Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDI...

By Grimmjowswaifu

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Y'all know I come through with the smut & had to make it toxic. Have fun reading about a toxic, lying, unfait... More

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By Grimmjowswaifu

"Grimmy I can't anymore, please." She rolled over closing her eyes.

"I guess we can stop for the day."

"No, for the next two weeks." Y/n's face is peppered with sweat, she wants nothing more than a relaxing soak with the jets on in the jetted tub.

"Naw I can't go that long without you." He sits up, "You're crazy."

"Let's not talk about crazy." She says lifting herself up.

"Good, cause that's exactly what you are."

Y/n narrows her eyes at him, "I actually have some stuff to brush up on for class."

"Do you need help?"

"No, I think I got it."

"Good, cause I'm gonna nap."

"In my bed? Don't you have your own bed?" She jokes.

"Yeah, but in this one I have you."

She laughs, throwing on a pink chamise.

"If you come back, come back without that on." He jokes as he lays back down.

She ignores him smiling on her way out to the living room where her backpack was with her work. She checked the notes that Orihime lent her and made sure they coincided with her notes. After a couple of hours, Y/n was still reviewing her notes. Grimmjow has left and Y/n was finally enjoying the much-needed down time. She decided to give Orihime a call and thank her for the notes.


"Hi Orihime! Thanks so much for the notes, I feel so much better about this damn exam coming up now."

"Oh! You're welcome. I'm glad I could help, did you enjoy the party the other night?"

"I did! You know how to throw them."

"I tried- Wha- Okay. Y/n, Rukia wants to talk to you hold on."


"Hiii." Rukia says loudly.

"Hey, what's goin on over there?"

"We're actually up the road from you at a restaurant."

"Oh? And I got no invite? What lovely friends I have." Y/n joked.

"Well, Nel invited us out and she invited you too. We kinda just got here."

"Why's she inviting me?" Y/n questions.

"I dunno, but come out! We just got here, throw something on."

"I-I don't know, isn't that weird?" 

"She said she couldn't invite you personally cause she doesn't have your number." Rukia replies.

"Her boyfriend does." Y/n said under her breath.

"I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that. But come out okay? Okay byeeee!"

The line disconnects, Y/n drops her hands at her sides and whines. "Ughhhhh I don't wanna go anywhere todayyyyy."

Y/n didn't know who else she'd be seeing so she kept it simple but cute.

Her outfit:

She arrived at the restaurant no later than 15 minutes after she got off the phone, the girls were sitting at a rounded booth toward the back. She waves and greets everybody, and Nel starts her bullshit.

"You are definitely fucking somebody. Your skin has a lot of color." Nel says.

"W-what? Y/n replies.

"Nothing too serious, just whoever it is, is doing their job. I see the sex glow." Nel adds.

"Uh.. yeah I guess."

Nel sighs, "I just wish my Grimmjow gave me the sex glow. He doesn't wanna do anything with me, it's starting to get weird. I feel like all we do is argue."

"Now you see what everybody else sees." Orihime chimed.

"Oh whatever, like we don't see your shit with Ichigo."

"What shit?" Orihime asked.

"You know, the whole thing the other night."

"Wait... what happend the other night? Did I miss something?" Y/n asked.

Rukia let out a lengthy sigh, "Ichigo put his head in-between a cocktail waitresses titties, took a shot from them and did a body shot off of somebody else."

Y/n put her hand over her mouth letting out a muffled, "Oh my..."

"He was WILD that night. It was kinda funny... but not." Rukia said.

"It wasn't funny at all actually." Orihime said.

"Only because he was drunk right? And he made some mistakes like he was single." Nel says. "But I bet after you told him everything you needed to say, the sex you had after was amazing wasn't it?"

Orihime looked down at her phone and then back up at the girls, "It actually was. How'd you know?"

"Toxic relationships 101, I used to be in one."

"You're in one now." Rukia said low.

"What?" Nel asked.

"Nothing, continue." Rukia dismisses.

"I don't even know what I was saying."

"Good cause the waiter is coming." Rukia says ordering her food.

"I just wish Grimmjow wasn't so plain in bed." Nel bumped Y/n. "Have you ever had anybody plain? Like he's so vanilla."

"No he isn't."  Y/n says squinting her eyes trying to imagine a time that he was.


"I- um. I don't know.. What was the question?" Y/n catches herself.

"I just think he's plain in bed is all. That's such a turn off to a person too."

"I hear you, so why not just break up with him?"

"I dunno, I can't let him go for some reason. Cause it sure as hell isn't the sex that's got me holding onto him."

"Hmm." Y/n drinks her water looking at Rukia.

"So! Are we going to that new club that opened up?" Rukia says.

"Umm, Karma?" Orihime asks.


"I'm excited! Are you coming with?" Rukia asks.


"What am I asking for? Of course she's coming with." Rukia crossed her arms.

"Do I have to though? I kinda wanted to catch up on sleep."

"Sleep when you're dead!" Nel yelled.

"Which will be soon, if I don't sleep."

In the middle of eating, Y/n's phone rings and she tries to hide the name getting up from the booth. "I gotta take this guys."

"Oh! I bet it's the guy who's got you glowing isn't it?" Nel asks. "Put that shit on speaker, I wanna know what he sounds like!"

"It's m-my dad." Y/n looks at the caller ID and it definitely says Grimmjow.

"Oh, well still. I like older men, put me on." Nel says grabbing her arm.

"You're gross.." Y/n flicks her off and answers the phone. "Hi daddy, I'm out with friends right now." Y/n is practically sweating.

"Did you just call me 'Daddy'? Alright, I like this. Keep it."

"Ew no." Y/n whispers.

"What is he saying?" Nel tries to listen in, but Y/n pushes her back.

"Was that Nel?" Grimmjow asks.

"Yeah, I'm out with my friends remember? Rukia, Orihime and Nel. Did you need something Daddy?"

"Alright you're turnin me on. Where you at?"

"I'm busyyyyyy." Y/n drags as she tries to get him off the phone.

"Alright baby, call me when you get back home."

"Okay, bye daddy."

Y/n disconnects the line and puts the phone down when Nel says, "I heard his tone kind of sort of and he sounds hot. Y/n is your dad hot?"

"I-I wouldn't know..."

"Mm, you're right. Well when can I meet him?" Nel pushes.

"Nel, shut up." Rukia says stuffing fries in her mouth.

Y/n appreciates her friend stepping in before it gets too uncomfortable. They finished their eats and were just cooling it at the table talking. Y/n's phone starts buzzing, she's getting texts from Grimmjow. 

Now he's sending dick pics. Y/n put the phone in her pocket, and a smile showed across her face slightly, and when she looked up Nel was staring her dead in the eye.

"Oh you were just texting the person who has you exhausted weren't you? I know it."

"Nel please." Y/n said. She looks at Rukia, "I don't wanna go out tonight to be honest with you."

"Just come out for a little bit? Who's gonna take care of me?" Rukia says with puppy eyes.

Y/n sighs, "Fineeeeeeee."

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