Malfoy (Draco Malfoy x Reader)

By callmekarmen

46 5 0

Y/N just transferred from Beauxbatons to Hogwarts for her fourth year. *All characters are owned by J.K. Row... More



7 1 0
By callmekarmen

Once we arrived at the common room, she showed me the password, it was 'snake's eye'. We had noticed our rooms were facing one another, mine is 237 and her's is 238.

"I'll let you settle in, if you need anything I'll be in here, just knock on the door." She told me with a kind face as she entered her room. I sighed happily as I went into my room.

I immediately started unpacking. I noticed that my cat's cage was open already and that she was laying on my desk. I guess they don't want animals to stay in their cages for too long, how considerate of them.

One hour had passed and I had finally finished putting my clothes in the wardrobe. I was about to do my bed, I had brought my own bed sheets thinking it would make the room feel more familiar, when I heard knocking at my door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Daphne! I'm going down to the common room, if you want to come with me you could meet my friends?" I opened the door to her as I agreed to come with her.

As I was about to walk out she pointed at my desk. "Don't forget your key, even if people don't get their things stolen I think you should always lock your door." I thanked her for telling me because I hadn't even seen the key since Carmen was blocking it from my angle.

We went down the stairs and I saw 5 boys, including blondie boy, and a girl. She was the one staring at me during the feast. They were all sitting in the chairs in front of the fire. There were two free places, one next to the girl and one next to Draco.

As we reached them, Daphne sat next to the girl, who was still staring at me as a matter of fact. "You can sit there." Daphne said with a grin as she pointed to the last free spot. I nodded my head and murmured a "yes right" as I sat down. There was still some place in between the both of us where when I curled my legs up to sit more comfortably, I still didn't touch him. "Everyone, this is y/n l/n, she's in our year and she transferred here from Beauxbatons!" Daphne said to the gang. They all introduced themselves, some nicer than others. I would say Blaise and Theo were nice, Crabbe and Goyle look more interested in their snacks than in meeting a new classmate. Pansy gave me me a small nod with a forced smile and lastly Draco... Yea.

He was the last one as they all presented themselves clockwise. When he told me his name I told him "Yes! From what I've heard our dads knew each other from their time here!" He looked at me with a stern look and whispered so that I could be the only one hearing him "Don't think that because our dads were friends that I'll develop some kind of liking towards you. I received a letter from my mother telling me I should help you if you had any questions. I won't. Go ask Daphne and don't waste my time."

I thought it was quite rude, it honestly only made me want to make him like me. As friends of course! I'm very ambitious. When I want something, I get it. His little lecture only makes me want to "waste his time" as he said it. I don't know why his speech boosted me so much.

I decided to oblige to his request for now, as I wouldn't want to start the new school year on the wrong foot. I squeezed myself to the armchair to make sure I'd be as far as possible from him at the moment. I didn't want to show I cared about what he had said and so I just ignored him. Giving him a response, verbally or physically, would only give him a reason to be a prick.

I pulled out my mp3, as no one was paying any attention to me. When they saw it though, everyone's eyes were on me. "What exactly is that?" asked Blaise Zabini. I frowned my eyebrows with an amused face. "You're kidding, right?" They all shook their heads with a confused look. "It's an mp3, it's to listen to music. It's a muggle device I got when I was in France." "Muggle device?" The grey eyed boy next to me spat with disgust all over his face. "Yes, muggle device. Is there something wrong with that?"  Theo then asked me "Are you a pureblood?" I looked at them shook, I can't believe I was having this conversation with a bunch of teenagers right now. "Yes, I'm a pureblood, but I spent my early years with muggles. Up until I was 11, I went to a muggle school and learnt about magic at home."

Daphne thought it was pretty cool when I told her about it on our way to the common room. They all nodded their heads as they understood. They didn't seem to care that much. All except a certain blond. He just side-eyed me with a judgy face. He's acting like a 12 year old girl going through her pre-teen crisis.

I then remembered I hadn't even made my bed yet and wanted to hang some decorations before going to sleep. Seeing as it was getting late and I was exhausted from all the adrenaline of the first day, I decided to go back to my room.

When I got to my door, I tried opening it and realized my key wasn't in my pocket. I figured it must've slipped out when I sat on the couch. I turned around, about to jog back down to go find it as I slammed into a wall-like chest. I looked up to see grey eyes looking at my y/e/c ones. "This was on the couch. You know, you don't have to lock your door, it's not like someone's going to steal anything from you."

"Right, um, thank you for bringing it to me." I told him, wondering why the sudden act of kindness. "I still don't want you bothering me, if that's what you're wondering about." And he just left. I furrowed my brows and slightly tilted my head. Hm. He's quite weird.

I went into my room and finished up my room to my liking. I would definitely need to go buy some decorations, I'll talk about it to Daphne tomorrow. I did my night routine and went to bed.

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