Nicholas In Loud House (ENGLI...

By NicholasAlbertoNazar

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Nicholas, an 11-year-old boy, lives with Lincoln, his sisters, and his parents in the Loud house. Nicholas b... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 1

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By NicholasAlbertoNazar

Part 1

In the loud house.

Narrator: Welcome friends, good morning. It's 6:59 AM and he left during the day. This is the Loud house, the house where Lincoln and his Loud sisters are. It is a nice morning to be in the mood and start the new day very nice. Well, that's where we're going to start this story.

In Lincoln's room.

7:00 am

(alarm sound)

Lincoln gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom first.

In Lori and Leni's room.

Lori gets out of bed and stretches.

Narrator: Some Loud kids get out of bed. (Lori, Lincoln, Luna and Lisa)

In Lola and Lana's room.

Narrator: Oh look. The boy who is sleeping and hugging Lola is me. My name is Nicholas, I am 11 years old and I am the new Loud family member and I'm living with the Loud family.

(Alarm sound)

Nicholas turns off the clock.

Lola and Nicholas wake up.

Nicholas: (yawning) Hey Lola. Good morning princess. (Stroking Lola's hair)

Lola: Hihihi. Good morning Nico.

Nicholas: Did you wake up okay?

Lola: Yes my Nico. And you?

Nicholas: Same too. I woke up in great spirits.

Lola: Oh that's good.

Nicholas: Good. Time to get up.

Nicholas and Lola get in line for the bathroom.

Luan: Hey. I've been in my row.

Nicholas: Whoops. I'm sorry Luan.

Luna is in the front row waiting for someone to come out of the bathroom. Luan is in the second row. Lola and Nicholas are in the third row.

Nicholas: Wow. What a line are we waiting for, huh?

Lola: Yes.

Nicholas: Hey Lola. I will tell you what I was dreaming about.

Lola: Oh yeah. What did you dream of?

Nicholas: I dreamed that I am Mario Bros and I rescued the princess that is you.

Lola: Wow. Marvelous. What a good dream you had. And who was the Bowser?

Nicholas: Well, it's just Bowser.

Lola: Awww. Very pretty. How nice that you dreamed of me.

Nicholas: Hehehe. Yeah. And did you dream something?

Lola: I dreamed that I was riding with the unicorn and exploring some nice adventures. A rainbow appeared in the clouds, I looked and it was very beautiful.

Nicholas: Oh what a nice dream you had.

Lola: Hahaha. Thank you. I love you, Nico. (Hugging Nicholas)

Nicholas: I still love you, Lola.

Lola: And you're also a very good roommate.

Nicholas: Same to you.

Lola: And ready to go to school?

Nicholas: Yes, of course. And you?

Lola: I'm ready too.

Lincoln came out of the bathroom.

Lincoln: All yours Luna.

Luna: Thanks, brother.

Luna enters the bathroom.

Lincoln: Good morning Nico.

Nicholas: Good morning Lincoln.

Nicholas: It's good that we arrived in the third row, I mean now we are in the second.

Lola: That's right. We're going to wait for him to finish using the bathroom before going in.

Lisa arrives in line.

Lisa: Good morning dear siblings.

Nicholas: Good morning Lisa.

Lola: Hi, Lisa.

Luna comes out of the bathroom.

Luna: All yours sister.

Luna: Thank you.

Luan enters the bathroom.

Luna: Hello my brother Nicholas.

Nicholas: Good morning rocker Luna. High five.

Luna and Nicholas high-fived-five each other.

Nicholas: Bam!

Luna: Bam!

Nicholas: Hey Lola. You are tired, right?

Lola: No. I slept very well. I just try to close my eyes to wait.

Nicholas: Good.

Luan comes out of the bathroom.

Luan: All yours Nicholas.

Nicholas: Thank you Luan.

Nicholas: Hey Lola. Do you go in or do I go in?

Lola: You come in. I expect.

Nicholas: Okay.

Nicholas walks into the bathroom.

Nicholas brushes his teeth, combs his hair, and washes his face.

Nicholas: Yeah! Ready.


Lynn Sr: Kids. Breakfast.

Loud children come normally and sit at the table.

The Loud children greet their dad.

Lynn Sr: Hey. Where is Nico? Oh, there you are.

Nicholas: Good morning Lynn.

Lynn Sr: Good morning son. I brought you a delicious extra cheese burrito that is your favorite.

Nicholas: Thanks, dad.

Lynn Sr: No problem son. Eat. Wait. Where is Lynn Jr?

Lynn Jr: Good morning dad. I arrived just in time.

Lynn Sr: Oh good morning daughter. You arrive just in time. Here, I got you a burrito with extra cheese and meat.

Lynn Jr: Thanks, dad. That's lovely. I need more protein to be strong.

Nicholas: Good morning Lynn the deportist.

Lynn Jr: Good morning Nico Loud. How did you wake up?

Nicholas: Good, with a lot of energy.

Lynn Jr: Oh hehe. Very good. Ready to go to school?

Nicholas: Yes. Of course, I'm ready.

Lynn Jr: Okay. I'm happy, brother.

Nicholas: Hmm. Delicious. (Eating)


The school bus arrives.

Lincoln, Nicholas, Lola, Lana, Lisa, and Lucy get on the school bus.

There's Stella sitting.

Stella: Hi guys.

Nicholas and Lincoln: Hi Stella.

Nicholas and Lincoln sit with Stella where she is in the left seat. (Nicholas sitting next to Stella on the left side and Lincoln on the right side of the seat and Stella in the center along with Nicholas and Lincoln)

Stella: How are you guys? Did they wake up well?

Nicholas: Yep. I woke up with a lot of energy. I feel like it's going to be a nice week.

Lincoln: So do I.

Stella: Awww. (Stella hugs Nicholas and Lincoln) I'm glad you are right, guys. I am also very happy to take advantage.

Nicholas: I'm glad for you, Stella.

Stella: Great. We wait for the others to come. Now there are 3 of us. Do you remember Nico that I taught you that as soon as we all complete getting to the bus, we all have high five since last week?

Nicholas: Sure. Of course. A "Hi-Five" XD.

Stella: Very good. I'm glad you understood what I taught you, Nico.

Nicholas: Hohoho. No problem friend.

The bus stops.

Stella: Hi guys.

Rusty: Hello Stella.

Liam: What's up Stella?

Clyde: Hello Stella.

Zach: Hi Stella.

Stella: We're full. High five.

Everyone high-fives with their hands.

Stella: Ready.

Zach: Hey Rusty. Are you sleepy?

Rusty: A little. I'm just trying to close my eyes when we get there.

Zach: Okay.

Stella: It seems that Rusty is a little tired.

Rusty: What?

Stella: What time did you go to sleep?

Rusty: I slept early. At 10 pm I fell asleep.

Stella: Good. Did you wake up well?

Rusty: Yeah, sure. I woke up very well.

Stella: Very good. I'm glad Rusty.

Liam: And how did you wake up Stella?

Stella: Me very well, with great joy and wanting to take advantage of the day.

Liam: Oh very good Stella. And you Nico?

Nicholas: Me great. With lots of energy. And you Liam?

Liam: Cool. Me too. I made myself wake up one nice morning to the sound of my rooster screaming.

Nicholas: Great Liam. And where is Clyde?

Clyde: Here I am friend.

Nicholas: Oh there you are. How are you, Clyde?

Clyde: Me very good friend. And you what about?

Nicholas: Me very well. I'm glad to hear it.

Clyde: Same to you friend.

Nicholas and Clyde give each other a high five.


The school bus arrives at the elementary school and stops.

Lincoln: We're here. Hey, shall we race?

Stella: Sure.

Nicholas: Yes.

Liam: Sure.

Lincoln: Fine. Here we all go. Let's see who wins when we get to the room.

Nicholas: Come on.

Lincoln: On your mark, get set. Out.

The gang starts running towards their living room.

Nicholas: Ugh. I win. Hahaha.

Stella: Well done Nico.

Liam: Well done mate. You are very fast.

Nicholas: Thank you. I love to run with a lot of rhythm.

Lincoln: We all like to run.

Stella: Running is fascinating for everyone.

The gang sits in their folder seats.

Lincoln: Uff tired, right?

Stella: Yes. There are still 5 minutes left to start class. We wait then.


Class time.

Teacher Johnson: All right class. Today we will do the new topic on multiplications. Have you learned the multiplication table?

The students: Yes.

Teacher Johnson: Wow. That's great news. Very well, let's see the multiplication number to see who knows. What is 2 times 7?

The students: 14.

Mrs. Johnson: Correct. What is 5 times 5?

The students: 25.

Teacher Johnson: Good. What is 7 times 5?

The students: 35.

Teacher Johnson: Wow, students are doing great. Let's see another. What is 8 times 3?

The students: 24.

Teacher Johnson: Fantastic. It's good that you guys answered the multiplication questions correctly. Brilliant. Now that you guys know, let's learn how to do the multiplication exercise. I'll call someone to come out to the blackboard.

Nicholas: Master Johnson. I can go to the blackboard first.

Teacher Johnson: Oh wow. Sure, great. You'll go out first, Nicholas. Who wants to come second?

Clyde: Me, Mrs. Johnson.

Teacher Johnson: Very good Clyde. You will come out second. Who will come third? Any volunteer?

Stella: Me, Mrs. Johnson.

Teacher Johnson: Stella. Very good, Stella. The first 3 students will go to the blackboard. I'm going to put an exercise for you 3.


Mrs. Johnson: First multiplication exercise. Nicholas. First multiplication exercise of 245 by 3.

Nicholas: Here I go. (Solving the first exercise) Done.

Teacher Johnson: Let's see. How much did you get? 735. Correct Nicholas. Excellent.

Nicholas: Thank you, Mrs. Johnson.

Teacher Johnson: Come to the second exercise the student Clyde Mcbride.

Clyde: Here I go, Mrs. Johnson. (Grabbing the pen) 322 for 4. (Solving) Ready, Mrs. Johnson.

Teacher Johnson: Let's see. It comes out at 1288. That's right Clyde. Excellent.

Clyde: Thank you teacher J.

Teacher Johnson: Stella. The third exercise.

Stella: Here I go. (Grabbing the marker) 546 times 2. (Solving) 6 times 2 twelve...1092. Ready, Mrs. Johnson. Came out in 1092.

Teacher Johnson: Let's see. 1092. That's right Stella. Excellent.

Stella: Thank you.

Teacher Johnson: Very good students. You have already seen how the 3 students solved the blackboard and they did it very well. I congratulate you very well the 3 students who came to the blackboard. Now the next step. We will do a multiplication exercise for all of you to see how it goes. In your notebook take it out and write it down on the blackboard.


Mrs. Johnson: Ready. I already corrected the multiplication exercises in your notebooks. The great news is... you all did excellent. I congratulate you all.

The students: (scream to each other with joy)

The ringer.

Mrs. Johnson: It's refreshment time. See you later in the next class.

Eat time.

The gang is having snack time in the dining room.

Stella: Hey Clyde. Can I trade your chicken, ham and cheese sandwich for my toasted meatball sandwich?

Clyde: Sure Stella. Here you have it.

Stella: Awww. Thanks, Clyde. (Stella hugs Clyde)

Clyde: You're welcome, friend. Awww.

Liam: Hey Stella. Hug friends?

Rusty: Yeah. I also want a hug.

Nicholas: Me too.

Lincoln: Me.

Stella: Hahaha. Awww. Okay, one by one hug.

Liam and Stella hug affectionately.

Clyde and Stella hug affectionately.

Zach and Stella hug each other affectionately.

Rusty and Stella hug affectionately.

Lincoln and Stella hug affectionately.

Nicholas and Stella hug each other affectionately.

Break time.

In the courtyard outside.

Lincoln: Stella. Have you ever ridden with a horse?

Stella: No. I've never ridden a horse.

Lincoln: And have you ever ridden with a person like a horse?

Stella: Well, since I was little, yes. When I was little I rode with my dad. That was very cute and fun.

Lincoln: Oh good. Same too since I was little I also rode with my dad. Even with the horse machine.

Clyde: Would we like Stella to ride us like a horse?

Rusty: Sure. It would be funny.

Liam: Have you ever done it?

Stella: Well, I've never carried someone on my back. It will be funny what they told me. Of course, why not.

Lincoln: Hooray!

Stella: Okay. Who starts first?

Everyone: Me. Me. Me.

Stella: Hahaha. I better choose. Let's see, raise your hand first and tell me the number from 1 to 14.

Stella: Rusty.

Rusty: 7.

Stella: Lincoln.

Lincoln: Yes!

Lincoln gets on Stella's back.

Lincoln: Yippee. Horse yija.


Nicholas climbs on Stella's back.

Nicholas: Woohoo! What fun. Wow!


Stella carries Liam on her back.

Liam: Hahaha. What fun!

Stella: Hold on tight Liam.


Rusty climbs on Stella's back.

Stella: Get ready Rusty.

Rusty: Woohoo! It's like I'm riding like a Yoshi from Mario Bros.

Stella: Hahaha. Oh right, like Yoshi.


Zach climbs on Stella's back.

Zach: I can't go up.

Stella: I charge you.

Zach: Yippee! Pure encouragement.


Lincoln: Ugh. Wow, Stella. It was very cool.

Nicholas: Yes. Very funny.

Clyde: So do I.

Stella: I'm glad you got into that fun, guys. There is still plenty of time to finish the break hour.

Liam: What do we do now?

Lincoln: Shall we go for a walk and see what's up?

Stella: Sure. Come on.


In the gym room.

Coach Pacowski: All right students. I hope you ate very well because today we are going to climb the ropes.

Nicholas: Coach.

Coach Pacowski: Yes, Mr. Nicholas.

Nicholas: Can I climb the rope first?

Coach Pacowski: Wow. I have never seen you participate first. Sure, go ahead.

Nicholas: Here I go.

Nicholas tries to climb the rope as high as he can.

Zach: Wow. Look what Nico is doing.

Stella: Yes. Let's see how he can.

Lincoln: Come on Nico. Can.

Students: Nico. Nico.

Nicholas manages to ring the bell.

The students admire Nicholas.

Nicholas: Yes!

Stella, Lincoln and Clyde: Well done Nico.


The time of departure.

Rita arrives with Vanzilla.

Lola, Lana, Lucy, Lisa, Lincoln and Nicholas get on the Vanzilla to go straight home.

Lola, Lana, Lucy, Lisa, Lincoln: Hi mom.

Nicholas: Hello Rita.

Rita: Hi guys. How has school been?

They all reply that they have done very well in school.

Rita: I'm very happy children. Okey dokey. We're going home.


In the loud house.

Lola and Nicholas were playing at the tea party. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Nicholas: Who is it?

Lana: The food is already served. Dad says to come down for lunch.

Lola and Nicholas: Now we go down.

Nicholas: Come on Lola. We're going down for lunch.

Lola and Nicholas come down the stairs and sit at the table.

Nicholas: What are we going to eat today?

Lynn Sr: We're having spaghetti and meatballs for lunch today.

Nicholas: Hmm. I love the meatball spaghetti. (Tasting the food) It's delicious Lynn.

Lynn Sr: (Surprised)

Nicholas: I love it. It tastes very good.

Lynn Sr: Thank you. I'm glad Nico that you like the food I prepared.

Nicholas: Yes. What delicious spaghetti. I'm going to take advantage of eating.

Lynn Sr: Okay son.


Lincoln and Nicholas are doing homework together.

Lincoln: Ready. I finished my homework.

Nicholas: Ready too.

Lincoln: Now let's save the notebooks for tomorrow.

Nicholas and Lincoln save their notebooks for tomorrow.

Nicholas: Very good. Since I finished all my homework, now I'm going to take advantage of reading my comic.

Nicholas grabs his comic saved in the drawer and lies down on Lola's bed to read.

At dinner time.

Lynn Sr: Guys. The dinner is ready.

Nicholas: Whoops. Dinner.

Lory: Lily. Give me my lipstick. naughty girl.

Lily: (laughs)

Nicholas: Hello Lori. Hello little Lily. (holding Lily) What do you have here in your hand? What is this?

Lori: That's my lipstick.

Nicholas: Oh, it's yours. Lily grabbed your lipstick because she wanted to put on makeup?

Lori: Hahaha yes. She likes to put on makeup so that she looks very pretty.

Nicholas: Awww. How cute you are Lily. Hey, I've been thinking of an idea. If Lily likes to put on makeup, then she wants to be pretty when she grows up. Can you imagine Lori?

Lori: Wow, that's a great idea. Now, I understand. So you want to be pretty, don't you Lily?

Lily: (Glad)

Lory: Very good. After dinner, I will make you up so that you are very pretty.

Lily: (laughs)

Nicholas: Awww. Well, let's go downstairs and eat dinner.

Lori: I wonder what's for dinner?

The whole Loud family sitting at the table.

Lynn Sr: Today we will have rice with chicken for dinner with French fries and a vegetable salad.

Nicholas: Yumi.

Everyone starts to eat.

Lory: Dad. The food is delicious.

Lola: So do I. It's delicious.

Nicholas: Hmm. Delicious food.

Lynn Sr: (Glad) I'm so glad.


Lynn Sr: Hey Nicholas. Son. What do you want for breakfast tomorrow? Write down your order. Tell me what you want.

Nicholas: (Thinking) I don't know. Oh, I know. I want bacon and eggs with pancakes.

Lynn Sr: Done. Thank you, son.


Nicholas: Good night, Lana.

Lana: Good night, Nico.

Nicholas: Good night, Lola.

Lola: Good night, Nico. Dream with angels.

Nicholas: Thank you, Lola. Let's pamper

At 6 AM

alarm sound.

Nicholas and Lola get up and go to the bathroom first. They both start brushing their teeth. Nicholas combs Lola's hair counting.

Nicholas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ready Lola. How is it?

Lola: How beautiful my hair looks. Thanks, Nico. (Hugging Nicholas) I love you.

Nicholas: I love you too, Lola.

At breakfast time.

Lynn Sr: I'll have your orders in right away, kids.

Lola: What will you have for breakfast, Nico?

Nicholas: I'm going to have breakfast...

Lynn Sr: I brought you a delicious breakfast, Nico. Eggs with bacon and pancakes.

Nicholas: Oh thank you, Lynn.

Lynn Sr: You're welcome son.

Lola: Wow. It looks really tasty.

Nicholas: Yep. And what will you have for breakfast?

Lola: I'll have breakfast...

Lynn Sr: I brought you some nice pancakes and maple syrup, Lola.

Lola: Thanks, daddy.

Lynn Sr: You're welcome Lola.

Nicholas: Wow, it looks very delicious. I have never tried it.

Lola: I've never tried yours that you asked for either.

Nicholas: We invite each other.

Lola: Sure.


At Royal Woods Primary School.

Teacher Johnson: Good morning class. How have you been? I hope it's ok.

Nicholas: Good morning teacher.

Teacher Johnson: Oh, good morning Nicholas. Where did you go?

Nicholas: I've been in the bathroom.

Teacher Johnson: Oh okay. Okay, have a seat, Nico. All right students, I'll take attendance.


Refreshment time.

The gang starts to eat the food they brought.

Stella: Nicholas. Can I trade your chicken sandwich for my fries?

Nicholas: Oh sure Stella. I accept the change.

Stella: Thanks, Nico.

Nicholas: At least I brought another chicken sandwich.

Clyde: Hey Nico. Do you like to play Mario Bros?

Nicholas: Yes, of course. I love the game.

Rusty: What kind of games do you like about Mario Bros?

Nicholas: Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario 63. Those are my favorite games that I play.

Clyde: Wow. Brilliant. We also like to play Mario Bros.

Lincoln: Yes. We like it a lot because Mario games are very funny and entertaining.

Nicholas: Great. Brilliant.

Stella: And do you play video games?

Nicholas: Sure. I love playing video games. I am very good at playing video games. And you?

Stella: Wow, just like Lincoln who is good at playing video games. Well, I also like to play video games. I was starting to play video games when I went to Lincoln's house.

Lincoln: I taught Stella how to play video games and she likes it.

Nicholas: Wow cool. Now you're the girl who plays video games, aren't you?

Stella: Sure. Totally yes.

Lincoln: Hey guys, I've been thinking. Would you like to come over to my house and play video games this weekend?

Clyde: Sure.

Zach: Yeah.

Rusty: Sure.

Lincoln: Fine. What time?

Liam: Could it be at 2:30 pm?

Rusty: Yeah, that's the right time.

Lincoln: Can everyone that hour?

The gang affirms yes to Lincoln.

Lincoln: Very good. So see you on Saturday.


At break time.

The gang begins to play a fun game that is enchanted. After playing, they played something else that is hide and seek. After finishing playing, the gang got very tired and had a great time playing the game.

Liam: Wow. What fun.

Stella: Yeah, wow.

The sound of the doorbell.

Lincoln: Oh, the bell rang.

Nicholas: Now what is next?

Stella: We're in the gym with Coach Pacowski. Come on guys.

In the gym room

Coach Pacowski: All right students. They run 8 laps.

All the students start running.

Coach Pacowski: Remember this is not a race, it's just a warm-up.

After running 8 laps.

Coach Pacowski: All right, guys. Today we are going to practice basketball steps.

Nicholas: Wow. I like that.

Liam: Do you like basketball?

Nicholas: Yes. I hope I do well in this class.

Liam: Hohoho. Clear. Good luck, Nico.

Nicholas: Thanks, Liam.


In the loud house.

Lincoln and Nicholas start watching TV and it's showing Ace Savvy.

Lincoln and Nicholas: Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack.

Nicholas: Today we present: A Brave Hero.

Lincoln: By the way. I did not ask you. Which hero do you like?

Nicholas: Ace Savvy.

Lincoln: Oh, so do I. Look, look what Ace is going to do.

Nicholas: Let's see.

Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack fight villains while on a mission to rescue a secured energy diamond. The two heroes manage to defeat the villains and manage to take out the energy diamond.

One-Eyed Jack: We did it, Ace Savvy. The energy diamond has been salvaged.

Ace Savvy: Yeah, let's go put it back. Mission completed.

Nicholas: Wow, great this scene. The heroes are so amazing.

Lincoln: Absolutely yes.


At bedtime.

Nicholas: Bedtime.

Nicholas enters Lola and Lana's room and the twins are asleep, even the others are sleeping. Nicholas kisses Lana and Lola on the head for a goodnight kiss and goes to sleep. Before he sleeps, look at the photos he was with his Lincoln's friends from school when they played in the yard, at snack time and on the school bus. After having seen the photos, he was happy and said.

Nicholas: This will be the best dream of my life and I'll see what things will be in my new adventure.

In the loud house.

Weekend 1: Video games and movies.

Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Liam, Nicholas, Stella, and Zach at the Loud house.

Lincoln: What games do you guys want to play?

Clyde: The one from Super Mario Bros 3.

Liam: Sure.

Nicholas: The one from Super Mario Bros 3, I like that.

Lincoln: Okay, I'll put the drive in the console.

Zach: All right, let's start the adventure of the Super Mario Bros 3 game.

Nicholas: I've played that game a long time ago. At game time.

Zach: You seriously played the game.

Nicholas: Yes, I played it for the first time as a child. I mean when I was little.

Zach: Oh, that's great.

Lincoln: Who wants to play with Mario? Well, I'll play with Mario.

Stella: I play with Mario.

Nicholas: Me too.

Zach: I'll play Mario too.

Clyde: I'll play with Luigi.

Rusty: So do I.

Liam: Me too.

Lincoln: Very good. Let's start the game with Mario which is my first turn. World 1. Level 1 of the game.

Lincoln plays World 1 level 1.

Lincoln: The mushroom, yes. Mario growing up. The leaf power. Right.

Nicholas: Smash the goombas first.

Lincoln: I'm trying. I will be careful not to lose the leaf. Ready, now to fly up. An extra life. Yeah.

Nicholas: Coins.

Lincoln: Reaching the goal and I achieved the level and I got the star.

Clyde: It's my turn with Luigi.

Rusty: Come on Clyde.

Clyde: Level 2. Jump Luigi.

Rusty: Careful, don't go losing.

Clyde: Don't worry Rusty. I am concentrated.

Rusty: Fine.

Clyde: Where is the button? I no longer remember where it is.

Rusty: It's below the 2 yellow boxes.

Clyde: Oh right, I found it. Now I need to go up to get into the pipe and collect coins. The little leaf is excellent. The power star. I made it level. I got a fungus.

Lincoln: Play with Mario. It's your turn, Nicholas.

Nicholas: Great. Here I go. A Boomerang, paw. Let's go up to the clouds to collect coins and lives. I made it level.

Lincoln: The second star. I hope it's the third to have 5 lives.

Rusty: It's my turn to play with Luigi. Fourth level. I'm in heaven. Well, here I go.

Nicholas: Come on Rusty. You can do it.

Rusty: Thanks, Nico. I'm going to try and do it right. Come on Rusty. I made it level. Yippee.

Clyde: Awesome Rusty.

Lincoln: Now it's time to enter the castle.

Stella: I can play my turn.

Lincoln: Sure Stella. Take.

Stella: I'm going to try to play in that castle.

Nicholas: Don't fall and burn in the lava.

Stella: Easy. Don't worry, I'll make it. Here we go. All right, let's go in the door. I will fight with the enemy. It is easy to defeat him. And I did it.

Nicholas: Well done Stella.

Stella: Thank you.

Liam: Now it's my turn. In the cavern sliding.

Nicholas: Do you remember where the orange musical cube is?

Liam: Hohoho. Sure friend. Here it is already up. Ready, downstairs, I'm going to pick up the flower. Take carnivorous plants. I made it level. I touched the flower. A life.

Zach: My turn to play Mario. Now I have the level of heaven.

Lincoln: Don't go failing the level, Zach.

Zach: Oh don't worry mate, I'll be focused on playing this level.

After passing that level, Zach manages to pass the level.

Zach: I made it. He came out triple star.

Lincoln: 5 more lives.

After playing the Super Mario Bros 3 game. (They stayed in World 3)

The friends eat nachos and start talking.

Zach: Hey Nicholas. What is your favorite Mario Bros object?

Nicholas: Well, the pen. And yours?

Zach: The one with the little leaf.

Nicholas: Great.

Zach: And how did you learn to play Mario?

Nicholas: Well I don't know, I just found out how to play it, I taught myself how to play.

Zach: Wow. Are you good at playing video games?

Nicholas: Yep, that's right.

Zach: Wow, just like Lincoln.

Nicholas: Yes. Exact.

Liam: Hey Nico.

Nicholas: Yes Liam?

Liam: Would you like to know what it's like on my farm?

Nicholas: Sure. I have never visited a farm.

Liam: Oh well, you'll see how my farm is when there's a new gathering of friends.

Nicholas: Okay Liam. I'll see how your farm is.

Zach: Hey Nico. Do you play any sport?

Nicholas: Actually, I played basketball when I was 8 years old.

Liam: Basketball. Oh, the same for me, but I always play that sport because I like it.

Nicholas: Great Liam. I have played basketball but I haven't played in a long time.

Liam: Huh? So, would you like to play basketball with me, for fun?

Nicholas: Wow, sure Liam. It would be fascinating.

Liam: Very good, I play on Sundays, even when I go on vacation and holidays.

Nicholas: Great. At what time?

Liam: At 3:00 pm.

Nicholas: Cool. So I can play basketball with you on Sundays.

Liam: Sure. But first I ask you if you are going to play or not for some reason in the chat.

Nicholas: Okay Liam. Got it.

Liam: Done. Welcome to the brother club.

Nicholas: Thank you. And do you have pets on your farm?

Liam: My little pig. Virginia.

Nicholas: Oh, it's your pet.

Liam: Yup. That's how it is.

Nicholas: Oh great. And do you have a dog on your farm?

Liam: No, I don't have a dog on my farm.

Nicholas: Oh yeah okay. Those nachos are delicious

Zach: Yeah, I love it.

Rusty: They're great.

Zach: Did you know that Rusty likes red sauce?

Nicholas: No. Why?

Rusty: Because I have orange hair.

Nicholas: Oh okay. I understand.

Rusty: Oh Nico. Do you like girls?

Nicholas: Me? Okay, yes. Because?

Rusty: I like girls too, but I'm trying to find a pretty girl I want to fall in love with.

Nicholas: Oh interesting. Well, I want to have a girl too, but I'm not good at doing this.

Rusty: What? Talk to her so they get to know each other a lot?

Nicholas: Yes.

Rusty: If you want I could help you, I'm very good at talking very well with a girl.

Nicholas: Really, Rusty?

Rusty: Yeah.

Nicholas: Oh good. So I accept your help.

Rusty: Great. When you find a girl, tell me to help you.

Nicholas: Sure. 

Lincoln: Hey Nico. How are you?

Nicholas: Okay Lincoln, all right.

Lincoln: Oh great brother. What topic did you guys talk about?

Liam: We talked about my farm and my favorite sport I play.

Zach: The Mario game.

Rusty: I told Nicholas that he likes girls. Also about the red sauce.

Nicholas: That's right. We talked about those things.

Lincoln: Wow, great guys. Good conversation.

Nicholas: And what were you doing Lincoln?

Lincoln: I was talking with Clyde and Stella about some interesting video game topics.

Nicholas: Oh good bro.

Lincoln: Stella, Clyde and I want to see a movie, she brought some DVDs to watch. Do you want to see it?

Rusty, Liam, Zach, and Nicholas say yes Lincoln.

Lincoln: Great.

Stella: I brought some DVDs to watch a movie. Which do they choose? The Zombies movie or the astronauts.

Zach: Hmm. Zombie movie. Astronaut movie.

Nicholas: The one with the astronauts. That is interesting.

Liam: Yeah, that's interesting. Sure, I want to see it.

Rusty: Me too.

Stella: Great. The astronaut movie. I'm taking out the DVD.

The gang starts watching the movie about the astronauts.

Weekend 2: Gus's games and food.

The gang arrives at Gus's games and food to take advantage of playing games and liven up the fun.

Liam is playing with the basketball machine to set his record.

Lincoln and Clyde play the game machine about zombies.

Nicholas plays the game machine which is car racing.

Stella plays table hockey with Rusty.

Zach plays Skeeball.

And everyone picks other games to play. After everyone has played their chosen games, everyone orders food to eat and sits at the table to wait for the order.

Nicholas: Wow, what fun I had playing all the games.

Stella: Yes, it was a lot of fun. What do you think, Nico?

Nicholas: Wonderful. Wonderful of everything.

Stella: I'm so glad.

Two waitresses and a waiter arrive and place the order on the table.

Waitress: Here's your order, children.

All: Thank you.

Friends take advantage of eating the food. What is the food on the table: Pizza, nachos, cans of soda, hot dog and nuggets.

Nicholas: Hmm. What a treat.

Liam: Hey Nico. Would you like us to ask us something?

Nicholas: Oh sure. Hmm. Liam, which one do you like best? The pool or the beach.

Liam: Oh ho ho ho. I like the pool better because I like to swim and enjoy the water.

Nicholas: The pool. Very good. What about you, Rusty?

Rusty: I like the beach because I like to build a sandcastle.

Nicholas: Great Rusty. And yours Zach.

Zach: Well, I like the pool better.

Stella: I like them both because they are great for enjoying everything.

Lincoln: Me too, I mean what Stella said.

Clyde: So do I. Both of you are very wonderful.

Rusty: And yours, Nicholas.

Nicholas: Well, I like the pool because I like to swim and do something in the water. I don't like the beach very much because of the sand and it burns my feet.

Stella: Oh, but why don't you like to enjoy yourself on the beach?

Nicholas: I don't know. There is nothing funny.

Stella: Hmm. But have you ever built a sandcastle?

Nicholas: Yes.

Stella: Okay. Hmm. Have you ever played ball on the beach?

Nicholas: Ball. No.

Stella: Did you get into the sea on your feet?

Nicholas: Yes.

Stella: Well, okay. But, do you get used to being on the beach?

Nicholas: Yes, just to look at the beach, build a sand castle if I want or feel like it and put my feet in the water.

Stella: Oh oh yeah. Well, okay, Nico. It's also very hot, isn't it?

Nicholas: Sure. Yes indeed. And what is your favorite food?

Stella: The burgers and French fries.

Lincoln: The pizza.

Clyde: Donkey.

Rusty: Pizza for me.

Zach: Well, I don't have a favorite food by the way.

Liam: Hmm. I don't have a favorite food anyway. But my favorite breakfast food is eggs, bacon and pancakes.

Nicholas: Oh wow. Well, my favorite food is pizza, hamburgers and lasagna.

Stella: Oh good.

Clyde: And have you tried Lynn Sr.'s lasagna?

Nicholas: Yes, of course. I tried it. It's great.

Clyde: Oh okay. And what else do you want to ask?

Nicholas: And what is your favorite animal?

Rusty: The raccoon.

Stella: The rabbit.

Lincoln: Me too, the rabbit.

Clyde: The cat.

Zach: The horse and the snake.

Liam: Me the piggy and the chicken.

Nicholas: Oh wonderful. Brilliant. My favorite animal is ah... The dog and the rabbit.

Clyde: Wow. Are they your favorite animals?

Nicholas: Yep. They are very cute to me.

Clyde: Awww so cute.

Nicholas: Oh... Hey guys. Have you ever played the Agogo game you say?

Liam: Agogo you say? Nop. I don't know the game.

Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty and Zach: (They shake their heads, which is not)

Stella: Neither do I. How is that game?

Nicholas: Oh. Well, I explain how that game is. I played it a long time ago. This game is about having to say examples of anything, be it animals, objects, colors and much more. If a person delays thinking in 5 seconds, they will lose. Look, I show you about that you understand. Agogo (Applause) Tell me. (claps) Names of. (claps) Animals. (Applause) For example: Dog. (Points to Lincoln) Lincoln.

Lincoln: Cat.

Clyde: Uh... Rabbit.

Rusty: Uh... Horse.

Nicholas: Yeah, that's right. I repeat, if a person delays in saying, he loses. They all understood how the game is.

They all say yes.

Lincoln: Yes, I understand how that game is what you told me.

Rusty: So do I.

Clyde: Yeah, I understand too.

Stella: Yeah, I never know that game, now I understand how it is.

Liam: Sure. It looks like fun.

Zach: Yeah, now I get it too.

Nicholas: Wow amazing. It's good that you already understood how it is. So they want to play the game so they know how much fun it is.

Lincoln: Sure, sure.

Liam: Yeah, let's do it.

Stella: Okay. let's play

Nicholas: Good. I say first. Agogo (Applause) Tell me. (claps) Names of. (claps) colors. (Claps your hands) For example: Red (Points to Lincoln) Lincoln.

Lincoln: Orange.

Clyde: Blue.

Rusty: Green.

Liam: Brown.

Zach: Red.

Nicholas: You already said red.

Zach: Oh, the purple one.

Stella: Black.

Nicholas: Yellow. Your turn Lincoln.

Lincoln: White.

Clyde: Uh... Wait.

Nicholas: Five, four, three,

Clyde: Pink.

Rusty: Uh... Gray.

Liam: Uh... Green.

Stella: He already said green.

Liam: Oh, uh...

Nicholas: Five, four, three, two,

Liam: Orange.

Nicholas: You already said orange. Time. You already lost Liam.

Liam: Oh. Ha ha ha. Good heavens.

Nicholas: Very good. What did you think of the game?

Liam: That's cool.

Stella: Fun.

Lincoln: The game is very cool. I can say what you did to Agogo.

Nicholas: Sure Lincoln, try it.

Lincoln: Okay. I say. Agogo (Applause) Tell me. (claps) Names of. (claps) food. (Applause) For example: Pizza. Your turn Clyde.

Clyde: Huh. Apple.

Rusty: Burger.

Liam: Eggs.

Zach: Waffles.

Stella: Pancakes.

Nicholas: French fries.

Lincoln: Lagshana.

Clyde: Fish.

Rusty: Sandwich.

Liam: Bacon.

Zach: Nuggets.

Stella: Cake.

Nicholas: Uh... Cheese.

Lincoln: Macaroni and cheese.

Clyde: Pickles.

Rusty: Spaghetti.

Liam: Cupcakes.

Zach: Cereal.

Nicholas: Wow.

Stella: Chip. No no. I mean...

Lincoln: It's okay Stella. Yes, it is. Chips are also food.

Nicholas: Uh... Ice cream.

Lincoln: Well, uh... Waffles.

Zach: He already said waffles.

Lincoln: Oh uh...

Stella: Five, four.

Lincoln: Banana.

Clyde: Peach.

Rusty: Orange.

Liam: Uh... Watermelon.

Zach: Take yourself.

Stella: Lettuce.

Nicholas: Corn.

Lincoln: Chicken.

Clyde: Donkey.

Rusty: Tacos.

Liam: Hot dog.

Zach: Tuna.

Stella: Uh... Let's see let me think fast.

Lincoln: Five, four, three, two.

Stella: Mango.

Lincoln: Fine. To the jousting

Nicholas: Uh... Pretzel.

Lincoln: No, I was going to say pretzel. Oh, Jesus. Let me think.

Stella: Five, four, three.

Lincoln: Carrot. Ugh.

Clyde: Spinach.

Rusty: Uh... Let me think.

Lincoln: Five, four, three, two.

Rusty: Egg.

Lincoln: He already said egg. Time. You lost Rusty.

Rusty: Oh my gosh. Hehehehe. That game is so much fun, huh?

Stella: Yes, very cool game Nico. Now I know how much fun it is.

Nicholas: Hahaha. Thanks, guys. I'm glad you enjoyed my game.

Stella: Yes. It's very cool.

Liam: Exactly.

Lincoln: Great. Continue playing.

Stella: Hey, we'll play later. We'll finish eating first.

Lincoln: Okay.

Weekend 3: In the park.

Lincoln: Alright guys. Let's run to the mud line which is the finish line.

Nicholas: Hey, and Zach isn't going to run?

Lincoln: No, he said he doesn't want to. By the way, the camera is going to film it so you can see our footprints when we cross the finish line.

Nicholas: Okay.

Lincoln: Fine. Ready, Set, Go.

The friends start running the race.

When everyone reaches the finish line, Liam wins the race, beating Nicholas. Nicholas was first, but he fell second and Stella stayed third.

Liam: Wow yeah. Win the race.

Nicholas: Uff I almost beat you. Well done Liam. Congratulations.

Liam: Thanks, Nicholas. You also did very well in the race.

Nicholas: Thank you.

Stella: Very good. Can we play another game?

Liam: How about we play hide and seek? It's my favorite game by the way.

Liam counts from 1 to 10 on the tree and the others hide somewhere.

Liam: Ready or not, here I come.

Liam starts looking for his friends.

Liam: I wonder where they are. I found you Lincoln. Yeah.

Lincoln was hiding in the tree.

Clyde hides in the bushes.

Clyde: Liam's not going to find me. Ha ha ha.

Liam: I found you, Clyde.

Clyde: Oh you found me.

Rusty hides in the other bush.

Rusty: Hehehe. Liam won't find me.

Liam: I found you.

Rusty: Oh you found me, Liam.

Liam: Now it's Nicholas, Stella and Zach.

Nicholas hides on the bench.

Liam: I wonder where the others are missing.

Nicholas: Hehehe.

Liam: It's over here. I found you, Nicholas.

Nicholas: You found me, Liam. Good heavens. Very good Liam. Who is missing?

Liam: Missing Stella and Zach.

Stella hid in the bush and Zach in an empty box.

Liam: I found you Stella and I found you, Zach, huh? It's not in the box. Oh dang it. I wonder where Zach is.

Zach hides behind Liam's back and Liam doesn't realize where he is.

Liam: I have to keep looking. Hmm? (He turns around and Zach does too) Huh? I see someone Oh ho ho ho, I found you, Zach.

Zach: Hahahaha you found me.

Liam: I already found everyone. Yippee!


They all sit on the bench.

Stella: Ugh. We had a lot of fun.

Lincoln: Yeah, it was fun to play.

Stella: Hey look. They are selling ice cream.

Clyde: Ice cream.

Lincoln: Come on guys. Let's go for the ice cream.


The friends are eating ice cream.

Nicholas: What a delicious ice cream.

Lincoln: Hehehe. The ice cream is very rich.

Nicholas: Do you feel hot weather?

Stella: Yes, of course.

Liam: This weather is hot.

Rusty: Well, after the ice cream, what do we do now? It is still early.

Nicholas: Hmm. Hey guys.

Liam: Yes.

Nicholas: Do you have a bicycle?

Lincoln: We have a bicycle.

Nicholas: Oh okay everyone has. Hmm. Would you like to take a ride on the bike?

Everyone is surprised with joy.

Rusty: Sure. Of course. That's a very good idea.

Clyde: Yes Nico.

Stella: Sure.

Nicholas: (Glad)

The friends get on the bike and start riding.

Stella: Okay Nico. How are you spending this day? And what did you think of the previous weekends with us?

Nicholas: (Looks happy) Good, very good. The weekends with you were incredible, great guys. I am very happy about that.

Stella: Oh I'm so glad.

Lincoln: Okay brother. Welcome to our band.

Clyde: Yes. Welcome friend and you are from our group.

Stella: Now we will be your friend, Nicholas.

Nicholas: Oh thanks, guys. I'm happy for you. Hey, shall we have a bike race in the park to see who can be the fastest?

Rusty: Sure. I like the bicycle race.

Liam: I accept the challenge friend. Let's see who is faster.

Nicholas: All right guys. Let's go.

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