me:Thank you.

He smiles before moving his face closer to mine,he graces my lips with a soft kiss before pulling back.

Zolani:I am willing to wait for you.

I can't even explain the feeling I'm feeling right now.The butterflys in my stomach cannot be ignored.My body yearns for more.

Zolani:Or Not?.

Me:I would love that.Me not being ready does not mean we can't have a sexual relationship.

I immediately regret what I just said,the words just escaped my mouth unexpected...

Me:I..I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.

Zolani:(Smiling)I know what you meant,we will talk out that.

A loud cry from behind make us both turn.Its the young mpilo,face down on the cake,he sits up straight before smiling at us.you could swear he wasn't the one crying out loud here.


Zolani:He likes cake....

***THE END***

Not edited.

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