The Caseys: Family Life, Part...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to "The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2" Updated Summary (July 13th): Matt and Gabby never expected to be... More

Bella Grace and Sofia Marie Casey
A Picture of Our Girls
No More Babies...For Now
A New Prescription
Hospital Cuddles
Post-Supper (Hospital) Cuddle Time
Hospital Journal: Bella and Sofia Casey
Hospital Day 3: Checking In
Hospital Day 3: Breakfast
Hospital Day 3: Movies
Hospital Day 3: Herrmann
Morning Beautiful
Seriously Hank?
Hank, I Need You to Listen
Family Time: Breakfast
Family Time: Conversations
He's Gone, We're Alone
On Call...and at Your Service
Extended Leave of Absence
The Boys and Ramona?
The Journal of Gabriela Casey - Update
Lunch Time: The Secret is Out
The Secret is Out and Cuddles
Nap Time, Sex Time, Fight Time
Baby Halstead #3: When...and How? - Part One
Baby Halstead #3: When...and How? - Part Two
I Think I Should Go Alone Tomorrow
I Needed to Take a Walk (after Having a Bit of PTSD) (1)
I Needed to Take a Walk (after Having a Bit of PTSD) (2)
What Was Your PTSD About Baby?
Afternoon Cuddles with Noah
Family Time, Not Business Time
Taking Care of It - Part One
Taking Care of It - Part Two
The Press Releases
Taking Care of It as a Team - Part One
Taking Care of It as a Team - Part Two
You Nervous? (Gym)
You Nervous? (Shower)
Preparing for the Statement at Home
You okay with me going in (as I get ready to do just that)?
You Okay with Me Going In? (Dressed)
About All This Craziness
I'll Follow Your Lead
Arriving at the Office
Final Preparations
The Press Conference
Always Expect the Unexpected
Unintended Consequences
He Said What Now?
A Visit from Mario & Bella Jacobs
Jacobs Beach Day, Part 1
Jacobs Beach Day, Part 2
FLASHBACK: Sexy Photoshoot
Jacobs Date Night
Goodnight Casey Family
December Thirteenth, Part 1
December Thirteenth, Part 2
Stronger, Part 1
Stronger, Part 2
Now If The Isn't the Truth
Hospital Stay Timeline
Home Sweet Home, Part One
Home Sweet Home, Part Two
Welcome Home in the Shower
Was It Tense?
COVID-19 Committee
Nap Time, Mommy-Daddy Time - Part One
Nap Time, Mommy-Daddy Time - Part Two
Pain Meds and Comfort Cuddles
Are You Still Thinking About That Day?
The Start of COVID with the Halstead Family
Times are Changing, Part One
Times are Changing, Part Two
Co-Chief Executive Officers
Information Re: The Company
Do the Changes (and the Email) Make Sense?
We Need Time
This is Paradise, Part One
This is Paradise, Part Two
The Caseys' Definition of Perfect
The Start of COVID with the Reese Family
The Start of COVID with the Miller Family
Ryan & Sarah Miller are Expecting, Part 1
Ryan & Sarah Miller are Expecting, Part 2
The Start of COVID with the Jacobs: We're Next
The Start of COVID with the Jacobs: That's My Job
The Start of COVID with the Jacobs: We're a Family
Welcome Home Wishes and Steaks
The Start of COVID with the Choi Family, Part 1
The Start of COVID with the Choi Family, Part 2
COVID Day 2 with the Halstead Family
The Reality I'm Living
COVID Day 2 with the Casey Family, Part 1
COVID Day 2 with the Casey Family, Part 2
Morning Intimacy, Part 1
Morning Intimacy, Part 2
Intimate Conversations from the Heart (and an Awkward Family Reunion)
FLASHBACK: Road Trip, Day 1
Flashback: Road Trip Day 2 - Cleveland, Ohio
The Casey Family Blog: A Long Overdue Update
Late-Morning Snack Time
Riley Michael Miller
You're My World...Forever
Sexy Time-turned-Cuddle Time
Matt's Ongoing Mental Health Challenges Resurface, Part 2
Down a Dose, Up a Dose (and Moving Home?)
Note to Readers
Welcome Back to Chicago
Firehouse 51 Reunion
She's Delusional, Part One
She's Delusional, Part Two
FLASHBACK: Casey Group Private Flight to Chicago, Part 1
FLASHBACK: Casey Group Private Flight to Chicago, Part 2
Welcome to Our New Home
Home Sweet Home...Again
Rough Night (and Sex)
Ramon & Camila 2.0
Valentine's Day in March
Need Some Help?
Washington Park
Washington Park: Hank Voight
Uncharted Territory: The Fears of Starting Fresh
Can't Keep My Hands to Myself
Stocking Up
Switching it Up
To Disclose or Not Disclose (Kelly's PTSD) - Part 1
To Disclose or Not Disclose (Kelly's PTSD) - Part 2
A Visit from Uncle Will & Aunt Natalie: Destressing with Gossip and Beer
A Visit from Uncle Will & Aunt Natalie: Playing Jealous, and Confronting Reality
NOTE TO READERS: Updates and Changes
You Don't Mess with a Man's Tools
Too Comfortable (and Turned On) to Get Up...Other than to Take a Bath - Part One
Too Comfortable (and Turned On) to Get Up...Other than to Take a Bath - Part Two
Unpacking - Day Two, Part One
Unpacking - Day Two, Part Two
FLASHBACK: Celebrating Our Engagement, and the Morning After
Unpacking - Day 2, Part 3
Happy Birthday Daddy, Part 1
Happy Birthday Daddy: How's Diego? - Part 1
Happy Birthday Daddy: How's Diego? - Part 2
Happy Birthday Daddy: Four Weeks
Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Four
Happy Birthday Matt, Part Five
Happy Birthday Daddy: It's Okay, Part One
Happy Birthday Daddy: It's Okay, Part Two
Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Seven
Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Eight
Happy Birthday Baby: Post-Explosion Shower
Happy Birthday Baby: Braless Birthday Cuddles
Happy Birthday Baby, Part Ten
Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Eleven
Happy Birthday Daddy: To Read, or Not to Read (the E-mail)?
Happy Birthday Daddy: Office Time, E-mail Time
Happy Birthday Baby: Death on the Mind
Happy Birthday Baby: Time Alone
Re: The Wedding of Joe Cruz & Chloe Allen, Part 1
RE: The Wedding of Joe Cruz & Chloe Allen, Part 2
Happy Birthday Baby: Post-Nap Snuggles and Shower
Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Sixteen
Happy Birthday Daddy: Change of Plans
Happy Birthday: Change of Plans (and Attire)
Daddy's Nap Time (and PTSD)
Happy Birthday Matt, Part Nineteen
FLASHBACK: The Last Days of Gabby's Time in Puerto Rico
Happy Birthday Matt, Part Twenty
Let's Take Our Time
Let's Take Our Time as We Hold each Other Close
Let's Take Our Time in the Shower
Pre-Meeting Husband-and-Wife Time
Pre-Meeting Halstead Family Time
The Goodbye that Never Happened: Darden
End of a Series

Matt's Ongoing Mental Health Challenges Resurface, Part 1

13 1 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked the little addition of that Miller Family action. But now, I think it's time for us to go back to our main family. And that's due to the fact that you're getting to get see Matt being a dad, which we all love. So, here we go with that chapter.

Witches Brew – He ended up having some PTSD during his latest nap this morning, a nap that he took right before having lunch with his sons; after which, he told his mom and mother-in-law that he was going out. And while they didn't understand at first, they understood after he told them that he's been needing to go out for a while; because he just had a bit of PTSD, because he thought back to what happened three months earlier. When Gabby went into premature labor with the girls, and that was the worst thing possible; and that's why he needed to do this right now, he needed to be at the beach and just take it easy. Well, that, and he needs to surf, which is exactly what he's in the midst of doing, while also letting Andy play on a leach here on the beach (which is legal).

But what Matt didn't expect was that he was going to be joined on the beach today, because he thought that she was going to staying at home when she read the text; but that was actually not what she did, as she instead decided to come join him at the beach. And if guessed that Gabby is the one that joined Matt on the beach, then you'd be right; because that's exactly where Gabby is right now, standing on the beach with Andy. But soon, he was going to be there with her; regardless of the fact that he was soaking wet at the moment. Well, only after he asked what she was doing here; and whether the kids are okay, as she could've called him (he has his phone here with him). "Hey, what are you doing here? Is it the kids?" Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt ask her that.

Because the kids were all okay, but the same couldn't be said about her husband; as she was confused as to just why he was out here, rather than at home. And that's exactly what she's going to ask him about, as he made his way over to her. "Everything's fine with the kids, and they're all napping right now." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while smiling as he walked up to her. After which, he grabbed her hand and smiled as he intertwined their fingers. "Good, but I guess I'm just surprised to see you here." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Why wouldn't I be here? You left out of the blue, and just came to the local beach without waking me up; so, I just knew in my heart that something was up." Matt sighed as he heard Gabby say that, as that's the truth, which led him to breathe.

After which, he stepped close to Gabby and wrapped his arm around her; putting his hand on her butt, Matt pressed his lips against her forehead and just sighed while also looking down at the woman he loves. Staring into her eyes, Matt smiled as he looked at her. "Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind." Gabby agreed with Gabby as he told her that, having thought that was the case. "Something that you couldn't talk to me about?" Matt sighed as he looked at the woman he loves, hating that they're talking about this; because he knows that he should've been able to talk to her about it, but he didn't. And just thinking about that makes him feel horrible. Because he shouldn't have run away when he felt like he needed to process this. Rather, he should've woken her up and talked to her.

He should've woken her up and ask her if they can talk; and she would've given him the answer that she always gives him, which would be yes. "Yeah, I feel like an idiot for what I did now." Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt say that, as that's the last thing that her husband is; she didn't marry no idiot, but she instead married a handsome, intelligent firefighter. Because while he may not be a firefighter anymore, he will always be the same firefighter that she fell madly in love with all those years ago; heck, he's still that firefighter deep down due to the fact that he uses some of the skills sometimes to save their family from emotional collapse. But at the same time, she also knows that comes with a cost; a cost to her husband's mental health...which is the reason he's out here.

And if he needs to be out here for his mental health, then she needs to be out here as well; as they're a team, and that means that she has to support her husband in this. "You know that you could've woken me up baby." Matt sighed, and agreed with Gabby as she said that, before getting close to the woman he loves; after which, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead softly. Meanwhile, Gabby wrapped her arms around his muscular torso as she cuddled up to the man of her dreams; after which, she looked up at him and smiled as she watched him bend down and kiss her softly. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that he loves her, which is something that she knows. "I love you too." Matt smirked as he agreed with is beautiful wife.

"You enjoy the lunch that I asked your mom to make for you?"

Gabby agreed with Matt, as she most certainly did enjoy the lunch that he asked her mom to make for her. "Thanks baby." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "I can only assume that you want to sit down or something?" Gabby smirked as she actually thought about doing something. "Well, I do want to talk. But maybe not on the beach." Matt was confused as he heard Gabby say that, before watching as she started to take off her shirt for him. At the same time, Matt shook his head. "Not so fast Ms. Casey, I am going to do that for you." Gabby smiled and agreed with Matt as he said that, before feeling him grab her shirt; after which, he proceeded to get his beautiful wife undressed...which is exactly what the couple both wanted him to do today, get her undressed at the beach.

Meanwhile, Gabby put her hands on Matt's wetsuit (which she was going to take off). "What are you wearing under here?" Matt smirked as Gabby asked him what he's wearing under his wetsuit. "What do you think I'm wearing under my wetsuit?" Gabby smirked as Matt asked her what she thought he's wearing under his wetsuit, while also knowing exactly what he's wearing under his wetsuit; and that most certainly does turn her on, as it means that she's going to be taking a swim in the ocean with the man she she just wears some lingerie, while he wears some boxers. And now that's going to be very sexy. Heck, he's already really sexy as she looked at him as he proceeded to take off her shirt; he then proceeded to tug her body against his chest and put his hand on her back.

Bending down, Matt smirked as he put his hand on her neck and kissed her softly. "God, I love the fact that you're all hormonal for me." Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that, before kissing her man softly; after which, she let her shirt fall down. After which, she felt Matt undo her shorts (before letting them fall onto the ground). Kicking them away shortly afterwards, Gabby smirked as she felt Matt put his hands on her body; however, she soon pushed him away due to the fact that he owed her something. "You owe me something now mister." Matt smirked and agreed with Gabby as he turned around, as he needed some help from the woman he loves; help that Gabby most certainly does want to give him, as it means that he's going to be wearing his boxers. And only his boxers.

Setting all of their things down in a pile with his surfboard (and Andy), Matt smiled as he stood up and went to rub Andy's head. "You watch our things, okay bud?" Barking, Andy agreed as he proceeded to take a sip of water before laying down. At the same time, Matt turned to look at Gabby; the woman he loves, who looks absolutely stunning as she stands there in her lingerie. So much so, that he decided that he wasn't going to walk up to her. Rather, he was going to do something else; and that was rush her, and just pick her up in his arms. Well, not immediately. Rather, that was going to be a surprise; first, he was going to make it look like he was going to walk up to her. "Finally, we can go to the ocean." Matt agreed with Gabby as he walked over to her this afternoon.

After which, he proceeded to wrap his arms around her and continued to walk (while also picking Gabby up in his arms); he then wrapped her legs around his waist, smirking in the process. Meanwhile, Gabby put her hand son his back and was shocked that he even did that. "Woah." Smiling as he cuddled up to Gabby, Matt wrapped her legs around his waist and just held the woman he loves close to her. "Did you like that?" Gabby agreed with Matt, as she most certainly did enjoy that. "Oh, I like that." Matt agreed with Gabby, before bending down and kissing her shoulder; after which, he turned his head and started to kiss up her neck as a way to tease her. "Oh, now I love that even more." Matt smirked, and just agreed with Gabby as he knew that this was what she wanted.

She wanted to be in his arms, all cuddled up to him as they both held each other in the water. "I had a feeling that you'd like this, and that you'd want to be out here with me in the water." Gabby took a breath as she heard Matt say that. "Mostly due to the fact that I want you to be relaxed, as we talk to each other; I hope you know that we're going to talk in the ocean." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case as he ran his hand up and down her back. "Oh, I most certainly do know that. I'm just glad that you're okay with how I got you undressed so fast. Wait, how long have you been here?" Gabby smiled. "I just got here, and I want to spend time with you while all the kids are napping; we can talk about what led to you being out here." Matt agreed.

After which, he ran his hand (and wedding band) up and down her back; and boy did Gabby love that feeling, as she put her hands on his face and just cuddled up to him even more. After all, it's something that they both want more than anything. They both want to hold each other close, and just take it easy with each other in the ocean. And now that they were going to get in the ocean, Gabby was extremely happy; but what she wasn't all that happy about, was the feeling of the cold water on her body. "God, that's cold!" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "You'll get used to it in a minute when we're in here together." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; after all, she has no doubt in her mind that she's doing to be used to the water in a bit. Especially when she has the most handsome man in the entire world holding her in his arms and keeping her close to his chest.


Leaning back once they were in the ocean, Matt smiled as he looked at Gabby as they both held each other; after which, he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "I love you too, and I'm very grateful for all you do for me; including the fact that you made me lunch, before you left to go to the beach." Taking a breath, Matt couldn't help but wonder whether he made a mistake coming to the beach. "Did I make a mistake coming to the beach?" Leaning back, Gabby shook her head as that was the last thing that she wanted to convey in her messaging; she wanted her husband to do whatever he needs to do when it comes to relaxing, and she hopes this helps.

But at the same time, she just hopes that he agrees to talk to her about the reason why he's out here. "I'm not mad Matt, I promise. I'm not mad at you, when I can clearly see that you needed to do this." Matt took a breath as he heard Gabby say that, while also putting his hands on her legs, which then prompted Gabby to wrap her arms around his neck, and just hold him close. "But I am concerned, and just wondering why you're out here. Is everything okay?" Moving his hand to Gabby's neck, Matt agreed as everything most certainly is okay. "Everything's perfect, especially now that you're here with me in the ocean." Gabby laughed and agreed with her man; meanwhile, Matt put his hand on her back and rubbed it. And god is that really comfortable, which is something she loves.

But still, she wants to talk to Matt about something; and that would be the reason why he's out here. "Matt, you know that you can talk to me about anything right?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that's the case; and he also knows what Gabby's going to help him through what he's dealing with right now, which is just the aftermath of everything. And that's really what's on his mind right now. The fact that they're finally through it all, and that he can finally let out a sigh of relief; at least, a partial sigh of relief. As he still needs to worry about COVID and will always worry about COVID; due to the fact that he doesn't want to infect anybody in his family with it, especially their parents since that would have disastrous results. But now, back to talking to Gabby.

After all, she's looking at him and really wondering a bunch of things. "Talk to me baby." Matt sighed as he looked at Gabby. "I guess I'm just digesting everything that's gone on in the past year still, from the boys being born premature, to the girls also being born premature; and then all the developments that we've had to deal with in my health, and just everything. I's a lot to really wrap my head around and..." Taking a breath, Matt looked at his wife. "I felt like I need to just remove myself from our life, and just take a quick mental health break and just try and wrap my head around everything; and yes, I could've done it with you but..." Putting her hands on Matt's face, Gabby leaned her forehead against his and then leaned in to kiss her man softly.

After all, she already knew what her husband needs. And that would be some time to just think at times, where he can just concentrate on himself; rather than have to concentrate on everything, especially when he's already dealing with a lot...including on the business front, which is something that he's not mentioning. "Baby, I think you're hiding more. And I'm not saying that's wrong, I just know in my heart that you have a lot more on your mind than you really want to admit to yourself; let alone that you want to admit to me." Matt sighed as he looked at the woman he loves, before kissing her again. "You know me so well." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, and that's due to the fact that she loves her husband more than anything in the entire world.

And that's why she's so concerned and invested in his mental health, because that's why she wants him to talk to her; especially since she's really starting to feel like they need to talk about it all again. I mean yes, they spoke about it during her pregnancy with the boys, when they were in between pregnancies, and then during her pregnancy with the girls; but she's always felt like she's been treated with kids' gloves when it came to the topic. And she doesn't want to have that anymore, as she's seeing that her husband is hurting; and she absolutely hates the fact that it's a hard topic for them to talk about, especially when she knows that Matt really needs her when he needs to talk to someone. And right now, he doesn't feel like he can talk to many people about much; as he's so stressed.

And that's why she's here, she that she can tell Matt that he can talk to her if he needs to talk to her; he can just hold her in bed, and he can talk to her whenever he needs to. She loves him, and that's what she wants for the man she loves. She wants him to feel like he can talk to her, and not hide from him; not when he has someone to rely on, and that would be her. And that was the exact message that she hoped to send to her husband, as she put her hands on his face and kissed him softly. "I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that she loves him. "I love you too Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt, while running her finger down his cheekbone; after which, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her forehead against his to keep him close to her.

And boy did Matt like that, as he soon ran his hands up her back and started to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves. The woman he wants to take in his arms, and just make love to. "So much for a day in bed, and a day of talking." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, while smiling as she kissed him again. "We can still do that, when we get home and keep talking." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case; and the truth is, he loves the idea of them holding each other in bed as they talk to each other. Maybe they can even get a little sexy with each other. "Maybe we can even get a little sexy with each other." Gabby snickered as she heard the man she loves say that, before kissing her; after all, she likes that idea too. As she loves her man.

But first, they actually need to get home if they want to have each other like that. "We can't do it here Matt, as I am not having sex at the beach; if you want me, then you're going to get me at home....and only after we talk for a bit." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I most certainly do know that's going to be the case." Gabby smiled and agreed with the man she loves, more than ready to have him at home with her. "How about you put my bra back on, and then carry me out onto the beach?" Matt agreed with Gabby, before going to do that; after all, he's the only man that gets to see this gorgeous body. His wife's body, that he gets to enjoy each and every day when they're in bed with each other...holding and pleasing each other.


Standing close to each other on the beach as they dry each other off, Matt and Gabby both smirked due to the fact that they were both still in their undergarments; with Matt just wearing his tight boxers, while Gabby was just wearing her lingerie. And that was something that Matt wasn't ready to give up, which is why he's currently holding her close to him and bending down so that he can kiss her softly; after which, he smiled as he continued to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that he loves her, which is something that she'll always know. She'll always know that he loves her, simply based on the way that he treats her each and every day, as well as their children.

She says it each and every day, and she'll continue to do it for the rest of her life; but her husband truly is the best father in the entire world, and she's so proud that he's the father to her beautiful children. "I hope you know that I feel like the luckiest woman in the entire world right now." Moving his hand to Gabby's neck, Matt smirked as he bent down and proceeded to kiss his beautiful wife again. "And I feel like the luckiest man in the entire world, simply due to the fact that I have you in my life." Gabby agreed with Matt, and smiled as they both truly are incredibly happy with each other. "God, we truly have become that couple." Matt laughed as he proceeded to wrap his arms around Gabby, and then kissed her forehead softly. "Well, I'm happy; as we're married." Gabby agreed.

After all, that's how she feels as well. She truly feels like she's met her soulmate and will always feel like she's met her soulmate in Matt, which is due to the fact that they understand each other so well, and just know what each other need. She can still remember when she lost their first child, Matt just knew what to do right away; and he was there for her, even though it could've easily pushed them apart. And that's due to the fact that it was his biggest dream, to have children; and now, his dream has come true thanks to her. She's giving him the children that he's always wanted. Two handsome baby boys to carry on his name, and the two most adorable baby girls that they both love more than anything in the entire world, which is why they're going to just take it easy.

They need to relax, and just remember that they have a bunch of children who don't want to see their parents all over each other; then again, they love it so much that they might just ignore that. They might just do their own thing and live in their own bubble where they're the only people in the entire world, which is something that they always do a lot of time anyways, especially when they're near paparazzi. Which is something that they don't need to worry about right now, as COVID has stopped them, which is nice. But not as nice as the feeling of Matt pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, which is something that he just did for his girl. After which, he looked down into her eyes and just smiled as they were both incredibly happy. "I hope you know that I love you like crazy."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that he loves her like crazy, because that most certainly is something that she already knows. "Oh, I already know that, and I am ready to have you show me that at home; I mean, if you want to show me it at home." Matt smirked as he looked at Gabby. "What are you thinking?" Gabby smiled as she wrapped her arms around his back and then leaned up to kiss the man of her dreams softly, which is something that she wants him to do when they get home; just take things nice and slow with each other. She wants him to take things nice and slow with her and give her a bunch of his attention; and that's going to be something that he'll do with pleasure. "I want you to give me your attention and show me that you love me." Matt agreed.

Bending down, he proceeded to kiss her once again. "I think that's something that I most certainly can do for you my love." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before going to look at Andy; seeing that he was having fun, she decided to wrap her arms around Matt for a bit and just cuddle up to him. After all, there was no rush to go back home. But there was a rush for them to (temporarily) but their clothes back on, as they didn't want to have it look like they had sex at the beach when they get home; but as you already know, that's exactly what they did. "We need to take it easy a bit more at home." Gabby shook her head. "No, I want what we did here in bed." Matt smirked and agreed with Gabby as he wet to grab his wet suit, before moving to put it on.

However, Gabby was a bit confused. "Did you just wear your wet suit to the beach?" Matt agreed, before going to make a bit of a joke. "Well, that; and my boxers of course." Gabby shook her head as she watched Matt tug his wet suit up, before making her way over to the man she loves; she then proceeded to wrap her arms around him and leaned up so that she could kiss her husband softly, which Matt most certainly did want as he put his hands on her neck. 

"I love you so much." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "I love you too, and that's why we're going to go home so that you can talk to me about what's going on in your head; promise me that you talk to me baby?" Matt agreed with Gabby, as that's something that he can definitely promise Gabby; that they'll talk in bed. But first, he went to grab Andy's leach and wrapped his arms around her shoulders (while also grabbing his surfboard bag); and only then did he answer her question. "I will talk to you, as that's exactly what I want to do as we cuddle up to each other in bed." Grabbing Matt's hand, Gabby smiled as he intertwined their fingers; because she most certainly is ready to do just that. She's ready to lay down in bed with the man she loves, as they cuddle up to each other and just talk to each other; especially when some of these conversations are ones that are long overdue.

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