JWCC: Six Campers And The Mon...

By Huyhuynh406

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Monsters & Dinosaurs. (Y/N) (L/N) is a Monster Hunter and he is the one who taming the monsters by himself... More

(Y/N)'s Monster Hunter Pets
Harem & Friends & Enemies
Chapter 1: Welcome to Isla Nublar
Chapter 2: Zip Line/Raptor Paddock
Chapter 3: Meet Dr. Wu/The Lab
Chapter 4: Teamwork Make Dream
Chapter 5: Zinogre V.S Indominus Rex
Chapter 6: The Story Of (Y/N)/Sammy's Truth
Chapter 7: Vastatosaurus Rex V.S Nargacuga
Chapter 8: The Creation Of Monsters
Chapter 10: Hunting Hybrids/Diablo V.S Ultimasaurus
Chapter 11: Date With Yasmina
Chapter 12: Isla Tacano Part 1
Chapter 13: Isla Tacano Part 2
Chapter 14: Tigrex V.S Spinosaurus
Chapter 15: Big Eatie & Little Eatie's Child/Stalker
Chapter 16: Scorpius Rex V.S Tigrex
Chapter 17: Big Eatie & Little Eatie Attack
Chapter 18: Narcaguca V.S Second Scorpius Rex
Chapter 19: The Deadly Odogaron/Blue's Love
Chapter 20: Back to Isla Nublar
Chapter 21: Barioth V.S Malisaurus
Chapter 22: The Fallen Kingdom
Chapter 23: The Ending

Chapter 9: Flying with Rathalos

805 14 0
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

Brooklyn: "(Y/N)! Care you tell me about what was this creature back there?" She asked (Y/N) and make him with the other campers who were sat down on the couch chairs by themselves and they both were seem to be chilling right now. Then (Y/N) with the campers who are sat there and then (Y/N) was got many campers asking (Y/N) with these questions about these monsters for what they want to know.

(Y/N): "Well, that thing for what you saw back there it is a Nargacuga." He said to them.

Campers: "Narcagu-What now?" They both asked (Y/N) and make him said.

(Y/N): "Narcaguca." He said to them with correcting more words and then Darius asked (Y/N).

Darius: "Wait, how many monsters that you have right now? I need to know why are there is different species and types?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, I have 9 of them and there is a lot of powers from these monsters that I have an element." He said to Darius.

Gray: "Whoa, that thing ummm....Narcaguca is definitely faster and it was faster than anything moves for what we both just saw, (Y/N)! That thing is fastest than a cheetah and raptor!" He said to (Y/N) and then he was chuckle little bit and then he told them about Narcaguca was the one of the most dangerous monster that need to be careful about this creature who was stalking at the enemies.

(Y/N): "You guys need to be careful about this creature...this creature living in the darkness and it will stalking at you for what you were doing....alright...let me explaining to you both about this Narcacuga." He said to them and showing the picture of Narcaguca by himself.

(Y/N): "It has black scales, black fur and nightmarish red eyes, giving it the look and style of a predatory black panther. Its dark, feral appearance suggests that it may mainly be a nocturnal predator. This wyvern has been sighted within the Great Forest at both night and daytime, the Jungle, and also the Old Swamp. When it's in Rage Mode, its eyes glow bright red and leave a trail of reddish lines when Nargacuga moves. Also, its tail erects large spikes which can be flung and linked up with its attacks for devastating hits. Their vertebrae and tail muscles are extremely flexible, making the tail of Nargacuga also prehensile. Its tail is also its most powerful weapon. The scales at the end of the tail can also be shaken to produce rattling sounds similar to that of a rattlesnake."

Campers: "Whoa...." They both said in surprise and then Kenji asked (Y/N).

Kenji: "So what does it do?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "What do you mean, Kenji?" He asked him.

Sammy: "He asking you about what it is ability?" She asked (Y/N) and make him thinking nad he said to them with an answer

(Y/N): "Nargacuga has the ability to attack with almost every part of its body, mainly its bladed wings and its spiked tail. Its head can be used for biting, similar to Tigrex. Its bladed wings are used almost for the entire battle and deal high damage. Its tail tip, which can be cut with a white bar of sharpness or above, is extremely dangerous. When in Rage Mode its tail spikes will protrude until it gets out of it (Although they will protrude when it uses tail slams and it shoots tail spikes). Nargacuga also has extremely strong muscles that let it jump long distances and tall heights at high speed." He said to them right away.

Gray: "Whoa! I think I was right about this Nargacuga and it is faster than cheetah and lions...but this thing has black fur like black panther." He said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle little bit to him and he said.

(Y/N): "Yep, this thing can goes fastest with speedster but the other thing is there were monsters like compare to Nargacuga...." He said to them.

Yasmina: "Wait, where's the other monsters that you want to showing us?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to her and he said.

(Y/N): "Well, they both are living in the jungle right now and no matter how you are gonna get there but they will be out there and protecting this Isla Nublar with threats around here." He said to her and then (Y/N) told them like a lot of types from monsters that he was taming it and then (Y/N) was use his right wrist and showing the red stone for what they gonna see and make them both surprise.

(Y/N): "This right here is the red stone for you guys are going to see." He said to them and make them both were looking at it and they have no idea what this thing gonna do.

Sammy: "COOL!!!!! SO, WHAT DOES IT DO?!" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I'll show you." He said to them and he told them to getting dresses up right away and eat some breakfast foods too and then they both were eating their own foods right away and after they both were done with eating and then they got their clothes to dresses up. Then (Y/N) was grab his weapon with him and body-vest bulletproof to putting it on and then (Y/N) grab the sunglasses and he was put it on his eyes and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, then....let's go guys!" He said to them and make them both were heading out right away and they are going to the journey for what they must do.

Time Skip Later.

When they both are walking to the jungle right away and they both were walking with (Y/N) who showing them the way where they are gonna go but (Y/N) told the campers that they need to be careful and they should stick along with (Y/N). Then they both were walking with their own feets and they have to keep going fast as they could and they want to see what (Y/N) showing them and they wish need to know about what is he showing them for.

Kenji: "Are we there, yet? My feet is tired right now." He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "We are almost there, you guys. We just keep moving right now." He said to them and they both were keep moving right away and when they were walking and they both are heading out to big rock over there and make them both were stood right there and they have their faces were surprise for what they both saw there was Jurassic World camp down there and the building where many people are walking down there too. They both were seem to be chilling and walking also some dinosaurs are definitely down there too and (Y/N) was smile little bit and he seeing this Isla Nublar was beautiful to him and everything around with him it was beautiful as hell.

Darius: "Whoa....this is cool." He said.

Ben: "This remind me of the island where I go Hawaii with my parent." He said to them.

Kenji: "Okay, so we're here and now what are we gonna do next?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Stay there and wait for it..." He said.

Yasmina: "Wait for what, (Y/N)?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to her and he was use his right wrist out and there was red stone on his wrist that he was going to activating it up right away and then he was walk to there. When he was stood right there and make him was begin to activating it up right away.

(Y/N): "Alright, not where are you?" He asked himself.

Sammy: "What is he doing?" She asked them with confuse on her face and she was need to know why is (Y/N) doing and then (Y/N) was going to summon the dragon right away. Back to where the sky right away and then out of nowhere something was flying past through these birds and these birds were terrified of the big figure was flying to there right away and then the flying creature was begin to heading out to somewhere else.

Even dinosaurs who were down there and they both were ate the grasses, and drinking the waters and then out of nowhere a big shadow lurking over at the dinosaurs and the dinosaurs turn their heads to look up and saw something big was flying to there right away. When the dinosaurs saw this thing was big and terrifying as hell and make the dinosaurs were watching at the new big figure creature.

Kenji: "Alright, I'm done waiting right now...we're just going back right-" He tried to said and they both feeling the winds was rushing toward to them and make them both were surprise and they use their hands and arms up and covering them from the big winds were rushing toward to them and after it is done right now. Then they both opened their eyes to look right away and make them both were got their jaws hanging in surprise for what they saw it....the monster was called by (Y/N).

It is primarily bright red, with black markings throughout. Like the Rathian, Rathalos possess a flame sac which is used to produce deadly flaming projectiles from the mouth. The talons upon their feet are highly poisonous and are known to inflict toxic mortal wounds on larger prey. In addition, their long, thick tail features a heavy spiked club at the end. Rathalos' wing membranes feature ornate patterns which are likely used to attract potential mates.

(Y/N): "There he is....the King of Skies!" He said to them.

Rathalos: "*ROAR*"

When Rathalos was roar out and make the dragon was landing down on the ground and let out a roar up to the sky and this make the campers were surprises for what they saw the creature is big and terrifying as hell. Then Gray with Darius got their eyes stars up with an amaze and then Brooklyn who had a camera recording the whole times and she got many fans who are watching the real dragon who was landing next to (Y/N)....Sammy got her jaw hang like WTF and she never seeing it is big and terrifying as hell.

Zach: "Whoa.....what is that?" He asked (Y/N).

Kenji: "A new monster and this thing is big as hell!!!!!" He said to them and then Brooklyn was end the recording and she switch the video to camera and then she take a picture of this new creature right away. Sammy wasn't believe for what she saw this creature is a dragon...a freaking dragon was stood right there.

Darius: "(Y/N), care you tell us what is that thing?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "This right here...is Rathalos and he is the king of skies." He said to them and make them both turn their heads to look at the Rathalos who was landing there and meet his father and then he looking at the teenagers were over there and make the dragon was growling little bit. This make them were stepped back away from Rathalos but (Y/N) raise his hands patting and touching at the Rathalos in the head and he said.

(Y/N): "Shhh, it's alright....these are my friends, Rath. Don't worry they aren't hurt you...So...no need to worry about. Alright?" He asked Rathalos and make him was shrugged it off and then the dragon was looking at them again and then he kneel down on the ground and then use his wings to land to the other side. Then (Y/N) was goes hop on the dragon's back and make him was start to holding the rope and he turn his head to look at the campers and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, guys! Let's move on right now!" He told them and make them both looking at each others and they both nod their heads and they went hop on Rathalos's back and then Kenji was too freaking scared of the flight. Then (Y/N) was looking at them who are scared and they both were scared of weight and height because they are gonna fly right away and (Y/N) told the Rathalos.

(Y/N): "Alright, go!" He said.

Kenji: "Wait a minute, I don't think I'm R-REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouting out in scared a shell that dragon was flew off and make all everything going down and then the six campers were screaming out in fear and then (Y/N) was riding the Rathalos and the dragon begin to flying up right away and make Rathalos was flying and keep flying then (Y/N) was showing the six campers to everything around in Isla Nublar and make them both got excited like a lot that they were going.

(Y/N): "*Seems like they are having fun like a lot*" He thought himself and then Rathalos was flew everything around and then the dragon showing the teens who having lot of funs with observing everything around in this Isla Nublar. Then they both were cheering up right away and make them both were cheering up.

All: "WHOOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They both shout out in surprise with cheering up in the sky and then they both could see there was a mountain over there with fogs all everything around and then they both saw there was a river down there too.

(Y/N): "Well, looks like they both having lot of fun....come on, Rath! Time to going back home." He said to him.

To Be Continued.

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