Always and forever

By Hyunjins--hairband

105K 1.3K 169

In which, Conrad fisher invites his famous girlfriend to the summer house More

Season 1
The beach house
The bonfire
Deb tea party
Happy birthday to you!
Nicole's party
4th of july
the cove
Deb Ball
Big day
Season 2
Welcome back to cousins
Aunt julia problem
Great Boardwalk showdown
country club
Authors note
party time
back home


2.3K 24 0
By Hyunjins--hairband

"Well today we have a special guest. She has won a emmy and a Oscar. Is well known in the horror genre and is slowly becoming the face of Netflix. Please welcome Cassie Diggs to the screen." James says as the audience goes crazy. "Hi James" Cassie says smiling at her computer screen while waving. "Hello Cassie thank you for coming onto the show" James tells the girl.
"Thank you for having me" Cassie says. "So fan sightings and you are gonna explain what is going on in this photo. How does that sound" James explains to her. "I'm up for it" Cassie says "let's get started then" James says and shows a photo.

This photo showed her with a shopping bag and Susannah with her. The two girls were standing line for Auntie Anne's. "So that's my boyfriend's mom and basically we were just out shopping. Just some bonding time" Cassie says as she tries to remember what what she was doing on the day that phot was took. "Bonding time with the future mother in law" James jokes. "Basically" Cassie says laughing. "Here is our next photo" James says and a photo was shown.

The photo shown Wyatt, Sophia and herself. They were playing rock, paper, scissor, shoot and the were outside a movie theater. "That at we went to go see a movie and we collectively agree we were hungry, but had different places we want to go to.  So we decided to play rock, paper, scissor, shoot to decide where we were going to eat." Cassie tells him. "So what did you guys end up eating" James asked. "I won, so we ended up eating Olive Garden" Cassie answers.

"So the next photo shows you at a Chick-fa-la with an outfit, the outfit wasn't a bad part it just seems that you are covered in what I think is fake blood" James says explaining the next photo. "So this is an outfit I wear in an upcoming show. I finished up a scene and there was a chick-fa-la close by so I went and got me food" Cassie tells him. "Well here is our next photo" James says as the next photo appears.  In this Photo Daveed and Cassie were outside a building and Daveed was tying Cassie's shoe.

"I mean there isn't much to this photo. We're we're on our way somewhere and I notice that my show was untied. I didn't feel like tying so I asked dad to tie it and he did" Cassie says. "a short little story"  James says "exactly" Cassie says agreeing.
"Well in this Next photo you were in Marshall's and it seems that you were staring at something. By the lion on your face you look a little shocked. What Shocked you" Jimmy ask the girl. "Well I was looking for a gift and I was walking by this couple. I saw something on the dudes neck, so I question it and look again to see two hickeys in the guys next so I was just a little shock" Cassie says laughing. "Did you tell anybody about this"James asked.

"I immediately told my friend Ella. I tell her everything even if it's a small thing. If your watching this Ella I love you" Cassie says  blowing a kiss to the screen. "Well Ella there your little shoot out." James says showing another photo. "So in this photo you and some of your co-stars are painting pottery. It seems like you and Timothee Chalamet are painting the same dinosaur. "So we had a time limit and I really wanted to paint that dinosaur, so me and Timmy painted the dinosaur together." Cassie explains. "Did you guys name the dinosaur" James asked. "We names it Daveed the Dino. I have it on my desk back home" Cassie says. "Love the name" James says "why thank you" Cassie says smiling.

"So our seventh photo shows Emmy standing behind you and she's styling your hair in pretty sure" James says. "Basically. Emmy was doing my hair because I need help. I was struggling trying to make my two ponytails even" Cassie explains to him. "This photo shows you with the lady from the first person and two new people." James says as he shows another photo.

"So basically Susannah who is the blonde one, gave a me an invitation to be a debutante and I accepted it so we were shopping for dresses" Cassie tells him. "So what is a debutante" jakes asked "so there's this thing called a Deb ball and basically it's when a girl reaches the maturity level of her life in pretty sure" Cassie explains. "Interesting" James says. "So far it's been really fun" Cassie adds. "Okay so this photo you are seen ruffling a boys hair. Fans have suspected that is mystery guy" James says. "So Susannah's friend was having this book thingy and Jer who is the boy mentions being bored, so I just ruffled up his hair." Cassie says before continuing.

"This isn't the mystery guys i was talking about, but that is his brother" "we're getting more hints towards this mystery guy" James says "yeah. Let's she how long it takes before you guys figure out" Cassie says laughing. "So this photo shows you at a table with a bunch of other girls and you guys are having a tea party" James says questioning it a little at the end. "So there is a deb tea party where I guess they learn more about it and meet the other debutantes" Cassie tells him. "So did you like the girls you were sitting with" James ask. "Yeah they were all very welcoming" Cassie says. "Well that is our last photo. Again thank you so much Cassie for coming" James says "thank you so much for having me" Cassie says. "Make sure to watch I am not okay with this on Netflix" James says. "Bye" Cassie says smiling and waving.

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