devils advocate ( matt murdoc...

By wstrnflies

35.9K 1.2K 377

. * ꙳ ♱ ⊹ ❝I laid the groundwork and then like clockwork the dominions cascaded in a line❞ ― matt murdock x... More

the devil fell into her arms, as she designed him to.
♱ ━ act one.
one:﹙sickingly beautiful﹚
two:﹙empty lot﹚
three:﹙what do you call moral?﹚
four:﹙the first meeting﹚
five:﹙untold secrets﹚
six:﹙with, love﹚
eight:﹙fire to the world﹚
ten: ﹙ me and the devil ﹚
eleven: ﹙ hands across hells kitchen﹚
twelve: ﹙anything for his love﹚
thirteen: ﹙in blinds eye﹚
fourteen: ﹙when the dominoes cascade﹚
fifteen:﹙loss and love﹚
sixteen:﹙heres a tip﹚
seventeen: ﹙hope is a dangerous thing﹚
eighteen:﹙mask off﹚
nineteen:﹙this is friendship?﹚
twenty:﹙trying something new﹚
twenty-one:﹙the final push﹚
twenty-two:﹙cryptic attack﹚
twenty-three:﹙will you still love me?﹚
twenty-four:﹙love, actually﹚
twenty-five:﹙you and me﹚
twenty-six:﹙the second look﹚
twenty-seven:﹙the love in the books﹚
twenty-eight:﹙keep his word﹚
twenty-nine:﹙daredevil and nightangel﹚
thirty:﹙actual love﹚
♱ ━ act two.
one:﹙a fresh start﹚
two:﹙stress and unrelaxation﹚
three:﹙their happy ending?﹚
four:﹙small disagreement﹚
six:﹙when a blind man hears﹚
eight: ﹙RED﹚
nine: ﹙gods sins the women﹚
ten: ﹙when the snake guides﹚
eleven: ﹙the illuison﹚
twelve: ﹙the call so close﹚
thirteen: ﹙backlog﹚
fourteen:﹙his sorry﹚
sixteen:﹙peace offering﹚
seventeen: ﹙in my room﹚
nineteen: ﹙always her fault﹚
twenty: ﹙guilty as a sin﹚
twenty-one: ﹙die for you﹚
twenty-two:﹙silent prayers﹚
twenty three: ﹙death comes to her﹚
twenty four: ﹙darkness, soul, embrace﹚
twenty five: ﹙tainted love﹚
twenty six: ﹙the blacksmith﹚
twenty-seven:﹙cold day in hell's kitchen﹚
twenty eight:﹙family times﹚
twenty nine:﹙ close enough to do it﹚
♱ ━ act three.
one:﹙the hero﹚
three:﹙violent defender﹚
four:﹙a whole lotta history﹚
five:﹙same thing, new people﹚
six:﹙danger from five﹚
seven:﹙matthew murdock v. daredevil﹚
eight:﹙silent blow﹚
nine:﹙the chance of rebounds﹚
eleven:﹙by your side﹚
twelve:﹙new chance taken﹚
thirteen:﹙here we go again...﹚
sixteen:﹙reckless driving﹚
seventeen:﹙you've become my ceiling﹚
nineteen:﹙final blow﹚
twenty:﹙lets leave it like this﹚
twenty-one:﹙i'll love it if we made it﹚
♱ ━ act four.
one:﹙a not so fresh start﹚
three:﹙show stopping﹚
five:﹙and daredevil﹚
six:﹙me n the devil﹚
seven:﹙do i wanna know?﹚
eight:﹙you wanted me sadder﹚
eleven:﹙the prints left behind﹚
twelve:﹙envy, greed, lust﹚
thirteen:﹙to be silent﹚
fourteen:﹙short lived﹚
sixteen:﹙woman scorned﹚
seventeen:﹙back at it again...﹚
eighteen:﹙the wait﹚
nineteen:﹙taunts and laughs﹚

fiveteen:﹙stalling for love﹚

108 4 6
By wstrnflies

stalling for love

"contains; none"
— do not proceed with caution

Deep within the hallowed halls of the hospital, an orchestrated symphony of beeping machines filled the air, each rhythmic pulse reverberating through the sterile atmosphere. 

The collective chorus of electronic melodies formed a haunting soundtrack that echoed off the walls, entwined with the hushed whispers of bustling medical personnel and the occasional shuffling of footsteps.

The monotonous beeping, reminiscent of a metronome's unwavering cadence, seemed to permeate every corner of the space, casting an ethereal ambiance that underscored the gravity of the setting. 

The varying tones and frequencies of the machines created a complex symphony, an amalgamation of urgent calls and steady reassurances. 

The high-pitched notes pierced through the air, demanding attention, while the deeper bass-like hums thrummed as a constant backdrop, providing a sense of grounding amidst the flurry of activity.

Amidst the pulsating chorus, the melodic beeps carried a multitude of meanings—each sounds a whisper of vital signs, a glimpse into the delicate balance between life and the precarious edge of mortality. 

They harmonized with the palpable tension that lingered within the hospital walls, a potent mix of hope, trepidation, and unwavering determination.

Together, the beeping machines formed an auditory tapestry, a symphony that symbolized the ceaseless battle against illness, the tireless efforts of medical professionals, and the resilience of the human spirit. 

The symphony of beeping served as a constant reminder that within these walls, lives hung in the balance, and every moment counted in the pursuit of healing, recovery, and the preservation of life itself.

Nerves filled the air with a little girl with (Y/C/H) standing on the end of the hospital bed looking off at the woman with no hair and a bunch of needles and wires inside of her mother's arms. 

"How is she looking doctor?" The sounds of her father's voice rang inside her ears. Her head turned looking at the man standing in the doorway talking to younger women who had a nurse coat on. 

The little girl didn't move just looking the way of her mother just staring forward towards her. "Her breathing is faulting, but her visuals are looking stable and able to pick back up and on her feet with oxygen." 

"That...wonderful to hear" The sounds of him hesitating to talk were heard. "Thank you, doctor, I need to make a phone call" Tristan had made his way away from the room with Y/n just looking at her mother. 

"Y/n" Her mother's voice echoed through the hospital room. 

Y/n's senses heightened as she caught the familiar sound of her own voice emanating from the hospital bed. With a mix of anticipation and concern, she swiftly made her way over to where her mother lay, her steps echoing softly against the sterile floors.

"Mommy," the ten-year-old spoke softly, her voice laced with a blend of longing and worry.

A weak smile adorned her mother's face as she greeted Y/n. The frailty of her expression mirrored the toll that illness had taken on her.

Y/n grasped her mother's hands tightly, seeking solace and connection within the warmth of their touch. 

"No matter what he does to me," her mother struggled to speak, interrupted by a fit of coughing that wracked her body. "Stay safe, my dear," she managed to utter, her words enigmatic to the young girl, clouded by confusion and unanswered questions.

As the years wore on, Y/n carried those poignant words with her, even as her mother's presence faded from her life. 

Taken away to be trained in the art of combat, to confront the enigmatic and nefarious organization known as the Hand, Y/n embraced the lessons and challenges that awaited her.

Through the relentless battles and arduous training, she carried her mother's whispered plea within her heart, a guiding light amidst the darkness. 

And when the fateful moment arrived, when she finally broke free from the shackles of her past, a surge of liberation coursed through her veins. The chilling sensation of blood staining her hands, dripping softly onto the ground, served as a bittersweet reminder of her journey.

Amidst the aftermath, she could still recall the distant sounds of a soccer game playing on, a poignant juxtaposition against the violence and struggle that had consumed her life. 

The echoes of cheering and laughter served as a stark contrast to the harsh realities she had faced, a reminder of the innocence and normalcy she had longed for, now distant but not forgotten.

When the cross had fell to the ground; as blood dripped from her bloody hands of her father's blood. 

Upon uncovering the truth, a wave of realization washed over Y/n, rendering her senses more acute. 

The cacophony of music swelled around her, pulsating with irresistible energy. Stepping into the heart of the club, she found herself enveloped in a world of revelry and celebration.

The beats reverberated through the air, intertwining with the electrifying atmosphere. The rhythm became a living entity, its infectious presence penetrating every corner of the space. Melodies cascaded like a waterfall, enticing bodies to sway and move in synchrony with the music's irresistible allure.

Lights danced and flickered, casting a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors upon the crowd. Hues of neon bathed the scene, casting an otherworldly glow upon the sea of partygoers. Laughter and chatter melded with the infectious melodies, creating a symphony of voices, each conversation a unique note within the collective harmony.

The air itself seemed charged with anticipation, as people surrendered themselves to the pulsating rhythm, embracing the freedom of the moment. Senses were heightened, inhibitions shed, and the intoxicating energy of the club consumed all who stepped foot into its realm.

In this nocturnal sanctuary, time lost its grip, and worries dissipated in the sea of euphoria. It was a place where music held sway, and bodies swayed in tandem, a sanctuary of hedonistic delight and carefree abandon.

Now at the legal age; she danced around with Leah by her side the two of them swaying to the music that was playing. Leah had leaned into Y/n whispering to her. "I'm going to get another drink" 

Y/n nodded dancing around with a man who held onto her hip. She didn't stop it dancing along with him since she was young and didn't really have anything to be scared of. 

After a couple of minutes, she turned looking at Leah trying to get a drink from the bar. It looked like she was uncomfortable, with the larger white man next to her trying to grab onto her waist. 

Y/n watched his with the devil in her eyes, as she swayed her hips. Eyeing them Leah finally was able to get away from the man causing her to send a laugh towards Y/n like 'Did you just see that'. 

Without casting a backward glance, Y/n focused her unwavering gaze on the men who seethed with annoyance, their frustration palpable. A beer bottle shattered against the bar as their anger found release, prompting them to storm off in a heated frenzy. 

"I'll be back," she calmly stated, extending her hand as if making an unspoken promise, before parting ways and retracing the path the man had taken.

Venturing further into the depths, Y/n found herself immersed in the back alleys, where the wind swept around her form, causing her to tightly cross her arms in an attempt to stave off the chilling cold. 

It was at this moment that she realized she was fueled by a love unlike any she had known before.

A figure, a white man, leaned nonchalantly against a weathered wall, smoke billowing from the cigarette clenched between his lips. Approaching him with an air of casualness, as if simply requesting a smoke, Y/n turned her head to acknowledge the man's presence, her lips pursed in quiet determination. A fleeting moment of tension hung in the air.

Suddenly, the man's drunken attempt to strike her was feeble and uncoordinated, easily thwarted by Y/n's swift reflexes. 

Seizing the opportunity, she wielded the broken bottle with lethal precision, swiftly slicing his neck open. In an instant, his life extinguished, his body crumpling to the ground, a crimson pool expanding beneath him.

Y/n's actions were driven by an unwavering resolve to protect Leah, for she knew that no one else would fulfill this duty. It was a responsibility she bore with unwavering determination, fueled by a love that burned fiercely within her.

Blood was all over her neck and side as she just stood there frozen looking down at what she had done inside the alleyway. Putting the knife inside of the man's hand to make it look like a suicide. 

Her mouth was opened a little bit as she looked around; trying to wipe the blood off of herself. It was self-defense if she could do anything. She was able to wipe the blood off herself going into the club and suggesting that they should leave. 

When they walked out of the club there were already police surrounding and everything. People were peeking into the crime scene Y/n must have taken twenty minutes to a half hour just so that she could clean herself up. 

Leah with an open mouth looked at the man because of the fact it was the one who was hitting on her. "Wh- how?" She tried to get out with furrowed eyebrows. 

Y/n didn't say anything grabbing onto Leah's hand for comfort as the woman slowly panicked to herself. "We have to go home" Y/n leaded. The two of them walked into Hell's Kitchen to make their way back to the home that they were put back into. 

As they stepped foot into the sacred confines of the church, an enveloping silence settled upon them, casting a hushed ambiance that reverberated through the air. Y/n, sensing the sanctity of the space, refrained from uttering a single word, allowing the stillness to permeate the atmosphere.

Time slipped away, consumed by the meticulous task of restoring their appearance. 

Hours passed, dedicated to cleansing themselves of the remnants of the night's revelry, erasing any trace that would betray their evening of uninhibited celebration. With deliberate care, they meticulously attended to every detail, leaving no room for suspicion or doubt.

Each stained article of clothing was painstakingly washed and meticulously pressed, restoring them to a semblance of their former dignity.

 Disheveled hair was carefully tamed and styled, hiding any hint of the tumultuous night they had experienced. Makeup was subtly adjusted, ensuring it appeared as if untouched by the fervor of the previous hours.

Within the tranquil confines of the church, time seemed to slow, as if honoring the solemnity of the space. 

Shadows danced across the polished floors and vaulted ceilings, casting an ethereal glow that enhanced the aura of serenity. Their movements were deliberate, almost ritualistic, as they meticulously erased any evidence of their late-night escapade.

As the last vestiges of their transformation were completed, they surveyed their surroundings, ensuring that no remnants of their revelry lingered. The once raucous memories of the night were now carefully concealed, buried beneath the facade of innocence and respectability.

The church remained a sanctuary of silence, their secrets locked within its walls, shielding them from prying eyes and judgment. With their impeccable appearance and the meticulousness of their cover-up, they emerged from the hallowed grounds as if untouched by the previous night's indulgence, ready to face the world with an air of pristine innocence.

Y/n had gone silent sitting in a pew and just looking at the cross in front of her. Everything around her felt red, but she couldn't help that she had been cursed since she was born with her family and life. 

Biting her lip she ducked her head down looking at her hands. "Forgive me, father, I have sinned" She quoted; knowing that Leah had felt guilt about everything because she caused the guy to go outside after rejecting her.  

God loved her, but not enough to save her the way she was supposed to be saved. She just wanted to scream into the alter- everything was fearing inside of herself.

She could never escape the blood of her middle name has caused now the blood on her hands. "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me..."She prayed into her hands. "Psalm 23:4"

"It's a bit late for prayer, you should be in bed" Father Issac had walked over with his hands in front of him. "Not saying you shouldn't always be praying" 

Y/n smiled a little lifting her head up; "Confessions?" her head shook holding onto her hand. The father didn't sit down next to her and stood further away as if he was scared of something. 

"Is the devil in me?" Y/n lifted her head up asking. "Is that the reason God wasn't going to help me today-" 

The father hesitated, his gaze locked with hers. "God is always present, my dear," he reassured her. "His hand is extended, even if you choose to withdraw from Him. He waits for the opportune moment to offer His help."

But she couldn't help but feel that God had forsaken her. Instead of easing her burdens, life seemed to present her with one challenge after another. 

The commandment echoed in her mind, "You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment." Yet, she couldn't shake the anger she harbored toward others.

She had sensed the influence of darkness, the devil's cunning guidance. After all, she carried the middle name of the woman who had succumbed to the allure of the devil himself, fallen into his treacherous embrace.

She looked up at the cross, which was highlighted in red so she felt pinned up against it. When she had gone silent Father just looked the way of her; as she looked the way of him with a pleading look of help on her face. 

But he just kicked her to the curb. 


"Hi, Matty" She taunted; he stopped mid-way just listening to her voice his jaw clenched knowing that there had to be some way she got into Fisk's apartment without getting in trouble.

With a subtle movement, Y/n removed the mask that had concealed the lower half of her face, revealing a small but knowing smile. Matt's body tensed, his senses heightened, a wary aura enveloping him, as he fixed his gaze upon her, towering near the entrance.

A sigh came from her mouth dropping her head back silently looking at the ceiling. "What are you doing here?" Matt asked his voice laced with anger and annoyance along with a lot of caution. 

With a coffee roll in her hand, she took a bite of it. "What some?" She asked casually eating what the last guard had left before going missing somehow. 

"I'm still waiting for you to understand" She leaned back on the chair looking towards him. 

Matt didn't say anything and just sighed turning the way directly in front of Y/n. "Killing me is what you want" Matt confessed putting his hands out and giving up on being haunted by his ex-girlfriend. "Let me kill Fisk, remember what he did to Leah!?" 

Lifting her head up Matt listened to the sound of her heart speeding up at the name of the two women who helped her most in life. "And now you're working with him!" 

Standing up with a slap of her legs and strolling over to Matt. "Do you truly think of me so lowly, Matt-" She stared in the direction of him furrowing her eyebrows. "But I can't be angry, at all" 

"Why are you here?" 

"I knew you were smart enough to not come to the crime meeting" Y/n tilted her head stopping in front of him. "Foggy reminded me something....I'm not you," She looked at him. "I kill people who do wrong, who hurt those I love..." 

Matt bit his lip nodding his head understanding that knowing that Maggie had explained everything to him and he knows how selfish he could be with her. "I understand" 

"Do you." She quickly cut him off. "I want to save us..." Moving her hands between the two of them slowly walking closer. "But I was emotional...unfaithful, and I'm impulsive very...but that's what you love about me right?"

Matt didn't say anything listening to her wondering why she was stalling for Fisk; what did Y/n have up her sleeve that no one else knew about? "Are you insane?" She simply asked him. "For thinking you can leave me-" 

Tilting her head to the side a little and silently, "What if I told you, Fisk wants me to kill you..." 

"I'd say, you wouldn't do it" Matt quickly confirmed. "You can't do it...Your not here to stop me...are you Y/n?" He asked her as she just stood there silently. 

Matt lowered his voice walking towards her slowly and standing directly n front of her. His head was ducked down towards her silently waiting for her to say anything. "Your heart is beating fast" He taunted. 

"Is that love?" She asked him in the same lower voice he was using on her but sounded more and more taunting eyeing his lips. "Is that really love? Matthew...or Daredevil" 

Moving her hand towards him, Matt gripped her wrist stopping her and causing her to drop the knife in her hand. "Oops," She smirked looking up at him. Matt grabbed onto her waist and pulled her forward towards him connecting their lips. 

Y/n took a second before ducking out of the kiss and glaring at the man in front of her. "Leah Winters tracked back to hiding out with Karen Paige at Clinton Church" 

Stopping what she was doing Y/n turned to the television screen that turned on cops talking with each other. "Y/n" Matt called for her. Y/n just stared at the television screen. 

"He's gonna kill her" Y/n muttered softly shaking her head and backing up going into panic mode. 

"What does he want with Karen? Why are-" 

Y/n put her hands in her hair as Matt asked the questions before hearing the sounds of her heart beating. She hit him in the chest in anger as Matt grabbed onto her hands. "What does he want with Karen" 

Tears formed in her eyes as she lifted her head her eyes red and glossy. "He's changing the rules" She had told him. Matt held onto her confused about what she was trying to say. 

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